Другие названия и синонимы
bac, Bacillinum burnett, Нозод моркоты больного туберкулезом.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
A nosode of tuberculosis named and first described by Doctor вurnett, for whom it was prepared from tuberculous sputum by Doctor Heath. As this preparation has been experimented with separately, I think it, on the whole, advisable to give its symptoms apart from the other nosodes of phthisis.
Addison s disease. Alopecia. сonsumptiveness Growth, defective. Hydrocephalus. Idiocy. Insanity. Joints, affections of. Phthiriasis. Pityriasis Ringworm. Scrofulous glands. Teeth, defective; pitted. Tuberculosis.
Характерные особенности
This remedy has been used largely in infrequent doses (at intervals of a week or more) of the 30th and upwards chiefly on diathetic indications in the affections named above. In acute affections it has been found useful to dissolve a few globules in a wineglassful of water and administer a teaspoonful every four hours. In the provings, a severe headache, deep in,.
Диф. диагностика
Calc. phos. goes with this remedy very well. So do Lach. and Kali c. I know of no antidote.
Психика и сознание
Taciturn, sulky, snappish, fretty, irritable, morose, depressed and melancholic even to insanity. Fretful ailing, whines and complains; mind given to be frightened, particularly by dogs.
Голова, лицо и уши
Severe headache, deep in, recurring from time to time, compelling quiet fixedness;
Eczematous condition of eyelids.
Indolent, angry pimple on left cheek, breaking out from time to time and persisting for many weeks.
Eczematous condition of eyelids.
Indolent, angry pimple on left cheek, breaking out from time to time and persisting for many weeks.
Ротовая полость и горло
Aching in teeth, especially lower incisors (all sound), felt at the roots especially on raising or projecting lower lip; very sensitive to air. Grinds teeth in sleep. Imperfectly developed teeth.
Tickling in fauces, compelling cough.
Tickling in fauces, compelling cough.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Windy dyspepsia, with pinching pains under ribs of right side in mammary line.
Fever, emaciation, abdominal pains and discomfort restless at night, glands of both groins enlarged and indurated; cries out in sleep; strawberry tongue. Tabes mesenterica; talks in sleep; grinds teeth; appetite poor; hands blue; indurated and palpable glands everywhere; drum belly; spleen region bulging out. Inguinal glands indurated and visible; excessive sweats; chronic diarrhoea.
Sudden diarrhoea before breakfast, with nausea. Severe haemorrhages from bowels, cough. Obstinate constipation. Passes much ill-smelling flatus. Stitch-like pain through piles.
Fever, emaciation, abdominal pains and discomfort restless at night, glands of both groins enlarged and indurated; cries out in sleep; strawberry tongue. Tabes mesenterica; talks in sleep; grinds teeth; appetite poor; hands blue; indurated and palpable glands everywhere; drum belly; spleen region bulging out. Inguinal glands indurated and visible; excessive sweats; chronic diarrhoea.
Sudden diarrhoea before breakfast, with nausea. Severe haemorrhages from bowels, cough. Obstinate constipation. Passes much ill-smelling flatus. Stitch-like pain through piles.
Мочеполовая система
Increased quantity of urine, pale, with white sediment. Has to rise several times in night to urinate.
Органы грудной клетки
Slight, tedious, hacking cough. Hard cough, shaking patient, more during sleep but it did not waken him. Pricking in larynx with sudden cough. Single cough on rising from bed in morning. - сough waking him in night; easy expectoration. Expectoration of non-viscid easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages, followed after a day or two by a very clear ring of voice. Sharp pain in precordial region arresting breathing. Very sharp pain in left scapula, by warmth.
Конечности и позвоночник
Glands of neck enlarged and tender.
Pain in left knee whilst walking; passed off after persevering in walking for a short distance. Tubercular inflammation of knee.
Pain in left knee whilst walking; passed off after persevering in walking for a short distance. Tubercular inflammation of knee.
Общие симптомы
Great weakness, did not want to be disturbed.
Drowsy during day; restless at night; many dreams.
Flush of heat (soon after the dose), some perspiration, severe headache deep in.
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