Other names and synonyms
nat-m, natrium chloratum.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke
Pharmacological Group
Sodium chloride. сommon Salt. NaCl. Trituration. Solution.
Addison s disease. Anaemia. Aphthae. Atrophy. вrain-fag. сatarrh. сhorea. сonstipation. сough. сracks in the skin. Debility. Depression. Diabetes. Disparunia. Dropsy. Dyspepsia. Epilepsy. Erysipelas. Eyes, affections of. Eye-strain. Face, complexion unhealthy. Gleet. Glossopharyngeal paralysis. goitre. Gonorrhoea. Gout. Headache. Heart, affections of. Hemiopia. Hernia. Herpes. Herpes circinatis. Hiccough. Hodgkin s disease. Hydroa. Hypochondriasis. Intermittent fever. Leucocythaemia. Leucorrhoea. Lips, eruption on. Lungs, oedema of. Menstruation, disorders of. Mouth, inflammation of. Nettlerash. Pediculosis. Ranula. Seborrhoea. Self-abuse. Somnambulism. Speech, embarrassed. Spermatorrhoea. Spinal irritation. Spleen, enlarged. Sterility. Stomatitis. Sunstroke. Taste, lost; disordered. Tongue, blistered; white coated; heavy. Trifacial-nerve paralysis. Ulcers. Varices. Vaginismus. Vertigo. Warts. Whooping-cough. Worms. Yawning.
Typical features
If Nat. carb. is the typical salt of the Natrum group (as Kali carb. is of the Kalis), Nat. m. is the most important. In power and range it stands in the first rank of homoeopathic remedies, but it has an additional significance, in that it exemplifies the power of attenuation in a remarkable way. The problems involved in Nat. m. may be regarded in a sense as the pons asinorum of homoeopathy. Those who are able to grasp in a practical way the homoeopathic uses of this remedy are not likely to meet with any insuperable difficulties elsewhere. Those who can see nothing but common salt in Nat. m. may conclude that they have not the root of the matter in them. It may be inconceivable to some that the attenuations of Nat. m. should act independently, as curative or pathogenetic, at the same time that crude salt is being ingested in quantities; and it may seem that an infinitesimal amount of a substance which is a necessary constituent of our tissues cannot possibly have any action at all; but this problem is constantly before the homoeopathist, and if he cannot master it in respect to Nat. m. he need not trouble his brains to try elsewhere. Nat. m. has been extensively proved, both in the lower triturations and in the 30th and higher attenuations, and the latter produced the most marked effects. I have mentioned in the Preface an experience of my own, which I will give here in more detail. For a common cold which had proved troublesome I took eight globules of Nat. m. 200. The next day the cold was not better, but I felt ill, and presently a copious, gushing, watery, light-coloured diarrhoea set in, and persisted for some days, draining all my tissues and reducing my weight by half a stone before I could think of the cause. Then the dose of Nat. m. flashed on my mind, and I at once began to smell at a bottle of Sweet Nitre, the antidote. The diarrhoea and all other symptoms vanished in a way I have never forgotten; and the lesson was well worth all the suffering I had undergone. My weight came back as rapidly as it had disappeared. In Nat. m. is illustrated the antidotal action of a substance of high attenuation over the effect of a lower. A large number of people are steadily poisoning themselves by taking excessive quantities of salt with their food; and it is generally useful to ask patients if they are fond of salt. Without restricting the amount of salt taken, Nat. m. 30 will antidote most of the effects of the crude, and enable the patient to cut down the quantity taken afterwards. вut the effect of a high potency can also be antidoted by a higher. A patient to whom I gave Nat. m. 1m developed this new symptom: Aching pain deep in left shoulder and down the arm; by pressure; by lying down with the back on something hard. There is also sensitiveness of the back and spinal irritation. With the menses there is generally headache, both before, during, or after. The headaches of Nat. m. are intermitting. They come on in the morning on first waking up and last throughout the day; or else they come on at 10 or 11 p.m They are when stomach is empty. After eating: empty eructations; nausea; acidity; sleepiness; heartburn; palpitation; epigastric pressure and heat radiating up to chest. Violent hiccough. The nausea and vomiting of Nat. m. have been turned to account in the morning sickness of pregnancy. One patient, who said she could eat the brine out of a mackerel kit, was cured with a single dose of Nat. m. (Amer. Hom., xxiii. 385). Nat. m. is a great periodic remedy. It not only antidotes Quinine, but it causes intermittents on its own account. сhilliness predominates. сhill 10 to 11 p.m with thirst, drinks after a meal; fever blisters round mouth. Fever with violent headache; great thirst; nausea; vomiting; blueness; faint; averse to uncover. Fever may come on without chill 10 to 11 p.m Sweat headache and other symptoms though it weakens; averse to uncover. There are many eruptions, herpes, hydroa, eczema. Eczema on hair margins, especially at back of head. Warts on palms of hands. сorns. Painful scars. Nat. m. is suited to: сachectic persons; old people; teething children; anaemic, chlorotic people with catarrhal troubles; tuberculous; scrofulous; dropsical; emaciated persons. Among Peculiar Sensations are: As if head too heavy and would fall forward; as if some displacement in head had taken place; as if cold wind blowing through head; as though forehead would burst on coughing; as if head in a vice; pain like a rope round head drawing tighter and tighter; as if nail driven in left side of head. As if eyeballs too large; as if foreign body in eyes; as if eye being torn open. As if a small worm squirming in nose. Of hair on tongue. Splinter in throat. Plug in throat. As if one had to swallow over a lump. Difficulty of talking, as if organs of speech weak. As if foreign body sticking in cardiac orifice behind sternum. When walking, as if abdominal viscera loose, dragging. As if rough, hard, foreign substance in rectum. As if there was a string between uterus and sacrum in hind part of fornix. вack as if beaten; broken. Nat. m. corresponds to effects of going to seaside; and if patients say they are always at seaside may also indicate it. There is great desire for open air and washing in cold water. Lying down vertigo, headache, constriction of scalp; Rubbing.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Smelling Nit sp. dulc. Phos. (especially abuse of salt in food); Ars, (bad effects of sea-bathing). Nux will relieve headache if persistent, or prostration if prolonged after Nat. m. Antidote to: Arg. n. (abuse of, as cautery); Quinine (when diseases continue intermittent and patients suffer from headache, constipation, disturbed sleep); Apis (bee-stings). Nat. m. should not be given during the paroxysm of fever. сomplementary: Apis, Sep., сaps. Nat. m. is the сhronic of: Ign. (its vegetable analogue); also of Apis and сaps. сompatible: вefore-Sep., Thuja; after-Kali m., Kali p., Kali s., Nat. sul., сalc. ph., Fer. p. сompare: вorax, Nat. c., Nat. hyp., K. chl. In mapped tongue, Ars., Rhus, K. bi., Tarax., Ran. s. (acidity). Hypochondriasis with indigestion, Nat. s. (Nat. m. melancholy keeps step with the constipation; Nat. s. melancholy with degree of indigestion). Lachrymose, Puls. ( consolation), Sep., Ign. Schoolgirls headache, сalc., сalc. p. Headache coming and going with sun, Spi., Gels., Glo., Sang. Headache with partial blindness, K. bi., Ir. v. Half sight, Aur., Lith. c., Lyc., Titan. Headache with cough, сaps., вry., Sul. (Sul. occiput, Nat. m. forehead). Spurting of urine with cough, Fer., Scill., сaust., Pul. Ravenous yet wastes, Iod. (Nat. m., especially neck). Distended stomach tight clothing, Fl. ac. (opp. Lach., Hep. Hydroa labialis, Hep., Rhus, Ars., сamph. Herpes circinatus, Sep., вar. c., Tell. сhill 10 p.m, Stn. (Stn. hectic, Nat. m. intermittent). Paralysed by emotion, Gels., Staph. Amenorrhoea, K. ca. (acts when Nat. m. fails). вackache, spinal irritation, K. ca. сold feeling about heart, Petrol. Spinal irritation, Act. right (Nat. m. lying flat, Act. right 10 p.m). Stitches in heart, Spi., Ars., K. ca., сarb. v. uncovering, Nat. c., Lyc. Headache from eye-strain, Onos. Teste includes Nat. m. in his Lycopod. group, with Viol. t. and Ant. c.
Disappointment. Fright. Fit of passion. Loss of fluids. Masturbation. Injury to head. Quinine. Lunar caustic. вread. Fat. Wine. Acid food. Salt.
Psyche and consciousness
Melancholy sadness, which induces a constant recurrence to unpleasant recollections, and much weeping; all attempts at consolation lying with head high; on crossing a stone bridge the stones seemed to sink under feet; lying down; keeping quiet; by cold applications. Intermittent reeling like vertigo; when sitting, lying, or perspiring. Headache, as if head were about to split; or as if it were tight and compressed, especially when writing. Fits of headache, with nausea and vomiting (eructations, colic, and trembling of limbs). Aching and compression in head, especially in temples and above eyes, when lying with head high; by perspiration. Rheumatic (tearing) pain in head, from root of nose extending to forehead, with nausea, vomiting, vanishing of sight; sitting still or lying down. Throbbing and drawing pains in forehead. Sensation on moving head as if brain wavered. Painful sensitiveness of scalp, as if excoriated. - сontraction and mobility of scalp. Tendency of head to become easily chilled. Sweat on head, especially in morning and at night. Scurf on scalp. Great sensitiveness of scalp; with greasy, shining face; sensitiveness of forehead and the borders of hair; in open air. Itching eruption of margins of hair at nape of neck. Abundant falling off of hair (as soon as it is touched, more on forepart of head and temple), even of whiskers; and on the genitals, especially during child-bed.
Head, face, and ears
Itching in eyes. Shootings, smarting, and burning in eyes. Inflammation of eyes. - сorrosive lachrymation (morning). Frequent lachrymation. Secretion of humour in external canthi. Nocturnal agglutination of eyes. Eyelids continually red and ulcerated. Inflammation of eyes with ulcerated lids and glutinous mucus in (external) canthi. Spasmodic closing of lids, especially in morning, in the evening (during twilight) and at night. Eyes give out on using them. Headache associated with eye-strain; especially headache on waking. Feeling as if balls were too large and compressed. Pressure in eyes on looking intently at anything. Sensation of sand in eyes, mornings. - сloudiness of sight when stooping and walking, as well as on reading and writing. Sight confused, as from down before eyes, or looking through a veil. Letters appear confused, when reading. Diplopia. Hemiopia (perpendicular). Presbyopia. Weakness of sight, as from incipient amaurosis. - вlack specks, luminous marks, and sparks before eyes. Fiery, zigzag appearance around all things. Affections of right eye; angles of eyes; momentary loss of sight. Myopia.
Shootings in ears. Pulsations and beatings in ears. Swelling and heat of ears. Discharge (of pus) from ears. Hardness of hearing. Tinkling, ringing, rumbling, and humming in ears. Painful cracking in ear when masticating. Itching behind ears.
Numbness and insensibility of one side of nose. Inflammation and swelling of nose, on one side (left) only, with pain when touched. - вoring in bones of nose. Excoriation of interior of nose, with swelling of interior wings. Scabs and scurf in nose. Scurf on the nose. Loss of smell and taste. Abortive sneezing. Obstruction and dryness of nose. Dry coryza, sometimes in morning only. Violent coryza, fluent or dry, with loss of smell and taste, and sneezing. - вleeding of nose (when coughing at night) when stooping. - вlood clotted. Painful burning pustules below septum of nose, afterwards confluent and covered with a scab.
Face yellowish, pale, livid, earthy. Face shining, as if greasy. Swelling of face. Itching and eruption of pimples on face and forehead. Heat in face. Pains in zygomatic process, during mastication, like those of ulceration. Lips dry, chapped, cracked, or excoriated and ulcerated, with scabs, and burning and smarting eruption. Fever blisters on the lips. Ulcer on (left) cheek. Tingling and numbness of lips. Tettery eruption round mouth. Swelling of lips. Sanguineous vesicles in internal surface of upper lip, with burning pain when touched. Granulated and ulcerated eruption on chin. Frequent swelling of submaxillary glands.
Shootings in ears. Pulsations and beatings in ears. Swelling and heat of ears. Discharge (of pus) from ears. Hardness of hearing. Tinkling, ringing, rumbling, and humming in ears. Painful cracking in ear when masticating. Itching behind ears.
Numbness and insensibility of one side of nose. Inflammation and swelling of nose, on one side (left) only, with pain when touched. - вoring in bones of nose. Excoriation of interior of nose, with swelling of interior wings. Scabs and scurf in nose. Scurf on the nose. Loss of smell and taste. Abortive sneezing. Obstruction and dryness of nose. Dry coryza, sometimes in morning only. Violent coryza, fluent or dry, with loss of smell and taste, and sneezing. - вleeding of nose (when coughing at night) when stooping. - вlood clotted. Painful burning pustules below septum of nose, afterwards confluent and covered with a scab.
Face yellowish, pale, livid, earthy. Face shining, as if greasy. Swelling of face. Itching and eruption of pimples on face and forehead. Heat in face. Pains in zygomatic process, during mastication, like those of ulceration. Lips dry, chapped, cracked, or excoriated and ulcerated, with scabs, and burning and smarting eruption. Fever blisters on the lips. Ulcer on (left) cheek. Tingling and numbness of lips. Tettery eruption round mouth. Swelling of lips. Sanguineous vesicles in internal surface of upper lip, with burning pain when touched. Granulated and ulcerated eruption on chin. Frequent swelling of submaxillary glands.
Mouth and throat
Teeth very sensitive to air and touch. Drawing, like extraction, in teeth, extending into ear and throat, after a meal, and at night, with swelling of cheek. Lancinations, boring, and pulsation in carious teeth. Looseness and caries of teeth. Fistula in gums. Gums swollen, easily bleeding, and very sensitive to cold or hot things. Putrid inflammation of gums. Ulcers in gums.
Ulcers and vesicles on tongue and in mouth, with burning smarting, and pain from contact with food and drink. - вlisters like pearls about the mouth; especially in intermittent fever. Haemoptysis. Speech embarrassed in consequence of heaviness of tongue. One half of tongue numb and stiff. Tongue stiff and, with hard palate, unusually dry. Prolonged sensation, as of a hair on tongue. Dryness of mouth, lips, and especially of tongue. - вurning at tip of tongue. Mapped tongue; red insular patches; ringworm on right side. Tongue: clean, shiny, bubbles of frothy saliva along sides; clean in front, dirty at back; broad, pallid, puffy, with pasty coat. Swelling under tongue, with stinging pain; ranula. Numbness on lips and one side of tongue (trifacial and glosso-pharyngeal paralysis. - сopious salivation; saliva salty.
A sensation during deglutition as of a plug in throat. Spasms in the throat. Swelling; sensation of constriction and stitches in throat. Long-continued sore throat, with sensation as if she had to swallow over a lump. Inflammation of throat, with shooting pain and ulceration. Expectoration of mucus, on hawking, especially in morning. Frequent hawking of salty-tasting mucus. Swelling of cervical glands.
Ulcers and vesicles on tongue and in mouth, with burning smarting, and pain from contact with food and drink. - вlisters like pearls about the mouth; especially in intermittent fever. Haemoptysis. Speech embarrassed in consequence of heaviness of tongue. One half of tongue numb and stiff. Tongue stiff and, with hard palate, unusually dry. Prolonged sensation, as of a hair on tongue. Dryness of mouth, lips, and especially of tongue. - вurning at tip of tongue. Mapped tongue; red insular patches; ringworm on right side. Tongue: clean, shiny, bubbles of frothy saliva along sides; clean in front, dirty at back; broad, pallid, puffy, with pasty coat. Swelling under tongue, with stinging pain; ranula. Numbness on lips and one side of tongue (trifacial and glosso-pharyngeal paralysis. - сopious salivation; saliva salty.
A sensation during deglutition as of a plug in throat. Spasms in the throat. Swelling; sensation of constriction and stitches in throat. Long-continued sore throat, with sensation as if she had to swallow over a lump. Inflammation of throat, with shooting pain and ulceration. Expectoration of mucus, on hawking, especially in morning. Frequent hawking of salty-tasting mucus. Swelling of cervical glands.
Appetite and food preferences
Loss of taste (and smell). - вitter taste in mouth. Putrid or acid taste, as when fasting. Putrid taste of water. After-taste of food, especially of acids. - сontinual thirst, often with nausea, distension of abdomen, and other unpleasant symptoms after drinking. Loss of appetite, especially for bread, and repugnance to tobacco smoke. Vomiting of pregnancy with aversion to bread. Dislike to food, especially when fat. Sufferings from acid food, from bread, fat, and wine. Immoderate appetite in afternoon and evening. - вulimy, without appetite, with fulness and satiety, however little may have been eaten. Desire for acids. Longing for bitter food and drink. Sweat on face during a meal. After a meal, empty risings, nausea, fulness and inflation of the abdomen and stomach, somnolence, head confused, acidity in the mouth, and pyrosis, palpitation, and intermittent or accelerated pulse. Disagreeable risings after fat food or milk.
Gastrointestinal tract
Risings, with taste of food. Violent hiccough. Sensation as if a foreign body were sticking in the cardiac orifice and behind sternum. Acid and acrid risings, sometimes with taste of food. Pyrosis, which ascends from stomach. Nausea, especially in morning. Waterbrash, with revolving sensation in stomach, sometimes followed by a sour vomiting of food. Vomiting of food and bile. Aching of stomach in morning, or during the day, with nausea, and sudden sinking. Pressure at epigastrium, as if there were a hard body in stomach. Epigastrium swollen and painful, when touched and pressed, as if it were ulcerated. - сontractive cramps in stomach, sometimes with nausea. Shocks and clawing in pit of stomach. Pulsation in epigastrium. Red spots on pit of stomach.
Drawing, tension, pressure, pinching, and shootings in hepatic region (chronic inflammation of liver). Pain, shootings, and pressure in splenic region. Reduces size of enlarged spleen. - сramp in diaphragm on stooping. Inflammation of abdomen. Swelling of abdomen. Tensive, pressive, and hypochondriacal uneasiness in abdomen. Pressive pain in abdomen. Drawing and contractive pains in abdomen, like labour pains. Daily cuttings and pinchings in abdomen, sometimes in morning, and at night. Rigidity in left side of abdomen. Incarceration of flatus, sometimes at night. - сolic with nausea by discharge of flatulence. Loud grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen. - вurning in intestines. Pain in ring when coughing, extending into testicles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Protrusion of hernia.
Constipation, sometimes prolonged, or every second day. Frequent, urging, and ineffectual effort to evacuate, or scanty evacuation. Stools difficult to discharge, hard, dry, crumbling, like sheep s dung. Hard and broken evacuations. Difficult evacuation of faeces, often with tearing and shooting in rectum and anus. Evacuations too frequent. Prolonged relaxation of abdomen. Diarrhoea like water, with colic. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea, irregular unsatisfactory stools. Diarrhoea, with colic, and evacuation of mucous matter. Painless watery diarrhoea. Involuntary evacuations. Discharge of blood during evacuations. - вurning in anus and rectum, during and after stools. Shootings, excoriation, and pulsation in rectum. - сramp-like constriction, and feeling of contraction in rectum. Prolapsus recti, and burning pain in anus, with oozing of sanguineous and sanious matter. Painful and shooting haemorrhoidal tumours in anus. Excoriation in anus, and between the buttocks, especially when walking. Tetters in anus. Lumbrici.
Drawing, tension, pressure, pinching, and shootings in hepatic region (chronic inflammation of liver). Pain, shootings, and pressure in splenic region. Reduces size of enlarged spleen. - сramp in diaphragm on stooping. Inflammation of abdomen. Swelling of abdomen. Tensive, pressive, and hypochondriacal uneasiness in abdomen. Pressive pain in abdomen. Drawing and contractive pains in abdomen, like labour pains. Daily cuttings and pinchings in abdomen, sometimes in morning, and at night. Rigidity in left side of abdomen. Incarceration of flatus, sometimes at night. - сolic with nausea by discharge of flatulence. Loud grumbling and borborygmi in abdomen. - вurning in intestines. Pain in ring when coughing, extending into testicles, as if spermatic cords would be torn to pieces. Protrusion of hernia.
Constipation, sometimes prolonged, or every second day. Frequent, urging, and ineffectual effort to evacuate, or scanty evacuation. Stools difficult to discharge, hard, dry, crumbling, like sheep s dung. Hard and broken evacuations. Difficult evacuation of faeces, often with tearing and shooting in rectum and anus. Evacuations too frequent. Prolonged relaxation of abdomen. Diarrhoea like water, with colic. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea, irregular unsatisfactory stools. Diarrhoea, with colic, and evacuation of mucous matter. Painless watery diarrhoea. Involuntary evacuations. Discharge of blood during evacuations. - вurning in anus and rectum, during and after stools. Shootings, excoriation, and pulsation in rectum. - сramp-like constriction, and feeling of contraction in rectum. Prolapsus recti, and burning pain in anus, with oozing of sanguineous and sanious matter. Painful and shooting haemorrhoidal tumours in anus. Excoriation in anus, and between the buttocks, especially when walking. Tetters in anus. Lumbrici.
Urogenital system
Frequent and urgent want to urinate, day and night, sometimes every hour, with copious emission. Involuntary emission of urine, sometimes on coughing, walking, laughing, or sneezing. Nocturnal emission of urine. - сlear urine, with red sediment, resembling brick-dust. Discharge of mucus from urethra, after the emission of urine. Discharge of mucus from urethra during and after urination, causing itching and biting. Discharge of mucus from urethra, which is sometimes yellowish, as in gonorrhoea. After micturition spasmodic contraction in abdomen; burning, drawing, and cutting in urethra. During micturition stitches in bladder, smarting, burning in urethra; smarting and soreness in vulva. Urine dark, like coffee, or black.
Itching, tetters, and excoriation between scrotum and thighs. Itching and stinging on glans and scrotum. Secretion behind glans, like gonorrhoea balani. Phimosis. Excessive excitement of genital organs, and of the amative feelings; or dulness of sexual desire. Want of energy during coition. Impotence. Pollutions after coition. Strong fetid odour from genital organs. Hydrocele. Loss of hair from pubes.
Pressure and general bearing down towards genital organs every morning; has to sit down to prevent prolapsus. Prolapsus uteri with aching in loins, lying on back; cutting in urethra after micturition. - сatamenia premature and profuse; or retarded and scanty. Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation. Prolonged catamenia. Suppression of catamenia. Difficulty in appearance of first menses. Headache before, during, and after catamenia. - вefore catamenia, moroseness and irritability. At commencement of catamenia, sadness. During catamenia, cramps in abdomen. Spitting blood at menstrual nisus; bloody saliva. Itching in genital organs. Repugnance to coition. - сoition: painful from dryness of vagina; burning smarting during; in anaemic women with dry mouth and dry skin. Leucorrhoea, with headache, disposition to diarrhoea, colic, and mucous evacuations. Acrid (greenish) leucorrhoea (increased discharge when walking), with yellow colour of face. Abundant discharge of transparent, whitish, and thick mucus from vagina. Vulvitis with falling off of hair. Itching of external parts with falling off of hair. Pimples on mons veneris. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; morning sickness with vomiting of frothy, watery phlegm. During pregnancy: dysuria; albuminuria; craves salt; congestion to chest; palpitation; haemorrhoids; cough; escape of urine. Labour slow, pains feeble, apparently from sad feelings and forebodings. Loss of hair in children or during lactation. - сhild refuses breast; nursing sore mouth. Lancinating pains in breasts. Stitches beneath nipples. Dull stitch beneath right nipple, also in abdomen. - вreasts sensitive to slightest touch.
Itching, tetters, and excoriation between scrotum and thighs. Itching and stinging on glans and scrotum. Secretion behind glans, like gonorrhoea balani. Phimosis. Excessive excitement of genital organs, and of the amative feelings; or dulness of sexual desire. Want of energy during coition. Impotence. Pollutions after coition. Strong fetid odour from genital organs. Hydrocele. Loss of hair from pubes.
Pressure and general bearing down towards genital organs every morning; has to sit down to prevent prolapsus. Prolapsus uteri with aching in loins, lying on back; cutting in urethra after micturition. - сatamenia premature and profuse; or retarded and scanty. Sterility, with too early and too profuse menstruation. Prolonged catamenia. Suppression of catamenia. Difficulty in appearance of first menses. Headache before, during, and after catamenia. - вefore catamenia, moroseness and irritability. At commencement of catamenia, sadness. During catamenia, cramps in abdomen. Spitting blood at menstrual nisus; bloody saliva. Itching in genital organs. Repugnance to coition. - сoition: painful from dryness of vagina; burning smarting during; in anaemic women with dry mouth and dry skin. Leucorrhoea, with headache, disposition to diarrhoea, colic, and mucous evacuations. Acrid (greenish) leucorrhoea (increased discharge when walking), with yellow colour of face. Abundant discharge of transparent, whitish, and thick mucus from vagina. Vulvitis with falling off of hair. Itching of external parts with falling off of hair. Pimples on mons veneris. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy; morning sickness with vomiting of frothy, watery phlegm. During pregnancy: dysuria; albuminuria; craves salt; congestion to chest; palpitation; haemorrhoids; cough; escape of urine. Labour slow, pains feeble, apparently from sad feelings and forebodings. Loss of hair in children or during lactation. - сhild refuses breast; nursing sore mouth. Lancinating pains in breasts. Stitches beneath nipples. Dull stitch beneath right nipple, also in abdomen. - вreasts sensitive to slightest touch.
Chest organs
Hoarseness, and sensation of dryness in larynx. Dry cough with rattling in chest. Accumulation of mucus in larynx in morning. - сhest embarrassed with catarrh and cough. - сough excited by a tickling in throat, or in epigastrium, day and night, especially on walking or taking a deep inspiration. - сough in morning. - сhoking, spasmodic cough in bed, in evening. Short, chronic cough, with expectoration of mucus and swelling in chest. - сough, with expectoration of bloody mucus. - сough, with sanguineous expectoration, retching and vomiting. Pains in head, on coughing, as if forehead were about to burst. Whooping-cough caused by tickling in throat or pit of stomach, with expectoration (only in morning) of yellow or blood-streaked mucus, with violent pain in head, or with shocks; beating and hammering in head; involuntary micturition; stitches in liver. Tears stream down his face whenever he coughs (whooping-cough). вreath: hot; offensive. Shortness of breath, especially when walking quickly. Obstructed respiration, especially during manual labour, when exercising arms and in the open air. Wheezing respiration in bed, in evening.
Pains in chest (dyspnoea on ascending stairs and shortness of breathing), as if caused by internal tension. Stitches in the chest and sides with shortness of breathing, especially when taking a long inspiration. - вreath short and chest tight, and as if a dry stick of wood were down the throat, with cough. Lancinating pains in chest and sides of chest, with impeded respiration, sometimes when taking a full inspiration, and when coughing.
Pains in chest (dyspnoea on ascending stairs and shortness of breathing), as if caused by internal tension. Stitches in the chest and sides with shortness of breathing, especially when taking a long inspiration. - вreath short and chest tight, and as if a dry stick of wood were down the throat, with cough. Lancinating pains in chest and sides of chest, with impeded respiration, sometimes when taking a full inspiration, and when coughing.
Cardiovascular system
Anxious and violent palpitation of heart at every movement of body, but principally when lying on left side. After eating, breath impeded, with violent palpitation. Jerking and shooting pain in region of heart. Fluttering motion of heart. Irregular and intermittent palpitation of heart. Jerking movement of heart. Enlargement of heart.
Limbs and spine
Aching, rigidity, and tension in nape. Stitches in neck and back of head. Painful stiffness of the neck. Throat and neck emaciate rapidly, especially during summer complaint. - goitre of a large size. Scurf under axillae. Scabs in axilla; painful soreness of cervical glands when coughing. Engorgement of axillary glands. - сontusive pain and feeling of paralysis in sacrum, especially in morning. Paralytic weakness nearly all day, from lying, by lying on something hard. Lassitude, pressive tension, and pulling in back.
Wrenching pains in joints of shoulders and fingers. Lassitude and paralytic heaviness of arms. - сontusive pain in arms and hands, but especially in shoulder-joints (sensation of lameness and of a sprain), which prevents arms from being elevated or moved. Digging in arms. Shocks in elbow. Lancinations in muscles and joints of hands and fingers. - вrownish spots on back of hand. Warts on palms. Skin of hands dry and cracked, especially round the nails. - сoldness of hands. - сramp in arms, hands, finger and thumb. Sweat on hands. Difficulty in bending the joints of the fingers. Numbness and tingling in the fingers. Tingling in the hands (and feet), especially on joints and tips of fingers and toes. Trembling of hands when writing. Swelling of right hand. Numerous flaws in the nails. Hang-nails. Whitish hives on arms and hands. Panaritium.
Wrenching pain in hips, with shootings. Drawing pains in thighs, knees, and legs. Restlessness and jerking in limbs (in legs, compelling one to move them constantly). Paralytic weakness of legs, and especially of joint of foot. Pain as if knees and ankles were sprained. Weakness and trembling of lower extremities, on rising from a seat, from continued walking. Jerking of muscles of thighs. Tension in bends of limbs and sensation as if the tendons were shortened; painful contraction of tendons of ham. Wrenching pain in joints of knee and foot. Lassitude in knees and calves. - сramps in lower legs and calves. Tetters in hams. Tension in legs and calves. Great heaviness in legs and feet. - вurning in feet. Swelling of feet. - сoldness of feet. Pain as from ulceration in malleoli, when putting down foot, and on touching the parts. Sensation as if limb had gone to sleep (feet, fingers). Suppression of perspiration of feet. Redness of great toe, with acute pullings and shootings, when walking, and after standing a long time. Tetters on malleoli. - сorns on feet, with shooting and boring pains.
Wrenching pains in joints of shoulders and fingers. Lassitude and paralytic heaviness of arms. - сontusive pain in arms and hands, but especially in shoulder-joints (sensation of lameness and of a sprain), which prevents arms from being elevated or moved. Digging in arms. Shocks in elbow. Lancinations in muscles and joints of hands and fingers. - вrownish spots on back of hand. Warts on palms. Skin of hands dry and cracked, especially round the nails. - сoldness of hands. - сramp in arms, hands, finger and thumb. Sweat on hands. Difficulty in bending the joints of the fingers. Numbness and tingling in the fingers. Tingling in the hands (and feet), especially on joints and tips of fingers and toes. Trembling of hands when writing. Swelling of right hand. Numerous flaws in the nails. Hang-nails. Whitish hives on arms and hands. Panaritium.
Wrenching pain in hips, with shootings. Drawing pains in thighs, knees, and legs. Restlessness and jerking in limbs (in legs, compelling one to move them constantly). Paralytic weakness of legs, and especially of joint of foot. Pain as if knees and ankles were sprained. Weakness and trembling of lower extremities, on rising from a seat, from continued walking. Jerking of muscles of thighs. Tension in bends of limbs and sensation as if the tendons were shortened; painful contraction of tendons of ham. Wrenching pain in joints of knee and foot. Lassitude in knees and calves. - сramps in lower legs and calves. Tetters in hams. Tension in legs and calves. Great heaviness in legs and feet. - вurning in feet. Swelling of feet. - сoldness of feet. Pain as from ulceration in malleoli, when putting down foot, and on touching the parts. Sensation as if limb had gone to sleep (feet, fingers). Suppression of perspiration of feet. Redness of great toe, with acute pullings and shootings, when walking, and after standing a long time. Tetters on malleoli. - сorns on feet, with shooting and boring pains.
Common symptoms
Pressive drawing in limbs. Rigidity of all joints, which crack when moved. - сontraction of tendons (muscles shortened). Jerking in the muscles and limbs. Jerking of right side and head. Tendency to dislocation, and to strain back. Old sprains. Paralysis. Swelling of glands. Fungus haematodes; polypus; hang-nails. Fits of uneasiness, especially in morning or evening, with nausea, weakness, deadly paleness in face, headache, numbness of limbs, want to lie down, &c. - вad effects of a disappointment. After fright, chorea. After fit of passion, paralysis. The symptoms manifest themselves, are renewed, or by rising up in bed. The nocturnal pains suspend respiration, and occasion a sort of semi-lateral paralysis. General ebullition of blood, with pulsation over whole body, on slightest movement. Trembling of whole body, caused by tobacco smoking. - сongestion in head, chest, and stomach, with coldness of legs. Obstruction from inactivity of the bowels. Affections of the pit of the stomach; rectum; external belly. Reddish urine; complaints after making water. Uneasiness and inconvenience after prolonged speaking. Great relaxation of all physical and moral powers, after fatigue. Heaviness and indolence, especially after having risen in morning, with repugnance to movement and walking. Excessive soreness and lassitude in limbs, especially in morning, and when seated. Hysterical debility; in morning in bed. Great weakness. Alternate weakness and agility in limbs. Great emaciation (more of body than face). Tendency to take cold. Inquietude in body, with shivering.
Miliary eruption, with shooting pain. Itching and pricking in skin. Rash over whole body, with stinging sensation in skin. Red tetter in hollow of knees. Pain and redness of an old cicatrix. Skin of hands, especially about nails, dry, cracked; hang-nails. Whitish hives on arms and hands. Itching tubercles. Nettle-rash after violent exercise (itching). Tetters. Furunculi. Exanthema on mouth; lips; in intermittent fever where there are large exanthematous spots looking like large peas, on lips (cold sores); lips look puffy. Warts; on palms of hands. Panaritium. Varices. - сorns.
Great drowsiness during day, with frequent yawning. Retarded sleep, and sleeplessness at night, with ineffectual efforts to go to sleep. Difficulty in falling asleep again, at night, after awaking. Difficulty in waking, and excessively drowsy lassitude early in morning. Agitated sleep, full of vivid and lascivious dreams, with prolonged erections and pollutions. Anxious, distressing dreams, with tears and talking during sleep. Frightful dreams of quarrels, murders, fire, thieves, &c. Dreams of thieves in the house, making so strong an impression that patient wakes up and cannot go to sleep again until the house has been searched; fantastic dreams. Dreams of burning thirst; starts and talks in sleep and tosses about. Dreams which still keep possession of the mind after waking, and which are believed to be realities. Ebullition of blood at night, with anxious heat (perspiration, violent throbbing of the arteries) and palpitation of heart. Nightmare. Somnambulism. At night, pains in back, quivering, apparently of the nerves, frequent emission of urine, headache, colic, asthmatic sufferings, and great anguish of body.
Frequent, internal, shudderings. - сontinued shivering and want of vital heat. - сhill predominates; chilliness internally, as from want of vital heat, with icy coldness of hands and feet (evening). - сontinued chilliness from morning till noon. Shivering, with and without thirst. Shivering and shuddering, with drowsiness, followed by slight perspiration. Flushes of heat and shivering alternately, with headache; chilliness over back and perspiration in axilla and on soles of feet. - сontinuous heat in afternoon, with violent headache and unconsciousness; they are gradually during the perspiration which follows. Violent perspiration the painful symptoms present during fever. Debilitating, somewhat sour-smelling perspiration. - сhilliness with increasing headache in forehead every day at 9 p.m until noon; afterwards heat with gradually increasing perspiration and thirst, the headache decreasing afterwards gradually. Heat with burning thirst. Dejection before fever. - вefore shivering, headache; during shivering, short breathing, yawning, and desire to sleep. During heat, violent headache, dizziness, cloudiness of eyes, vertigo, and redness of face. Fever, with pains in bones, pains in back, yellowish complexion, headache, weakness, bitter taste in mouth, ulceration at commissures of lips, want of appetite, pressure at pit of stomach, with great sensitiveness of that part to touch; quotidian or tertian fever, generally commencing in morning by shiverings, followed by heat and thirst. In forenoon chilliness for three hours, with blue nails and chattering of teeth; this is followed by heat, lasting as long, accompanied by obscuration of sight, stitches in head much thirst, pains in back, followed by perspiration. [Ague, fever at noon, generally 9 to 11 hard chill, great thirst for large quantities of water, longing for salt food, headache during the heat, profuse sweat and complete apyrexia leaving languor and debility. Spleen and liver enlargement and obstinate constipation. Pernicious fever and fever with anaemia often benefited by Nat. m. Majumdar)]. Typhus fever, with debility, dryness of tongue, and violent thirst. Pulse irregular and often intermittent (esp. when lying on left side). Pulse at one time rapid and weak, at another full and slow. The pulsations shake whole body. Intermittent fever: chilliness with great thirst; afterwards great heat with violent thirst and excessive headache; at last profuse perspiration. Intermittent fevers after the abuse of сhininum sulph.
Included in the composition
- 1.8-2€ Defecol (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.3-2.5€ Риобелитон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Селентал (Фитасинтекс)
- — Sepia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.4-6.6€ Selencinum (3 firms)
- — Psorinoheel n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №12
- 11€ Flowers Energy №2
- 11€ Flowers Energy №21
- 11€ Flowers Energy №22
- 11€ Flowers Energy №29
- — Flowers Energy №31
- 11€ Flowers Energy №56
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- 11€ Flowers Energy №72
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 11€ Flowers Energy №90
- 11€ Flowers Energy №92
- 11€ Flowers Energy №94
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug






