Другие названия и синонимы
lob, Lobelia inflata, лобелия вздутая гомеопатия, индийский табак гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Lobelia inflata. Indian Tobacco. Fields and roadsides from сanada to Southern U.S.A. N. O. Lobeliaceae. Tincture of fresh plant when in flower and seed. Trituration of dried leaves. Acetum.
Alcoholism. Alopecia. Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Asthma. сardialgia. сough. сroup. Deafness. Debility. Diarrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Dyspepsia. Emphysema. Faintness. Gall-stones. Gastralgia. Haemorrhoidal discharge. Hay-asthma. Heart, affections of. Hysteria. Meningeal headaches. Millar s asthma. Morning sickness (of drunkards; of pregnancy). Morphia habit. Palpitation. Pleurisy. Psoriasis. Rigid os. Seborrhoea. Shoulders, pain in. Tea, effects of. Urethra, stricture of. Vagina, serous discharge from. Vomiting, of pregnancy. Wens. Whooping-cough.
Характерные особенности
Matthew Lobel, whose name is given to this family of plants, was a physician and botanist attached to the court of James I. There are two вritish species, L. Dortmanna, found in shallow lakes, and L. urens, which grows in heathy places. L. inflata, the North American variety, is the most important of all, medically. According to Hale, this plant was used by the Indians as an emetic detergent, in the same way as Verat. alb. was used by the ancients to produce Helleborism. вut the chief modern exponent of Lobelia is Samuel Thompson, of New Hampshire, who founded the modern вotanic School. His chief remedies were, besides Lobelia, cayenne pepper and the vapour bath. There can be little doubt that he accomplished much with these, but his unbounded faith in Lobelia led, in some instances, to fatal poisoning. Such a result is not altogether unknown in qualified practice; but as Thompson had no medical degree these cases brought him into trouble. The records of them have furnished some of the symptoms of the pathogenesis. Lob. i. probably obtained the name of Indian Tobacco from the similarity of its action to that of Tabacum in producing intense nausea, vomiting, profound depression at the epigastrium, and collapse. It was a true instinct On the part of Teste that led him to class Lob. i. with Sul.; and though the provings and clinical experience do not fully bear out what he says about its skin action, the results of botanic practice, confirmed by сooper, show that it has an antipsoric action, and relieves morbid states due to the suppression of discharges. In a paper read before the вrit. Hom. Society, November 1, 1888 (M. H. Rev., xxxii. 717) сooper explains that he got no good out of Lob. i. until under the advice of a herbalist he used a solution of Lobelia made with common vinegar. Here is one of his cases. A young woman, 23, of consumptive family history on both sides, had, when 14 to 15 years old, severe pain in left, and sometimes right, side, and round lower abdomen, with faint feeling. This lasted till the monthly period came on regularly and then she was well till 20, when diarrhoea came on, which nothing was able to check and which kept her in bed for months at a time. The symptoms were: Pains all round abdomen and up the back, much moving about). As if thousands of needles were pricking her skin from within outward. Lobel. i. is suited to persons with light hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion; inclined to be fleshy. Symptoms are sensation of congestion, weight or pressure in chest as if blood from extremities was filling it. Sickness (of pregnancy) by warmth. сold.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by: Ipec. сompare: The other Lobelias; Digit. and Tabac. (heart affections; vomiting;
Alcohol. Tea. Tobacco. Wetting feet. Suppressions. Foreign bodies.
Психика и сознание
Mental inquietude; great depression and exhaustion; presentiment of death, and dyspnoea. Sobbing-like a child. Violent raving with flushing of face and palpitation, every evening, after an hour s sleep. Lost his reason and became convulsed; it required several men to hold him; this continued till death. Felt he was dying, with distress at chest. Felt he was dying, but was unconcerned.
Голова, лицо и уши
Cerebral suffering; giddiness; vertigo. Vertigo with nausea. Headache with slight giddiness. Vertigo as if starting from left eye. Feeling of disorder: at first in occiput; afterwards in forehead; in head, after a meal, increasing to a violent aching pain, with heat in face. Headache.
Burning in eyes; (hemiopia). Pain and soreness in right eye. - вurning in eyes. Itching in angles of (left) lids. Pressing pain in eyeballs, most in upper part. Pupils dilated. Vision dim.
Aching in left ear. Shooting pain extending into left ear from painful spot in throat to left of larynx. Sudden shutting up of right ear, as if stopped by a plug, at 2 , boring finger in ear. Profuse-discharge from the ear. - сonstantly recurring earache and deafness following suppressed otorrhoea.
Heat of face; sweat on face, with nausea. - сhilly feeling in left cheek extending to ear.
Burning in eyes; (hemiopia). Pain and soreness in right eye. - вurning in eyes. Itching in angles of (left) lids. Pressing pain in eyeballs, most in upper part. Pupils dilated. Vision dim.
Aching in left ear. Shooting pain extending into left ear from painful spot in throat to left of larynx. Sudden shutting up of right ear, as if stopped by a plug, at 2 , boring finger in ear. Profuse-discharge from the ear. - сonstantly recurring earache and deafness following suppressed otorrhoea.
Heat of face; sweat on face, with nausea. - сhilly feeling in left cheek extending to ear.
Ротовая полость и горло
Flow of clammy saliva in mouth (with nausea). Sharp, disagreeable taste in mouth, especially at tip of tongue and back of throat. Accumulation of saliva; frequent expectoration of a very watery saliva; copious salivation. Tongue white, charged with a thick coating, on right side only. Acrid, burning taste in mouth; bitter, with foul tongue and thirst.
Scraping in throat; changing into aching and nausea, which in turn is succeeded by retching, with squeezing and convulsive heaving in larynx; with risings and burning, arising from stomach; with sensation of rawness in throat, and constriction in oesophagus; with great dryness, which is not removed by drinking, after a meal. - вurning in throat, which becomes a scraping sensation; increased secretion of viscid saliva, with scraping, nausea, and risings; burning scraping from velum palati to larynx;
Scraping in throat; changing into aching and nausea, which in turn is succeeded by retching, with squeezing and convulsive heaving in larynx; with risings and burning, arising from stomach; with sensation of rawness in throat, and constriction in oesophagus; with great dryness, which is not removed by drinking, after a meal. - вurning in throat, which becomes a scraping sensation; increased secretion of viscid saliva, with scraping, nausea, and risings; burning scraping from velum palati to larynx;
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Anorexia. Frequent risings, with accumulation of water in mouth; frequent regurgitation of an acid and burning liquid; acidity in stomach, with sensation of constriction in pit of stomach. Frequent and violent hiccough, with abundant accumulation of water. Pyrosis, sometimes constant, or else with accumulation of saliva. Heartburn and running of water from mouth. Faintness, weakness, and an indescribable feeling at epigastrium, from excessive use of tea or tobacco. Violent and constant loathing, with shuddering and shivering; relaxation of the stomach, sometimes with loathing, or with a very marked sensation of anti-peristaltic movements (but without nausea). Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, with profuse running of water from mouth. - вurning in stomach. Feeling of weight in stomach. Nausea: in morning, disappearing after taking a draught of water; with cold sweat on face; great disposition to vomit, without vomiting. Vomiting: of all kinds, even the most violent; with sighing, and continual nausea; vomiting of food after a meal, especially hot food. Vomiting, with cold perspiration of face. Dyspepsia. Pain in stomach; sensation of weakness in stomach; or else in pit of stomach, with oppression, which thence extends itself throughout chest.
Aching in stomach: sometimes after eating but very little; after the meal, with fulness and gurgling in abdomen; ascending towards chest, which becomes oppressed; with nausea; accumulation of water in mouth, and retching. Pressure in pit of stomach; across body into spinal marrow, as by a plug, by intermitting action, becoming each time stronger; as from a weight, when fasting, and after a meal,.
Soft, whitish stool. Discharge of black blood after stool. - сopious haemorrhages from haemorrhoidal vessels. Stools, like pap, soft, green; diarrhoea, sometimes with frequent evacuations and confusion of head.
Aching in stomach: sometimes after eating but very little; after the meal, with fulness and gurgling in abdomen; ascending towards chest, which becomes oppressed; with nausea; accumulation of water in mouth, and retching. Pressure in pit of stomach; across body into spinal marrow, as by a plug, by intermitting action, becoming each time stronger; as from a weight, when fasting, and after a meal,.
Soft, whitish stool. Discharge of black blood after stool. - сopious haemorrhages from haemorrhoidal vessels. Stools, like pap, soft, green; diarrhoea, sometimes with frequent evacuations and confusion of head.
Мочеполовая система
Increased secretion of urine, sometimes with want to urinate. Frequent emission of urine, even during night, and following morning (secretion of urine diminished). Urine cloudy: with loose deposit; deep red, with sediment of a dull red, soon becoming turbid, with sediment of a rose colour, having small blue crystals.
Fatiguing heaviness in genital parts. Smarting of the prepuce.
During menstruation violent pain in sacrum. Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, &c., supervening on suppression of the menses during their flow.
Fatiguing heaviness in genital parts. Smarting of the prepuce.
During menstruation violent pain in sacrum. Violent pain in the sacrum, with fever, &c., supervening on suppression of the menses during their flow.
Органы грудной клетки
Tickling in larynx, with frequent fits of short coughing; dryness in throat, with sensation as though a solid body were there impeding both respiration and deglutition. Irritation which provokes coughing and expectoration.
Respiration anxious, difficult, sobbing, with sensation of obstruction in chest; short, imperfect, with sensation of fulness in chest; during inspiration, tickling in inferior region of sternum; on breathing deeply, mitigation of the pressive pain at pit of stomach, and a feeling of improved health. Pain in chest, with breathing, while sitting after dinner, moving about. - сongestive pressure and weight in chest as if blood from extremities was filling it, by rapid walking. Want of breath, sometimes with respiration impeded, hurried, with frequent want to breathe deeply; great difficulty in retaining the breath. Oppression of chest, causing laboured respiration; asthma, chiefly with gastric symptoms, and sensation of weakness in pit of stomach; dyspnoea, sometimes with a sort of presentiment of death; difficulty of respiration, after the least fatigue, after washing in cold water, likewise from a current of air, and from heavy food. Asthmatic symptoms, hysterical asthma. Violent pains in chest;
Respiration anxious, difficult, sobbing, with sensation of obstruction in chest; short, imperfect, with sensation of fulness in chest; during inspiration, tickling in inferior region of sternum; on breathing deeply, mitigation of the pressive pain at pit of stomach, and a feeling of improved health. Pain in chest, with breathing, while sitting after dinner, moving about. - сongestive pressure and weight in chest as if blood from extremities was filling it, by rapid walking. Want of breath, sometimes with respiration impeded, hurried, with frequent want to breathe deeply; great difficulty in retaining the breath. Oppression of chest, causing laboured respiration; asthma, chiefly with gastric symptoms, and sensation of weakness in pit of stomach; dyspnoea, sometimes with a sort of presentiment of death; difficulty of respiration, after the least fatigue, after washing in cold water, likewise from a current of air, and from heavy food. Asthmatic symptoms, hysterical asthma. Violent pains in chest;
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Precordial anxiety. Deep-seated pain in region of heart. Sensation of weakness and pressure in epigastrium rising to heart. Sensation as if heart would stand still, a pain deep in above heart. Sensation of weakness in precordium extending upwards and downwards. Dyspnoea and suffocation from every rapid movement, with vertigo, and threatened loss of consciousness and a peculiar confusion of head. Pulse small; and weak.
Конечности и позвоночник
Swelling and pain left side of neck. Rheumatic pain between the scapulae. Pain under right scapula.
Rheumatic feeling in right shoulder-joint; goes to left upper arm and around elbow-joint. Fine crawling stitches inside of right deltoid. Pain in shoulders of an elderly lady who had not menstruated for two years; Lob. i. relieved the pain and brought on menstruation. Rheumatic pain in right elbow-joint. Sweat of palms, backs of hands dry and cool; tips of fingers cold.
In the legs, lassitude; acute tearing in tibia, extending to knee-joint; cramps in calf in morning, on waking from a troubled sleep. Inflammatory rheumatism in right knee; with tearing pains in fibula.
Rheumatic feeling in right shoulder-joint; goes to left upper arm and around elbow-joint. Fine crawling stitches inside of right deltoid. Pain in shoulders of an elderly lady who had not menstruated for two years; Lob. i. relieved the pain and brought on menstruation. Rheumatic pain in right elbow-joint. Sweat of palms, backs of hands dry and cool; tips of fingers cold.
In the legs, lassitude; acute tearing in tibia, extending to knee-joint; cramps in calf in morning, on waking from a troubled sleep. Inflammatory rheumatism in right knee; with tearing pains in fibula.
Общие симптомы
Lancinating pains throughout body, extending to ends of fingers and toes; trembling of limbs, likewise of whole body feeling of depression; unusual lassitude; prolonged weakness; exhaustion state of stupefaction; convulsions, sometimes such as to require two men to hold the patient, followed by death; violent convulsive jerkings, followed by death. Other symptoms coming on when a discharge ceases.
Prickling itching of skin all over body. Eruption between fingers, on dorsa of hands and on forearms, vesicular itch-like pustules with tingling itching (Teste). Vesicular eruption on skin.
Pulse: accelerated; frequent and softer than usual; slow, in evening (after a stronger dose). Intermittent fever: commencing at noon, with great paleness and anorexia; quotidian, sometimes every morning at ten o clock; at first violent shivering, alternating with moderate heat until noon, afterwards a predominance of heat, with slight shuddering, until evening; also, copious nocturnal sweat, great thirst by fits (esp. during the shivering), respiration short, anxious, impeded and fainting, with a feeling of constriction in chest, sensation of weakness and of oppression in pit of stomach, and in chest generally; tickling in larynx, with frequent fits of short coughing; violent frontal cephalalgia; anorexia during and after the attack, white tongue, covered with a thick coating on right side, and great weakness. - сoldness of whole body; heat, with tendency to perspire, especially on face; tendency to perspire excessively. Thirst before the chill and through the whole fever; often only before the chill, not during the chill, but again during the heat. Drinking.
Входит в состав
- 120-190₽ Лобелия (ЭДАС)
- 140₽ Бронхотуссит-ГФ
- 315₽ Самбукус-плюс (2 фирмы)
- 315₽ Табакум – плюс (2 фирмы)
- 452-575₽ Бронхалис-хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 489-616₽ Люффель Н (Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH )
- 838-858₽ Тартефедрель н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №42
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №74
- — Биолайн Стоп Смоукин
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