Other names and synonyms
senn.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
The leaflets of several species of сassia: с. obovata, Alexandrian Senna, is the principal. N. O. Leguminosae. Trituration or tincture of the dried leaves.
Colic; flatulent, of infants. Exhaustion. Nitrogenous waste. Sleeplessness. Sneezing, with heat.
Typical features
Used as a laxative in ordinary practice, Senna has proved an excellent remedy in the colic of infants, with incarcerated flatulence and sleeplessness. Infantile colic when the patient seems full of wind. The symptoms of the Schema are mostly derived from overdosings. A peculiar symptom is: Repeated sneezing, which caused heat (especially of hands), exhaustion, and panting breathing, Exhaustion is typical of Senna. Farrington says it is one of the best remedies in the materia medica for simple exhaustion with excess of nitrogenous waste. The exhaustion is exemplified in the sinking immediately after meals. The pods caused a nasty unclean smell from the body of a woman taking them for constipation (R. T. с.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Infantile colic and sleeplessness, jal. Exhaustion, K. ca. Sinking after meals, Ars., сin., Lyc., Sil., Stp., Ur. nit., сalc., Iod., Sep., Tab.
Head, face, and ears
Heaviness of the head when stooping, as if it were pressed down.
Repeated sneezing, which caused heat (esp. of hands), exhaustion, and panting breathing.
Livid lips. - сommissurae of lips covered with small burning vesicles.
Repeated sneezing, which caused heat (esp. of hands), exhaustion, and panting breathing.
Livid lips. - сommissurae of lips covered with small burning vesicles.
Gastrointestinal tract
Anorexia. Thirst. Empty, or watery and fetid, risings. Loathing and nausea, with inclination to vomit. Sinking immediately after meals.
Colic, especially in little children. Painful colic from incarcerated flatulence (particularly in young children). Sensation of coldness in the abdomen, with emptiness and uneasiness in the stomach. Accumulation of flatus, with grumbling and fermentation in the abdomen, and discharge of fetid flatus.
Two liquid stools with griping pains. Loose evacuation, with tenesmus, and followed by a burning sensation in the anus. Diarrhoea with straining and prolapsed rectum and sore anus (cured in children. R. T. с.
Colic, especially in little children. Painful colic from incarcerated flatulence (particularly in young children). Sensation of coldness in the abdomen, with emptiness and uneasiness in the stomach. Accumulation of flatus, with grumbling and fermentation in the abdomen, and discharge of fetid flatus.
Two liquid stools with griping pains. Loose evacuation, with tenesmus, and followed by a burning sensation in the anus. Diarrhoea with straining and prolapsed rectum and sore anus (cured in children. R. T. с.
Common symptoms
Universal swelling. Exhaustion. Unclean body swell.
Ebullition of blood, especially at night, disturbing the sleep. Sleeplessness, with cries and tossing, especially in the case of infants.
Heat (esp. of hands).
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug