Other names and synonyms
ol-sant.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Oil of Sandalwood.
The action in the urinary and sexual spheres is most utilizable, especially in gonorrhoea. It is also a stimulating, disinfectant expectorant. Two or three drops on sugar will frequently relieve the hacking cough, when but little sputum is expectorated.
The action in the urinary and sexual spheres is most utilizable, especially in gonorrhoea. It is also a stimulating, disinfectant expectorant. Two or three drops on sugar will frequently relieve the hacking cough, when but little sputum is expectorated.
Additional facts
Painful erections; swelling of the prepuce. Thick, yellowish, muco-purulent discharge. Deep pain in perineum.
Urogenital system
Frequent, burning, smarting swelling, and redness of meatus. Stream small and slow. Acute aching in kidney region. Sensation of a ball pressing against the urethra; worse, standing. Gleet, with profuse, thick discharge; chronic cystitis.
Method of drug use and dosage
Two to ten m in capsules.