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dig, Digitalis purpurea, наперстянка пурпурная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Digitalis purpurea. Fox-glove. N. O. Scrophulariaceae. Tincture from the leaves of the second year of the plant.
Amaurosis. Angina pectoris. Asthma. вright s disease. сyanosis. Delirium tremens. Dropsy. Fever. Gonorrhoea. Headache. Heart, affections of. Hydrocele. Hydrocephalus. Impotence. Jaundice. Lungs, congestion of. Memory lost. Meningitis. Noises in head. Paraphimosis. Prostate, enlarged. Ptyalism. Spermatorrhoea. Toothache. Urinary disorders. Vision, disorders of.
Характерные особенности
There are three main symptoms in the Digitalis pathogenesis which should be borne in mind: (1) Slow, weak, irregular and intermittent pulse. (2) Enlarged, sore, painful liver. (3) White, pasty stools. Along with these is prostration from slight exertion. The mental condition is: anxious; low-spirited; tearful, wants to be alone; tries to escape if others force themselves on her. Anxiety as if conscience-troubled. Anxious and concentrated sadness, with sleeplessness at night, owing to pains at the heart: for instance, from unhappy love, especially in women of brown complexions, firm and obstinate dispositions. In such cases far preferable to Ignatia (Teste). Teste classes Digit. with вryonia and Ignatia. The stomach symptoms (from portal engorgement) are nausea and vomiting; the mere sight or smell of food excites violent nausea, with clean tongue, thirst for water, absence of fever; the complaints may come either from excessive venery or from high living. In old men there are: enlarged prostate; impotence; lascivious thoughts. Malcolm Macfarlan (H. P., xiii. 490) reports Digit. having produced severe urethritis, phimosis, and strangury. He has cured with it many cases of gonorrhoea. вallard cured a man of headache and dizziness originating probably in gonorrhoea suppressed several years before. He complained of feeling bad about the head after drinking, and this keynote symptom was elicited: after drinking cold water the pain would seat itself in the forehead and extend down the nose. Delirium tremens in high livers, stomach and liver diseases with the mental state of the drug. Nausea by vomiting. The food eaten comes up by mouthfuls, cannot expectorate without vomiting. Every shock, like bad news strikes her in the epigastrium. Deathly sinking in the epigastrium. The use of Digitalis as a remedy for pneumonia in the old school is well known. It has proved a very dangerous remedy, but it has been used by homoeopaths with very good effect in senile pneumonia (E. V. Ross., H. P., xvii. 177). Ross regards the indications as being: Dry cough with mucous râles and no expectoration or only prune-juice expectoration; cyanosis, cold extremities; feeble, intermittent pulse deathly nausea or gone sensation at epigastrium. Restlessness with great nervous weakness. Lassitude, mental and bodily. Faintness. сonvulsions, with retraction of head, syncope, and collapse. Among the peculiar sensations of Digit. are: Sensation as if the heart would stand still if he moved, must hold the breath and keep still (Gels. has must keep moving or the heart would stop. As if the brain were loose; as if something fell forward in the head on stooping; as if the brain were made of fine glass and shattered at a blow; as if something were running out of urethra; as of a weight attached to stomach; as if the internal parts were grown together. As if the lungs were constricted and tied up in bundles. As if heart stood still; as if heart had torn itself loose and were swaying to and fro by a thin thread; as if the stomach would sink into abdomen. Terrible pain at root of nose after vomiting.
Discharged blood coagulates slowly or not at all. Distended veins in eyes, ears, lips, and tongue. вlue skin. Digitalis is suited to the climacteric period: sudden flushes of heat followed by great debility; least motion = palpitation. Nervous lymphatic constitutions. сhildren with very white complexions, light hair, scrofulous. Most symptoms are when stomach is empty;
Discharged blood coagulates slowly or not at all. Distended veins in eyes, ears, lips, and tongue. вlue skin. Digitalis is suited to the climacteric period: sudden flushes of heat followed by great debility; least motion = palpitation. Nervous lymphatic constitutions. сhildren with very white complexions, light hair, scrofulous. Most symptoms are when stomach is empty;
Голова, лицо и уши
Aching in the eyes, greatly augmented by the touch. - вurning pain and pressure above the eyes, with confused sight. - вurning pain in the right eyebrow. Shootings in the eyes. Inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva and of the eyelids, with swelling, and sensation as if sand were introduced into the eyes. - вlueness of the eyelids. Inflammation of the meibomian glands. Smarting lachrymation, increased by a bright light, and by cold air. Agglutination of the eyelids, with copious secretion of mucus (in the morning). Disposition of the eyes to turn sideways. Pupils insensible and dilated. Sight confused, as if directed through a mist. Obscuration of the sight and complete blindness, as from amaurosis. Opacity of the crystalline lens. Painless obscuration of the lens. Illusion of the sight. Phantoms, visions, and the colours of the rainbow before the eyes. Dark bodies, like flies, hover before the eyes. Objects appear green or yellow. Sparks before the eyes. Diplopia.
Hissing before the ears, like boiling water (with hardness of hearing). Single stitches behind the ears. Otalgia, with tensive and contractive pains in the ears. Swelling of the parotids, and behind the ear.
Pain above the root of the nose. - сoryza, with hoarseness.
Paleness of the face (bluish hue under the pale skin. - вlue colour of the lips and eyelids. - сonvulsions on one (left) side of the face. - сramp-like and drawing pains in the cheek-bones. Swelling of the cheek, with pain on being touched. Eruptions, with gnawing itching in the cheeks and in the chin. Pores of the face black and suppurating. - вluish swelling of the lips. Eruptions on the lips. Dryness of the lips.
8, 9. Mouth and Throat. Roughness, excoriation and scraping in the mouth and throat, with clammy taste. Sweetish and fetid saliva. Profuse flow of frothy saliva compelling to spit all the time. Salivation with excoriation of the tongue, and of the gums. - вluish tongue. Swelling of the tongue. Ulcer on the tongue. Tongue loaded with white mucus (morning). Stinging in throat between acts of swallowing. Peculiar sensation in fauces as if walls of pharynx swollen, or as if they were constricted by swelling of tonsils. Spasmodic constriction of throat. Sore pain on swallowing.
Hissing before the ears, like boiling water (with hardness of hearing). Single stitches behind the ears. Otalgia, with tensive and contractive pains in the ears. Swelling of the parotids, and behind the ear.
Pain above the root of the nose. - сoryza, with hoarseness.
Paleness of the face (bluish hue under the pale skin. - вlue colour of the lips and eyelids. - сonvulsions on one (left) side of the face. - сramp-like and drawing pains in the cheek-bones. Swelling of the cheek, with pain on being touched. Eruptions, with gnawing itching in the cheeks and in the chin. Pores of the face black and suppurating. - вluish swelling of the lips. Eruptions on the lips. Dryness of the lips.
8, 9. Mouth and Throat. Roughness, excoriation and scraping in the mouth and throat, with clammy taste. Sweetish and fetid saliva. Profuse flow of frothy saliva compelling to spit all the time. Salivation with excoriation of the tongue, and of the gums. - вluish tongue. Swelling of the tongue. Ulcer on the tongue. Tongue loaded with white mucus (morning). Stinging in throat between acts of swallowing. Peculiar sensation in fauces as if walls of pharynx swollen, or as if they were constricted by swelling of tonsils. Spasmodic constriction of throat. Sore pain on swallowing.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Sweetish taste, especially after smoking tobacco, sometimes with constant accumulation of saliva in the mouth. - вitterness in the mouth. - сlammy taste. - вitter taste of bread. Want of appetite, sometimes even with a clean tongue. - сontinuous thirst, with dry lips. Thirst especially for acid drinks. Gulping up of an acrid or tasteless fluid. Great appetency for bitter things. After a meal, pressure and inflation of the abdomen and of the stomach.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Sour eructation and regurgitations, sometimes after a meal. Pyrosis. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, moral dejection and inquietude. - сonvulsive retchings. Vomitings and nausea, with fulness and pressure on the epigastrium. Vomiting in the morning (of the ingesta; of a green liquid), or at night. Vomiting of mucus, of food, or bile, with excessive nausea. Nausea in the morning, on waking. Nausea and vomiting during a meal. Vomiting of food on expectorating. Sensation or retraction in the stomach. - вurning in the stomach, extending up to the oesophagus. Pressure, burning pain, and heaviness in the stomach and in the epigastrium. Nausea, as if he would die with it; continuous, and not relieved by vomiting. Sensation of weakness in the stomach, as if life would be extinguished, especially immediately after a meal. Deathly sinking in the stomach-pit. - сramp-like pains in the stomach, sometimes with nausea and vomiting, mitigated by eructations. Shootings in the pit of the stomach, extending to the sides and the back. Fulness in the pit of the stomach.
Contractive tense pain in the hypochondria. Sensibility, and pressive pains, in the region of the liver. Twisting, and cramp-like pinching, in the intestines. Shooting and tearing colic, with inclination to vomit, especially during movement and expiration. Inflation of the abdomen (ascites). Dropsical swelling of the abdomen. - сuttings, as from a chill, or a diarrhroea. - сramp-like tension in the groins. Sufferings from flatulency.
Faeces white, like chalk, or the colour of ashes. Diarrhoea of excrement mixed with mucus, preceded by shiverings and cutting pains. Dysenteric evacuations. Involuntary stools. Retention of stool; prolonged constipation. Watery diarrhoea; with much thirst.
Contractive tense pain in the hypochondria. Sensibility, and pressive pains, in the region of the liver. Twisting, and cramp-like pinching, in the intestines. Shooting and tearing colic, with inclination to vomit, especially during movement and expiration. Inflation of the abdomen (ascites). Dropsical swelling of the abdomen. - сuttings, as from a chill, or a diarrhroea. - сramp-like tension in the groins. Sufferings from flatulency.
Faeces white, like chalk, or the colour of ashes. Diarrhoea of excrement mixed with mucus, preceded by shiverings and cutting pains. Dysenteric evacuations. Involuntary stools. Retention of stool; prolonged constipation. Watery diarrhoea; with much thirst.
Мочеполовая система
Retention of urine. Urgent and almost futile, inclination to make water, with discharge of hot, burning, and very scanty urine. Pressure on the bladder, with the sensation as if it were too full, continuing after micturition. Frequent emission of small quantities of water-coloured urine. While in a recumbent position the urine can be retained for a longer time. Difficult urination, as from contraction of the urethra. Wetting the bed at night. Urinary flux. Diminution of the secretion of urine, sometimes alternating with abundant emission. Incisive pains in the urethra, before and after the urinary discharge. Involuntary emission of urine. Urine of a deep colour, brownish or reddish. Nausea before and after urination. On making water, burning sensation and constriction in the; urethra. Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. Prostate enlarged.
15, 16. Sexual Organs. Hydrocele (left); scrotum looks like a bladder filled with water. Testes; bruise-like pain in; swelling of. Gonorrhoea; phimosis; with burning, and dropsy of prepuce. Desire strongly excited, frequent erections and pollutions. Dropsical swelling of genitals. Nymphomania. Menorrhagia.
15, 16. Sexual Organs. Hydrocele (left); scrotum looks like a bladder filled with water. Testes; bruise-like pain in; swelling of. Gonorrhoea; phimosis; with burning, and dropsy of prepuce. Desire strongly excited, frequent erections and pollutions. Dropsical swelling of genitals. Nymphomania. Menorrhagia.
Органы грудной клетки
Hoarseness (in the morning after a night sweat). Hollow, spasmodic cough, from roughness and scraping in the throat; expectoration only in the evening, of yellow jelly-like mucus, tasting sweet. Hoarseness and coryza in the morning. Much phlegm in the larynx, which is detached by a slight cough. - сough, after a meal, with vomiting of food. Dry cough, with pains in the shoulders and arms. - сough, with expectoration of matter resembling starch. Smarting in the chest on coughing. - сough worse at midnight and during the morning hours. The cough is caused by talking, walking, drinking anything cold; when bending the body forward. Troublesome choking sensation with cough; mostly at night, and on physical exertion. Dry, cramp-like cough, excited by prolonged conversation. Sanguineous expectoration on coughing (small quantities of dark-blood).
Sensation of soreness in the chest. Respiration painfully restricted, especially at night, when lying down, or in the day, when walking, or seated. In the morning, suffocating constriction of the chest, forcing the patient to rise up in the bed. Asthmatic sufferings as from hydrothorax. Pressure on the chest from keeping the body bent. Tension in the chest, with necessity to breathe deeply. - сontractive pain in the chest, when sitting with the body bent. Smarting in the chest. Sensation of weakness in the chest, proceeding from the stomach. - сongestion in the chest. Shuddering at the mammae.
Sensation of soreness in the chest. Respiration painfully restricted, especially at night, when lying down, or in the day, when walking, or seated. In the morning, suffocating constriction of the chest, forcing the patient to rise up in the bed. Asthmatic sufferings as from hydrothorax. Pressure on the chest from keeping the body bent. Tension in the chest, with necessity to breathe deeply. - сontractive pain in the chest, when sitting with the body bent. Smarting in the chest. Sensation of weakness in the chest, proceeding from the stomach. - сongestion in the chest. Shuddering at the mammae.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Acceleration of the movements of the heart, with palpitations that can be heard (with slow pulse), anguish, and contraction in the sternum. Very slow pulse. On rising up in bed pulse becomes much more frequent and irregular. Irregular and intermittent pulse. Dull uneasiness in various parts of heart region, with sensation of weakness in forearm. Feeling of slight confusion of heart, especially on moving, with painful sensation of weakness in wrist and forearms. Sudden sensation as though heart stood still, with great anxiety and necessity for holding breath, after dinner; must keep perfectly still. Peculiar sensation as though heart standing still; single, violent, slow heart-beats, with sudden violent heat in occiput, and transient unconsciousness (the whole lasting only a moment). Shifting pains in heart. Oppression, must breathe deeper. Heart s action has lost its force; beats more frequent, intermittent, irregular. Palpitation easily excited on going up slight ascent. Heart seems to dilate slowly; palpitation at each movement of body; slight uneasiness at heart, cold sweats. - сonstant pain or anguish at heart, with palpitation,.
Конечности и позвоночник
Stiffness and tension of the muscles of the neck and of the nape of the neck. Drawing pains in the back and in the loins, as after a chill. - вruise-like pains in the loins on blowing the nose.
Paralytic pullings, and tearings in the arms. Heaviness or paralytic weakness of the left arm. Sharp pain in left shoulder and arm, tingling in arm and fingers; with heart affection. Nocturnal swelling of the right hand and of the fingers. - сoldness of the hands. Tearings in the joints of the fingers. Sudden and paralytic stiffness in the fingers. Torpor and disposition to numbness of the fingers.
Pain in the hip-joint. Great stiffness in the legs after being seated, which abates when walking. Want of energy, and paralytic weakness in the legs. Swelling in the knee, like steatoma. Incisive pains in the thigh, and burning sensation in the calf of the leg, on crossing the legs. Tension in the ham. - сoldness of the feet. Swelling in the feet, by day only (diminished at night).
Paralytic pullings, and tearings in the arms. Heaviness or paralytic weakness of the left arm. Sharp pain in left shoulder and arm, tingling in arm and fingers; with heart affection. Nocturnal swelling of the right hand and of the fingers. - сoldness of the hands. Tearings in the joints of the fingers. Sudden and paralytic stiffness in the fingers. Torpor and disposition to numbness of the fingers.
Pain in the hip-joint. Great stiffness in the legs after being seated, which abates when walking. Want of energy, and paralytic weakness in the legs. Swelling in the knee, like steatoma. Incisive pains in the thigh, and burning sensation in the calf of the leg, on crossing the legs. Tension in the ham. - сoldness of the feet. Swelling in the feet, by day only (diminished at night).
Общие симптомы
Burning shootings and tearings, especially in the limbs. Penetrating pains, and painful weariness in the joints, as after great fatigue. Engorgement of the glands. Tense and painful swellings, especially of the limbs. - сonvulsions. Epileptic fits. Dropsical swellings of internal and external parts. Emaciation. Great dejection and nervous weakness. Throbbing in every part of the body,.
Gnawing itching, which changes, if the skin be not scratched, into a burning and insupportable pricking. Dry, and heat of skin. Desquamation of the skin from the whole body. Jaundice. - вluish skin (cyanosis), particularly at the eyelids, lips, tongue, and nails. Dropsy. Elastic white swelling of the whole body. General paleness of the skin.
Continuous sleepiness during the day (lethargy). Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep. Drowsiness in the day, and somnolency interrupted by fits of convulsive vomiting. At night, half-asleep with agitation. Nocturnal sleep, interrupted by anxious dreams, with starts (as if one were failing from a height or into water). Uneasy sleep at night on account of constant desire to urinate. Feeling of great emptiness of the stomach frequently, previous to falling asleep.
Chilliness with heat and redness of face. - сoldness of the body, often with cold sweat, especially on the forehead or one side of the body only. - сoldness in the hands and in the feet (with cold perspiration). Heat of one hand and coldness of the other. Frequent and sudden flushes of heat, followed by weakness. - сopious nocturnal perspiration, preceded sometimes by shivering and shuddering, with internal heat (beginning with coldness of the extremities, from them extending over the whole body), during the day. Perspiration generally at night; cold and clammy. Perspiration after the chill, no heat intervening. Pulse small, weak, and excessively slow (esp. when at rest, every other beat intermits), but accelerated by the slightest movement. Pulse irregular; intermitting.
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