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Phaseolus nanus

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Common symptoms
  4. Analogs by action
  5. Included in the composition
  6. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Phaseolus vulgaris, L.
 Natural order: Leguminosae.
 Preparation: Trituration of (raw) beans.

Common symptoms

 He could only be roused by speaking loudly. Soon after, headache from fulness of the brain; every movement of the head increased the pain, which was chiefly seated in the forehead an orbits. The headache lasted from noon till bedtime, ceased when in bed, but returned at 10 o’clock next day, while writing. The headache occupies the forehead. Two hours after, the pain in the head returned, while writing; it is more localized, being fixed in the right side of the forehead. The headache continued till as late as the 18th July, but diminished gradually each day. The right eye is painful to touch, as if it had received a blow. When wrinkling the skin of the forehead, pain in the right orbit. Pain over the right orbit whenever I read or wrote, or exercised the brain (sixth to eleventh day). Scalding pain in the right orbit.
 Very smart itching in the inner canthi. The eyeballs are painful to touch. Pupils widely dilated and insensible to light. The features expressed suffering. Two or three days after, pain in the epigastrium when touched, but felt more on touch in the region of the pyloric valve. The cartilage of the last true right rib painful to touch, as if bruised. Pressure on the abdomen apparently gave pain, as the child shrank from it, and drew up his legs. Pain, like hernia, the right inguinal ring; this pain lasts all day (nineteenth day). вreathing slow and sighing. The pulse at the wrist rapid and almost imperceptible. Pain to touch, in the extremity of the head of the right humerus; this symptom only taste a few hours (thirteenth day). A hard, rounded, projecting, movable tumor, painful to touch, appears all of a sudden, above the right nipple, in a full state of development (fifteenth day). вedewed with cold perspiration.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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