Other names and synonyms
bomb-pr, Bombyx mori, Silkworm.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
An insect belonging to the class Lepidoptera. Preparation: Tincture of the live caterpillars.
Head, face, and ears
Painful swelling of the lids. Lachrymation.
Stomach and Extremities.
In the morning, swelling of the hands and finger-joints.
Painful swelling of the lids. Lachrymation.
Stomach and Extremities.
In the morning, swelling of the hands and finger-joints.
Skin covered with large red spots, which were soon followed by a general swelling. Doctor с. preserved a nest of the caterpillars in a large glass vial, which was not opened for ten years. At length it was opened in the presence of several persons, all of whom caught the eruption. If a nest of the insects is touched or stirred up, persons within reach of the emanations arising therefrom will be attacked with a papulous eruption, more or less confluent, which will last several days and be attended with violent itching. The arms are covered with hard, large, uneven, areola-formed tubercles, with a red areola, so thick as to leave hardly any space between. Eruption of a wonderful number of linear-formed tubercles over the whole arm, and even over the chest and abdomen; most marked near all the joints. Sensation as if a foreign body were under the skin. Itching of whole body. A severe itching sensation, so that he was compelled to run home for assistance. Itching, evenings, not relieved by anything. Itching of both hands, increasing to a pain.
Skin covered with large red spots, which were soon followed by a general swelling. Doctor с. preserved a nest of the caterpillars in a large glass vial, which was not opened for ten years. At length it was opened in the presence of several persons, all of whom caught the eruption. If a nest of the insects is touched or stirred up, persons within reach of the emanations arising therefrom will be attacked with a papulous eruption, more or less confluent, which will last several days and be attended with violent itching. The arms are covered with hard, large, uneven, areola-formed tubercles, with a red areola, so thick as to leave hardly any space between. Eruption of a wonderful number of linear-formed tubercles over the whole arm, and even over the chest and abdomen; most marked near all the joints. Sensation as if a foreign body were under the skin. Itching of whole body. A severe itching sensation, so that he was compelled to run home for assistance. Itching, evenings, not relieved by anything. Itching of both hands, increasing to a pain.
Frequent waking, nights. Dreams that the arm is being cauterized, and arrows thrust into the muscles.
Burning heat; great desire to scrape the skin. Violent heat of arms and face. Fever, somnolency, and delirium, followed by death.