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Comparison results

Add for comparison more than one drug or diagnosis.
Results: Differences Similar Chronic venous edema
Related research Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 85%(2)
Angiography 31%(0)
Tomography of arterial vessels 31%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 97%
swelling of the legs 97%
up circulatory disorders 79%
swelling 49%
veins bloating 29%
veins swelling on the legs 28%
pain in the legs 27%
varicose veins of the legs 24%
illness from stress 20%
chronic venous edema 18%
adaptation disorders 18%
swelling of the legs in the morning 18%
ankle swelling 17%
superficial veins 15%
IBS 15%
pompe disease 15%
swelling during pregnancy 14%
sensations in the legs 14%
hypertension 14%
hypertension 14%
coughing constant 14%
reticular varicose veins 14%
heaviness in the legs 14%
swelling in the morning 14%
swelling of the fingers 13%
cardiac disorder 13%
swelling of the hips 13%
constipation from stress 12%
swelling of the extremities 12%
legs swell in the evening 12%
swelling of the toe 12%
swelling of the right leg 12%
post - phlebotic syndrome 12%
pregnancy 12%
swelling of the left leg 11%
venous mesh on legs 11%
swelling in the evening 11%
increased pressure under stress 11%
discoordinated labor activity 11%
swelling during pregnancy 11%
worse from increased pressure 11%
abdominal swelling 11%
varicose 11%
heaviness on the heart 11%
delicate 11%
cellulite 10%
consequences of childbirth 10%
postpartum contractions 10%
constipation 10%
excess weight during pregnancy 10%
injury 10%
coughing 10%
general swelling does 10%
grandmother veins 10%
angiopathy 10%
vascular tumor 9%
subacute condition 9%
numbness with pain 9%
lymphostasis 9%
aches all over the body 9%
shereshevsky-turner syndrome 9%
constipation prolonged 9%
worse constipation 9%
swelling of the hands 9%
swelling of the feet 9%
fatigue in the legs 9%
blood diseases 8%
phlebitis 8%
tumour in the abdomen 8%
sedentary lifestyle 8%
tumors of the heart 8%
polymorbidity 8%
leg injury 8%
cyanosis 8%
thrombophlebitis 8%
nervous exhaustion 8%
intestinal dyskinesia 8%
atonic constipation 8%
hypertensive heart failure 8%
swelling of joints 8%
abdominal injuries 8%
oncology 8%
deep vein thrombosis 8%
violation of pulmonary circulation 8%
hypoxia 7%
heart failure 7%
gradual deterioration of 7%
vascular damage 7%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 7%
overweight 7%
pale skin 7%
impaired uterine function 7%
underdevelopment 7%
asymmetry 7%
lymphadenitis 7%
I can't be alone 7%
paralysis 7%
female pelvic organs 7%
surgical infections 6%
high temperature 6%
onset of illness 6%
consequences of infection 6%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 6%
impaired lung function 6%
sensitivity to medications 6%
recovery period 6%
consequences of operation 6%
feeling of bruising 6%
consequences of injuries 6%
thrombosis 6%
heart dysfunction 6%
stage of recovery 6%
consequences of taking medications 6%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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