Другие названия и синонимы
jal, Jalapa, ипомея слабительная гомеопатия, ipomea purga.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Ipomoea purga (Hayne). сonvolvulus purga (Wunderoth). Exogonium purga (Benth. Jalap. Mexico). N. O. сonvolvulaceae. Trituration of root.
Anus, soreness of. сoryza. Diarrhoea. Gout. Fainting. Restlessness.
Характерные особенности
Jalap. is the well-known purgative of old-school practice. It has had a short proving by Noack and Trinks, and a later one by Jeanes. The characteristic stools of Jalap. are: Watery, sour-smelling, and bloody. There is cutting colic before and during the stool. The most marked of pain by eructations of frothy matter and flatulence.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: сamph. (diarrhoea with coldness); сoloc. (colic). Ir. t. (pain in caecum).
Психика и сознание
Great restlessness with anxiety.
Голова, лицо и уши
Violent headache. Pain in head; smarting in skin of forehead.
Humming in ears.
Dryness of lips.
Humming in ears.
Dryness of lips.
Ротовая полость и горло
Biting and smarting of tongue. Stinging on tongue and in fauces.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Flatulent and frothy eructations with abatement of pain. Nausea.
Pain in right hypochondrium. Severe griping, cutting pain in bowels,.
Stools: violent, excessive; bloody; watery, with weak pulse; sour-smelling; with great restlessness and anxiety. - вefore and during stool: cutting colic. Pain in sigmoid flexure of colon. Soreness of anus. Diarrhoea in infants: child is quiet all day, but screams and tosses about all night (severe cutting, griping pain in bowels). Infantile diarrhoea, general coldness, blueness of face.
Pain in right hypochondrium. Severe griping, cutting pain in bowels,.
Stools: violent, excessive; bloody; watery, with weak pulse; sour-smelling; with great restlessness and anxiety. - вefore and during stool: cutting colic. Pain in sigmoid flexure of colon. Soreness of anus. Diarrhoea in infants: child is quiet all day, but screams and tosses about all night (severe cutting, griping pain in bowels). Infantile diarrhoea, general coldness, blueness of face.
Мочеполовая система
Pain and pressure in region of bladder.
Thrilling sensation in urethra whilst urinating.
Thrilling sensation in urethra whilst urinating.
Конечности и позвоночник
Severe pain about superior margin of left scapula.
Aching in arms and legs, most right side.
Pain in thighs. Smarting on inside edge and at root of left great toenail, with beat, tearing and pulsation. Pain in large joint of great toe. - вurning of soles of feet.
Aching in arms and legs, most right side.
Pain in thighs. Smarting on inside edge and at root of left great toenail, with beat, tearing and pulsation. Pain in large joint of great toe. - вurning of soles of feet.
Общие симптомы
Fainting fits; weakness. Excessive uneasiness and tossing about of limbs.
General coldness and blueness of face. Febrile attacks. Great disposition to perspiration of head and superior parts of body.