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Paullinia pinnata

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Sources: Allen, Clarke, Кларк
  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Nosology
  4. Typical features
  5. Psyche and consciousness
  6. Head, face, and ears
  7. Mouth and throat
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Common symptoms
  14. Skin
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Paullinia pinnata. N. O. Sapindaceae. Tincture of fresh root.


 Cramps. Diarrhoea. Head, pains in. Heart, pain in. Neuralgia.

Typical features

 Paul. p. is less well known than Paullinia sorbilis, better known under its name Guarana (see Vol. I. It was proved by Mure, but I do not know of any clinical experience with the remedy. The predominating pains were lancinating, stitching, and pressing. сonstricting pains as with iron bands or with iron plates. Head, abdomen, and chest furnished the largest number of symptoms. The symptoms were In open air (neck); by friction (pain in right shoulder). There was an unusual longing for coffee-to smell and drink it. Sensation as if the chest opened on drawing a breath.

Psyche and consciousness

 Fear of becoming consumptive. Sad; drowsy; lazy.

Head, face, and ears

 Pain above eyes piercing to brain. Pain with inability to bend head forward. Hammering sensation in left temple; in vertex. Headache as if head were covered with a leaden cap and then struck upon. Great itching and suppuration at back of head.
 Pains in eyebrows intersecting at root of nose. Lancinations in eyes with lachrymation.
 Cutting in cartilage of left ear extending to neck. Heat in ears. Roaring in left ear.

Mouth and throat

 Pain in right teeth. Rough, swollen tongue; it feels thick. Mouth dry; bitter. Profuse saliva.
 Scraping; digging; itching in throat.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Appetite increased; or diminished. Desires coffee and fruit. Nausea on waking. Sensation while talking as if a stone were buried deep in stomach.
 Pain as from tight cord round hypochondria. - вorborygmi. Lancinations: in liver; spleen; umbilicus; groins.
 Constipation. Diarrhoea. - сolic followed by reddish diarrhoeic stool, mixed with slime.

Urogenital system

 Frequent and ineffectual urging to urinate. Ardor urinae.
 Momentary stabbing in ovaries.

Chest organs

 Hoarse voice. Violent cough with inflammation of throat. Dry cough. Yellowish, bitter, difficult, and tenacious expectoration. Short, rapid breathing.
 Oppression. Pressure as from an iron band round waist; with pricking in upper chest,.

Cardiovascular system

 Pain in heart extending to last ribs, 6 - Lancination in praecordial region.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in neck in open air. - вurning all down back. - вruised pain in loins; cannot raise herself after stooping.
 Numbness in shoulders and arms. Pain in wrists. - сramp in left palm.
 Pricking as with innumerable pins in left thigh. Weakness and heaviness of legs. Numbness of feet after going up stairs. Pain under sole when walking,.

Common symptoms

 Staggering gait. Pressive and lancinating pains; as if stone or knife driven into side. Feels bruised all over. Pains in joints.


 Red patches on face and chest. Itching in hands and fingers so that she scratches them raw.


 Sleepless. Sleep restless. Dreams: disgusting; of lepers; of dead people.


 Coldness. Shuddering with drowsiness. Alternate heat and coldness of face. Heat: of face; of soles of feet.

Analogs by action

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