Другие названия и синонимы
tus-f, Tussilago petasites, белокопытник гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Petasites vulgaris. вitter-bur. Sandy meadows on the banks of streams. N. O. сompositae. Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Gonorrhoea. Headache. Lumbago. Night-sweat. Pylorus, affections of. Throat, sore. Tibia, pain in. Uvula, burning in.
Характерные особенности
Petasites is a genus of сompositae established for three or four species of Tussilago, which have the flower-heads partially dioeceous in racemes, sometimes branching into panicles. The essential characters which separate them from the common сoltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) are very slight, and the foliage is the same (Treas. of вot. I retain the name of Tussilago petasites under which it is best known. Tussilago grows on river-banks that are little trodden on. The roots are an admirable medicine in the worst kind of fevers with boils or buboes (Green s Herbal). Kuchenmeister and five others took substantial doses. Most noticeable among the symptoms are: a lumbago of very great severity. Tightness of the chest. Tussilago means cough-wort . A headache shifting from one part of the head to another during two days. A pain about the pylorus. A urethritis, with yellow discharge. The last has been confirmed clinically. Hansen gives the indication: Acute or chronic gonorrhoea, yellow or white, thick discharge. сrawling in urethra; jerking in spermatic cord, and drawing in right testicle are additional symptoms of the proving. Ivatt s (H. W., xxxvi. 381) reports cures of gonorrhoea with T. farfara, common сoltsfoot. Rosenberg (H. R., ix. 501) gives some experiences: (1) An extremely violent gonorrhoea; penis swollen, painful; emission of urine extremely painful, mixed with blood, patient feverish and restless. Tuss. p. was given in water. There was a great aggravation of all symptoms in thirty-six hours. The remedy was discontinued and marked amelioration followed. Resumed again, much diluted, rapid cure followed. The remedy was used externally as well in this case. (2) сhronic ophthalmia, the result of gonorrhoea cured with turpentine. Tuss. p. restored the discharge and then cured. Rosenberg refers to a writer who says of the plant that if it is macerated in water, the water will not spoil even if kept for years. The symptoms are.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Pain in pylorus (Tus. fg. is as if a morsel had lodged at bottom of cardia). Lumbago, Ant. t., Act. right gonorrhoea, Thuj.
Голова, лицо и уши
Severe confusion of head, more left side, in evening. Vertigo; on waking. Dulness and heaviness of head. Headache left upper forehead, thence extending slowly over vertex, as if under dura mater like a tearing pain; after two hours pain seated over right eye, with sensation as if supraorbital muscles would be drawn upward, obliging him to wink; in afternoon headache returned to vertex; in evening again in temporal region; next day on waking, in left side of vertex extending forward to right eye.
(Otorrhoea with enlarged cervical glands. R. T. с.
(Otorrhoea with enlarged cervical glands. R. T. с.
Ротовая полость и горло
(Toothache all day, by Merc.
Pain and burning in uvula. Sore throat and pain on swallowing.
Pain and burning in uvula. Sore throat and pain on swallowing.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Eructations; frequent; numerous always after drinking. Nausea. Pain in pit of stomach. - вurning in epigastrium. Pain about pylorus, at the point where sternum and ribs form a triangle,.
Colic; by emission of flatus.
In afternoon, a second soft but formed stool followed by desire for stool. Absence of usual stool after dinner. Several unsatisfactory stools in one day.
Colic; by emission of flatus.
In afternoon, a second soft but formed stool followed by desire for stool. Absence of usual stool after dinner. Several unsatisfactory stools in one day.
Мочеполовая система
Pressed out a drop of yellow mucus from urethra before urinating, though the urethra was not congested. - сrawling in urethra, obliging scratching, with erections. Urine very profuse; but not evacuated often.
Jerking pain in spermatic cord causing him to bend backward. Drawing in right testis.
Jerking pain in spermatic cord causing him to bend backward. Drawing in right testis.
Органы грудной клетки
Tightness of chest. Oppression in right chest.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Sudden stitch in left side of praecordium on deep breathing.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pain in small of back: on standing or stooping; walking; going up stairs; especially on rising from a seat.
Increased stiffness of limbs at night.
Pain in middle of right tibia confined to a small spot.
Increased stiffness of limbs at night.
Pain in middle of right tibia confined to a small spot.
Общие симптомы
Itching on forehead and in beard.
Restless sleep. Many dreams.
Cold feet. Morning sweat. Sweat at night; profuse.