Другие названия и синонимы
prim-v, Primula verus, примула весенняя гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Cowslip. N. O. Primulaceae. Tincture of entire fresh plant.
Apoplexy, threatened. Eczema. Fevers. Migraine. Neuralgia. Vertigo. Voice, affections of.
Характерные особенности
The flowers of Prim. veris are said to be narcotic (Treas. of вot. Cowslip wine is a favourite remedy in the country for many small disorders. сooper cured with P. ver. Ø a case of eczema of the hands after P. obc. had failed. He also cured with it eczema palmaris of years duration in a man aet. 70. Schier, of Mentz (Univ. Hom. Ann., p. 99), proved a tincture of fresh plant including root. The duration of action is only a few days in healthy persons. The conditions in which Schier commends it, and which are borne out by the symptoms, are: Threatened apoplexy, arising apart from psychic depression; as an external application when there is no skin lesion, as this remedy has a certain relation with the skin. Prudence is necessary here, especially for persons with sensitive and easily vulnerable skin. The symptoms are.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: P. obc., P. vulg., сycl., Anag.
Психика и сознание
Happy disposition. Stubbornness. Heat with anxiety.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo; whirling; sensation of falling backward; as if brain moved, wanted to get out of skull; as of heavy weight on head. Fear of falling on standing up. Fulness and heaviness of head. Head hot with rush of blood to head; red spots on cheeks. Hammer-like, boring, beating, sometimes dull headache, in both temples, occiput, and above forehead, by pressure; in open air;
Flies flying before eyes, violent vertigo as if everything revolving. - вurning and pricking pains in orbital cavities. Sensitive to light; in darkness.
Buzzing and ringing in left ear.
Pressure at root of nose.
Face hot; pale.
Flies flying before eyes, violent vertigo as if everything revolving. - вurning and pricking pains in orbital cavities. Sensitive to light; in darkness.
Buzzing and ringing in left ear.
Pressure at root of nose.
Face hot; pale.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue clear but imprinted with teeth, papillae of edges very red. Salivation. Dull sensation in right half of tongue and digestive tract.
Burning pains right side of throat. Pricking when breathing in right side of thyroid body.
Burning pains right side of throat. Pricking when breathing in right side of thyroid body.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Tendency to vomiting. Sensation of emptiness and burning at orifice of stomach and in duodenum.
Rumbling in bowels.
Painless liquid stools; with malaise.
Rumbling in bowels.
Painless liquid stools; with malaise.
Мочеполовая система
Turbid earth-coloured urine smelling of violets or of strong urine. Tenesmus, painful irritation of ureter.
Органы грудной клетки
Dull sensation right side of larynx, pharynx, tongue, and digestive tract. - сough with burning and pricking in respiratory tracts. Voice remarkably fine, clear, and strong, the high notes easily given out. Sensation as if right half of larynx stopped up.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Palpitation with feeling of weakness.
Конечности и позвоночник
Stiffness right side of neck. Short, intense pain beside insertion of right sterno-mastoid muscle.
Weight and lassitude of limbs, especially shoulders. Twitching in throat going to forearm, and in great toe going to calf.
Burning in right axillary joint preventing movement of right arm in bed, lying on painful part. Pricking in fourth and fifth finger of both hands. Itching in palms. - вurning in hollow of right hand, in arm, especially in left side.
Tearing in left leg and thigh. Sensation as if left leg was swollen with tearing and drawing. Itching in left little toe.
Weight and lassitude of limbs, especially shoulders. Twitching in throat going to forearm, and in great toe going to calf.
Burning in right axillary joint preventing movement of right arm in bed, lying on painful part. Pricking in fourth and fifth finger of both hands. Itching in palms. - вurning in hollow of right hand, in arm, especially in left side.
Tearing in left leg and thigh. Sensation as if left leg was swollen with tearing and drawing. Itching in left little toe.
Общие симптомы
Beating, tearing, burning, and drawing sensations. Trembling of hands and feet. Malaise of head in open air.
Sensitive, easily vulnerable skin. Itching.
Sleeps well with pleasant dreams.
Febrile excitement. Intense heat with anxiety as if fearing a stroke of apoplexy. Wants to get cool. Sweat on forehead, feet and hands cold. Head hot with red spots on cheeks. Feet and hands sweat, rest of body cold.