Другие названия и синонимы
vesp, Vespa crabro and vulgaris, шершень европейский гомеопатия, бумажная оса гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
VESPA VULGARIS, the Wasp; VESPA сRABRO, the European Hornet; and VESPA MACULATA, Yellow-jacket, the American Hornet. N. O. Hymenoptera (Sub-order Vespidae). Tincture of the living insects.
Abscesses, multiple. Alopecia. сhemosis. Enuresis. Fainting. Flushing. Glottis, spasm of. Indigestion; with flushing. Oedema. Ophthalmia. Ovary, left, pain in. Quinsy. Tongue, swelling of. Uterus, ulcerated. Vertigo.
Характерные особенности
Vespa was introduced into the materia medica by Hering. The symptoms of the Schema Are mostly the results of stings. вerridge proved Vesp. crabro 30 on three persons. Low spirits; pain in right ear; nausea with faint feeling and trembling; pain in left side of the neck on waking-these were the chief symptoms experienced by them. вerridge demonstrated that the poison of the hornet and the wasp may answer to each other s indications by curing with Vesp. c. cm. Fincke) a symptom produced by Vesp. vulgaris, namely, chemosis of the right eye. Mr. X., 66, had had his right eye inflamed for six days. When seen there was redness of right lower lid; baggy swelling of conjunctiva partly covering the cornea when pressed upward; lachrymation of right eye , then then by application of vinegar, always burning after scratching; also the same every day about 8 or 9 p.m and at 3 , the itching by applications of salt and vinegar.
Night restless. Sleepless all night.
Heat, with sick feeling, vertigo, almost faintness. - вurning (after the sting) as if something were sticking and drawing out, the part stung was bright red, elevated, with hard swelling, the redness surrounded by a circle of chilliness, soon changing to a general chill, intermittent, extending in waves over whole body.
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