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Aurantium homeopathy

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Sources: Clarke, Hering
  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Appetite and food preferences
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Nervous system
  13. Sleep
  14. Fever
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Skin
  17. Patient type and constitution
  18. Dif. diagnostics
  19. Analogs by action

Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Citrus Vulgaris ; Lemon. Aurantiacea.

Psyche and consciousness

 Great excitement ; motions quick, brusque, and performed with uncontrollable zeal.
 Feels drunken and giddy.

Head, face, and ears

 Hemicrania ; right side.
 Pressing headache, now over whole head, now on one part, and forehead.
 Promotes growth of hair.
 Weakness of sight.
 Noises in ears as from bells ringing.
 Aggravated periodical erysipelas.
 Faceache sometimes changes into transient but frequently repeated epileptic-like convulsions of face.
 Neuralgia in face, shooting, gnawing pains, most in temples, especially right side.

Mouth and throat

 Constant toothache.
 Teeth become carious.
 Teeth wear off.
 Taste and Tongue.
 Tongue furred thickly, brown.
 Something seems to rise in throat and choke her.

Appetite and food preferences

 No appetite.
 Great thirst, drinking little at a time.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Nausea and vomiting.
 Smell of oranges always makes her sick.
 Aching and heaviness in region of stomach ; with belching and thirst.
 Left side distended.

Urogenital system

 Pains in kidneys and bladder.
 Too copious menses.
 Painful menstruation (tincture of seed of lemons).

Chest organs

 Oppression of chest.
 Sensation in upper part of breast bone as if suffocating.
 Constriction in throat.

Cardiovascular system


Limbs and spine

 Pressure upon shoulders.
 Small blister over whole arms, especially on hands and between fingers.
 General itching but much oftener only on upper limbs with redness and swelling of hands.
 Spasmodic pains in hands.
 Painful joints.
 Trembling of limbs.
 Cold limbs when traveling.
 Stretching and drawing in limbs ; has to stretch and rub hands.

Nervous system

 Trembling all over.
 Restlessness, fidgety.
 Half-sided epileptiform convulsions, especially of face and shoulders.
 The whole muscular system is in a state of irritation, cannot keep in an erect position.


 Constant irresistible gaping.
 Sleep very restless, full of dreams.
 Sudden starting, burning heat, tossing about in bed and sleeplessness.


 Oranges are said to render gastric fevers milder, even when of a typhoid form.
 Right : hemicrania ; neuralgia in temple.
 Left : hypochondrium distended.

Common symptoms

 As if something rose in throat.
 Shooting : in face and temples.
 Gnawing : faceache.
 Drawing : in limbs.
 Aching : in region of stomach.
 Pressing : headache ; upon shoulders.
 Suffocating sensation : in upper part or breast bone.
 Constriction : in throat.
 Spasmodic pains : in hands.
 Undefined pain : in kidneys and bladder ; in joints.
 Heaviness : in region of stomach.
 Itching : on upper limbs.


 Dusky dry skin.
 Red spots appear on different parts of body.
 Children eating plenty of oranges peeled by themselves, get an eruption and other symptoms very similar to scarlatina.

Patient type and constitution

 Diseases of old men, especially with coldness and chilliness.

Dif. diagnostics

 An orange eaten before breakfast is said to destroy desire for alcoholic drinks in drunkards.

Analogs by action

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