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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Heart defectsMitral valve prolapse
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 37%(1)
Elements and vitamins 22%(1)
ECG 20%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
punctuality 87%
lazy 68%
hot rush with sweating 79%
desire for flour 67%
general improvement in the evening 79%
low self-esteem 59%
disease from resentment 78%
vegetative vascular dystonia 56%
emotional burnout 77%
deterioration in the spring 56%
blue circles around the eyes 76%
likes sweets 55%
purulent plugs in the tonsils 74%
thinking about life 54%
often sick child 73%
stiffness in the back 53%
sensitive to remarks 68%
mess in things 52%
menopause diseases 67%
impatient 51%
asthmatic breathing 67%
illness from stress 50%
immunodeficiency 67%
quickly gets tired 50%
loves music 66%
sore 49%
chatty 66%
needs approval 49%
dryness of the skin of the hands 66%
tension in the spine 49%
conflicts avoids 64%
ones indecision 48%
desire for fatty foods 64%
muscle tension 47%
white plaque on the tongue 63%
patient 46%
progressive myopia 63%
adaptation disorders 45%
irritability during menstruation 62%
sputum yellow 45%
likes to dance 62%
chronic runny 45%
blue eyes 60%
vasomotor rhinitis 43%
desire for salty 59%
desire for comfort 42%
purulent plugs 59%
worse from worry 42%
astigmatism 58%
nose swelling 41%
eye tic 58%
weakness 41%
ulcers in the throat 57%
stiffness in the joints 38%
consequences of grief 56%
iron deficiency anemia 38%
itching at night worse 56%
latent iron deficiency 38%
allergic rhinitis 54%
cannot relax 38%
dandruff 54%
anxiety 38%
touchy 53%
hypochromia 37%
stubbornness 53%
visual impairment 37%
hot flashes 52%
often sneezes 37%
menopause sweating 52%
muscle weakness 36%
obesity in children 50%
palpitations 36%
bruise 50%
tachycardia 32%
blue skin 49%
need for movement 32%
fever with sweating 49%
nasal congestion 32%
attacks of suffocation 49%
connective tissue dysplasia 32%
bronchial asthma 48%
irritability 32%
shortness of breath during physical exertion 48%
nervousness 31%
emotional 46%
aggressive 28%
can't refuse 45%
worse lying on the left side 26%
small rash 45%
additional chord 26%
epilepsy 43%
headaches 26%
pus on the tonsils 41%
chronic tonsillitis 43% 68%
low 58% 15%
arvi during pregnancy 22%
impressionability 40%
fatigue 37% 56%
better evening 39%
interruptions in the heart 19%
delayed speech development 39%
mitral valve 20% 38%
pale skin 36%
fatigue from work 18%
weakening of immunity 36%
kidney prolapse 17%
flat feet 52% 15%
skew of blades 17%
up circulatory disorders 35%
feeling of weakness in the heart 17%
myopia 49% 13%
шума лучше 16%
childhood diseases 52% 16%
mom is allergic 16%
heart defects in pregnant women 34%
asthenic 16%
obesity 32%
mitral valve prolapse in children 16%
respiratory allergy 47% 13%
psychosomatics 16%
scoliosis 43% 13%
fainting in childhood 16%
heart disease in relatives 28%
there are no emotions 16%
ventricular septal defect 25%
fear of death 16%
cardiodilation 23%
nodes headache in schoolchildren 16%
cardiomegaly 23%
gothic sky 16%
infectious and toxic myocarditis 22%
physical fatigue 15%
hepatitis b in children 22%
mitral valve 15%
aortic stenosis 22%
down anxiety about work 15%
joint crunch 42% 19%
arrhythmia 15%
stenosis of the mouth of the pulmonary artery 20%
connective tissue weakness 15%
endocarditis rheumatic 20%
mitral heart defects 15%
in the morning leg pain 19%
stigmas of dysembriogenesis 15%
congenital syphilis 19%
hypochondria 15%
dizziness in the morning 19%
ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia 15%
shortness of breath with excitement 19%
toxicosis of pregnancy in mom 15%
nose pulmonary heart 19%
marfan syndrome 15%
tetrad of fallot 18%
weakness in the foot 15%
shortness of breath in the morning 18%
sagging skin 14%
aortic coarctation 18%
irritability from fatigue 14%
open oval window 17%
chest pain on the left 14%
abdominal pain in the morning stomach 17%
weakness of the eyes 14%
lags behind in the development 17%
weakness after illness 14%
heart failure in children 17%
surgical infections 14%
violation of the right departments hearts 16%
vegetative state 14%
angiopathy 16%
big ears 14%
congenital anomalies of the lower extremities 16%
anxiety with irritability 14%
closed person 16%
vibration sickness 14%
breath retention 16%
chest is flat 14%
delay in physical development 15%
pain in the left side of the body 14%
rheumatic inflammation 15%
cardiac disorder 7% 21%
effects of drugs 15%
left-sided symptoms 13%
periodic fainting 15%
weak heart 13%
rubella 15%
weakness and palpitations 13%
predominant right 15%
better lying 13%
heart hypertrophy 15%
consequences of infection 13%
pain in the heart 14%
weak joints 13%
hepatitis b 14%
chest deformity 13%
syphilis 14%
nose large eyes 13%
flu 14%
heartbeat in the head 13%
acquired heart defects 40% 24%
weakness in the heart 13%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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