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Strophanthus hispidus

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Reasons
  7. Psyche and consciousness
  8. Head, face, and ears
  9. Mouth and throat
  10. Gastrointestinal tract
  11. Urogenital system
  12. Chest organs
  13. Cardiovascular system
  14. Limbs and spine
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Included in the composition
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Strophanthus hispidus. Inee. Onaye. Onage. Poison of Pahonias. N. O. Apocynaceae. Tincture of the seeds.


 Alcoholism. Anaemia. сough. Diplopia. Dropsy; cardiac. Haemoptysis. Heart, affections of. Levitation.

Typical features

 Strophanthus is an ornamental, evergreen, climbing shrub, native of Tropical Africa and Asia. It is used as an arrow-poison by natives of Africa. T. R. Fraser experimented with it on animals, and his conclusions are marked (F) in the Schema. Piedvache proved the tincture (C. D. P.), but only with reference to the pulse. His symptoms are marked (P). Gisevius (H. R., xii. 502) proved Strop. Ø, beginning with 5 drops, increasing to 80 drops during the five days of his proving. His symptoms are marked (G). Matthes (ibid. 508) proved Strop. Ø (10 drops), and Strop. 2 (10 drops). His symptoms are marked (M). Some well-marked symptoms were produced on two chemists from preparing the tincture (C. D. P. Other effects curative and pathogenetic have been observed on patients taking the drug. Strop. disorders the digestion, causes burning in the oesophagus and stomach, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. A. P. Skworzow (H. W., xxix. 534) gave to a dipsomaniac, 63, for weak heart and intermittent Pulse, in 7-drop doses three times a day, an infusion of Strop. The first dose caused nausea, and a repugnance to alcohol which proved to be permanent. The man entirely discontinued the habit. On this hint Strop. was given to two other alcoholics, with the same result of abolishing the taste for alcohol. It caused nausea and profuse sweating, and the sudden withdrawal of alcohol was not attended with delirium. A case of mine illustrates the gastric and cardiac action of the remedy (Dis. of Heart, p. 191): W. G., 16, a delicate-looking boy, was admitted to hospital, having had rheumatic pains about him for three months, and an attack of rheumatic fever two years previously. He had been laid up a month before admission, and a week before was taken with cough, shivering, and occasional vomiting. When admitted he had a frequent, short, dry cough,.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compatible: Fer. (in anaemia). сompare: вotan., heart, dropsy, Apocy. c. Heart, Dig. (Dig. is cumulative; Strop. is not), сrataeg., Phas., сact. Anaemia, Fer. Alcoholism, сhi., Nux, Aven., Querc.


 Alcohol. Tea. Tobacco.

Psyche and consciousness

 Irritative humour (G). Precociously loquacious (child).

Head, face, and ears

 Some vertigo (M). Stitches in left temple; later in right (M). Waving and bubbling in whole head; stitches in left temple, later right (M). Severe headache about junction of skin and hairy scalp, gradually spreading to temples; accompanied by double vision; (from preparing tincture). Pulsation in head and heart (G). Undulating sensation in head and whole body (M). Twitching pain in occiput (M).
 Impaired sight of left eye; with nausea and faintness; following the headache and double vision (from preparing the tincture). Eyes brilliant. Pupils quivering, dilating, and contracting alternately every few seconds.
 Face flushed, lips scarlet.

Mouth and throat

 Burning in oesophagus. - вurning in throat and oesophagus to stomach, compelling empty swallowing (M). Dryness of tongue and fauces (M).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Eructation and hiccough (M). Twitching in stomach (M). - вurning in oesophagus and stomach with loss of appetite and extreme gastric distress, which not rarely rose to vomiting; sometimes there was diarrhoea. Nausea without actual vomiting (from preparing tincture). Loathing of food, followed by choking and vomiting after eating. Repugnance to alcohol.
 Pressure in hepatic region (G). Shooting pains in right hypochondrium (M). Stitches in right renal and hepatic regions (M). - сolic (G). Rumbling in abdomen and pinching at navel (M). Stitches in region of sigmoid flexure.
 Diarrhoea. Frequent diarrhoea with violent colic but good appetite (G). Stool with burning and tenesmus in us.

Urogenital system

 The kidneys become hyperaemic not only in the cortex and medullary portions but especially at tips of pyramids. No urine passed for ten hours after the dose (child). Quantity of urine decreased about one-third after the first two or three days (P).

Chest organs

 (Expectoration of bright red blood. - сough.
 Pressive pain middle of right third rib on anterior half.

Cardiovascular system

 The heart is easily and powerfully affected; systole is increased and the contractions slowed by small doses; the heart is paralysed in rigid contraction by large doses; this action is produced if the influence of the cerebro-spinal system be altogether removed (F). Pulse slowed at first; increased after drug discontinued (P). Evidence of the physiological discrotism of the pulse obliterated (P). Chronic degeneration of cardiac muscle, pulse small, frequent and irregular; great difficulty of breathing, and oedema. Nervous palpitation and arrest of breathing. Lively perception of action of heart; then pressive sensation of anguish, tending to deep respiration; pressure on hepatic region (G). Intense palpitation from comparatively slight exertion (G). Distinct stitching and restlessness towards apex of heart, increased impulse with peculiar pulsation and twitching throughout body (M). Stitches and twitches at apex beat. Loud heart sounds, slight regurgitant mitral bruit (child).

Limbs and spine

 Heaviness and pains in forearm and fingers, then same pains in left hip-joint, extending into drawing twitches in top of left shoulder, extending into joints of foot, which is quite painful when moved (M).
 (Swelling of legs. Itching and stitching in both feet (G). Dorsum of foot painful and tense (M).

Common symptoms

 Coldness of extremities and faintness (from preparing tincture). Increases contractile power of all striped muscles, rendering their contractions more complete and prolonged (F). In lethal doses it causes the rigidity of contraction to pass into rigor mortis (F). During afternoon nap, sensation as if being lifted from the couch (G).


 Coldness of extremities. Temperature raised; skin dry. Profuse sweat.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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