Description Source
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannPharmacological Group
Additional facts
(From vol. vi., 2nd edit., 1827.
(This brittle, easily melted, reddish-white metal is dossolved in a sufficient quantity of nitric acid to saturation, the perfectly limpid solution is dropped into a considerable quantity of pure water - from 50 to 100 parts - and well stirred; the precipitated white sediment (oxyde of bismuth), after standing a couple of hours, is freed from the superincumbent fluid by carefully decanting; then, again, as much pure watermixed with a few drops of potash os poured on it, and the sediment well stirred through it. The precipitate, after standing for some hours, is freed from the superincumbent water by decanting, and the sediment is completely dried on blotting-paper, on which other blotting-paper is laid, and weights laid on it, until all moisture is removed. When perfectly dried this is the oxyde of bismuth, one grain of which is triturated for an hour with a hundred grains of milk-sugar in a porcelain mortar, what adheres to the bottom of the mortar beinf frequently scraped up with a bone spatula. Of this hundredfold powder-attenuation one grain is again triturated with a hundred grains of milk-sugar in the same manner for an hour, so that 1/10000th of a grain of oxyde of bismuth is contained in each grain of this powder; a very small portion of a grain of this is the dose employed for homoeopathic use.
The few symptoms recorded below of the pure effects of bismuth on the healthy human body, which I should like to see increased will teach us useful homoeopathic employment of it in important morbid states. Among others they - e.g. Symp. 32 and 53 - show how the commendations of oxyde of bismuth in a kind of stomach-ache and gastralgia, by ODIER сARMINATI, вONNAT, and others, are solely based on homoeopathy, though this was unknown to them, and also that the power of oxyde of bismuth in palpitation, warranted by ODIER, rests only on the peculiar property possessed by this drug, of exciting strong and peculiar palpitation of the heart in the healthy (See Symp. 56); not ot mention other indications for its use.
But as these qualities of our oxyde of bismuth are purely homoeopathic, we see, at the same time, how improperly these and other physicians acted in administering in such cases sucj large doses of it - 1, 2, 6. Up to 12 grains for a dose, two, three, and four times a day - thus, in their ignorance, running the risk of injuring their patients.
As has been said, and the most careful observations prove it, where bismuth is indicated in similar and other cases, a single dose of the smallest possible part of ten-thousandfold attenuation prepared in the manner decribed above fulfils the object perfectly.
(This brittle, easily melted, reddish-white metal is dossolved in a sufficient quantity of nitric acid to saturation, the perfectly limpid solution is dropped into a considerable quantity of pure water - from 50 to 100 parts - and well stirred; the precipitated white sediment (oxyde of bismuth), after standing a couple of hours, is freed from the superincumbent fluid by carefully decanting; then, again, as much pure watermixed with a few drops of potash os poured on it, and the sediment well stirred through it. The precipitate, after standing for some hours, is freed from the superincumbent water by decanting, and the sediment is completely dried on blotting-paper, on which other blotting-paper is laid, and weights laid on it, until all moisture is removed. When perfectly dried this is the oxyde of bismuth, one grain of which is triturated for an hour with a hundred grains of milk-sugar in a porcelain mortar, what adheres to the bottom of the mortar beinf frequently scraped up with a bone spatula. Of this hundredfold powder-attenuation one grain is again triturated with a hundred grains of milk-sugar in the same manner for an hour, so that 1/10000th of a grain of oxyde of bismuth is contained in each grain of this powder; a very small portion of a grain of this is the dose employed for homoeopathic use.
The few symptoms recorded below of the pure effects of bismuth on the healthy human body, which I should like to see increased will teach us useful homoeopathic employment of it in important morbid states. Among others they - e.g. Symp. 32 and 53 - show how the commendations of oxyde of bismuth in a kind of stomach-ache and gastralgia, by ODIER сARMINATI, вONNAT, and others, are solely based on homoeopathy, though this was unknown to them, and also that the power of oxyde of bismuth in palpitation, warranted by ODIER, rests only on the peculiar property possessed by this drug, of exciting strong and peculiar palpitation of the heart in the healthy (See Symp. 56); not ot mention other indications for its use.
But as these qualities of our oxyde of bismuth are purely homoeopathic, we see, at the same time, how improperly these and other physicians acted in administering in such cases sucj large doses of it - 1, 2, 6. Up to 12 grains for a dose, two, three, and four times a day - thus, in their ignorance, running the risk of injuring their patients.
As has been said, and the most careful observations prove it, where bismuth is indicated in similar and other cases, a single dose of the smallest possible part of ten-thousandfold attenuation prepared in the manner decribed above fulfils the object perfectly.
[HAHNEMANN was assisted in this proving by F. HARTMANN, с. T. HERRMANN, с. F. LANGHAMMER.
No symptoms are derived from old-school sources.
The 1st edit. Had only 7 fewer symptoms than are in this 2nd edit.
In the morning, long continued dizziness.
Vertigo; sensation as if the brain whirled round in a circle (after 1 h. [Hrr.
Vertigo. Sensation as if the front half of the brain whirled round in a circle, several times a day, for several minutes a time. [Hrr.
Confusion of the head. [Hrr.
5. The head is extremely heavy (after 1 h. [Hrr.
Violent aching heavy pain in the forehead, especially above the root of the nose and in both temples, when sitting (after 3.1/2 h. [Htn.
Pressure and feeling of weight in the forehead, more severe when moving. [Hrr.
Pressure and feeling of weight in the occiput, more severe when moving. [Hrr.
Hard pressure from within in both temples, unaffected by movement or touching (after 2.1/2 h. [Hrr.
10. Dull, aching drawing in the head, here and there, worse on moving. [Hrr.
Dull aching drawing in the head, here and there.
Obtuse cutting pain in the brain, which commences over the right orbit and extends to the occiput (aft. 3 d. [Hrr.
Boring pain outwards, now in the right, now in the left, frontal protuberance, sometimes in both at once (after 9 h. [Htn.
Tearing pressure in the right temple internally, but more externally, increased by pressing on it. [Hrr.
15. Twitching tearing pain in all the left occiputal bone, more violent close to the parietal bone (after 2.1/2 h. [Htn.
A burning, contractive pain in the head, especially in the forehead and eyes.
A constant digging and boring, as with a blunt instrument, in the forehead, eyes, and nose down to its tip - an alternate contraction and expansion.
Tearing pain in the forehead, over the right internal canthus of the eye and posteriorly in the orbit (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Pressure on the right eye-ball from before backwards and from below upwards (aft. 10 h. [Hrr.
20. Mucus in both canthi (aft. 8.1/2, 10 h. [Lr.
Earthy complexion, blue borders round the eyes; the features are quite disfigured, as if he had been very ill. [Hrr.
Drawing pressure in the external meatus auditorious of the left ear (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the external cartilage of the ear, which went off by pressing on it (after 4 d. [Hrr.
Pressure on the right zygomatic arch regularly at short intervals, unaffected by touch. [Hrr.
25. Gums swollen, with sore pain - the whole of the interior of the mouth is painful as if excoriated.
A drawing aching in the molar teeth, from the back to the front ones, with drawing pain in the cheeks.
In the evening tongue furred white, without heat ot thirst (aft. 7, 12 h. [Lr.
In the morning, taste of blood; the mucus hawked up is tinged with blood.
Metallic sweetish sour taste on the back part of the tongue. [Hrr.
30. In the evening great thirst for cold drinks, without heat (aft. 6, 12 h. [Lr.
Nausea in the stomach, he feels as though he would vomit. Especially severe after a meal. [Hrr.
Pressure in the stomach, felt particularly after a meal. [Hrr.
Loud rumbling in the right side of the abdomen, when standing (after2 h. [Lr.
Rumbling in the hypogastrium, without sensation. [Hrr.
35. Painless rattling in the hypogastrium. [Hrr.
Frequent discharge of flatus. [Hrr.
Discomfort in the hypogastrium with pressure here and there (after 8 h. [Hrr.
Pinching pain in the hypogastrium, here and there (aft. 7 h. [Hrr.
Pinching pressure here and there in the hypogastrium with rumbling and rattling. [Hrr.
40. Pinching pressure in the hypogastrium, and rumbling with urging to stool. Sensation as if he must go to stool. [Hrr.
In the evening straining at stool, without being able to pass anything (after 13 h. [Lr.
He must frequently pass urine, and every time in large quantity; the urine is watery (aft. 12 h. [Hrr.
Aching pain in the right testicle, worse when touched (after 2 h. [Hrr.
At night emission of semen without voluptuous dreams. [Lr.
45. Oppression of the chest.
A hot burning contraction of the chest, so that he can with difficulty breathe and speak.
Cough which disturbs him at night in his sleep, with much expectoration - also as much coughing by day.
Pain in chest and back, a boring and burning.
Fine shooting in the sternum, in its middle, not affected by inspiration or expiration (aft. 8 h. [Htn.
50. Tearing around and near the left nipple (after 2 d. [Hrr.
Pressive pain, sometimes greater, sometimes less, in the right side of the chest, near the sternum, on a small spot, unaffected by inspiration or expiration (after 4 h. [Htn.
Hard pressure near the left nipple inwards towards the strenum. [Hrr.
Squeezing pressive pain in the ergion of the diaophragm, transversely through the chest, when walking (after 2 h. [Htn.
Fine tearing stitches in the region of both nipples (as if superficialy in the lungs and at the same time in the pectoral muscles), sometimes more severe on inspiring and expiring. [Hrr.
55. Pinching stitches in the region of both nipples, unaffected by inspiration and expiration). [Hrr.
Strong beating of the heart. [Hrr.
Obtuse shooting tearing in the region of the last rib. [Hrr.
Intermittent stitches on the last false ribs of the left side, where they Are attached to the spinal vertebrae. [Hrr.
When sitting pain in the left side of the back, as froprolonged stooping (after 8 h. [Lr.
60. Sharp pressure on the upper border of the right scapula and the cavicle. [Hrr.
Tensive pressure on the right side of the neck, near the cervical vertebrae, when moving and when at rest (after 3 h. [Hrr.
Sensation of muscular twitchings in the right side of the neck. [Hrr.
Aching tearing in the right shoulder - joint. [Hrr.
In the anterior muscles of the left upper arm, a contractive spasmodic pain, during complete corporeal rest (after 24 h. [Lr.
65. A (spasmodic) contractive tearing in the muscles of the right arm (after 14 h. [Lr.
Paralytic pressure on the front of the right upper arm. [Hrr.
Hard pressure on the left forearm, more towards the inferior and outer part. [Hrr.
Paralytic tearing pressure on the right forearm, towards the outside, sometimes more above, sometimes more below, which went off on moving and touching. [Hrr.
Paralytic weariness and weakness in the right arm. [Hrr.
70. сutting tearing in the inferior muscles of the right forearm (after 12 h. [Htn.
A vibrating pain in both bones of the left forearm, as if bruised (after 13 h. [Htn.
Paralytic tearing pressure on the right forearm, particularly severe in the bones of the wrist (aft. 1 h. [Hrr.
Tearing in the right wrist bones, which wnet off by movement. [Hrr.
Trembling of the hands, observed when eating.
75. Sensation of weakness in the hand, as if he could not hold the pen, and trembled (after 8 h. [Htn.
Acute tearing pain about the right external protuberance of the wrist extending into the muscles of the hand, worst in the protuberance itself (after 11 h. [Htn.
Violent tearing pain in the bones of the left wrist (after 1.1/2 h.
Tearing in the metacarpal bones of the right fore and middle fingers (Aft. 11 h. [Hrr.
Itching tearing pressure on the inner protuberance of both wrist, which induces scratching. [Hrr.
80. Fine tearing in the proximal joints of the little finger. [Hrr.
Aching tearing in the finger-tips of the right hand, especially under the nails (after 3 d. [Hrr.
Intermittent fine tearing in the ball of the left thumb (after 2 h. [Hrr.
Inetrmittent hard pressure above the left knee-joint, on the lower part of the thigh, towards the outside, unaltered by touching or moving. [Hrr.
85. Drawing from the middle of the calf and front of the left leg, extending down into the foot. [Hrr.
Itching erosion near the tibiae and on the dorsum of both feet, near the ankle-joint, which becomes worse by scratching; he must scratch till the blood comes. [Hrr.
Drawing on the right outer ankle, that went off on moving. [Hrr.
Tearing pain under the right outer ankle, which always ended behind on the tendo Achillis (aft. 9 h. [Hrr.
Aching tearing between the two last metatarsal bones of the left foot close to the toes, whilst sitting (after 10 h. [Htn.
90. Fine tearing in the left heel. [Hrr.
Tearing pain on the right heel, near and on the tendo Achillis (after 5 h. [Hrr.
Aching tearing in the point of the right big toe. [Hrr.
Fine tearing in the proximal phalanges of the left toes. [Hrr.
Exhaustion and relaxation. [Hrr.
95. Whilst working a great desire to sleep overcomes him; he reads but knows not what; he must lie down, when he immediately fell asleep and had confused dreams, in the afternoon. [Hrr.
In the morning, some hours after getting up, extreme drowsiness; but after dinner, when in his healthy days he sometimes had a nap, he could not fall asleep, for several day. [Hrr.
In the evening, during slumber, violent starting, as if he were falling (after 14.1/2 h. [Lr.
At night, frequent waking up out of sleep as from fright. [Lr.
At night, vivid anxious dreams. [Lr.
100. At night, sleep disurbed by voluptuous dreams, without, but oftener with, seminal emissions. [Lr.
He lies on his back at night. [Lr.
At night frequent waking with weariness. [Lr.
Flying heat all over the body, especially on the head and chest, without chilliness either before or afterwards, in the morning soon after rising (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Restless crossness; everything is repugnant to him. At one time he sits, at another he lies, sometimes he walks about, but remains only a very short time in one position, because it immediately becomes dissagreeable to him. [Hrr.
105. Ill-humour all day; he was very quite and would not speak; in the evening more cheerful. [Lr.
He is sullen and discontented with his condition and complains about it.(after 24 h. [Hrr.
He commences first one thing then another, but only remains for a short time at one thing. [Hrr.
Solitude is intolerable to him. [Hrr.
No symptoms are derived from old-school sources.
The 1st edit. Had only 7 fewer symptoms than are in this 2nd edit.
In the morning, long continued dizziness.
Vertigo; sensation as if the brain whirled round in a circle (after 1 h. [Hrr.
Vertigo. Sensation as if the front half of the brain whirled round in a circle, several times a day, for several minutes a time. [Hrr.
Confusion of the head. [Hrr.
5. The head is extremely heavy (after 1 h. [Hrr.
Violent aching heavy pain in the forehead, especially above the root of the nose and in both temples, when sitting (after 3.1/2 h. [Htn.
Pressure and feeling of weight in the forehead, more severe when moving. [Hrr.
Pressure and feeling of weight in the occiput, more severe when moving. [Hrr.
Hard pressure from within in both temples, unaffected by movement or touching (after 2.1/2 h. [Hrr.
10. Dull, aching drawing in the head, here and there, worse on moving. [Hrr.
Dull aching drawing in the head, here and there.
Obtuse cutting pain in the brain, which commences over the right orbit and extends to the occiput (aft. 3 d. [Hrr.
Boring pain outwards, now in the right, now in the left, frontal protuberance, sometimes in both at once (after 9 h. [Htn.
Tearing pressure in the right temple internally, but more externally, increased by pressing on it. [Hrr.
15. Twitching tearing pain in all the left occiputal bone, more violent close to the parietal bone (after 2.1/2 h. [Htn.
A burning, contractive pain in the head, especially in the forehead and eyes.
A constant digging and boring, as with a blunt instrument, in the forehead, eyes, and nose down to its tip - an alternate contraction and expansion.
Tearing pain in the forehead, over the right internal canthus of the eye and posteriorly in the orbit (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Pressure on the right eye-ball from before backwards and from below upwards (aft. 10 h. [Hrr.
20. Mucus in both canthi (aft. 8.1/2, 10 h. [Lr.
Earthy complexion, blue borders round the eyes; the features are quite disfigured, as if he had been very ill. [Hrr.
Drawing pressure in the external meatus auditorious of the left ear (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Tearing pressure in the external cartilage of the ear, which went off by pressing on it (after 4 d. [Hrr.
Pressure on the right zygomatic arch regularly at short intervals, unaffected by touch. [Hrr.
25. Gums swollen, with sore pain - the whole of the interior of the mouth is painful as if excoriated.
A drawing aching in the molar teeth, from the back to the front ones, with drawing pain in the cheeks.
In the evening tongue furred white, without heat ot thirst (aft. 7, 12 h. [Lr.
In the morning, taste of blood; the mucus hawked up is tinged with blood.
Metallic sweetish sour taste on the back part of the tongue. [Hrr.
30. In the evening great thirst for cold drinks, without heat (aft. 6, 12 h. [Lr.
Nausea in the stomach, he feels as though he would vomit. Especially severe after a meal. [Hrr.
Pressure in the stomach, felt particularly after a meal. [Hrr.
Loud rumbling in the right side of the abdomen, when standing (after2 h. [Lr.
Rumbling in the hypogastrium, without sensation. [Hrr.
35. Painless rattling in the hypogastrium. [Hrr.
Frequent discharge of flatus. [Hrr.
Discomfort in the hypogastrium with pressure here and there (after 8 h. [Hrr.
Pinching pain in the hypogastrium, here and there (aft. 7 h. [Hrr.
Pinching pressure here and there in the hypogastrium with rumbling and rattling. [Hrr.
40. Pinching pressure in the hypogastrium, and rumbling with urging to stool. Sensation as if he must go to stool. [Hrr.
In the evening straining at stool, without being able to pass anything (after 13 h. [Lr.
He must frequently pass urine, and every time in large quantity; the urine is watery (aft. 12 h. [Hrr.
Aching pain in the right testicle, worse when touched (after 2 h. [Hrr.
At night emission of semen without voluptuous dreams. [Lr.
45. Oppression of the chest.
A hot burning contraction of the chest, so that he can with difficulty breathe and speak.
Cough which disturbs him at night in his sleep, with much expectoration - also as much coughing by day.
Pain in chest and back, a boring and burning.
Fine shooting in the sternum, in its middle, not affected by inspiration or expiration (aft. 8 h. [Htn.
50. Tearing around and near the left nipple (after 2 d. [Hrr.
Pressive pain, sometimes greater, sometimes less, in the right side of the chest, near the sternum, on a small spot, unaffected by inspiration or expiration (after 4 h. [Htn.
Hard pressure near the left nipple inwards towards the strenum. [Hrr.
Squeezing pressive pain in the ergion of the diaophragm, transversely through the chest, when walking (after 2 h. [Htn.
Fine tearing stitches in the region of both nipples (as if superficialy in the lungs and at the same time in the pectoral muscles), sometimes more severe on inspiring and expiring. [Hrr.
55. Pinching stitches in the region of both nipples, unaffected by inspiration and expiration). [Hrr.
Strong beating of the heart. [Hrr.
Obtuse shooting tearing in the region of the last rib. [Hrr.
Intermittent stitches on the last false ribs of the left side, where they Are attached to the spinal vertebrae. [Hrr.
When sitting pain in the left side of the back, as froprolonged stooping (after 8 h. [Lr.
60. Sharp pressure on the upper border of the right scapula and the cavicle. [Hrr.
Tensive pressure on the right side of the neck, near the cervical vertebrae, when moving and when at rest (after 3 h. [Hrr.
Sensation of muscular twitchings in the right side of the neck. [Hrr.
Aching tearing in the right shoulder - joint. [Hrr.
In the anterior muscles of the left upper arm, a contractive spasmodic pain, during complete corporeal rest (after 24 h. [Lr.
65. A (spasmodic) contractive tearing in the muscles of the right arm (after 14 h. [Lr.
Paralytic pressure on the front of the right upper arm. [Hrr.
Hard pressure on the left forearm, more towards the inferior and outer part. [Hrr.
Paralytic tearing pressure on the right forearm, towards the outside, sometimes more above, sometimes more below, which went off on moving and touching. [Hrr.
Paralytic weariness and weakness in the right arm. [Hrr.
70. сutting tearing in the inferior muscles of the right forearm (after 12 h. [Htn.
A vibrating pain in both bones of the left forearm, as if bruised (after 13 h. [Htn.
Paralytic tearing pressure on the right forearm, particularly severe in the bones of the wrist (aft. 1 h. [Hrr.
Tearing in the right wrist bones, which wnet off by movement. [Hrr.
Trembling of the hands, observed when eating.
75. Sensation of weakness in the hand, as if he could not hold the pen, and trembled (after 8 h. [Htn.
Acute tearing pain about the right external protuberance of the wrist extending into the muscles of the hand, worst in the protuberance itself (after 11 h. [Htn.
Violent tearing pain in the bones of the left wrist (after 1.1/2 h.
Tearing in the metacarpal bones of the right fore and middle fingers (Aft. 11 h. [Hrr.
Itching tearing pressure on the inner protuberance of both wrist, which induces scratching. [Hrr.
80. Fine tearing in the proximal joints of the little finger. [Hrr.
Aching tearing in the finger-tips of the right hand, especially under the nails (after 3 d. [Hrr.
Intermittent fine tearing in the ball of the left thumb (after 2 h. [Hrr.
Inetrmittent hard pressure above the left knee-joint, on the lower part of the thigh, towards the outside, unaltered by touching or moving. [Hrr.
85. Drawing from the middle of the calf and front of the left leg, extending down into the foot. [Hrr.
Itching erosion near the tibiae and on the dorsum of both feet, near the ankle-joint, which becomes worse by scratching; he must scratch till the blood comes. [Hrr.
Drawing on the right outer ankle, that went off on moving. [Hrr.
Tearing pain under the right outer ankle, which always ended behind on the tendo Achillis (aft. 9 h. [Hrr.
Aching tearing between the two last metatarsal bones of the left foot close to the toes, whilst sitting (after 10 h. [Htn.
90. Fine tearing in the left heel. [Hrr.
Tearing pain on the right heel, near and on the tendo Achillis (after 5 h. [Hrr.
Aching tearing in the point of the right big toe. [Hrr.
Fine tearing in the proximal phalanges of the left toes. [Hrr.
Exhaustion and relaxation. [Hrr.
95. Whilst working a great desire to sleep overcomes him; he reads but knows not what; he must lie down, when he immediately fell asleep and had confused dreams, in the afternoon. [Hrr.
In the morning, some hours after getting up, extreme drowsiness; but after dinner, when in his healthy days he sometimes had a nap, he could not fall asleep, for several day. [Hrr.
In the evening, during slumber, violent starting, as if he were falling (after 14.1/2 h. [Lr.
At night, frequent waking up out of sleep as from fright. [Lr.
At night, vivid anxious dreams. [Lr.
100. At night, sleep disurbed by voluptuous dreams, without, but oftener with, seminal emissions. [Lr.
He lies on his back at night. [Lr.
At night frequent waking with weariness. [Lr.
Flying heat all over the body, especially on the head and chest, without chilliness either before or afterwards, in the morning soon after rising (after 24 h. [Hrr.
Restless crossness; everything is repugnant to him. At one time he sits, at another he lies, sometimes he walks about, but remains only a very short time in one position, because it immediately becomes dissagreeable to him. [Hrr.
105. Ill-humour all day; he was very quite and would not speak; in the evening more cheerful. [Lr.
He is sullen and discontented with his condition and complains about it.(after 24 h. [Hrr.
He commences first one thing then another, but only remains for a short time at one thing. [Hrr.
Solitude is intolerable to him. [Hrr.