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Erechthites hieracifolia

  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Appetite and food preferences
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Cardiovascular system
  8. Common symptoms
  9. Sleep
  10. Fever
  11. Analogs by action
  12. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Erechthites hieracifolia, Raf. Senecio hieracifolius, Linn). Natural order: сompositae. Preparation: Tincture of whole plant.

Head, face, and ears

 Decided giddiness, with nausea, which continued about five minutes (about one minute after last dose, ninth day). Dull frontal headache at 9.30 (ninth day) and 9 p.m, continuing all day with increasing severity (tenth day). Throbbing of the temporal arteries, with flashes of heat running across the back from one shoulder to the other. The sensation of heat suddenly gives way to that of coldness, which darts across the back and face in a similar manner, accompanied with nausea, at 10 сhill gradually decreased until I fell asleep (ninth day).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Griping pains in the bowels, followed by three copious discharges of yellow fecal matter, about the consistency of mush (fourth day). This was followed by two or three days’ slight constipation.
 Diarrhoea. Slight looseness of the bowels (sixth day), which had been unusually constipated since the second day of the proving. This might be considered as an effort of the powers of nature to overcome the accustomed effects of the drug; as occurs after the discontinuance of an habitual stimulant or narcotic). сonstipation. вowels slightly constipated during these provings. вowels were somewhat constipated (second and third days); (eighteenth day).

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. Extravagant appetite (second and third day); strong appetite during the day (eleventh day); enormous appetite (thirteenth day); appetite good (fifteenth day). Nausea. Nausea (part of S. 1 and 3). Slight uneasiness in the stomach, as if nausea was about to set in (after half an hour); but it soon passed away, and I felt no further inconvenience that day. Stomach. Feeling in the stomach as if it would be dissolved, after drinking cold water (fourth day). Slight pain in the stomach soon after retiring (third night).

Urogenital system

 Urethra. Slight burning pain at meatus urinarius during micturition (fourteenth and sixteenth days). Micturition. Apparent increased flow of urine (second day). Increased flow of urine (second and third days); urine voided in twenty four hours was fifty-six ounces, acid reaction, sp. gr. 1026 (fourth day). Urine collected in twenty-four hours was 47 oz., having a sp. gr. of 1020, before taking; 42 oz., acid (fourth day); 53 oz., acid reaction, with a sp. gr. of 1025 (seventeenth day); 33 oz., sp. gr. 1026 (eighteenth day); 37, oz., sp. gr. 1025 (nineteenth day). Urine. At noon, urine contained a large amount of mucus, which could be seen floating about in minute particles. It had a specific gravity of 1024; acid reaction. After standing a few hours, it had a milky appearance. The quantity voided during the day was 40 oz. (fourth day).
 Sexual organs.
 Slight stimulation of the genital organs (second day). Towards morning, had protracted erection, with dreams of nudity and shame (first night); erection and dreams occurred similar to those of the preceding night (second night); towards morning, had a protracted erection (tenth night); towards morning, had an erection, dreams, and an involuntary emission (eleventh night).

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse somewhat accelerated (fourth day).

Common symptoms

 Feeling of increased strength and desire for exercise (second and third days); desire for exercise (eleventh day).


 Dreams of nudity and shame (part of S.19).


 Heat and coldness (part of S.3).

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Natura Pharma
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