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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Polio-like diseasesSpinal amyotrophy
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 23%(1)100%(8)
General blood test 59%(8)
General urine test 47%(4)
Elements and vitamins 23%(1)12%(1)
ECG 31%(0)
Coagulogram 19%(2)12%(4)
Spermogram 30%(2)
Coprogram 26%(1)4%(1)
Infection tests 15%(0)11%(0)
CT of the spine 22%(0)
Neurologist's examination 18%(0)
General inspection 18%(0)
MRI of the organ 18%(0)
CT of the organ 17%(0)
Histological studies 17%(0)
Measurements at the reception 17%(0)
MRI of the spine 17%(0)
Radiography of the spine 16%(0)
Orthopedist's examination 15%(0)
Ultrasound of the spine 13%(0)
Radiography of the lumbar spine 12%(0)
Sex hormones 11%(1)
Radiography of the area 11%(0)
Ultrasound of the organ 11%(0)
Examination by an anesthesiologist 11%(0)
Ultrasound of the salivary glands 10%(0)
Ultrasound of the Heart 9%(0)
General and visits 9%(0)
ENT examination 9%(0)
Chest radiography 9%(0)
Radiography of the entire spine 8%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 38%
feeling of helplessness 88%
fasciculations 29%
lazy 69%
hoffmann 's perifolliculitis 28%
polio 58%
bulbospinal amyotrophy of kennedy 26%
irritability 56%
muscle atrophy 26%
weakness in the legs 79% 23%
werdnig-hoffman amyotrophy 24%
ones weakness in the leg muscles 74% 24%
skeletal deformity 23%
no strength 55% 9%
kugelberg-velander amyotrophy 23%
enterovirus infection 44%
joint deformation 22%
viral diarrhea 40%
tremor of the hands 22%
encephalitis st. louis 40%
tremor of the hands 22%
coxsackie 38%
paralysis 20%
adenovirus encephalitis 36%
tremor 20%
adenovirus infection 35%
bone fracture 18%
runny nose with a headache 33%
sluggish baby 18%
leg injury 33%
flaccid paralysis syndrome 18%
compression myelopathy 31%
progressive bulbar paralysis 18%
epidemic encephalitis 30%
weakness in the hip 17%
paretic gait 28%
respiratory insufficiency 17%
better from heat 28%
weakness of the muscles of the hands 17%
leukoencephalitis 27%
cardiac disorder 16%
herpes 27%
переживает за все 16%
viral encephalitis 26%
consequences of taking medications 16%
chair with mucus 26%
misalignment of pelvis 16%
intramedullary tumors of the spinal cord 26%
scoliosis 16%
myelitis 25%
fidgety 16%
massage worse 25%
there is emaciation in the neck 16%
neuritis of the facial nerve 24%
better sitting 15%
facial pain (prosopalgia) 24%
spondylopathy 15%
facial neuralgia 24%
weakness in the extremities 15%
trigeminal neuralgia 24%
apnea 15%
tumors of peripheral nerves 23%
muscular dystrophy 15%
leg weakness walking 33% 8%
osteopenia 15%
infectious mumps 23%
postural tremor 15%
immunoglobulin a deficiency 23%
chest deformity 15%
боль тройничного нерва 23%
injury 15%
decrease in gamma globulins 23%
curvature of the spine 15%
pain in the side 22%
nervousness 14%
neuritis 21%
pneumonia 14%
bruise 21%
it is better from massage 14%
oncology 21%
weak lungs 14%
inflammatory infiltrate 20%
difficult to swallow 14%
acute nasopharyngitis runny 29% 7%
bone deformation 14%
inflammation of the brain 20%
osteoporosis 14%
encephalitis 20%
protein c deficiency 14%
facial pain 20%
fussiness and anxiety 14%
neuralgia 20%
night apnea 14%
brain tumor 19%
paralysis of the lower extremities 13%
painful appearance 19%
hump 13%
polyneuropathy 19%
stooped 13%
rhinopharyngitis 26% 6%
kyphosis scoliosis 13%
radiation therapy 18%
nose nursing mom 13%
dehydration 18%
sits sideways 13%
radiation damage 17%
protein-energy deficiency 13%
cancer 16%
striae 13%
pharyngitis 23% 5%
tremor of the hands and tongue 13%
myelopathy 24% 6%
better from movement 13%
snot in the throat 23% 5%
tics 12%
acute pain 23% 5%
recovery period 12%
headaches 24% 7%
can not recover 12%
paresis 32% 15%
myopathies 12%
acute pain in the joints 22% 5%
crooked legs 12%
pain from the load 19% 4%
larynx atrophy 12%
runny nose 20% 5%
atrophoderma 12%
fever with pain in the head 21% 7%
respiratory arrest in a dream 12%
a new patient 19% 5%
better swallowing 12%
worse from exercise 22% 10%
hip dislocation 12%
there are no complaints 16% 4%
stage of recovery 12%
paresis of legs 23% 11%
family man 12%
high temperature 16% 5%
trembling tongue 12%
pain throughout the body 17% 6%
night work 12%
weakness 31% 20%
cough 11%
weakness in the arms and legs 24% 14%
congenital heart 11%
strong man 17% 7%
type of breathing chest 11%
protein with increased 19% 10%
hearing loss in children 11%
muscle weakness 30% 22%
hypotrophy 11%
surgical infections 17% 9%
obesity 11%
onset of illness 22% 15%
deformities of the limbs 11%
impaired lung function 16% 12%
blood diseases 11%
weakness in the hands 22% 18%
stretching 11%
neurological disorders 23% 19%
a mobile child 11%
constipation 11%
short sleep 11%
dislocations 11%
cardiomyopathy 11%
knee joint contracture 11%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 11%
paresis of the hand 11%
perihepatitis 11%
torsion dystonia 11%
vaccination 11%
hypersalivation 11%
arthropathy 11%
head tilted 11%
pregnancy 11%
of medica matter 11%
terminal states 11%
paranoia 11%
better evening 11%
fasting 11%
sleeps during the day 11%
suspicion 11%
deformations of the feet 11%
sticks out the tongue 11%
scarring 10%
skin problems 10%
hypotension with hypotrophy 10%
shortness 10%
no children 10%
thoracic kyphosis 10%
choking 10%
insensitivity to pain 10%
-doubt needs support 10%
becker's progressive muscular dystrophy 10%
hypercapnia 10%
hypoglycemia 10%
diabetes mellitus 10%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 10%
pharyngeal mucosa atrophied 10%
control issues 10%
impaired gastric function 10%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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