Другие названия и синонимы
hell-o, Helleborus orientalis, морозник восточный гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Helleborus orientalis, Lam. N. O. Ranunculaceae. Tincture of root.
Diarrhoea. Indigestion. Salivation.
Характерные особенности
This was proved by V. Schroff on Lederer, and produced symptoms like those of the other Hellebores. These are peculiar: Accumulation of water in the mouth with clean tongue. вad taste, with clean tongue. Prostration, exhaustion, and disinclination to work; burning in stomach; diarrhoea. The symptoms were by coffee.
Голова, лицо и уши
Heaviness; fulness; headache.
Ротовая полость и горло
Accumulation of water in mouth; with clean tongue. - вad taste with clean tongue.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Loss of appetite. Eructations. Hiccough. Nausea. - вurning, extending from stomach to lower portion of oesophagus. Epigastric region: Feeling of fulness with inclination to vomit; slight burning, afterwards extending to intestines, followed by pressure in stomach.
12, 13. Abdomen and Stool. Frequent rumbling along bowels, in morning on waking, soon followed by four liquid stools in succession. Pain especially in region of left transverse colon.
12, 13. Abdomen and Stool. Frequent rumbling along bowels, in morning on waking, soon followed by four liquid stools in succession. Pain especially in region of left transverse colon.
Мочеполовая система
Urine more profuse and paler than usual.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pulse more frequent, body warmer. Pulse slowed.