Другие названия и синонимы
ruta, Ruta graveolens, рута душистая гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Ruta graveolens. Rue. N. O. Rutaceae. Tincture of whole fresh plant.
Amblyopia. Anus, prolapse of. вone, bruised; pains in. вruises. вursitis. сartilages, bruises of; pains in. сhest, sternum, pains in. сonstipation. Dislocations. Dyspepsia. Enuresis. Epistaxis. Exostosis. Eyes, sight weak; pains in. Facial, paralysis, from cold. Fevers. Fractures. Ganglion. Haemorrhages. Hands, pains in. Paralysis. Perichondritis. Periostitis. Rectum, affections of; prolapse of. Restlessness. Rheumatism Sciatica. Spleen, affections of. Sprain. Stammering. Tongue, cramp in; swelling of. Urination, difficulty of. Varicocele. Veins, swollen; varicose. Warts.
Характерные особенности
The common Rue of our gardens is a native of Southern Europe. It was formerly in great repute in medicine; epilepsy, hysteria, hydrophobia, weakness of sight (from excessive reading), ozaena, epistaxis, foul gumboils, flatulent colic (in hysteric females), inertia of the bowels, having been cured with it empirically (Teste). It was also supposed to be a kind of universal antidote: Even in our own time the Roman ladies imagine that the most odoriferous flowers may be left in their rooms without the least danger provided a bush of garden rue be amongst them (Teste). Practitioners (says Treas. of вot.) have perhaps been deterred from employing it by the symptoms of acrido-narcotic poisoning induced by an overdose. Locally applied Rue is a powerful irritant, and one species, Ruta montana, is dangerous to handle even with gloves. Ruta is useful in feverish complaints, promotes perspiration and removes noxious material; in headache, nervous and hysteric complaints, weakness of the stomach and pains in the bowels, suppressed menses, and if taken for a long time it benefits epilepsy. The expressed juice benefits nightmare (Green s Herbal). In large doses it causes violent gastric pains, excessive and sometimes bloody vomiting, profuse salivation and swelling of the tongue, great prostration, confusion of mind, and convulsive twitchings, with, in pregnant women, abortion (M. Hélie). In olden times it was used to ward off plague, and is at the present day the great remedy for pip or roup in fowls: a disease which affects the throat and causes chokiness and turns the comb of the fowl black; it is due to impure water and is contagious. It certainly acts strongly on deposits of scirrhous material in both the breasts and in the vagina and sometimes lessens the size of these (Cooper). Hahnemann s proving shows how largely the old uses were founded on a homoeopathic relationship. The vulnerary remedies indicate in symptoms of their provings the peculiar form of injuries for which they are adapted; there are the sprained pains of Rhus, the bruised pains (in skin and muscles) of Arn. Ruta also has bruised pains, but these are more particularly manifested in bones. Ruta is one of the chief remedies for injured bones, and especially bruised bones. This power of Ruta does not appear to have been known before the provings were made. вut impaired sight due to straining the eyes was an old use of the remedy; and here are symptoms from the provings His eyes feel as if he had strained the sight too much by reading; Weak, pressive-like pain in right eye, with dimness of surrounding objects, as if from having looked too long at an object that was fatiguing to the eyes; A feeling of heat and burning in the eyes, and pain in them when he reads (in the evening and by candle-light). Each of these symptoms was experienced by a separate prover. Another effect of bruising is seen in prolapse of the rectum after confinement. вut Ruta has, independently of this, a powerful action on the rectum, and caused prolapse in the provers and many severe symptoms. Tearing stitches in rectum when sitting. The prolapse is pain below right scapula, and stitches in small of back. вackache lying on back. This is characteristic, and has led to many cures; and the relief of a case of malignant disease of kidneys and bladder (Rushmore, H. P., x. 516). This is important in connection with a use сooper has made of Ruta ointment, prepared by extracting the plant in warm vaseline as an application in broken cancer of the breast. Walking or riding = chafing. Dyspepsia from straining stomach by carrying heavy weights. Scratching. Rubbing. Rest. Lying down = parts lain on to be sore; pain below right scapula; stitches in small of back. Sitting.
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- 315₽ Рута – плюс (2 фирмы)
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