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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar AllotriophagyEpileptic psychosis
Related research Analogs Analogs
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 33%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
bites 31%
apathy strong 75%
-doubt needs support 29%
lack of will 72%
damage taste change 28%
epileptic psychosis 52%
palms dry 27%
oneiroid syndrome 40%
hyperactive 27%
hallucinations 39%
illness from stress 23%
affective psychosis 38%
mental retardation 22%
epilepsy 37%
sympathetic 22%
half-sleep half-consciousness 36%
perfectionism 22%
temporal lobe epilepsy 36%
fidgety 22%
paranoia 35%
impressionability 22%
alcoholic epilepsy 35%
increased appetite 21%
psychosis 35%
adaptation disorders 20%
aggressive 35%
throat desire chalk 19%
confusion 34%
perversion of taste 17%
affective disorders 7% 37%
rapid breathing 17%
euphoria 29%
childhood diseases 16%
visual hallucinations 29%
no appetite 16%
ecstasy 28%
metabolic disorder 14%
alert 28%
improper nutrition 13%
mood disorder 8% 34%
schizophrenia in children 13%
convulsions 26%
eats the ground 12%
visions 25%
grateful 12%
catatonia 24%
cramps 11%
loud voice 24%
desire to be small 11%
madness 11% 35%
nose nursing mom 10%
epilepsy attacks 24%
change in appetite 10%
poisoning with narcotic analgesics 23%
vomiting from overeating 10%
cognitive disorders 23%
eating ice 10%
intoxication psychosis 23%
taste reduction 10%
consumes alcohol 23%
all gnawing 10%
mysticism 23%
vitamin c deficiency 10%
deterioration from tobacco 22%
hormonal disorders 9%
head injury in anamnesis 22%
mental shock 9%
acute condition 22%
plays toys 9%
epilepsy in childhood 21%
desire for acute 9%
anxiety attack 21%
demanding 9%
convulsions in the anamnesis 21%
nose good 32% 21%
deterioration from overheating 21%
loves nature 9%
generalized epilepsy 21%
he doesn't want 8%
right-sided symptoms 20%
religiosity 8%
fears of anxiety 19%
psychopathy 8%
voice disorders 19%
teenage pregnancy 8%
no consciousness 19%
consequences of trauma 7%
refusal to drink 19%
fecal vomiting 7%
takes antidepressants 19%
croup 7%
outbursts of anger 19%
stool with blood 7%
alcohol poisoning 19%
obsessive movements 7%
deterioration from alcohol 19%
vomiting 7%
bitterness 19%
control issues 7%
mixed anxious 18%
enthusiastic 7%
effects of smoking 18%
general tension 6%
depression anxiety 18%
destructive behavior 6%
confusion of thoughts 18%
neurosis 6%
predominant right 18%
shock states of various genesis 6%
loses thought 18%
pituitary gland diseases 6%
forgetfulness 17%
vomiting with blood 6%
traumatic brain injury 17%
likes to be examined 6%
illness after hypothermia 17%
cytomegalovirus infection 6%
hyperthermia 17%
effects of shock 6%
consequences of taking medications 9% 26%
neurological disorders 5%
alcohol dependence 17%
violation of the chair 5%
inflammation of the brain 17%
stones in the bladder 5%
head injury 17%
hematuria 5%
a history of trauma 17%
unspecified mental disorders 28% 21%
addiction 17%
bleeding 5%
nervous excitability 17%
skin problems 5%
brain tumor 16%
blood diseases 5%
schizophrenia 12% 28%
onset of illness 5%
general intoxication syndrome 16%
desire for cold food 4%
stiffness in the joints 16%
smokes 16%
a lot of medicines 16%
irritability 16%
subacute condition 15%
dependence on the doctor 15%
overweight 15%
sad 15%
suspicion 15%
sensitivity to medications 15%
depression 15%
inadequate behavior 8% 23%
intoxication 14%
damage to the nervous system 14%
patient's condition 16% 29%
impulsiveness 7% 20%
oncology 13%
up mania 7% 19%
emotional 22% 32%
family man 8% 16%
changeable mood 9% 17%
injury 5% 13%
emotional tension 11% 18%
there are no complaints 7% 14%
anxiety 21% 27%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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