Other names and synonyms
hedy.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Common names (Brazilian), вarba de boi; Amar de сampo; сarapicho.
Additional facts
(Name given by Mure; true species doubtful). Natural order: Leguminosae. Preparation:
Head, face, and ears
Redness of the sclerotica. Pain and pricking in the eyes. Smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation.
Redness of the sclerotica. Pain and pricking in the eyes. Smarting in the eyes, with lachrymation.
Gastrointestinal tract
Very painful tearing, extending from the loins to the navel; better on the second day.
Diarrhoea. сonstipation.
Diarrhoea. сonstipation.
Urogenital system
Sudden appearance of a yellowish discharge (from urethra). Profuse urine.
Sexual Organs.
Redness and smarting of the penis. Painful swelling of the penis, with erysipelatous inflammation; it causes a thin stream of urine. Itching of the penis.
Sexual Organs.
Redness and smarting of the penis. Painful swelling of the penis, with erysipelatous inflammation; it causes a thin stream of urine. Itching of the penis.
Limbs and spine
Pain in the upper and lower extremities.
Superior Extremities.
Painful contraction of the fingers.
Superior Extremities.
Painful contraction of the fingers.
No sleep for several nights running.
Fever and rheumatic pains.