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Natrum nitricum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Dif. diagnostics
  6. Psyche and consciousness
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Appetite and food preferences
  10. Gastrointestinal tract
  11. Urogenital system
  12. Chest organs
  13. Cardiovascular system
  14. Limbs and spine
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Sleep
  17. Fever
  18. Analogs by action
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Nitrate of Sodium. сubic Nitre. сhili Saltpetre. Sodic Nitrate. NaNO3, Trituration. Solution.


 Anaemia. сonstipation. Debility. Distension. Flatulence. Otalgia. Otitis.

Typical features

 Na. n. has had a considerable proving, and among the peculiar symptoms were: Heat in left ear; coldness in right. Heat spreading left to right. сoldness streaming through upper part of body. сoldness of left foot. Pressing-inward pains: in temple and forehead; in malar bones. Flatulent troubles with weight in lower abdomen. Painful retraction of abdominal muscles. Painful constipation. Anaemia and excessive exhaustion. The symptoms were.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: K. nit. Abdomen mostly contracted, constipation, Plumb. (Na. n. should be a good antidote to lead poisoning).

Psyche and consciousness

 Great ill-humour (mental indolence).

Head, face, and ears

 Head dull; as from too much study. Pressing inward pain left temple and forehead, with heat.
 Pain in right ear, as if in drum; with sensation of binding up in ears. Otalgia: in evening; with warmth in ear, coldness of right concha, burning heat of left, which extends beyond the temple.
 Face pale, thin. Inward pressing in malar bones.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue whitish. Distressing burning dryness in mouth and throat.
 Some dull stitches back of throat on drawing air through nose (evening, in bed).

Appetite and food preferences

 Coppery taste on lips and tongue. Acid taste. Appetite diminished. Repugnance to coffee.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Sour risings. Sufferings from flatulency, with pressive pains, especially in epigastrium and chest, by risings or expulsion of flatus. Flatulence with pressure in pit of stomach and under sternum.
 Distended abdomen, with a feeling of heaviness in it, followed by emission of a quantity of wind and eructations. Painful retraction of abdominal muscles towards spinal column.
 Constipation: faeces of a large size; the stool is discharged with difficulty, slow, and with the sensation after the stool as if the faeces were still remaining. Stool always consisted of isolated faecal masses, evacuated with great exertion; during last days of proving constant desire to go to stool. Stool indolent, only after effort, leaving sensation as if more to follow. Stool retarded one day.

Urogenital system

 Frequent distressing desire, increased mucous secretion of passages. Profuse emission (in spite of summer heat and profuse perspiration). Urine very light colour and high specific gravity.

Chest organs

 Pressive pains below outer part right pectoral muscle, as if between and on ribs, on deep breathing, whilst sitting bent over.

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse become slower; smaller, softer.

Limbs and spine

 Aching, contusive pain in the joints; and in adductors of thighs.
 Pressing-asunder pain in first joint of right index and middle fingers.

Common symptoms

 The blood became colour of cherry juice; white corpuscles increased, red diminished; watery constituents increased. Weakness, disinclined for exertion. Exhaustion, especially in knees, during a walk (after a slight venesection). Exhaustion.


 Overpowering inclination to sleep, which, however, did not refresh.


 A fine cold sensation streams through body, especially upper part and arms, followed by increased warmth after a quarter of an hour in bed. General shivering chill at times. Feet cold (and feel cold) up to calves. Icy coldness of left foot extending half up leg (both in warm room and when walking). Whole left concha becomes burning hot, right remaining cold; heat soon extended over left temple, then changed to pressing-inward pain; later heat spread to right side of head, especially concha, thence over face with pressive pain in left frontal sinuses, in afternoon.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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