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raph, Raphanus sativus, редька посевная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Common names, Radish, Rettich (R. Raph. charlock).
Дополнительные факты
Raphanus sativus, L. (and R. Raphanistrum, L. Natural order, сruciferae. Preparation, Tincture of fresh root of R. sativus.
Психика и сознание
Feeling of aversion towards all women; she is provoked by seeing women going and coming about her; their approach threw her into a fury; the mere contact with a woman’s dress caused intolerable distress; if even a female, to whom she was much attached, took her by the hand, she felt weariness, disgust, and a degree of rage which almost consumed her. She is attracted towards all men without distinction; when she gives her hand to a man, she feels great agitation, which she is scarcely able to control; these symptoms increase even to furious delirium.
When left alone for an hour in the evening, she gave herself a very deep wound in the lips with a penknife, in hopes to put and end to this condition. Moral feeling was completely extinct, the physical nature alone ruled and threw her into a frightful state. From morning to noon she would not have been able to resist the advances even of a man for whom she had not the least friendly feeling; from noon to 6 she could not have held out against any man whatsoever; from 8 to 11 the demands of sense were so importunate as to silence the voice of shame and reason; she even furiously delirious, and would have thrown;herself into the arms of the first man she met. In the course of the day she recovered reason enough to recognize her condition; she was deeply affected by it, but she was still unable to control her impulses; in the evening there was no more of it; constant less voluptuous ideas (seventh day).
Capricious mania, stupefaction, sadness and tears, alternating with hopefulness; she fears she will become a burden to every one (second day). Very great excitement of the brain; the night passes without sleep; excessive activity of the brain (fifth day). A great deal of agitation until half-past one; she then begins to be calm and sleeps heavily (third day).
Sensation of intoxication in the morning, on waking. After dinner, at which she drank only water, she feels as if intoxicated (second day). Great tension of the nervous system; much nervous distension, and sometimes nervous attacks; extraordinary activity of the head; strange ideas, she forgets what she has to do every day, and some dangerous fancies assail her, but she restrains herself from putting them into exertion (after fifth day). She was nervous in the morning; aversion to children, especially little girls (seventh day). Great physical and moral inactivity; loss of memory she tries all day to recall an idea or a thought which had occurred to her; she is constantly wishing to recover her memory, and this state of mind fatigues her very much; she is beside herself, and at every turn forgets what she was going to do (sixth day). She was nervous, sad; everything at first enrages her, and finally depresses her (third day); great sadness (fourth day). Sadness and irrepressible tears; the voice has a sound of melancholy, and the eyes a similar expression (first day). Melancholy and numbness (second day). Less melancholy and capricious than yesterday, inactivity and dulness of mind (third day). After a quarter of an hour very deep melancholy, drawing, and throbbing pains running over the head, body, and limbs; when these pains are felt in the abdomen or in the chest they make her weep. Sadness on waking, with impulse to weep; afterwards apathy, indolence of mind; she takes no interest in what she is engaged in, nor in anything else (second day). Her condition troubles her, and for a moment she cannot believe it to be owing to the medicine; she forgets it entirely, and believes she has a disease which is not recognized (fourth day). Extreme anxiety, she thought she would die. Apprehension and fear of death. Great fatigue of body and mind, loss of memory; she is obliged to make a great effort, and only remembers with difficulty that which happens to be said; great indolence and indifference; horror of noise (third day). Excessive fatigue of the intellect, which is almost asleep (fourth day). Great indolence and indifference (third day). Dulness and inclination to weep at the least word (second day). When the prover wishes to pursue a train of thought, her head becomes, confused, she grows stupefied, can think of nothing, and looks at things without seeing them (third day). сomplete inactivity; it seems to her as if she was carried somewhere else, and conversed with another person; very calm and indifferent, it was also like a picture (second day). She begins to lose her memory through inactivity of the brain (third day). Memory returns, she is very livery; quick intelligence; everything disturbs her, even things apparently most insignificant (third day).
When left alone for an hour in the evening, she gave herself a very deep wound in the lips with a penknife, in hopes to put and end to this condition. Moral feeling was completely extinct, the physical nature alone ruled and threw her into a frightful state. From morning to noon she would not have been able to resist the advances even of a man for whom she had not the least friendly feeling; from noon to 6 she could not have held out against any man whatsoever; from 8 to 11 the demands of sense were so importunate as to silence the voice of shame and reason; she even furiously delirious, and would have thrown;herself into the arms of the first man she met. In the course of the day she recovered reason enough to recognize her condition; she was deeply affected by it, but she was still unable to control her impulses; in the evening there was no more of it; constant less voluptuous ideas (seventh day).
Capricious mania, stupefaction, sadness and tears, alternating with hopefulness; she fears she will become a burden to every one (second day). Very great excitement of the brain; the night passes without sleep; excessive activity of the brain (fifth day). A great deal of agitation until half-past one; she then begins to be calm and sleeps heavily (third day).
Sensation of intoxication in the morning, on waking. After dinner, at which she drank only water, she feels as if intoxicated (second day). Great tension of the nervous system; much nervous distension, and sometimes nervous attacks; extraordinary activity of the head; strange ideas, she forgets what she has to do every day, and some dangerous fancies assail her, but she restrains herself from putting them into exertion (after fifth day). She was nervous in the morning; aversion to children, especially little girls (seventh day). Great physical and moral inactivity; loss of memory she tries all day to recall an idea or a thought which had occurred to her; she is constantly wishing to recover her memory, and this state of mind fatigues her very much; she is beside herself, and at every turn forgets what she was going to do (sixth day). She was nervous, sad; everything at first enrages her, and finally depresses her (third day); great sadness (fourth day). Sadness and irrepressible tears; the voice has a sound of melancholy, and the eyes a similar expression (first day). Melancholy and numbness (second day). Less melancholy and capricious than yesterday, inactivity and dulness of mind (third day). After a quarter of an hour very deep melancholy, drawing, and throbbing pains running over the head, body, and limbs; when these pains are felt in the abdomen or in the chest they make her weep. Sadness on waking, with impulse to weep; afterwards apathy, indolence of mind; she takes no interest in what she is engaged in, nor in anything else (second day). Her condition troubles her, and for a moment she cannot believe it to be owing to the medicine; she forgets it entirely, and believes she has a disease which is not recognized (fourth day). Extreme anxiety, she thought she would die. Apprehension and fear of death. Great fatigue of body and mind, loss of memory; she is obliged to make a great effort, and only remembers with difficulty that which happens to be said; great indolence and indifference; horror of noise (third day). Excessive fatigue of the intellect, which is almost asleep (fourth day). Great indolence and indifference (third day). Dulness and inclination to weep at the least word (second day). When the prover wishes to pursue a train of thought, her head becomes, confused, she grows stupefied, can think of nothing, and looks at things without seeing them (third day). сomplete inactivity; it seems to her as if she was carried somewhere else, and conversed with another person; very calm and indifferent, it was also like a picture (second day). She begins to lose her memory through inactivity of the brain (third day). Memory returns, she is very livery; quick intelligence; everything disturbs her, even things apparently most insignificant (third day).
Голова, лицо и уши
The eyes are surrounded by blue rings; she is pale (sixth day).
Eyes red. Eyes sunken (sixth day). Fatigue of the eyes (third day). сoldness on the eyes; something which presses upon the eyes (third day). The eyes smart and weep a little (third day).
The eyes smart; they are red in the morning, and a very little agglutinated; when she shuts the eyes she can scarcely open them, owing to her nervous condition; she winks when looking at anything (sixth day). Pricking in the eyes; heat when shutting them; feeling of coldness when opening them; every moment it seems to her that she sees double, that she squints (fourth day). Itching of the left eye, with deep stitches. Lid.
Lower lids somewhat oedematous (seventh day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Tobacco causes weeping, and pains in the nasal bones at the root and in the ear (second day). Pupil. Pupils dilated (sixth day). Vision. Vision very acute. сongestion, with dimness of vision, on waking, in the morning. Weak sight; short-sightedness (sixth day). Very weak sight; it is completely lost in the right eye (third day). She lost her vision and hearing just before vomiting, followed by vomiting with great effort. Far-sighted.
When bending the head to the left, sensation of swelling in the posterior part of the ear, and when pressing on this spot, drawing pain in the eye, as if it was pulled inward, with drawing in the ear corresponding to the part pressed on (second day).
Sensation of stoppage of the ears, and fullness of the head, as from rush of blood there (sixth day). Sharp sticking in the right ear. Violent sticking pain within the right ear.
Sticking tearing in the left ear, as if in the bone. Stitches in the right ear.
Frequent sneezing. Nose pointed (sixth day). She brings pure blood from her nose, of a deep-red color, every time she blows it, since yesterday evening; this clears her head (third day).
She continually blows blood from the nose; it seems to her that she does not blow it all out, and that there is a deposit deep in the nose (fourth day). Nose somewhat stopped (third day).
Dull pain in the root of the; nose, extending to the occiput (second day). Pressure on the back of the nose, as if caused by a weight. The breath feels burning hot, and the odor she perceives seems to her to come from the interior of the head or the root of the nose; she feels as if there was a sore place there, which causes a gnawing sensation (after five days).
Alteration of smell; the prover believes she smells spoiled eau de сologne, or a suppurating spot, or bad oil burning (after five days).
Face pale, with an expression of anguish and suffering. Pallor and blue circles round the eyes (fifth day). сheeks yellowish (sixth day). Face yellowish, on rising, in the morning (seventh day). Face very red and tumid. Face livid, sunken. Face sunken (sixth day). Tearing in the right zygoma. Tearing in the right malar bone.
The eyes are surrounded by blue rings; she is pale (sixth day).
Eyes red. Eyes sunken (sixth day). Fatigue of the eyes (third day). сoldness on the eyes; something which presses upon the eyes (third day). The eyes smart and weep a little (third day).
The eyes smart; they are red in the morning, and a very little agglutinated; when she shuts the eyes she can scarcely open them, owing to her nervous condition; she winks when looking at anything (sixth day). Pricking in the eyes; heat when shutting them; feeling of coldness when opening them; every moment it seems to her that she sees double, that she squints (fourth day). Itching of the left eye, with deep stitches. Lid.
Lower lids somewhat oedematous (seventh day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Tobacco causes weeping, and pains in the nasal bones at the root and in the ear (second day). Pupil. Pupils dilated (sixth day). Vision. Vision very acute. сongestion, with dimness of vision, on waking, in the morning. Weak sight; short-sightedness (sixth day). Very weak sight; it is completely lost in the right eye (third day). She lost her vision and hearing just before vomiting, followed by vomiting with great effort. Far-sighted.
When bending the head to the left, sensation of swelling in the posterior part of the ear, and when pressing on this spot, drawing pain in the eye, as if it was pulled inward, with drawing in the ear corresponding to the part pressed on (second day).
Sensation of stoppage of the ears, and fullness of the head, as from rush of blood there (sixth day). Sharp sticking in the right ear. Violent sticking pain within the right ear.
Sticking tearing in the left ear, as if in the bone. Stitches in the right ear.
Frequent sneezing. Nose pointed (sixth day). She brings pure blood from her nose, of a deep-red color, every time she blows it, since yesterday evening; this clears her head (third day).
She continually blows blood from the nose; it seems to her that she does not blow it all out, and that there is a deposit deep in the nose (fourth day). Nose somewhat stopped (third day).
Dull pain in the root of the; nose, extending to the occiput (second day). Pressure on the back of the nose, as if caused by a weight. The breath feels burning hot, and the odor she perceives seems to her to come from the interior of the head or the root of the nose; she feels as if there was a sore place there, which causes a gnawing sensation (after five days).
Alteration of smell; the prover believes she smells spoiled eau de сologne, or a suppurating spot, or bad oil burning (after five days).
Face pale, with an expression of anguish and suffering. Pallor and blue circles round the eyes (fifth day). сheeks yellowish (sixth day). Face yellowish, on rising, in the morning (seventh day). Face very red and tumid. Face livid, sunken. Face sunken (sixth day). Tearing in the right zygoma. Tearing in the right malar bone.
Нервная система
Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head, with pressure in the forehead (second day). Vertigo, in the evening; the head feels as if tightly bandaged (sixth day). Some vertigo, with dimness of vision (third day). General Head. Woke between 3 and 4 p.m, complained of headache, and drank much water (second night). Headache, on waking form sleep. Headache; pressure on the eyes from without inward, extending to behind the ear (second day). General headache after dinner (fourth day). 11 p.m, violent rush of blood to the head and chest, causing vertigo and cough, preceded by burning (second day). When writing, the prover feels a shock in the brain, as when sitting down suddenly, and a sensation in the ears, as when diving (third day). Headache, in the morning; confusion in the head, on the vertex, and in the forehead, succeeded by flushes of heat, which terminate in external coolness of the whole body (second day). Headache; head stupefied (second day). In the morning, very bad headache in the eyes, the temples, and the root of the nose; great fatigue, as from being bruised (fifth day). Sensation in the head, throat, and chest, as at the commencement of a bad cold (third day). вrain feels tender and sore from the least jar, when walking (third day). Forehead and Temples. Violent headache in the forehead in the forehead and occiput, in the morning. Violent pain in the forehead. Headache in the forepart of the head, on waking, at night. Dull headache, especially in the skin of the frontal eminences, particularly on the left side, in the open air, ceasing in the house. Pain in the left upper side of the forehead, like a pressure. Violent pressure in the forehead, especially over the eyes, that almost prevented vision. сonstant dull pressure in the forehead over the eyes (third day). Frequent dull pressure and sticking in the region of the frontal eminence. Dull pressure in the forehead, above the root of the nose. Slight pressure in the forehead, at the root of the nose. When she turns her eye in the direction of the ear, she feels a pain in the temple, the ear, and the parietal bone (third day). Vertex. Sharp sticking on the vertex.
Burning in a small spot on the vertex. A kind of tightness in the skin of the vertex. Occiput. Headache; dull pain in the occiput, relieved by throwing the head back; when leaning the head to one side, sensation of a sharp substance inside, which pricks into the temple, near the ear, ceasing on lifting the head again (second day). In the evening, headache, especially in the occiput; the head is excessively fatigued (third day). In the morning, headache, especially in the occiput, when she presses her hand on the occiput, the pain in the head becomes general; when placing the finger on the middle of the occiput, sensation of tickling, or rather shudderings in the back, the chest, and the arms, with loss of thought; appearance as of a sheet of water before her eyes (third day). Pain in the occiput, a kind of uneasiness, of fatigue; some drawing sensation behind the head and in the neck (fourth day). Gnawing pains in the occiput, followed by numbness (second day).
Burning in a small spot on the vertex. A kind of tightness in the skin of the vertex. Occiput. Headache; dull pain in the occiput, relieved by throwing the head back; when leaning the head to one side, sensation of a sharp substance inside, which pricks into the temple, near the ear, ceasing on lifting the head again (second day). In the evening, headache, especially in the occiput; the head is excessively fatigued (third day). In the morning, headache, especially in the occiput, when she presses her hand on the occiput, the pain in the head becomes general; when placing the finger on the middle of the occiput, sensation of tickling, or rather shudderings in the back, the chest, and the arms, with loss of thought; appearance as of a sheet of water before her eyes (third day). Pain in the occiput, a kind of uneasiness, of fatigue; some drawing sensation behind the head and in the neck (fourth day). Gnawing pains in the occiput, followed by numbness (second day).
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth. Tearing in the molars. Toothache in a hollow tooth; the mouth is filled with water in consequence of the pains (first day). In the lower jaw, sensation as if the two middle incisors were enlarged and were starting from the gums (third day). Two lower incisor teeth become loose; the gum ulcerates (third day). Toothache; an abscess on the gums and another in a hollow tooth; the decayed teeth become loose, and the front teeth in the lower jaw shake; the lower gums are all black (fifth day). The two lower incisor teeth are loose, with ulcerated violet-colored gums (sixth day). Toothache; the teeth prick and burn (sixth day). Toothache; excoriating dull and gnawing pains in the teeth and in the gums; the teeth feel as if made of papier mache (seventh day). Gums. The lower gum black in front of the incisors, pale behind, with little vesicles (after five days). The lower gum is inflamed and ulcerated; the teeth are loose (fourth day). Pain in the gums; it seems to her that they separate from the teeth (fifth day).
Tongue. Tongue extremely white, even on the edges (after five days). Tongue pale reddish-blue, with deep fissure in the center; pale-red points on the margins (sixth day). Heat at the root of the tongue. Frequent burning in the forepart of the tongue. Taste. Pasty taste. Taste bad. Taste bitter. Taste of pepper.
Constant secretion of mucus in the throat, as in catarrh, with a slight cough (fourth day). сontraction of the throat (third day).
Dry feeling in the throat (third day). It seems as if everything swallowed is dry (third day). Pain in the throat; sensation of swelling in the top of the oesophagus; sensation as if a particle of tobacco had stuck in the oesophagus, owing to quite a small, almost imperceptible, pimple behind the posterior nares (second day). Every evening pain in the throat, which increases daily; it seems as if the throat was all alive when the air reaches it; very sharp pain in the tonsils and uvula, behind the nasal fossae, and all along the oesophagus, as if they were alive; cramps in the neck; the nerves of the neck behind the ear are very painful; it seems to her as if there were viscid mucus at the bottom of the throat, which she could not cough up; coughing does not seem to reach it, but the breathing appears to loosen it, although the cough makes it more adherent (sixth day). Sore throat, on waking, every day; she coughs and expectorates; expectoration greenish and salty. Scrapping in the throat, without being relieved thereby; expectoration of much white mucus, as in catarrhal fever, while in bed, at night.
Tickling in the posterior portion of the throat, as if in the larynx, not aggravated by talking or swallowing (sixth day).
Constant slight burning in the throat, like a hot iron. Tonsils.
Swelling, redness, and sensation of constriction in the tonsils, lasting three days. Pain in the left tonsil. In the pharynx, in the region of the tonsils, sensation obliging him to clear the throat, in order to relieve it of viscid mucus, which is almost always obstinately adherent, or else is detached in so small a quantity that it is impossible to expectorate it; the hawking causes an irritation, which excites a dry cough, returning quite often, and producing a painful shock in the head and in the sides of the chest (third day). Pharynx and Esophagus. вurning and stitches in the pharynx and tonsils, lasting twenty-four hours (after a few hours). вurning in the pharynx. Uneasiness in the oesophagus, high up; the air when inspired feels cold in the mouth, when expired, burning hot; wine and also vinegar increase the activity of the remedy (fourth day). External Throat. Right submaxillary gland hard, slightly swollen (sixth day).
Tongue. Tongue extremely white, even on the edges (after five days). Tongue pale reddish-blue, with deep fissure in the center; pale-red points on the margins (sixth day). Heat at the root of the tongue. Frequent burning in the forepart of the tongue. Taste. Pasty taste. Taste bad. Taste bitter. Taste of pepper.
Constant secretion of mucus in the throat, as in catarrh, with a slight cough (fourth day). сontraction of the throat (third day).
Dry feeling in the throat (third day). It seems as if everything swallowed is dry (third day). Pain in the throat; sensation of swelling in the top of the oesophagus; sensation as if a particle of tobacco had stuck in the oesophagus, owing to quite a small, almost imperceptible, pimple behind the posterior nares (second day). Every evening pain in the throat, which increases daily; it seems as if the throat was all alive when the air reaches it; very sharp pain in the tonsils and uvula, behind the nasal fossae, and all along the oesophagus, as if they were alive; cramps in the neck; the nerves of the neck behind the ear are very painful; it seems to her as if there were viscid mucus at the bottom of the throat, which she could not cough up; coughing does not seem to reach it, but the breathing appears to loosen it, although the cough makes it more adherent (sixth day). Sore throat, on waking, every day; she coughs and expectorates; expectoration greenish and salty. Scrapping in the throat, without being relieved thereby; expectoration of much white mucus, as in catarrhal fever, while in bed, at night.
Tickling in the posterior portion of the throat, as if in the larynx, not aggravated by talking or swallowing (sixth day).
Constant slight burning in the throat, like a hot iron. Tonsils.
Swelling, redness, and sensation of constriction in the tonsils, lasting three days. Pain in the left tonsil. In the pharynx, in the region of the tonsils, sensation obliging him to clear the throat, in order to relieve it of viscid mucus, which is almost always obstinately adherent, or else is detached in so small a quantity that it is impossible to expectorate it; the hawking causes an irritation, which excites a dry cough, returning quite often, and producing a painful shock in the head and in the sides of the chest (third day). Pharynx and Esophagus. вurning and stitches in the pharynx and tonsils, lasting twenty-four hours (after a few hours). вurning in the pharynx. Uneasiness in the oesophagus, high up; the air when inspired feels cold in the mouth, when expired, burning hot; wine and also vinegar increase the activity of the remedy (fourth day). External Throat. Right submaxillary gland hard, slightly swollen (sixth day).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Hypochondria. Violent pain in the right lobe of the liver, like tightness, or like lancinations. Pressure in the region of the liver, as from an internal abscess. Sticking in the hepatic region. Stitches in the region of the liver. Umbilicus and Sides.
Violent colic about the umbilicus after the ordinary breakfast. Griping about the umbilicus. сonstant griping about the umbilicus (third day). вurning above the umbilicus. Some sharp pains in the abdomen at the side of the umbilicus with pressure. Acute sticking three fingers’ breadth to the left of the umbilicus. Slight pinching to the left of the umbilicus, as before a soft stool. Lancinations like colic in the left side of the abdomen. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, followed by griping, as if a stool would occur. Distension of the abdomen after eating a little, as after eating a large amount. The abdomen is much swollen, very hard, and painful to pressure, especially the hypogastrium, it seems to her that she will choke with the swelling, yet the breathing is easier than yesterday (fourth day). Great swelling of the abdomen, commencing at the stomach; the abdomen is hard, as if filled with air, without pain. She cannot bear any pressure on the stomach (after five days). Some trembling in the abdomen (sixth day). Frequent rumbling in the abdomen, at night. Frequent rumbling in the abdomen. A great deal of flatulence (second day).
No emission of flatus (third day). No emission of flatus, either upward or downward. Stool preceded by colic, accompanied and followed by burning heat and pains of swelling in the intestines (first day). Slight griping in the abdomen (fifth day). In the morning awoke with cramping sore pains in her abdomen (hypogastric region), with some distension and great tenderness on pressure; could hardly bear to have her clothes touch her; pains are constant, but much worse on motion; no aggravation before stool nor relief after stool (second day); same conditions continue, with additional tenderness and soreness in the abdomen; bowels feels sore and tender from the least jar, when walking (third day). Pain in the abdomen (seventh day). When she leans on her side, the loins are immediately relieved, but at the same time a pressing pain in the lower bowels and a sensation as of a round body which, impelled from beneath, rises suddenly and stops in the throat, where it feels like a morsel too large to be swallowed, thence the substance seems to descend into the stomach, where it caused a sensation of something hard to digest, and leaves an empty sensation, accompanied with hunger and lancinations in the lower abdomen. Each lancination causes off a flushing as if the blood rushed to the eyes; the eyes burn; dizziness; ebullition of blood throughout the body; coldness in the feet, with prickings; sensation as if she had put her cold feet into very hot water; and then great heat (after five days). Sensation of heat in the abdomen, especially about the umbilicus. Hypogastrium. Pain in the hypogastrium and kidneys, as before menstruation; lassitude in the top of the thighs; pain with heat in the sides, almost every time she draws breath (third day). Feeling in the hypogastrium as if a hernia was about to protrude (after five lower abdomen, especially in the side.
Frequent desire for stool, especially bout noon (second day).
Nine stools, mostly in the morning, yellowish, brown, liquid, rather copious (second day). Stool soft, consistent, yellowish (third day). Very profuse soft stool, in the morning and at noon (second day). Three liquid, brownish, frothy, very profuse stools, evacuated forcibly (second day). Frequent stools through the day, five in the afternoon as yesterday (third day).
Liquid stool, at 7 p.m (sixth day). Diarrhoea, dark-brown (seventh day). Very liquid copious stools, evacuated with great force, but without pains. Dark, very profuse stools. Soft stool, colored like cafe au lait (third day). A soft stool without colic (fourth day). Stool came very free and with considerable force; liquid, but not watery; no blood or mucus (second day). Diarrhoea of small soft passages, yellow, like fresh butter, as in some infantile diarrhoea. Two stools with much urging, but without colic (second day). Diarrhoea every time she eats, stools more liquid, and of the color of coffee with cream (third day). Two stools as last night, preceded by a little colic, the second more than the first (third day). One stool in the morning, less soft, of deeper color, and almost without colic (sixth day). A stool harder and deeper-colored than yesterday (seventh day). Hard stool (seventh day). No stool (fourth day).
Hypochondria. Violent pain in the right lobe of the liver, like tightness, or like lancinations. Pressure in the region of the liver, as from an internal abscess. Sticking in the hepatic region. Stitches in the region of the liver. Umbilicus and Sides.
Violent colic about the umbilicus after the ordinary breakfast. Griping about the umbilicus. сonstant griping about the umbilicus (third day). вurning above the umbilicus. Some sharp pains in the abdomen at the side of the umbilicus with pressure. Acute sticking three fingers’ breadth to the left of the umbilicus. Slight pinching to the left of the umbilicus, as before a soft stool. Lancinations like colic in the left side of the abdomen. General Abdomen. Distension of the abdomen, followed by griping, as if a stool would occur. Distension of the abdomen after eating a little, as after eating a large amount. The abdomen is much swollen, very hard, and painful to pressure, especially the hypogastrium, it seems to her that she will choke with the swelling, yet the breathing is easier than yesterday (fourth day). Great swelling of the abdomen, commencing at the stomach; the abdomen is hard, as if filled with air, without pain. She cannot bear any pressure on the stomach (after five days). Some trembling in the abdomen (sixth day). Frequent rumbling in the abdomen, at night. Frequent rumbling in the abdomen. A great deal of flatulence (second day).
No emission of flatus (third day). No emission of flatus, either upward or downward. Stool preceded by colic, accompanied and followed by burning heat and pains of swelling in the intestines (first day). Slight griping in the abdomen (fifth day). In the morning awoke with cramping sore pains in her abdomen (hypogastric region), with some distension and great tenderness on pressure; could hardly bear to have her clothes touch her; pains are constant, but much worse on motion; no aggravation before stool nor relief after stool (second day); same conditions continue, with additional tenderness and soreness in the abdomen; bowels feels sore and tender from the least jar, when walking (third day). Pain in the abdomen (seventh day). When she leans on her side, the loins are immediately relieved, but at the same time a pressing pain in the lower bowels and a sensation as of a round body which, impelled from beneath, rises suddenly and stops in the throat, where it feels like a morsel too large to be swallowed, thence the substance seems to descend into the stomach, where it caused a sensation of something hard to digest, and leaves an empty sensation, accompanied with hunger and lancinations in the lower abdomen. Each lancination causes off a flushing as if the blood rushed to the eyes; the eyes burn; dizziness; ebullition of blood throughout the body; coldness in the feet, with prickings; sensation as if she had put her cold feet into very hot water; and then great heat (after five days). Sensation of heat in the abdomen, especially about the umbilicus. Hypogastrium. Pain in the hypogastrium and kidneys, as before menstruation; lassitude in the top of the thighs; pain with heat in the sides, almost every time she draws breath (third day). Feeling in the hypogastrium as if a hernia was about to protrude (after five lower abdomen, especially in the side.
Frequent desire for stool, especially bout noon (second day).
Nine stools, mostly in the morning, yellowish, brown, liquid, rather copious (second day). Stool soft, consistent, yellowish (third day). Very profuse soft stool, in the morning and at noon (second day). Three liquid, brownish, frothy, very profuse stools, evacuated forcibly (second day). Frequent stools through the day, five in the afternoon as yesterday (third day).
Liquid stool, at 7 p.m (sixth day). Diarrhoea, dark-brown (seventh day). Very liquid copious stools, evacuated with great force, but without pains. Dark, very profuse stools. Soft stool, colored like cafe au lait (third day). A soft stool without colic (fourth day). Stool came very free and with considerable force; liquid, but not watery; no blood or mucus (second day). Diarrhoea of small soft passages, yellow, like fresh butter, as in some infantile diarrhoea. Two stools with much urging, but without colic (second day). Diarrhoea every time she eats, stools more liquid, and of the color of coffee with cream (third day). Two stools as last night, preceded by a little colic, the second more than the first (third day). One stool in the morning, less soft, of deeper color, and almost without colic (sixth day). A stool harder and deeper-colored than yesterday (seventh day). Hard stool (seventh day). No stool (fourth day).
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Appetite. Voracious appetite, and when she has eaten he finds herself smaller and less tight than before (seventh day). After eating very hearty, voracious appetite; after dinner, sensation of emptiness; hollow sensation in the stomach; her stays feel too large for her (sixth day). сonstant appetite, with aversion to food, thirst (second day). A kind of appetite without hunger, at 4 p.m, in bed. Repletion; vomiturition, bitter rising, or rather acrid vapor which ascends into the oesophagus; sugar produces this symptom; she swallows everything with disgust, in the evening (fourth day). Loss of appetite (second day). Aversion to food and tobacco. Thirst.
Excessive thirst (third day). Violent thirst (second day).
Very violent thirst, сonstant violent thirst, Some thirst. He drank much more than he urinated through he urinated considerable (sixth day). Eructations. Eructations having the odor of radishes, especially after drinking.
Frequent eructations, very offensive, almost putrid. вilious eructations leaving a bitter taste (second day). Regurgitation of liquids (second day). Frequent regurgitation of water and mucus, sometimes mixed with blood, without efforts to vomit (second day). Discharge of gas, upward and downward, smelling of radishes (this condition is not noticed after eating larger quantities of radishes. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea.
Constant nausea, so that she could not lie down; in spite of great weakness she was obliged to sit up. Nausea, with efforts to vomit. Attacks of nausea like faintness, for a moment. Nausea, every moment. Qualmishness in the region of the stomach. Nausea, with efforts to vomit (soon). Repeated vomiting. Vomiting of a large quantity of undigested radishes and while mucus, at 7 A.
M. (third day). Vomiting of the radish with mucus and bread.
Frequent efforts to vomit (second night). Efforts to vomit when coughing, with pressure mounting up into the chest an regurgitation of a very acrid colorless liquid. Efforts to vomit, while walking in the evening. Efforts to vomit, in the afternoon (third day). Stomach. Eau sucree gives her wind in the stomach (first day). Violent pressure in the epigastric region. Violent pain at the base of the stomach. Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. Sticking in the stomach and in the region of the liver.
Cutting in the epigastric region. сutting pain in the pit of the stomach. Sensation of throbbing at the epigastrium, and of swelling of the stomach; she can scarcely sit still (third day).
Excessive thirst (third day). Violent thirst (second day).
Very violent thirst, сonstant violent thirst, Some thirst. He drank much more than he urinated through he urinated considerable (sixth day). Eructations. Eructations having the odor of radishes, especially after drinking.
Frequent eructations, very offensive, almost putrid. вilious eructations leaving a bitter taste (second day). Regurgitation of liquids (second day). Frequent regurgitation of water and mucus, sometimes mixed with blood, without efforts to vomit (second day). Discharge of gas, upward and downward, smelling of radishes (this condition is not noticed after eating larger quantities of radishes. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea.
Constant nausea, so that she could not lie down; in spite of great weakness she was obliged to sit up. Nausea, with efforts to vomit. Attacks of nausea like faintness, for a moment. Nausea, every moment. Qualmishness in the region of the stomach. Nausea, with efforts to vomit (soon). Repeated vomiting. Vomiting of a large quantity of undigested radishes and while mucus, at 7 A.
M. (third day). Vomiting of the radish with mucus and bread.
Frequent efforts to vomit (second night). Efforts to vomit when coughing, with pressure mounting up into the chest an regurgitation of a very acrid colorless liquid. Efforts to vomit, while walking in the evening. Efforts to vomit, in the afternoon (third day). Stomach. Eau sucree gives her wind in the stomach (first day). Violent pressure in the epigastric region. Violent pain at the base of the stomach. Sticking pain in the pit of the stomach. Sticking in the stomach and in the region of the liver.
Cutting in the epigastric region. сutting pain in the pit of the stomach. Sensation of throbbing at the epigastrium, and of swelling of the stomach; she can scarcely sit still (third day).
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