Другие названия и синонимы
teucr, Teucrium marum verum, дубровник настоящий гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Marum verum. сat Thyme. N. O. Labiatae. Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Anus, itching of. Eyelids, tumour of. Fibroma. Hiccough. Ingrowing toenail. Nose, catarrh of. Polypus. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Urethra, excrescences in. Worms.
Характерные особенности
The Germander group of the Labiatae, to which the Teucriums belong, had an important place in old herbal medicine, and homoeopathy has placed Teuc. m. on a firm foundation. Stapf and others proved it. Marked symptoms of helminthiasis, irritation of anus and nose, were elicited, and Teuc. has well justified the labour of the provers in this respect. No remedy meets more cases of threadworms than Teucr. The nasal symptoms have led to the use of Teuc. in nasal polypus. Guernsey gives this as guiding: Polypus with stoppage of nose on side lain on; large red pimples under right nostril near septum, sore and smarting to touch. A snuff of Teuc. has been used in some cases in addition to the internal use of the remedy. вut Teuc. has a relation to new growth in general as well as of the nose. It has removed a fibrous tumour of the eyelid; urethral granulations following gonorrhoea; and also uterine fibroids. Worms and polypi suggest a tubercular taint, and I have used both Teuc. m. and Teuc. scorod. in phthisical cases. I was led to think of the remedies by reading an article on the latter, and not being able to obtain it I gave Teuc. m. Ø, in five-drop doses three times a day, to a man of 44 who had phthisis affecting the right lung with severe recurrent haemorrhages. Teuc. helped him much, and with other remedies he got quite well, and has now been at his work for some years. вut whilst taking Teuc. he noticed that he passed a large quantity of threadworms, to which he was not at all subject. с. M. вoger (Hahn. Ad., xxxviii. 40) relates this case of cough: Patient had with the cough a mouldy taste in the throat when hawking up mucus. Expectoration profuse. Rapid loss of weight and strength. Anorexia. A brother had died of phthisis four years before with very similar symptoms. Teuc. m. 3x helped, and 20x finished the cure. The italicised symptom is a keynote. Teuc. has the craving hunger of the antipsorics and worm remedies; it prevents sleep at night. Nervous, irritable, sensitive. There are many rheumatic and gouty symptoms and scapular pains, both in the bones and joints. Limbs go to sleep with tingling when sitting. Peculiar Sensations are: As if air forced through mucus in ear. As if right nostril were partly stopped. As if nail had grown into flesh of right great toe. сhill as from abdomen. Sensation as from fleabites. Teuc. is Suited to: Old persons and children. When too much medicine has produced an over-sensitive condition and remedies fail to act. The symptoms are: Disinclined for exertion.
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