Other names and synonyms
lina.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Linaria vulgaris. Toad-flax. N. O. Scrophulariaceae. Tincture of fresh plant.
Diarrhoea. Enuresis. Fainting. Haemorrhoids. Ophthalmia. Tongue, roughness of; prickling on.
Typical features
Linaria has been proved by Müller, Raidl, and others. It produced confusion in the head; thirst, with rough tongue; constriction of the throat; nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea; profuse urination; oppression of the breathing and stitches in the chest. Farrington commends it for cardiac fainting: faints dead away without apparent cause ; and also in enuresis: enuresis with frequent painful urging to urinate causing patient to rise at night. сarleton (H. P., xii. 526) has seen it produce,: fainting feeling three or four times a day; fainted away completely once. сoldness was a prominent feature, and the symptoms were much by taking tea with milk. In domestic practice Linar. has long been used as a lotion for inflamed eyes, and as an application for painful piles. It is said to be purgative and diuretic.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: tea in milk. сompare: Digit. (fainting), and other Scrophulariae. сaust., Eu. purp., Equiset. (enuresis).
Psyche and consciousness
Peevish mind. Indifference. Stupid feeling of indifference, ill-humour, with dull pain in forehead, with heat after the sleep, lasting till midnight.
Head, face, and ears
Confusion of the head with irresistible sleepiness. Pressure in forehead.
Mouth and throat
Dryness of tongue, morning on waking, with thirst for water before rising, water tasted badly, seemed rough, glided unpleasantly over tongue, papillae elevated. - вurning prickling on tongue, extending down into throat, smoking = tickling irritation to cough, could scarcely continue to smoke. Saliva increased, frequent spitting. Taste of blood in mouth.
Sensation of constriction in throat; as if a ball lodged in it which should be swallowed.
Sensation of constriction in throat; as if a ball lodged in it which should be swallowed.
Gastrointestinal tract
Appetite: diminished; lost. Thirst. Eructations: frequent, preceding and following usual stool; of odourless air, afterwards also of water; sweetish; bitter. General sick feeling with sleepiness and sleep for two hours (10 p.m to 12). Vomiting of thin, mucous substances followed by disappearance of all gastric symptoms. Very acute pressure in stomach.
Griping about umbilicus, increasing in intensity from time to time. Rumbling, and in the course of two hours five watery stools with very little pigment. Griping, half an hour afterwards a watery stool.
Burning in anus. Diarrhoea; stools thin; ten watery, bileless stools with much flatus. Very dark-coloured faeces.
Griping about umbilicus, increasing in intensity from time to time. Rumbling, and in the course of two hours five watery stools with very little pigment. Griping, half an hour afterwards a watery stool.
Burning in anus. Diarrhoea; stools thin; ten watery, bileless stools with much flatus. Very dark-coloured faeces.
Urogenital system
Great desire; frequent inclination; quantity increased and frothy. Urine very high-coloured, like dark beer, passed more frequently. Enuresis.
Menses a few days early. Menses which had just ceased returned the same day she took a new dose.
Menses a few days early. Menses which had just ceased returned the same day she took a new dose.
Chest organs
Violent paroxysm of cough, obliged to stand quite still to cough it out and regain breath.
Oppression, making respiration difficult and causing cough. Transient stitches here and there, deep in chest and abdomen.
Oppression, making respiration difficult and causing cough. Transient stitches here and there, deep in chest and abdomen.
Common symptoms
General prostration. Symptoms for short time after drinking tea with milk; severely and persistently.
Itching in throat, chest, and upper back.
Frequent yawning and stretching with feeling of weakness and prostration. Irresistible sleepiness. Sleep forepart of night, quiet and refreshing as if he had slept all night; rest of night sleepless with confused dreams towards morning.
Coldness. Alternations of chills and heat.
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug