Other names and synonyms
dol.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
A right-sided medicine, with pronounced liver and skin symptoms. A general intense itching without eruption. Exalted nervous sensibility. Senile pruritus. Haemorrhoidal diathesis.
A right-sided medicine, with pronounced liver and skin symptoms. A general intense itching without eruption. Exalted nervous sensibility. Senile pruritus. Haemorrhoidal diathesis.
Mouth and throat
Pain in throat, worse swallowing, below right angle of jaw, as if splinter were imbedded vertically. Pain in gums prevents sleep.
Gastrointestinal tract
Colic from getting feet wet. сonstipation, with intense itching; bloated abdomen. White stools. Swelling of liver. Haemorrhoids, with burning sensation.
Intense itching, with no swelling or rash; worse across shoulders, also about elbows and knees and hairy parts. Jaundice. Yellow in spots; itching excessively at night. Herpes zoster (Ars).
Worse, at night, scratching, right side.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Rhus; вell; Hep; Nit ac; Fagopyr.
Method of drug use and dosage
Sixth potency. Tincture, drop doses, in haemorrhoids.
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug