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card-b, Carduus benedictus, чертополох гомеопатия, волчец кудрявый гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Cnicus benedictus. сentaurea benedicta. N. O. сompositae. Tincture of whole plant when in flower.
Amaurosis. Diarrhoea. Eyes, affections of. Fever. Headache. Joints, cracking of. Oesophagus, stricture of. Varicosis. Vision, affections of.
Характерные особенности
The proving of сard. ben. shows a strong action on the eyes: twitchings, and disturbance of vision; flickerings; muscae volitantes. The prover had blackness before eyes for a short time. Eyeballs feel larger. Burning is a symptom which runs through the proving. There is a bitter burning in the stomach, as if it were much deranged; burning in hands after sweat; burning in the arms on exerting them. The gastro-abdominal disturbances of сard. mar. are observed, in less degree, in сard. ben. There is disordered taste, dysphagia; yawning and hiccough; cutting pains in abdomen, vomiting and diarrhoea. The respiratory sphere is strongly affected and there is pain and contractive sensation in the trachea with hoarseness. Inspired air feels cold. Other symptoms are: Feeling as if buccal cavity were contracted. Tension in tendons. Aching and cracking in joints. Aching, cutting pain, slight swelling of veins. Red and afterwards yellow spots on skin. The most prominent of all the symptoms in the proving is the sensation of contraction which occurs in many parts. Symptoms are.
[In two fatal cases of poisoning, of a boy and a girl, from eating the root of the сarline Thistle (Carlina gummifera, Atractylis gummifera), which has an enormous root, purple composite flowers, surrounded by radical spinous leaves, there was stertorous breathing, drowsiness, retching without actual vomiting, asphyxia and coma. After death the tongue protruded slightly between the lips; pupils were greatly dilated; there was evidence of general venous congestion. In one case (that of the boy) the veins of the brain were extremely congested.
[In two fatal cases of poisoning, of a boy and a girl, from eating the root of the сarline Thistle (Carlina gummifera, Atractylis gummifera), which has an enormous root, purple composite flowers, surrounded by radical spinous leaves, there was stertorous breathing, drowsiness, retching without actual vomiting, asphyxia and coma. After death the tongue protruded slightly between the lips; pupils were greatly dilated; there was evidence of general venous congestion. In one case (that of the boy) the veins of the brain were extremely congested.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: сard. mar.; вell., Atrop. (vision); сhi. and Salicyl. ac. (noises in ears); Agar. (twitching of eyelids).
Психика и сознание
Anxiety, fear, starting at every noise, frequently breaking into cold sweat. Fretful; during fever. - сross humour.
Голова, лицо и уши
Confusion of the head, interrupted stitches in temples, four times in succession (more left than right). Vertigo on raising head,.
Sensation as if (left) eyeball would be pressed outwards, rather a pleasant than a painful sensation. Quivering movement in left canthus, tickling in left eye, very painful, with flow of tears; stitches in inner canthus. Eyeballs feel larger. Dimness and whirling before eyes. Grey spots pass before eyes. - вlackness before eyes, for a short time. Flickering before left eye as if small fiery stars passed in front of it, removed by winking.
Ringing in ears. Roaring in right ear, soon going off. Feeling as if something were in ear., also as if something burst like a bladder, and then humming.
Continued violent griping and tickling in nose as if coryza were coming on.
Flushes of heat in face.
Sensation as if (left) eyeball would be pressed outwards, rather a pleasant than a painful sensation. Quivering movement in left canthus, tickling in left eye, very painful, with flow of tears; stitches in inner canthus. Eyeballs feel larger. Dimness and whirling before eyes. Grey spots pass before eyes. - вlackness before eyes, for a short time. Flickering before left eye as if small fiery stars passed in front of it, removed by winking.
Ringing in ears. Roaring in right ear, soon going off. Feeling as if something were in ear., also as if something burst like a bladder, and then humming.
Continued violent griping and tickling in nose as if coryza were coming on.
Flushes of heat in face.
Ротовая полость и горло
Continued feeling, lasting for 8 to 10 days, as if buccal cavity contracted and narrowed, beginning and declining slowly; after eating. Much mucus in mouth. - сonstant overflow of saliva. Sour taste for six days, always getting worse and almost sulphurous, for awhile by eating. Mouth dry, morning and evening, with thirst. Tickling on surface of tongue near root, lasts five minutes and changes to shoots like electric sparks; toothache right side in periods, drawing more than shooting. Flat taste, tongue sensitive as if swollen; much furred.
Swallowing difficult.
Swallowing difficult.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Bitter burning, as though stomach very much deranged. After eating, eructation. - сonstant yawning and hiccough. Though stomach is full it feels empty. Appetite bad; nausea. Vomiting.
Constant drawing, cutting pain in abdomen. Slight pinching in abdomen; curious sounds right side of navel.
Constant drawing, cutting pain in abdomen. Slight pinching in abdomen; curious sounds right side of navel.
Органы грудной клетки
Hoarseness. Pain in trachea as if inflamed; as if fatigued by long coughing; inspired air feels cold; coughs frequently, it sounds rough, like hissing. Dyspnoea. - вreathes quickly, must draw in air with an effort, as the trachea feels closed up, each inspiration is like a low whistle, especially evenings. Feels as if too tightly laced; unable to sing or talk long for several days. - сonstant dry cough.
Throbbing below left breast.
20. Neck, вack, and Trunk. Dull shooting in sides over hip, now right now left, at first only on stooping or moving, but afterwards at all times.
Throbbing below left breast.
20. Neck, вack, and Trunk. Dull shooting in sides over hip, now right now left, at first only on stooping or moving, but afterwards at all times.
Конечности и позвоночник
Cracking in joints, motion difficult. Limbs heavy as if paralysed;
When leaning on arms burning in them, but they are not hot to the touch. - сontraction in elbows; and arms. Feeling in forearm, as if in the blood-vessels, like a long knife-stab, with continued burning. Trembling of hands.
Weakness and giving way of knees when walking, especially during the fever. Feet weak after sitting, soles feel sore when treading.
When leaning on arms burning in them, but they are not hot to the touch. - сontraction in elbows; and arms. Feeling in forearm, as if in the blood-vessels, like a long knife-stab, with continued burning. Trembling of hands.
Weakness and giving way of knees when walking, especially during the fever. Feet weak after sitting, soles feel sore when treading.
Общие симптомы
Aching and slight swelling of veins. Long, knife-like stab in veins of forearm.
Painless rash, like nettle-rash; a goose-skin, rather pointed, hard, preceded by cold creeping over the whole body, accompanied by feverish symptoms, lasting several days and slowly disappearing. Small red spots on the finger, lasting several days, followed by a yellow spot lasting a long time.
Febrile chill with goose-flesh several days from noon to evening, at times appearing earlier. Fever consisting of flushes of heat in face; after eating, over whole body, without thirst, with dimness of vision and pressure in the eyes, hot breath, hot lips, hands, and feet. - вurning on exerting arms. - вurning under skin on face, afterwards in other parts of body. Slight general sweat. Sweat followed by burning heat in hands.
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