Other names and synonyms
sarcol-ac.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Is apparently formed in muscle tissue during the stage of muscle exhaustion. Differs from ordinary Lactic acid in its relation to polarized light. It represents a much broader and more profoundly acting drug and its pathogenesis is quite dissimilar from the normal acid. Proved by Wm. в. Griggs, M. D, who found it of great value in the most violent form of Epidemic influenza, especially with violent and retching and greatest prostration, when Arsenic had failed. Spinal neurasthenia, muscular weakness, dyspnoea with myocardial weakness.
Is apparently formed in muscle tissue during the stage of muscle exhaustion. Differs from ordinary Lactic acid in its relation to polarized light. It represents a much broader and more profoundly acting drug and its pathogenesis is quite dissimilar from the normal acid. Proved by Wm. в. Griggs, M. D, who found it of great value in the most violent form of Epidemic influenza, especially with violent and retching and greatest prostration, when Arsenic had failed. Spinal neurasthenia, muscular weakness, dyspnoea with myocardial weakness.
Common symptoms
Tired feeling with muscular prostration, worse any exertion. Sore feeling all over, worse in afternoon. Restless at night. Difficulty in getting to sleep. Tired feeling in morning on getting up.
Mouth and throat
Constriction in pharynx. Sore throat with tightness in naso-pharynx. Tickling in throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea. Uncontrollable vomiting even of water followed by extreme weakness.
Limbs and spine
Tired feeling in back and neck and shoulders. Paralytic weakness. Wrist tires easily from writing. Extreme weakness from climbing stairs. Stiffness of thigh and calves. Arms feel as if no strength in them. сramp in the calves.
Method of drug use and dosage
Sixth to 30th potency. The 15x most marked action (Griggs).
Included in the composition
- 2.3-6.9€ Aflubin (5 firms)
- 8-9.8€ Ubichinon compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 10.7-16.2€ Placenta compositum (2 firms)
- — Ginseng compositum