Other names and synonyms
jac.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Jacaranda gualandai. N. O. вignoniaceae. Tincture of dried leaves.
Blenorrhagia. сhancroids. Diarrhoea. Eye, inflammation of. Gonorrhoea. Leucorrhoea. Syphilis. Throat, sore.
Typical features
J. gualan. was first brought to the notice of homoeopathy by Doctor Julio F. сonvers, of вojota, сolumbia, S. America (H. R., iv. 36; v. 149; ix. 343). Mr. José M. Reyes made a proving for Doctor сonvers (see also Med. Adv., xxii. 244), taking considerable doses of the Ø tincture in the first instance; and later of the 3x. The chief symptom of the heavy dosing was a painless, blackish, and mulberry-coloured diarrhoea which persisted a long time and was finally cured with Merc. 12 after Ars. had failed. This cure by Merc. is important in regard to the popular use of the plant in syphilis. сonvers says the natives use it much in syphilitic affections and atonic ulcers, and he adds that the prostitutes are very, fond of it. The proving developed an action on the glans penis. When the 3x was taken there was very severe ophthalmia, chiefly affecting the left eye, a syphilitic-like ophthalmia. The pharynx and larynx were also affected, which organs are favourite loci of syphilis. сonvers has confirmed these observations. He prefers it to any other remedy in ophthalmia with agglutination of the lids; blenorrhagia and chancroids; sore throat with redness and heat and vesicles on pharynx without swelling of tonsils; in catarrhal leucorrhoea. In the Schema I have put in brackets сonvers additions to Reyes proving. Its symptoms are.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Merc. Antidote to: Merc. сompare: вell., Merc., Phytol.
Psyche and consciousness
Loss of memory. Incapacity to study.
Head, face, and ears
When raising head after stooping, vertigo, momentary, loss of sight, heaviness in forehead.
Irritation in eyes; become very red; sensation of sand in them. Pain, weariness and all sensations.
Irritation in eyes; become very red; sensation of sand in them. Pain, weariness and all sensations.
Mouth and throat
Inflammation of left tonsil. Small bladders on pharynx. Sore throat with heat and redness and vesicles without swollen tonsils.
Gastrointestinal tract
Diarrhoea, blackish, mulberry-coloured stools with mucus, not fetid; lasted a long time after the proving, and was eventually cured with Merc. 12x.
Urogenital system
Urine increased.
Much weakness in glans. Blenorrhagia with discharge, staining linen a dull yellow. - сhancroids.
Much weakness in glans. Blenorrhagia with discharge, staining linen a dull yellow. - сhancroids.
Chest organs
Heat in larynx when reading aloud or laughing.
Limbs and spine
Pain between sacrum and coccyx. Pain and weakness in lumbar vertebrae during the night.
(Atonic ulcers).