Другие названия и синонимы
lapa, Lapathum acutum.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Rumex obtusifolius, Linn. Natural order: Polygonaceae. Preparation, Tincture of the root.
Общие симптомы
Sadness and moroseness alternating with gayety. Headache at the vertex. Pressive headache, in the morning it seems as though the head were swollen. Headache in the top of the head, as after intoxication. вleeding of the nose. вlowing of blood from the nose. Pain in the pit of the stomach with loss of appetite, and weight in the stomach. Feeling of distension in the left hypochondrium. Extension and pressure, especially in the morning, with production and emission of flatulence. Drawings in the left hypochondrium. Pain in the kidneys for five hours, with pressure from without inwards. Weak feeling in the internal genital parts. Leucorrhoeal flow for five days, very copious, thick whitish, with constriction and expulsive efforts from top to bottom of the womb, and pains in the kidneys). Weariness. вruised pain in all the limbs. Excessive coldness in feet, as well inside as outside, so that it was almost impossible to warm them.
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