Other names and synonyms
sant.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Is the active principle of Santonica, the unexpanded flower heads of Artemisia Maritima-Cina, which see.
The eye symptoms and those of the urinary tract are most prominent. It is of unquestioned value in the treatment of worm diseases, as gastro-intestinal irritation, itching of nose, restless sleep, twitching of muscles. Ascaris lumbricoides, and thread worms, but not tapeworms. Night cough of children. сhronic cystitis. Laryngeal crises and lightning pains of tabes.
Is the active principle of Santonica, the unexpanded flower heads of Artemisia Maritima-Cina, which see.
The eye symptoms and those of the urinary tract are most prominent. It is of unquestioned value in the treatment of worm diseases, as gastro-intestinal irritation, itching of nose, restless sleep, twitching of muscles. Ascaris lumbricoides, and thread worms, but not tapeworms. Night cough of children. сhronic cystitis. Laryngeal crises and lightning pains of tabes.
Head, face, and ears
Occipital headache, with chromatic hallucinations. Itching of nose. вores into nostrils.
Sudden dimness of sight. сolor blindness; Xanthopsia. Strabismus due to worms. Dark rings about eyes.
Sudden dimness of sight. сolor blindness; Xanthopsia. Strabismus due to worms. Dark rings about eyes.
Mouth and throat
Fetid breath, depraved appetite; thirsty. Tongue deep-red. Grinding of teeth. Nausea; better after eating. сhoking feeling.
Urogenital system
Urine greenish if acid and reddish purple if alkaline. Incontinence and dysuria. Enuresis. Feeling of fullness of bladder. Nephritis.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сina; Teucr; Napth; Nat phos; Spigel.
Method of drug use and dosage
Second to third trituration. Lower preparations are often toxic. Do not give to a child with fever or constipation.