Other names and synonyms
m-aust.Description Source
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannPharmacological Group
Additional facts
(South pole of the magnet.
Confusion of the head.
An unsteadiness and instability of the mind; the ideas cannot be properly fixed, objects hover only half observed before the senses and are not sufficiently noticed and appreciated, and the judgements and resolves are hesitating, which produces a kind of anxious and restless state of the disposition. Touching metallic zinc brings this derangement of the mental faculties again into order.
Imagination obtuse, memory good. [Hsch].
Giddy in the head, as from intoxication, as if he would stagger and reel when walking; also somewhat giddy when sitting.
5. Rush of blood to the head, without heat.
Heaviness of the head and fine formication or digging in it.
A fine digging and formication in the brain combined with heaviness of the head.
Headache; at the top of the head or in both temples, an aching (a lively, violent pain) like catarrh, which is bad when sitting upright, and worst on shaking the had and thinking, slighter when walking, but more alleviated and almost going off when stooping forwards and bending backwards (in the first hours). [Stf.
Headache in the occiput, which is worst in the room, but goes off in the open air (in the first house). [Stf.
10. Formication on the left side of the head towards the upper part. [Kr.
Heaviness in the upper part of the head. [Hsch.
At the top of the head in the crown, a creeping as if something ran about there, and somewhat like tearing.
Shocks in both temples.
In the right side of the forehead, a pain compounded of tearing and beating (after ¼ h.
15. Superiorly over the temple, a couple of shocks combined with tearing pain.
Headache: tearing pain behind the left ear. [Fz.
Tearing on a small spot of the left temple.
A drawing tearing pain in the left side of the brain, which resembles a slow burning stitch (after 3 h.
An aching here and there in the occiput.
20. In front in the middle of the forehead, a creeping mingled with stitches, in the evening (after 8 h.
A transient obtuse shooting pain in the left side of the forehead (after 20 h.
A sharp-pointed, outward-pressing pain in the left side of the head, a continued stitch combined with pressure (after 2 h. (relieved by the north pole).
Headache all over the brain, simple and tensive pain, which came on when walking in the open air, and soon went off in the room.
(Headache, in the evening just before going to sleep, with dry heat in the hands.
25. At night when lying, throbbing in the right side of the head like a pulse.
Twitching in the head.
A spasmodic contractive headache in the region between the eyebrows.
Externally on the hairy scalp, a place which pains as if bruised, still more painful when touched.
The skin of the forehead is as if dried. [Kr.
30. A tension in the affected side of the face. On touching the south pole with the tip of the tongue.
(A glandular lump in the nape inflames quickly, the skin round it pained as if sore, and could not bear the slightest touch.
The skin in the region around the eyes pains as if sore. [Kr.
Slow burning stitch in the border of the eyelid (after 2 h.
When held to the weak eye (slight and short coldness in the eye, but) severe itching in the eyelids. WEBER, l. c.
35. Watering of the (touched) eye.
In the eye, a throbbing and itching. WEBER, l. c.
Weeping of the eyes.
Watery eyes occasionally.
In the morning the eyes are gummed up, [WEBER, l. c.
40. In the morning and evening sore pain, especially in the outer canthus of the eye and on moving the eyelids, as if a hair lay in the eye; a kind of inflammation of the border of the eyelids (after 16, 24 h.
A painful sore dryness of the eyelids, felt especially when moving them, chiefly in the evening and morning.
Swelling of a Meibomian gland on the border of the left lower eyelid (in the morning) as if a stye would come, the pain is only aching.
Smarting in the inner canthi (in the morning) (after 48 h.
Aching in the eye for a minute.
45. In the left eye, an aching and obtuse shooting.
Pricking in the left eye like a prick of a needle (after 4 h.
Spasmodic contraction of one eye in the morning.
Defect of vision; objects appear dim, then also double.
(The south pole applied to the nape). DE HARSU, l. c., p. 133.
First faint-like obnubilation, with inclination to sit down; objects are as if veiled, afterwards the objects become more distinct and clearer (than they are in the normal state); at the same time an ecstatic frame of mind. [Stf.
50. Vivacity in the eyes. [Hsch.
Pupils at first more easily dilatable and more difficult to contract. [Stf.
Flying heat in the face. [Stf.
The face (and the rest of the body) feels as if a cold air played on it, in the room. [Hsch.
An almost painless drawing behind the ear up into the head, almost uninterruptedly (after 40 h.
55. Sometimes stitches and ringing in the ear. [Kr.
In the ear a painful jerk as if it would be driven asunder; a kind of ear-ache. [Stf.
Tearing pains in the external and internal cartilages of the ears, extending to the vicinity of the inner auditory cavities.
Roaring in the ears, felt most up on the summit of the head.
Noise in the ears like the flapping of a wing.
60. Roaring before the ear. [Stf.
Sensation as if a cold wind blew on the ears. [Kr.
Sensation as from a warm breath in the external ear. [Stf.
Fanning in the ear in the morning, so that he felt it as far as the forehead, just as if the wind blew.
(Inflammation of the external ear, during which the sulci display sore painful chaps).
65. Ringing in he good ear (after 1 h.
Coarse stitches in the cheek.
On the right side of the neck, under the ear, two little pocks, which are painful. [Kr.
Small pimples in the nap, with itching burning.
Toothache, aggravated by warm drinks.
70. A tearing twitching in the upper jaw towards the eye, in the evening (after 12 h.
(Pain in the gland under the angle of the lower jaw, as if it were swollen.
Eruption on the skin, painful when touched. [Kr.
Under the chin the skin is painful as if excoriated. [Kr.
Single stitches on the left border of the tongue (after 5 h.
75. Heat in the vocal organs, with difficulty of speaking; feeling of swelling of the tongue. DE HARSU, l. c., p. 133.
Obtuse pain with painful stitches in hollow teeth (after 1 h. [Kr.
Sore feeling in the throat during swallowing and when not swallowing (after 3 h. [Kr.
In the morning, though the mouth is clean and he himself perceives no bad smell or taste, there is a nasty, putrid odour from his throat.
Much watery, tasteless saliva. [Stf.
Much watery saliva. [Stf.
80. Much watery saliva collects in the mouth, which runs out when he stoops forward. [Kr.
Copious tasteless, watery saliva, which he seldom spits out (after 3 d. [Stf.
Sometimes sweet metallic, sometimes sour metallic taste, at one time on, at one time another under the tongue, with sensation of coldness as from saltpetre. [Stf.
A scraping scratching feeling in the fauces, with dry sensation in the mouth, without thirst. [Stf.
He loses his taste while eating warm food, it returns, however, after eating (after 3 d. [Stf.
85. Burning in the gullet, a closing up with feeling of heat.
Little appetite, without loathing or altered taste, otherwise feeling well (after 24 h.
Indifference to food, drink and smoking tobacco, they taste well, but he has no desire for them, and he is satiated before partaking of them (after 12-2.1/2 h.
Indifference, bordering on repugnance, to milk, in the morning (after 18 h.
Although he wakes up cheerful in the morning, neither food nor coffee is relished, they have rather a bitter taste.
90. Food has not a bad, but too little taste.
Ravenous hunger, in the middle of the febrile chill.
Ravenous hunger, at noon and in the evening.
Inordinate appetite in the evening (after 10 h.
Absence of hunger (immediately). [Stf.
95. Food is repugnant to him. [Stf.
White wine tastes sharp to him, and after taking a mouthful of it there occurs extreme repugnance to it. [Stf.
Eructation of air only (after 3 d. [Stf.
A single but very violent eructation.
Inclination to vomit in the morning after awaking (after 36 h.
100. Soon after dinner inclination to vomit.
After dinner movements and rumbling in the abdomen, followed by discharge of flatus. [Kr.
Nausea as if in the stomach on bending forwards.
Pain in the stomach, as when a bruised spot is pressed upon; after eating this pain passes gradually into the bowels (after 18 h.
A kind of aching, violent pain in the scrobiculus cordis, from long-continued mental effort (after 6 h.
105. Twitching in the right side (when touched). [Kr.
From the navel to the genitals an agreeable feeling of warmth. [Stf.
A kind of grasping just above the navel.
Loud rumbling in the abdomen.
Disagreeable loud rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen, towards evening (after 8 h.
110. In the morning in bed flatulent colic (after 30 h.0.
Pinching in the abdomen from a draught of air (after 2 d.
Flatulence pushes up under the short ribs; flatulent colic in the hypochondria, in the evening (after 4 h.
After supper colic; in all parts of the bowels sharp pressure here and there, it increases on moving so as to be intolerable, and goes off quickly without discharge of flatus, when a rest (after 4 h.
Flatulent colic at night: portions of flatulence seem to jump painfully from one part to another, which causes a braking disagreeable sensation, or a sore pinching pressure outwards in many places at once, which does not permit of sleep; short, interrupted flatus, which is occasionally discharged with difficulty, gives no relief.
115. Flatulent colic in the morning after rising; the flatulence goes upwards to the diaphragm and causes coarse shooting, but acute pains (after 16 h.
Drawing pain in the right side of the abdomen, so that he could scarcely walk.
Tearing pains in the abdomen excited by (reading? and) walking, allayed by sitting, especially in the epigastrium (in the morning) (after 16 h.
In the evening, just before going to sleep, distended abdomen with colicky pains (after 2 d.
He feels very full in the abdomen during the dyspnoea.
120. In the evening, just before going to sleep, discharge of much flatus (after 3 d.
Discharge of much flatus (after 4 h.
A couple of stitches in the left side of the abdomen.
A continued stitch in the abdomen towards the caecum, which only goes off by lying on the opposite side (after 8 h.
Feeling of dilatation of the left inguinal ring, as if a hernia were protruding; with every cough the part is painfully stretched (after 1 h.
125. Frequent call to stool, during which she feels sick, but she can not evacuate.
(Quick urging to stool, which, however, is evacuated with difficulty.
First cutting in the abdomen, with chilliness, then diarrhoea (after 5 h.
After two day two soft stools.
Evacuation of thin stool with the deceptive sensation of discharge of flatus (after 14 h.
130. сontinued narrowing and constriction of the rectum and anus, so that the smallest quantity of flatus can scarcely pass.
Threads of mucus among the hard faeces.
Itching of a haemorrhoidal lump at the anus (after 6 h.
Whilst walking itching formication externally on the anus.
In the right renal region some large stitches (immediately).
135. A stitch in the pubic arch.
(Aching pain in the pubic arch.
Relaxation of the sphincter muscle of the bladder (immediately).
Incontinence of urine.
The urine drops away involuntary, even when volunatrily urinating there is little inclination in the bladder to evacuate the urine.
140. Increased involuntary, flow of urine)(immediately).
Discharge of much urine, at night and towards morning (after 10, 14 h.
(Frequent discharge of a quantity of pale urine). [Stf.
At midnight he must get up from sleep in order to pass a large quantity or urine.
During micturition smarting pain in the anterior part of the urethra, as if the urine were acrid (after 2 h.
145. A drawing in the spermatic cord.
In the morning when the testicle is hanging down, pain in the spermatic cord, as if it were drawn too strongly and stretched; it is also painful when touched (after 4 h.
Twitching in the spermatic cord.
In the spermatic cord a slow, fine, painful drawing.
Tearing in the spermatic cord.
150. A spasmodic retraction of the testicles at night.
Tearing, choking jerks in the testicles which swell (after 6 h.
Fine itching of the scrotum.
In the penis pains as if several muscular fibres were torn or tugged back.
A red spot like a pimple on the corona glandis, and on the inside of the prepuce, without sensation.
155. The glans penis is red and inflamed, with itching and tension.
(The condyloma bled in drops)(after 48 h.
Increased warmth of the genitals at night.
A formication and tickling in the glans penis; semen seemed to pass without his knowledge.
At night a pollution (in a hemiplegic person, which had not occurred for years) (After this the paralysis increased, the affected limbs felt as if dead. (after 48 h.
160. Pollutions on two successive nights with much talking in sleep.
The first two days great excitement of the genitals to emit semen; after several days the mind obtains the mastery over the sexual desire.
Violently excited sexual desire after the middday siesta (after 4 h.
Impotence: coitus with sufficient sensation and erection; but when the extreme moment should come, the amorous feeling suddenly goes off, the semen is not ejaculated, and the penis falls and becomes again soft (after 36 h.
The menses that had continued their usual time go on for six days longer, but only when moving, not when at rest; there is also always cutting in the abdomen when the blood is discharged. She held the maget by the south poel, but touched it at the same time in the middle. The south pole seems to excite the flow of blood, and particularly metrorrhagia in its primary action, consequently to cure it homoeopathically, the north pole seems to do the reverse.
165. The catamenia, which were expected every day, appeared four hours after touching the south pole, but the discharge was very light coloured and watery.
Heat and burning in the female genitals with many fine stitches (after 3 h.
Sneezing in the morning.
Severe fluent coryza.
Coryza and cough with green mucous expectoration and short breathing.
170. Dry short cough (after 5 h. [Stf.
Several fits of stinking cough, at night during sleep, which do not wake up completely.
Pressure on the chest at the lower part of the sternum, with anxiety and quietness of thought (immediately). [Fz.
Suffocative oppression of the chest. DE HARSU, l. c., p. 134.
Sadness, swelling of the tongue. DE HARSU, l. c., p. 134.
175. Anxiety in the sternum. [Stf.
Oppression of the respiration, transversely across the lower ribs.
A deep respiration, like sighing, and involuntary swallowing at the same time (as is usual with sighing)(immediately).
Shortness of breath in the scrobiculus cordis.
(Frequent attacks of shortness of breath.
180. In the evening, after getting into bed, he can scarcely recover himself from the shortness of breath.
An oppression on the chest as if the breath trembled, and as if the breath drawn into the chest felt cool (immediately).
Pain compounded of aching and drawing on both sides of the sternum at the same time, with an anxiety that will not allow him to remain in any one place, as if he had done something wrong.
Palpitation of the heart 9immediately).
A sharp stitch in the right side of the chest, that takes away his breath.
185. Aching in the left side of the chest, in the afternoon and evening.
Aching pain in the chest, in the afternoon and evening.
In the left side of the chest an obtuse aching during rest and when moving.
Itching shooting in both nipples at the same time (after 24 h.
A creeping in the left pectoral muscles.
190. On the scapula some rapid stitches.
Under the scapula some rapid stitches.
Under the scapula a pure, not quite pointed stitch (immediately).
A heat from the cervical vertebrae through the whole spinal column (after ½ h.
Pinching in the dorsal muscles.
Shivering from thenape down the back. [Stf.
195. Heat in the back.
Erosion and smarting on the back.
An aching and at the same time burning pain in the sacrum (after 6 h.) lasting into the night, during rest and movement.
Dull stitches in the sacrum.
Pain as if dislocated in the juncture of the scrum with the limbar vertebrae, afterwards a bruised pain there.
200. Above the sacrum and among the lumbar vertebrae violent smarting and shooting, which on moving takes away the breath. [Kr.
After rising from a seat he feels stiff in the sacrum, hips and knees.
After night in bed intolerable bruised pain in the biceps muscles of the upper arm on which he does not lie, especially when it is raised upwards and backwards, which goes off immediately when he lies on the painful side (after 32, 36 h.
A crawling done the left arm, like small shocks.
Rumbling and like a gurgling down the left arm (immediately).
205. Rumbling up and down in the veins of both arms alternately, for several hours.
Quick rumbling down the left arm.
In the arms quick painful twitching downwards.
A shooting itching on the upper arm (except the joints) in the evening before and after lying down; in bed he must scratch the parts.
Twitching in the diseased arm (immediately).
120. сold feeling in the left arm, as if ice lay upon it, and yet it was sufficiently warm (immediately). Coldness in the arm that touches the magnet (after several h.
Drawing paralytic pain, in the morning, at first in the left arm on raising it, then in the sacrum when stooping forwards, then in the sacrum when stooping forwards, then in the left hip and also in the muscles of the left thigh and leg on extending the knee (after 16 h.
In the evening great exhaustion in the right arm.
In the arm a sensation of fullness and swelling as if the arteries in it pulsated.
215. The left arm is much heavier than the right, and requires more exertion to raise it; at the same time creeping in the tips of the fingers. [Kr.
Sensation in the arm as if it had gone to sleep. [Kr.
A pain in the arms as if the blood stagnated in the veins, sometimes on one spot, sometimes on another. [Hsch.
Stiffness of the elbow-joint (immediately). [Hsch.
Painful stiffness in the elbow-joint of the arm that touches the magnet (after 8 m.
220. feeling of heaviness in the forearm, or as if it had been over-exerted.
Feeling as if the hand were asleep, during which the veins swell with quickened pulse (immediately). [Fz.
Sensation on the hand like a puff of cold wind. [Stf.
Feeling of coldness in the hands, which, however, were warm to the touch. [Hsch.
Painful drawing in the fingers backwards towards the hand.
225. A drawing in the finger-joints.
Twitching in the fingers touching the magnet (after 4 m.
Pain of the distal thumb-joint, as if dislocated (after 3 h.
A jerk with visible twitching in the left index finger.
The tip of the finger (in contact with the magnet) became as if numb and insensible.
230. сreeping in the finger touching the magnet.
Creeping in the tips of the fingers.
Sensation of heat and twitching in the finger touching the magnet.
A throbbing in the tip of the thumb (immediately).
235. In the root of the anis (the soft part behind them) a pain, as if they would fester, like a throbbing shooting.
A paralytic and bruised pain in the hip-joint, when lying on the painful side (after 32, 36 h.
The thigh and leg go to sleep (in the morning) when sitting which does not readily go off on rising (after 16 h.
An aching drawing in the muscles of the thighs worst when moving.
In the muscles of the thighs an aching drawing.
240. In the evening a paralytic drawing from the middle of the thighs down to the feet.
A shooting itching on the thigh, in the evening, also in bed, he must scratch it.
A shooting twitching in the muscles of the thighs near the perineum.
Pain in the muscles if the thigh when going upstairs.
Sensation of cold in the right thigh.
245. In the outer tendon of the hough a drawing pain.
A pain compounded of shock and twitching in the tendons of the hough, making him cry out, during which the limb is convulsively drawn into a flexed position, most tolerable when at rest, aggravated by movement.
In the tendons of the hough a violent drawing twitching, making him cry out, with a pain in them as if they were beaten; the limb was visibly drawn into a flexed posture, especially when moving.
Confusion of the head.
An unsteadiness and instability of the mind; the ideas cannot be properly fixed, objects hover only half observed before the senses and are not sufficiently noticed and appreciated, and the judgements and resolves are hesitating, which produces a kind of anxious and restless state of the disposition. Touching metallic zinc brings this derangement of the mental faculties again into order.
Imagination obtuse, memory good. [Hsch].
Giddy in the head, as from intoxication, as if he would stagger and reel when walking; also somewhat giddy when sitting.
5. Rush of blood to the head, without heat.
Heaviness of the head and fine formication or digging in it.
A fine digging and formication in the brain combined with heaviness of the head.
Headache; at the top of the head or in both temples, an aching (a lively, violent pain) like catarrh, which is bad when sitting upright, and worst on shaking the had and thinking, slighter when walking, but more alleviated and almost going off when stooping forwards and bending backwards (in the first hours). [Stf.
Headache in the occiput, which is worst in the room, but goes off in the open air (in the first house). [Stf.
10. Formication on the left side of the head towards the upper part. [Kr.
Heaviness in the upper part of the head. [Hsch.
At the top of the head in the crown, a creeping as if something ran about there, and somewhat like tearing.
Shocks in both temples.
In the right side of the forehead, a pain compounded of tearing and beating (after ¼ h.
15. Superiorly over the temple, a couple of shocks combined with tearing pain.
Headache: tearing pain behind the left ear. [Fz.
Tearing on a small spot of the left temple.
A drawing tearing pain in the left side of the brain, which resembles a slow burning stitch (after 3 h.
An aching here and there in the occiput.
20. In front in the middle of the forehead, a creeping mingled with stitches, in the evening (after 8 h.
A transient obtuse shooting pain in the left side of the forehead (after 20 h.
A sharp-pointed, outward-pressing pain in the left side of the head, a continued stitch combined with pressure (after 2 h. (relieved by the north pole).
Headache all over the brain, simple and tensive pain, which came on when walking in the open air, and soon went off in the room.
(Headache, in the evening just before going to sleep, with dry heat in the hands.
25. At night when lying, throbbing in the right side of the head like a pulse.
Twitching in the head.
A spasmodic contractive headache in the region between the eyebrows.
Externally on the hairy scalp, a place which pains as if bruised, still more painful when touched.
The skin of the forehead is as if dried. [Kr.
30. A tension in the affected side of the face. On touching the south pole with the tip of the tongue.
(A glandular lump in the nape inflames quickly, the skin round it pained as if sore, and could not bear the slightest touch.
The skin in the region around the eyes pains as if sore. [Kr.
Slow burning stitch in the border of the eyelid (after 2 h.
When held to the weak eye (slight and short coldness in the eye, but) severe itching in the eyelids. WEBER, l. c.
35. Watering of the (touched) eye.
In the eye, a throbbing and itching. WEBER, l. c.
Weeping of the eyes.
Watery eyes occasionally.
In the morning the eyes are gummed up, [WEBER, l. c.
40. In the morning and evening sore pain, especially in the outer canthus of the eye and on moving the eyelids, as if a hair lay in the eye; a kind of inflammation of the border of the eyelids (after 16, 24 h.
A painful sore dryness of the eyelids, felt especially when moving them, chiefly in the evening and morning.
Swelling of a Meibomian gland on the border of the left lower eyelid (in the morning) as if a stye would come, the pain is only aching.
Smarting in the inner canthi (in the morning) (after 48 h.
Aching in the eye for a minute.
45. In the left eye, an aching and obtuse shooting.
Pricking in the left eye like a prick of a needle (after 4 h.
Spasmodic contraction of one eye in the morning.
Defect of vision; objects appear dim, then also double.
(The south pole applied to the nape). DE HARSU, l. c., p. 133.
First faint-like obnubilation, with inclination to sit down; objects are as if veiled, afterwards the objects become more distinct and clearer (than they are in the normal state); at the same time an ecstatic frame of mind. [Stf.
50. Vivacity in the eyes. [Hsch.
Pupils at first more easily dilatable and more difficult to contract. [Stf.
Flying heat in the face. [Stf.
The face (and the rest of the body) feels as if a cold air played on it, in the room. [Hsch.
An almost painless drawing behind the ear up into the head, almost uninterruptedly (after 40 h.
55. Sometimes stitches and ringing in the ear. [Kr.
In the ear a painful jerk as if it would be driven asunder; a kind of ear-ache. [Stf.
Tearing pains in the external and internal cartilages of the ears, extending to the vicinity of the inner auditory cavities.
Roaring in the ears, felt most up on the summit of the head.
Noise in the ears like the flapping of a wing.
60. Roaring before the ear. [Stf.
Sensation as if a cold wind blew on the ears. [Kr.
Sensation as from a warm breath in the external ear. [Stf.
Fanning in the ear in the morning, so that he felt it as far as the forehead, just as if the wind blew.
(Inflammation of the external ear, during which the sulci display sore painful chaps).
65. Ringing in he good ear (after 1 h.
Coarse stitches in the cheek.
On the right side of the neck, under the ear, two little pocks, which are painful. [Kr.
Small pimples in the nap, with itching burning.
Toothache, aggravated by warm drinks.
70. A tearing twitching in the upper jaw towards the eye, in the evening (after 12 h.
(Pain in the gland under the angle of the lower jaw, as if it were swollen.
Eruption on the skin, painful when touched. [Kr.
Under the chin the skin is painful as if excoriated. [Kr.
Single stitches on the left border of the tongue (after 5 h.
75. Heat in the vocal organs, with difficulty of speaking; feeling of swelling of the tongue. DE HARSU, l. c., p. 133.
Obtuse pain with painful stitches in hollow teeth (after 1 h. [Kr.
Sore feeling in the throat during swallowing and when not swallowing (after 3 h. [Kr.
In the morning, though the mouth is clean and he himself perceives no bad smell or taste, there is a nasty, putrid odour from his throat.
Much watery, tasteless saliva. [Stf.
Much watery saliva. [Stf.
80. Much watery saliva collects in the mouth, which runs out when he stoops forward. [Kr.
Copious tasteless, watery saliva, which he seldom spits out (after 3 d. [Stf.
Sometimes sweet metallic, sometimes sour metallic taste, at one time on, at one time another under the tongue, with sensation of coldness as from saltpetre. [Stf.
A scraping scratching feeling in the fauces, with dry sensation in the mouth, without thirst. [Stf.
He loses his taste while eating warm food, it returns, however, after eating (after 3 d. [Stf.
85. Burning in the gullet, a closing up with feeling of heat.
Little appetite, without loathing or altered taste, otherwise feeling well (after 24 h.
Indifference to food, drink and smoking tobacco, they taste well, but he has no desire for them, and he is satiated before partaking of them (after 12-2.1/2 h.
Indifference, bordering on repugnance, to milk, in the morning (after 18 h.
Although he wakes up cheerful in the morning, neither food nor coffee is relished, they have rather a bitter taste.
90. Food has not a bad, but too little taste.
Ravenous hunger, in the middle of the febrile chill.
Ravenous hunger, at noon and in the evening.
Inordinate appetite in the evening (after 10 h.
Absence of hunger (immediately). [Stf.
95. Food is repugnant to him. [Stf.
White wine tastes sharp to him, and after taking a mouthful of it there occurs extreme repugnance to it. [Stf.
Eructation of air only (after 3 d. [Stf.
A single but very violent eructation.
Inclination to vomit in the morning after awaking (after 36 h.
100. Soon after dinner inclination to vomit.
After dinner movements and rumbling in the abdomen, followed by discharge of flatus. [Kr.
Nausea as if in the stomach on bending forwards.
Pain in the stomach, as when a bruised spot is pressed upon; after eating this pain passes gradually into the bowels (after 18 h.
A kind of aching, violent pain in the scrobiculus cordis, from long-continued mental effort (after 6 h.
105. Twitching in the right side (when touched). [Kr.
From the navel to the genitals an agreeable feeling of warmth. [Stf.
A kind of grasping just above the navel.
Loud rumbling in the abdomen.
Disagreeable loud rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen, towards evening (after 8 h.
110. In the morning in bed flatulent colic (after 30 h.0.
Pinching in the abdomen from a draught of air (after 2 d.
Flatulence pushes up under the short ribs; flatulent colic in the hypochondria, in the evening (after 4 h.
After supper colic; in all parts of the bowels sharp pressure here and there, it increases on moving so as to be intolerable, and goes off quickly without discharge of flatus, when a rest (after 4 h.
Flatulent colic at night: portions of flatulence seem to jump painfully from one part to another, which causes a braking disagreeable sensation, or a sore pinching pressure outwards in many places at once, which does not permit of sleep; short, interrupted flatus, which is occasionally discharged with difficulty, gives no relief.
115. Flatulent colic in the morning after rising; the flatulence goes upwards to the diaphragm and causes coarse shooting, but acute pains (after 16 h.
Drawing pain in the right side of the abdomen, so that he could scarcely walk.
Tearing pains in the abdomen excited by (reading? and) walking, allayed by sitting, especially in the epigastrium (in the morning) (after 16 h.
In the evening, just before going to sleep, distended abdomen with colicky pains (after 2 d.
He feels very full in the abdomen during the dyspnoea.
120. In the evening, just before going to sleep, discharge of much flatus (after 3 d.
Discharge of much flatus (after 4 h.
A couple of stitches in the left side of the abdomen.
A continued stitch in the abdomen towards the caecum, which only goes off by lying on the opposite side (after 8 h.
Feeling of dilatation of the left inguinal ring, as if a hernia were protruding; with every cough the part is painfully stretched (after 1 h.
125. Frequent call to stool, during which she feels sick, but she can not evacuate.
(Quick urging to stool, which, however, is evacuated with difficulty.
First cutting in the abdomen, with chilliness, then diarrhoea (after 5 h.
After two day two soft stools.
Evacuation of thin stool with the deceptive sensation of discharge of flatus (after 14 h.
130. сontinued narrowing and constriction of the rectum and anus, so that the smallest quantity of flatus can scarcely pass.
Threads of mucus among the hard faeces.
Itching of a haemorrhoidal lump at the anus (after 6 h.
Whilst walking itching formication externally on the anus.
In the right renal region some large stitches (immediately).
135. A stitch in the pubic arch.
(Aching pain in the pubic arch.
Relaxation of the sphincter muscle of the bladder (immediately).
Incontinence of urine.
The urine drops away involuntary, even when volunatrily urinating there is little inclination in the bladder to evacuate the urine.
140. Increased involuntary, flow of urine)(immediately).
Discharge of much urine, at night and towards morning (after 10, 14 h.
(Frequent discharge of a quantity of pale urine). [Stf.
At midnight he must get up from sleep in order to pass a large quantity or urine.
During micturition smarting pain in the anterior part of the urethra, as if the urine were acrid (after 2 h.
145. A drawing in the spermatic cord.
In the morning when the testicle is hanging down, pain in the spermatic cord, as if it were drawn too strongly and stretched; it is also painful when touched (after 4 h.
Twitching in the spermatic cord.
In the spermatic cord a slow, fine, painful drawing.
Tearing in the spermatic cord.
150. A spasmodic retraction of the testicles at night.
Tearing, choking jerks in the testicles which swell (after 6 h.
Fine itching of the scrotum.
In the penis pains as if several muscular fibres were torn or tugged back.
A red spot like a pimple on the corona glandis, and on the inside of the prepuce, without sensation.
155. The glans penis is red and inflamed, with itching and tension.
(The condyloma bled in drops)(after 48 h.
Increased warmth of the genitals at night.
A formication and tickling in the glans penis; semen seemed to pass without his knowledge.
At night a pollution (in a hemiplegic person, which had not occurred for years) (After this the paralysis increased, the affected limbs felt as if dead. (after 48 h.
160. Pollutions on two successive nights with much talking in sleep.
The first two days great excitement of the genitals to emit semen; after several days the mind obtains the mastery over the sexual desire.
Violently excited sexual desire after the middday siesta (after 4 h.
Impotence: coitus with sufficient sensation and erection; but when the extreme moment should come, the amorous feeling suddenly goes off, the semen is not ejaculated, and the penis falls and becomes again soft (after 36 h.
The menses that had continued their usual time go on for six days longer, but only when moving, not when at rest; there is also always cutting in the abdomen when the blood is discharged. She held the maget by the south poel, but touched it at the same time in the middle. The south pole seems to excite the flow of blood, and particularly metrorrhagia in its primary action, consequently to cure it homoeopathically, the north pole seems to do the reverse.
165. The catamenia, which were expected every day, appeared four hours after touching the south pole, but the discharge was very light coloured and watery.
Heat and burning in the female genitals with many fine stitches (after 3 h.
Sneezing in the morning.
Severe fluent coryza.
Coryza and cough with green mucous expectoration and short breathing.
170. Dry short cough (after 5 h. [Stf.
Several fits of stinking cough, at night during sleep, which do not wake up completely.
Pressure on the chest at the lower part of the sternum, with anxiety and quietness of thought (immediately). [Fz.
Suffocative oppression of the chest. DE HARSU, l. c., p. 134.
Sadness, swelling of the tongue. DE HARSU, l. c., p. 134.
175. Anxiety in the sternum. [Stf.
Oppression of the respiration, transversely across the lower ribs.
A deep respiration, like sighing, and involuntary swallowing at the same time (as is usual with sighing)(immediately).
Shortness of breath in the scrobiculus cordis.
(Frequent attacks of shortness of breath.
180. In the evening, after getting into bed, he can scarcely recover himself from the shortness of breath.
An oppression on the chest as if the breath trembled, and as if the breath drawn into the chest felt cool (immediately).
Pain compounded of aching and drawing on both sides of the sternum at the same time, with an anxiety that will not allow him to remain in any one place, as if he had done something wrong.
Palpitation of the heart 9immediately).
A sharp stitch in the right side of the chest, that takes away his breath.
185. Aching in the left side of the chest, in the afternoon and evening.
Aching pain in the chest, in the afternoon and evening.
In the left side of the chest an obtuse aching during rest and when moving.
Itching shooting in both nipples at the same time (after 24 h.
A creeping in the left pectoral muscles.
190. On the scapula some rapid stitches.
Under the scapula some rapid stitches.
Under the scapula a pure, not quite pointed stitch (immediately).
A heat from the cervical vertebrae through the whole spinal column (after ½ h.
Pinching in the dorsal muscles.
Shivering from thenape down the back. [Stf.
195. Heat in the back.
Erosion and smarting on the back.
An aching and at the same time burning pain in the sacrum (after 6 h.) lasting into the night, during rest and movement.
Dull stitches in the sacrum.
Pain as if dislocated in the juncture of the scrum with the limbar vertebrae, afterwards a bruised pain there.
200. Above the sacrum and among the lumbar vertebrae violent smarting and shooting, which on moving takes away the breath. [Kr.
After rising from a seat he feels stiff in the sacrum, hips and knees.
After night in bed intolerable bruised pain in the biceps muscles of the upper arm on which he does not lie, especially when it is raised upwards and backwards, which goes off immediately when he lies on the painful side (after 32, 36 h.
A crawling done the left arm, like small shocks.
Rumbling and like a gurgling down the left arm (immediately).
205. Rumbling up and down in the veins of both arms alternately, for several hours.
Quick rumbling down the left arm.
In the arms quick painful twitching downwards.
A shooting itching on the upper arm (except the joints) in the evening before and after lying down; in bed he must scratch the parts.
Twitching in the diseased arm (immediately).
120. сold feeling in the left arm, as if ice lay upon it, and yet it was sufficiently warm (immediately). Coldness in the arm that touches the magnet (after several h.
Drawing paralytic pain, in the morning, at first in the left arm on raising it, then in the sacrum when stooping forwards, then in the sacrum when stooping forwards, then in the left hip and also in the muscles of the left thigh and leg on extending the knee (after 16 h.
In the evening great exhaustion in the right arm.
In the arm a sensation of fullness and swelling as if the arteries in it pulsated.
215. The left arm is much heavier than the right, and requires more exertion to raise it; at the same time creeping in the tips of the fingers. [Kr.
Sensation in the arm as if it had gone to sleep. [Kr.
A pain in the arms as if the blood stagnated in the veins, sometimes on one spot, sometimes on another. [Hsch.
Stiffness of the elbow-joint (immediately). [Hsch.
Painful stiffness in the elbow-joint of the arm that touches the magnet (after 8 m.
220. feeling of heaviness in the forearm, or as if it had been over-exerted.
Feeling as if the hand were asleep, during which the veins swell with quickened pulse (immediately). [Fz.
Sensation on the hand like a puff of cold wind. [Stf.
Feeling of coldness in the hands, which, however, were warm to the touch. [Hsch.
Painful drawing in the fingers backwards towards the hand.
225. A drawing in the finger-joints.
Twitching in the fingers touching the magnet (after 4 m.
Pain of the distal thumb-joint, as if dislocated (after 3 h.
A jerk with visible twitching in the left index finger.
The tip of the finger (in contact with the magnet) became as if numb and insensible.
230. сreeping in the finger touching the magnet.
Creeping in the tips of the fingers.
Sensation of heat and twitching in the finger touching the magnet.
A throbbing in the tip of the thumb (immediately).
235. In the root of the anis (the soft part behind them) a pain, as if they would fester, like a throbbing shooting.
A paralytic and bruised pain in the hip-joint, when lying on the painful side (after 32, 36 h.
The thigh and leg go to sleep (in the morning) when sitting which does not readily go off on rising (after 16 h.
An aching drawing in the muscles of the thighs worst when moving.
In the muscles of the thighs an aching drawing.
240. In the evening a paralytic drawing from the middle of the thighs down to the feet.
A shooting itching on the thigh, in the evening, also in bed, he must scratch it.
A shooting twitching in the muscles of the thighs near the perineum.
Pain in the muscles if the thigh when going upstairs.
Sensation of cold in the right thigh.
245. In the outer tendon of the hough a drawing pain.
A pain compounded of shock and twitching in the tendons of the hough, making him cry out, during which the limb is convulsively drawn into a flexed position, most tolerable when at rest, aggravated by movement.
In the tendons of the hough a violent drawing twitching, making him cry out, with a pain in them as if they were beaten; the limb was visibly drawn into a flexed posture, especially when moving.
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