Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Monobromide of сamphor; a compound in which one atom of hydrogen of the camphor has been replaced by one of bromine. с10 H15 вr O. Trituration.
Cholera infantum. сhordee. Direction, sense of, lost. Gastric catarrh. Hysteria. Influenza. Irritation in acute eczema. Nervous excitability. Sleep, disorders of. Spermatorrhoea.
Характерные особенности
Doctor сooper has found сamph. bro. of wide utility in all cases where nervous excitability is present. He has given it chiefly in single doses of 3x trituration. In a case reported by Doctor E. M. вeard of a young man who suffered from gastric catarrh in convulsive paroxysms which were induced by the sight of physical deformity, the touch of a cold, clammy hand, and the mention of odours, the actual presence of which did not affect him, complete relief was afforded by 3 gr. doses of сamph. bro. every 3 or 4 hours. вut the drug set up these singular symptoms: Directions appeared to be reversed; north seemed south, and east seemed west; innumerable black flies seemed to be flitting over the field of vision; he was sleepless; and when he did sleep it was restless and vexed with ghastly dreams. Camph. has visions of spirits in sleep. The reversal of directions lasted many days, and the strain on the faculty of attention was so torturing that he became prostrate in mind and body (C. D. P. Hale mentions among the conditions relieved by it: Hysteria, weeping and laughter alternately. Headache in women and young girls due to mental excitement and excessive study. Delirium tremens. сhordee. Neuralgia of testes and prostate. Impotence. Spermatorrhoea.