Другие названия и синонимы
conin, Coniinum pura, кониин гомеопатия, выжимка болиголова гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Conicine. An alkaloid from сonium maculatum. с8 H17 N. Tincture.
Eyes, heavy. Hearing, illusions of. Hemiplegia. Numbness. Tongue, paralysis of. Vertigo. Vision, disordered.
Характерные особенности
Coniin. is a poison rivalling prussic acid in the intensity of action. It has had rather an extensive proving. It causes numbness, muscular paralysis, vertigo, disorders of sight, hearing, and touch, lethargy and overpowering sleepiness. A feeling as if one had been up all night, or after a debauch. сramp in calves on ascending steps or drawing off boots. Vertigo is in open air.
Психика и сознание
Calm and tranquil; slowness of mental process. Inability to think or fix the attention. Loss of consciousness.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo and confusion with prostration in open air. Weight, fulness, and pressure in head. Open air caused pain in supra-orbital and cutaneous malae nerves.
Lids heavy. Vision confused; objects swim. Dazzling of sight. - сomplete blindness. Objects seem large; one thinks he sees his own nose a shapeless mass.
Hearing weakened; ears feel as if stopped with cotton wool. Illusions of hearing.
Face sunken, pale. Numbness of muscles about the jaws. Head and face very warm.
Lids heavy. Vision confused; objects swim. Dazzling of sight. - сomplete blindness. Objects seem large; one thinks he sees his own nose a shapeless mass.
Hearing weakened; ears feel as if stopped with cotton wool. Illusions of hearing.
Face sunken, pale. Numbness of muscles about the jaws. Head and face very warm.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue pale, paralysed, and numb. Epithelium denuded in many places, papillae very prominent. Violent burning in mouth. Accumulation of saliva.
Scraping in throat.
Scraping in throat.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Eructations; nausea; vomiting.
Rumbling with distension of abdomen. Tendency to diarrhoea.
Rumbling with distension of abdomen. Tendency to diarrhoea.
Органы грудной клетки
Voice thick; muddled words when speaking. Respirations frequently yawning.
Конечности и позвоночник
Spasmodic distortion of neck with spasms of face which draw the mouth up to a point. Pain in left lumbar region.
Heaviness of arms and legs, especially left arm.
Numbness with tingling of arms. Tense cramp in muscles of ball of thumb with painful sensation on strongly adducting thumb. Hands bluish, cold. Moisture on finger-tips. Fingers and hands wet.
Gait unsteady; weakness especially marked on going out to walk. - сarries body forward. Legs felt independent as if they did not care for him or anybody else. - сramp in calves on ascending steps.
Heaviness of arms and legs, especially left arm.
Numbness with tingling of arms. Tense cramp in muscles of ball of thumb with painful sensation on strongly adducting thumb. Hands bluish, cold. Moisture on finger-tips. Fingers and hands wet.
Gait unsteady; weakness especially marked on going out to walk. - сarries body forward. Legs felt independent as if they did not care for him or anybody else. - сramp in calves on ascending steps.