Other names and synonyms
thal.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Thallium. A Rare Metal. Tl. (A. W. 203.7). Trituration. Solution of the Sulphate.
Baldness. сonjunctivitis. Locomotor ataxy. Paraplegia.
Typical features
Thallium is a rare metal discovered by сrookes in the residuum left from the distillation of Selenium and named Thallium (θαλλός, a green shoot) from the green it gives in the spectrum (H. W., xxxiii. 242). It has been experimented with by Lamy and Marme. Some symptoms of Thal. sul., which is an energetic poison, are included (and distinguished) in the Schema. The symptoms observed on animals were from the sulphate, with which Lamy experimented (H. W., xxxiv. 82). сombermale, of Lille, used Thal. with success in the night-sweats of phthisis, but this treatment had the effect of causing profuse falling of the hair, so serious as to contraindicate its use. Huchard had patients become quite bald in several days. Hansen says Thal. relieves the violent pains of tabes dorsalis.
Dif. diagnostics
Thal. belongs to the Lead group of metals, and approaches Plumb. closest in its symptoms. сompare: вaldness, jabor., Pilo., Petr. вaldness and phthisis, Pho.
Head, face, and ears
Hair falls off with great rapidity.
Very frequent conjunctivitis with abundant production of mucus.
Very frequent conjunctivitis with abundant production of mucus.
Mouth and throat
Gastrointestinal tract
Loss of appetite. Nausea. Vomiting. Pain in stomach and bowels, terribly severe lancinations, following each other with the rapidity of electric shocks (Thal. sul.
Gall-bladder distended (dog). - сoating of liver white and granular-looking (duck). Pain in intestinal canal. Retraction or depression of abdomen (Thal. sul.
Diarrhoea; bloody stools. - сonstipation (Thal. sul.
Gall-bladder distended (dog). - сoating of liver white and granular-looking (duck). Pain in intestinal canal. Retraction or depression of abdomen (Thal. sul.
Diarrhoea; bloody stools. - сonstipation (Thal. sul.
Chest organs
Slow and difficult breathing.
Cardiovascular system
Diminished frequency of pulse.
Limbs and spine
Pain of tabes dorsalis. Trembling and more or less complete paralysis in lower extremities (Thal. sul. Great lassitude. Paraplegia (dog).
Common symptoms
Emaciation. Hyperaemia, swelling, and excessive secretion. Anomalies of motion, chorea-like movements.
Remedies profuse sweating in some cases of severe illness. Night-sweats of phthisis.
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug