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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Bronchogenic cystWilliams-Campbell syndrome
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 26%(0)100%(0)
ECG 81%(0)12%(0)
Chest radiography 11%(0)61%(0)
Spermogram 53%(1)
Endoscopy 21%(0)16%(0)
Radiography of the area 19%(0)11%(0)
CT of the organ 17%(0)11%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 61%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 33%
to breathe hard 61%
bronchiectatic disease 28%
shortness of breath 50%
obstructive bronchitis in children 20%
insomnia anxiety 47%
exhalation is difficult 18%
terrible dreams 46%
wheezing medium bubbly 18%
difficulty inhaling breathing 45%
lobar emphysema 17%
insomnia from experiences 44%
expectorates phlegm 17%
patient's condition 44%
prolonged exhalation 17%
anxiety 43%
thoracic kyphosis 17%
esophageal cyst 38%
heaviness in the hypochondrium 17%
bronchogenic cyst 38%
strong dry cough 16%
mediastinal cysts 36%
wheezing on exhalation 15%
anxiety 35%
obstructive bronchitis 15%
poor sleep 35%
chest deformity 15%
unspecified mental disorders 34%
hump 15%
cysts in the chest 30%
stooped 15%
pain in the trachea when coughing 28%
tachycardia under tension 15%
dermoid 24%
acute obstructive bronchitis 15%
dermoid cyst 24%
small bubbly wheezes 14%
mediastinal teratoma 23%
bursting pain in the right hypochondrium 14%
pain chest 22%
williams-campbell syndrome 14%
mucus in the bronchi 22%
curvature of the spine 14%
green vomit 22%
acute bronchitis 14%
lung malformations 21%
whistling on exhalation 14%
thymoma 21%
blue skin 14%
obsessive cough 20%
wheezing in the lungs dry 13%
mediastinal tumors 20%
chest spasm 13%
coelomic cyst of the pericardium 19%
heaviness in the right hypochondrium 13%
teratoma 18%
with everything deep dry cough 13%
vomiting mucus 17%
underdevelopment 13%
difficult to swallow 17%
bronchial asthma in children 13%
chest pain when inhaling 17%
bronchitis in children 12%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 17%
abdominal distension a 12%
tracheobronchitis 17%
type of breathing is mixed 12%
cough with purulent sputum 17%
acrocyanosis 12%
pain in the trachea 17%
strong cough 12%
schwannoma 16%
abdominal distension 12%
aspiration pneumonia 16%
wet wheezing 12%
blockade of the legs of the bundle of gis 16%
severe shortness 12%
pain when inhaling 16%
right-sided symptoms 12%
lung cyst 29% 11%
lung rupture 12%
pneumonia vomiting 16%
cough deep 12%
mediastinal cancer 16%
asthmatic bronchitis 12%
pancreatic cyst 16%
periods of exacerbation 12%
extrasystole 16%
fingers - drumsticks 12%
suffocation with cough 16%
a difficult teenager 12%
sinus arrhythmia 16%
bullous emphysema of the lung 12%
pain in the esophagus 16%
tension in the body 11%
tracheitis 16%
shortness of breath constant 11%
dense tumor 15%
bursting 11%
pneumonia in children 15%
falls to the floor 11%
rejection of the chest 15%
collapse 11%
feeling lonely 14%
auscultation weakened 11%
chest pain when coughing 14%
wheezing in the lungs 11%
atelectasis of the lungs 14%
acute pneumonia 11%
compressing pains in the heart 14%
interruptions in the heart 11%
oncology 14%
emphysema 11%
pain in the heart 13%
extended cycle 11%
tumors of the heart 13%
delay in physical development 11%
severe fever 13%
wheezing breathing 11%
chest pain when breathing 13%
pain in the right hypochondrium 11%
cough with shortness 13%
in the morning lethargy 11%
pain in the veins 13%
auscultatively weakened breathing 11%
pain when breathing 12%
effects of overwork 11%
early development 12%
chronic obstructive bronchitis 10%
full 12%
ARVI 10%
type of breathing chest 12%
increased appetite 10%
suffocating 12%
joint deformation 10%
conservative 12%
vascular spasm 10%
presses 11%
bronchial asthma 10%
general intoxication syndrome 11%
viral pneumonia 10%
benign neoplasms 11%
rapid growth 10%
surgical infections 11%
Chronical bronchitis 10%
bleeding 10%
blisters 10%
high temperature 10%
general tension 10%
intoxication 10%
nose pulmonary heart 9%
cancer 10%
fatigue 9%
vomiting 10%
hypotension 9%
consequences of operation 10%
lags behind in the development 9%
mucous sputum 22% 10%
fighting 9%
sputum green 22% 12%
frequent colds 9%
there are no complaints 17% 8%
high height 9%
cyanosis 18% 10%
enlarged liver 9%
childhood diseases 14% 8%
spasm 8%
cough 23% 18%
angiopathy 8%
cough wet 15% 11%
up circulatory disorders 8%
radiation damage 8%
skin problems 7%
blood diseases 7%
impaired lung function 14% 18%
palpitations 11% 15%
tachycardia 11% 15%
dryness 11% 14%
bronchitis 12% 14%
pneumonia 11% 12%
dry cough 14% 15%
sputum 22% 22%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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