Other names and synonyms
luna, Luna light homeopathy.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Moon s Rays. Sugar of milk is exposed on a glass plate to the moon s rays and stirred with a glass rod meanwhile. The sugar of milk so charged is dynamised in the usual way (Fincke). Higgins made a preparation by exposing pure water to the moon s rays for three or four hours in South America and then dynamising the water so charged.
Acidity. Epilepsy. Headache. Inter-menstrual flow. Oedema. Physometra. Somnambulism. Worms.
Typical features
Goullon of Weimar contributed to Zeit. des вerl. Ver. H. A. (translated in Rev. Hom. вelge, January, 1897), a notable article on The Influence of the Moon on the Human Organism, in which he mentions, among other interesting facts, that somnambulism is a lunar effect; that worm affections are most troublesome at the full moon, and that goitre diminishes, more or less, during the waning moon. On this fact is based the following Spongia-Luna treatment, which he calls infallible : сut slices of sponge of the size of a finger. Grill them at a candle flame till they are brittle at the centre but still elastic at the borders. Triturate the whole and put 7 or 8 grams into half a litre (rather less than a pint) of rain-water or river-water. The bottling must be done three days before the new moon. сlose the bottle and put it in a cellar, taking care to shake it once every day. Three days before the full moon the patient commences to take a tablespoonful night and morning. The greater part of the bottle will be finished during the waning moon. Spongia, I may interpolate, is one of the remedies having in open air; by cold-application; by eructations and by passing flatus from vagina.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Aethus., Mag. c.
Psyche and consciousness
Irritability on being spoken to. Wants to be let alone. Mind not clear. Disinclined for mental or physical labour. Sad, depressed. Mental faculties, especially ability to receive, retain, and express ideas, are most powerfully affected by the full rays of the moon in tropical countries; the influences being most felt the day before the full moon.
Head, face, and ears
Slight giddiness, with slight bitter taste left side of tongue, with increased saliva. While reading, sharp pain just above root of nose, followed instantly by pain in left temple, then general headache (15 minutes); pain in left temple returns later (half-hour after third dose); also deep burning, scraping pain in left upper frontal bone, temporarily by eating; later by a walk in open air. Pain in occiput, changing to lame feeling on retiring, and preventing turning in bed with ease. Woke 3 p.m with very severe headache; later drank cup of tea, which was immediately returned, tasting sour. Headache by magnetic passe. Severe frontal headache during menses speedily cured with 1m. Congestion of blood to head with sensation of great fulness, 8 p.m).
Weakness of eyes and feeling of sand.
Sensation of a cold in head. - сoryza, sneezing, and pain in occiput. 4 sensation of heavy cold in head with lachrymation. Discharge of yellowish-green mucus from nose.
(Oedema of face.
Weakness of eyes and feeling of sand.
Sensation of a cold in head. - сoryza, sneezing, and pain in occiput. 4 sensation of heavy cold in head with lachrymation. Discharge of yellowish-green mucus from nose.
(Oedema of face.
Mouth and throat
Bitter taste left side of tongue with increased flow of saliva. Repeated later after eighth dose, with stinging in right eye. Recurred on waking, with faint feeling in stomach. Increased flow of saliva, all day.
Some soreness in throat.
Some soreness in throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
(Is excellent in sour eructations, especially if tasting of ingesta. No appetite; slight nausea. Desires something, she does not know what. Flatulency with burning in stomach. - вurning.
Colic, commencing two inches above umbilicus and seeming to pass directly upward to stomach, causing desire to bend forward. Faint feeling in stomach on awaking and sensation of great distension and slight pain round umbilicus, by eructations. Pain through liver and spleen, 3.
Urgent desire for stool, immediately by passing flatus.
Colic, commencing two inches above umbilicus and seeming to pass directly upward to stomach, causing desire to bend forward. Faint feeling in stomach on awaking and sensation of great distension and slight pain round umbilicus, by eructations. Pain through liver and spleen, 3.
Urgent desire for stool, immediately by passing flatus.
Urogenital system
Urine profuse, clear, and watery, at times darker.
Menses less free, strings of dark blood; colic pain above umbilicus by eructation. Sharp pain left side of vagina, leaving dull aching which seems to extend through left external parts, then grows suddenly sharper, again returning to vagina and passing through to rectum. Sharp pains fly from vagina through abdomen, ceasing in stomach-pit. This pain was later by passing flatus from vagina. - вearing-down sensation. Menses returned two days after ceasing. After returning intense itching of labia majora extending into vagina, bathing with cold water. After a bath, followed by a short nap, woke suddenly with dull, heavy, dragging pains in pelvic region, with urgent desire to urinate, and general restless, languid feeling. - сramp-like pains in pelvic region, as if uterus were being contracted by a strong electric current; at intervals. Excessive increase of menstrual flow, amounting to haemorrhage.
Menses less free, strings of dark blood; colic pain above umbilicus by eructation. Sharp pain left side of vagina, leaving dull aching which seems to extend through left external parts, then grows suddenly sharper, again returning to vagina and passing through to rectum. Sharp pains fly from vagina through abdomen, ceasing in stomach-pit. This pain was later by passing flatus from vagina. - вearing-down sensation. Menses returned two days after ceasing. After returning intense itching of labia majora extending into vagina, bathing with cold water. After a bath, followed by a short nap, woke suddenly with dull, heavy, dragging pains in pelvic region, with urgent desire to urinate, and general restless, languid feeling. - сramp-like pains in pelvic region, as if uterus were being contracted by a strong electric current; at intervals. Excessive increase of menstrual flow, amounting to haemorrhage.
Chest organs
After ascending stairs, a peculiar heating sensation, beginning at lower extremity of sternum and extending outwards, following Somewhat attachment of diaphragm on each side to a point under each arm; at same time warm glow down arms to finger-tips; lost in left (5 minutes).
Cardiovascular system
On retching, peculiar feeling round heart as though it stopped beating, by eructations,.
Limbs and spine
Very severe pain in sacral region, in evening.
Slight rheumatic pains in shoulders, especially left.
Sharp, quick pain in left cervical nerve, intermittent every few seconds. Sharp pain in left great toe. Swollen feeling, and sensation as if tightly bound in right calf and in hypochondria. Pain like growing-pain above left knee, walking. After retiring, aching in bones of lower limbs, with pain in lumbo-sacral region. Great lameness in anterior tibial region from walking. Acrid yellow leucorrhoea through day, with backache and pain in right ovary; great itching, which was not till cold wet cloth applied after retiring.
Slight rheumatic pains in shoulders, especially left.
Sharp, quick pain in left cervical nerve, intermittent every few seconds. Sharp pain in left great toe. Swollen feeling, and sensation as if tightly bound in right calf and in hypochondria. Pain like growing-pain above left knee, walking. After retiring, aching in bones of lower limbs, with pain in lumbo-sacral region. Great lameness in anterior tibial region from walking. Acrid yellow leucorrhoea through day, with backache and pain in right ovary; great itching, which was not till cold wet cloth applied after retiring.
Common symptoms
(Excessive oedema of face, neck, and hands, with neuralgic pains in the swollen parts.
Stinging itching right side of body as if an insect was biting the parts, felt most on foot, leg, and forearm.
Woke 6 p.m with severe chill, after which he had headache; felt sick and weak all day; at night had horrible dreams of death.