Другие названия и синонимы
cere-s, Cereus serpentinus, цереус змеевидный гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
(* See also Doctor вurt’s proving under сactus.
Дополнительные факты
Cereus serpentinus, Haw.
Natural order: сactaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the stems.
Natural order: сactaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the stems.
Психика и сознание
Light, lascivious feeling (2nd day). Prone to lascivious thoughts (10th day). Pray nearly all night (3rd day). At night, remained at a late hour at prayer; intended to remain all night at prayer, but fell asleep. Very irritable, inclined to profanity (16th day). Very irritable, nervous, swear a little (3rd day).
Angry at trifles. Fit of sudden ungovernable rage (8th day). Great apathy for several days (10th day). Insipidity of life; everything mechanical, no enjoyment (8th day). Intellectual. Feel mixed up, rage, swearing mood (19th day). Unfitness for study; after reading a short time, get impression to desist (9th day). Mistakes made in conversation; use the word fat for hat. Omit the final part of a word in writing (9th day).
Light, lascivious feeling (2nd day). Prone to lascivious thoughts (10th day). Pray nearly all night (3rd day). At night, remained at a late hour at prayer; intended to remain all night at prayer, but fell asleep. Very irritable, inclined to profanity (16th day). Very irritable, nervous, swear a little (3rd day).
Angry at trifles. Fit of sudden ungovernable rage (8th day). Great apathy for several days (10th day). Insipidity of life; everything mechanical, no enjoyment (8th day). Intellectual. Feel mixed up, rage, swearing mood (19th day). Unfitness for study; after reading a short time, get impression to desist (9th day). Mistakes made in conversation; use the word fat for hat. Omit the final part of a word in writing (9th day).
Голова, лицо и уши
Felt dizzy in morning, raising, with a scraping effort, mucus from the throat (2nd day). Tensive pain in head and brain. Feeling as if the back part of the brain were detached from the anterior portion and rotten (8th day).
Pain; slight drawing in right orbit (8th day). Itching of the inner canthus of the right eye, internal surface of the lid bordering the tarsal cartilage.
Singing in the right ear (9th day).
Epistaxis (16th day).
In morning, awoke with a yellowish hue of countenance; slightly chilly (no fire in room), (2nd day).
Felt dizzy in morning, raising, with a scraping effort, mucus from the throat (2nd day). Tensive pain in head and brain. Feeling as if the back part of the brain were detached from the anterior portion and rotten (8th day).
Pain; slight drawing in right orbit (8th day). Itching of the inner canthus of the right eye, internal surface of the lid bordering the tarsal cartilage.
Singing in the right ear (9th day).
Epistaxis (16th day).
In morning, awoke with a yellowish hue of countenance; slightly chilly (no fire in room), (2nd day).
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue has been dry for two or three days (5th day). At dinner, bite the inside of the mouth, right cheek (2nd day).
Mucus in throat (16th day). Mucus in throat and nose adhering (7th day). In afternoon, much mucus in throat, also in evening (10th day). Much loose mucus in throat (pharynx), (7th day). Much tenacious mucus in throat, detached with difficulty (4th day). Much raising of mucus from the throat, and discharged from the throat (17th day). Much expectoration of congealed mucus from the throat and nasal passages, through the course of the morning. At times, considerable expectoration of mucus from throat, and dislodgment of mucus from nostrils.
Clearing of the throat of mucus very often (17th day). Throat cleared of mucus a great deal of the time this morning (20th day).
Mucus in throat (16th day). Mucus in throat and nose adhering (7th day). In afternoon, much mucus in throat, also in evening (10th day). Much loose mucus in throat (pharynx), (7th day). Much tenacious mucus in throat, detached with difficulty (4th day). Much raising of mucus from the throat, and discharged from the throat (17th day). Much expectoration of congealed mucus from the throat and nasal passages, through the course of the morning. At times, considerable expectoration of mucus from throat, and dislodgment of mucus from nostrils.
Clearing of the throat of mucus very often (17th day). Throat cleared of mucus a great deal of the time this morning (20th day).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Gas passed from bowels (4th day). A good deal of gas passed by the bowels at times, and symptoms recurring again (5th day).
Very strongly smelling flatus from the bowels (8th day).
8.40 p.m, loose stool (2nd day). 9.30 , had a stool like a large lump; difficult; felt better afterward (8th day).
Very strongly smelling flatus from the bowels (8th day).
8.40 p.m, loose stool (2nd day). 9.30 , had a stool like a large lump; difficult; felt better afterward (8th day).
Мочеполовая система
10 , pain in the region of the right kidney (8th day).
Urgency to urinate (3rd day). Enuresis (16th day). Urine increased; urinate every four hours (3rd day). Urine pale tea- green (9th day). Urine yellowish, with a tinge of green (9th day). Urine the past three days deep-colored (5th day). At noon, in passing urine, it precipitated a cloudy sediment (5th day).
Sexual Organs.
Genital organs seem small (3rd and 4th days). Genital organs small and dwindled. Excited condition of genital organs; hyperaemia and hyperasthenia increased by walking (9th day). Sensation as if a seminal emission were in danger of taking place, with absence of any lascivious thought or fancy (8th day). Pain in right testicle, with coldness (14th day). Towards 10 p.m, a seminal emission, which seems as if it passed like a lump;’ feeling as if a lump had passed one (9th day). Remain up very late, retire, and have an emission of semen, followed by an incisive and very great urgent pain, first in one and then in the other testicle; passed the time in the evening in prayer, with partial relief (8th day).
Urgency to urinate (3rd day). Enuresis (16th day). Urine increased; urinate every four hours (3rd day). Urine pale tea- green (9th day). Urine yellowish, with a tinge of green (9th day). Urine the past three days deep-colored (5th day). At noon, in passing urine, it precipitated a cloudy sediment (5th day).
Sexual Organs.
Genital organs seem small (3rd and 4th days). Genital organs small and dwindled. Excited condition of genital organs; hyperaemia and hyperasthenia increased by walking (9th day). Sensation as if a seminal emission were in danger of taking place, with absence of any lascivious thought or fancy (8th day). Pain in right testicle, with coldness (14th day). Towards 10 p.m, a seminal emission, which seems as if it passed like a lump;’ feeling as if a lump had passed one (9th day). Remain up very late, retire, and have an emission of semen, followed by an incisive and very great urgent pain, first in one and then in the other testicle; passed the time in the evening in prayer, with partial relief (8th day).
Органы грудной клетки
Thorax increased by drawing deep inspiration (3rd day). A considerable drawing sensation or pain was felt over left collar- bone (immediately); after a little while it returns, accompanied with pressure and weight over that quarter of the chest. Pain in chest, right side, just below the axilla and shoulder (after 3 hours). Drawing pain in right pectoral muscles, in the direction and at tendon of pectoralis minor and at coracoid process (8th day).
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Feel the effect of muscular exertion of the heart (8th day).
Paralyzed feeling in heart (9.50 P.M)., (9th day). Feel pain at heart after retiring (7th day). Pain at heart after exertion, followed by shortness of breath, relieved after taking a full inspiration (19th day). Momentary pain at heart (2nd day). Afternoon, short sharp pain through the heart (2nd day). Thrusting pain at heart, followed by sighing respiration (2nd day).
Paralyzed feeling in heart (9.50 P.M)., (9th day). Feel pain at heart after retiring (7th day). Pain at heart after exertion, followed by shortness of breath, relieved after taking a full inspiration (19th day). Momentary pain at heart (2nd day). Afternoon, short sharp pain through the heart (2nd day). Thrusting pain at heart, followed by sighing respiration (2nd day).
Конечности и позвоночник
Pain in neck, with perspiration on slight exertion (5th day).
Pain felt, especially on posterior cervical muscles (5th day).
Tenderness of the cervical muscles (3rd day). Lameness of right shoulder-blade, lower portion, dorsum, running to side (3rd day). Pain in back, region of kidneys (3rd day).
Superior Extremities.
Pain in right arm (6th day), Severe pain in right arm, in writing (7th day). Pain along course of nerves on inner side of right arm (8th day). Shoulder. Pain with coldness towards the shoulder, in a cold room (9th day). Lameness (very bad) of the right shoulder, constant for most of the day; feel as if a heavy load had been carried on it, which had produced a bruised chest (3rd day). Pain in right shoulder (8th day). Feeling as if the shoulders were sprained by exertion of the muscles (8th day). Pinch in left deltoid muscle. Elbow. Heaviness of the left arm at the elbow, a kind of tired feeling. Pain (sharp) in right elbow (5th day). At evening, pain in right elbow, gnawing pain (5th day). Wrist. Pain in right wrist (5th day). Hand. Pain in fifth metacarpal bone of right hand, with aching toward wrist, extended to elbow (9th day). Fingers. Pain in left little finger (2nd day).
Inferior Extremities.
Pain in right lower extremity, near knee (8th day). After kneeling, numbness of right extremities, from the knee down (10th day). Pain in the dorsum and inner side of right foot, drawing in character; feels as if a horse had stepped on it (8th day).
Pain felt, especially on posterior cervical muscles (5th day).
Tenderness of the cervical muscles (3rd day). Lameness of right shoulder-blade, lower portion, dorsum, running to side (3rd day). Pain in back, region of kidneys (3rd day).
Superior Extremities.
Pain in right arm (6th day), Severe pain in right arm, in writing (7th day). Pain along course of nerves on inner side of right arm (8th day). Shoulder. Pain with coldness towards the shoulder, in a cold room (9th day). Lameness (very bad) of the right shoulder, constant for most of the day; feel as if a heavy load had been carried on it, which had produced a bruised chest (3rd day). Pain in right shoulder (8th day). Feeling as if the shoulders were sprained by exertion of the muscles (8th day). Pinch in left deltoid muscle. Elbow. Heaviness of the left arm at the elbow, a kind of tired feeling. Pain (sharp) in right elbow (5th day). At evening, pain in right elbow, gnawing pain (5th day). Wrist. Pain in right wrist (5th day). Hand. Pain in fifth metacarpal bone of right hand, with aching toward wrist, extended to elbow (9th day). Fingers. Pain in left little finger (2nd day).
Inferior Extremities.
Pain in right lower extremity, near knee (8th day). After kneeling, numbness of right extremities, from the knee down (10th day). Pain in the dorsum and inner side of right foot, drawing in character; feels as if a horse had stepped on it (8th day).
Общие симптомы
Voluptuous feeling (9th day). Faint feeling, with all the time much saliva in the mouth; (this has occurred before during seasons of great despondency, to which I have been subject). (5th day). Feel badly, with dwindling of genital organs (16th day). Feel like one recovering from a cold (cephalic catarrh), (2nd day). Painful feeling in bones, as if a snowstorm were coming (am very sensitive to such influences during the winter months), (3rd day). Its more potent action is in affecting the nerves and muscular organs on the right side of the body.
Pustule on forehead, left side (2nd day). Pustule on right upper lip, angle of the mouth, on parts covered by beard (5th day). Very sore spot in beard just below left angle of mouth (5th day). вurning-itching of the ala nasi. Itching of the surface of the chin covered by the beard, also of the upper lip in beard. Itching very severe on sole and sides of right foot, mostly toward the heel (8th day).
Pustule on forehead, left side (2nd day). Pustule on right upper lip, angle of the mouth, on parts covered by beard (5th day). Very sore spot in beard just below left angle of mouth (5th day). вurning-itching of the ala nasi. Itching of the surface of the chin covered by the beard, also of the upper lip in beard. Itching very severe on sole and sides of right foot, mostly toward the heel (8th day).
Sensitiveness to cold (3rd day). Feel chilly easily (2nd day).
Very sensitive to cold in chest (16th day). сold feeling at side of neck, below ears (2nd day). Perspire easily (4th day).
Very sensitive to cold in chest (16th day). сold feeling at side of neck, below ears (2nd day). Perspire easily (4th day).
Conditions. Aggravation.
(Morning), When hawking mucus, felt dizzy; on waking, face yellow, etc.
(After exertion), Pain at heart.
(On writing), Pain in arm.
(Full inspiration), Pain at heart.
(Prayer), Pain in testicle.
(Morning), When hawking mucus, felt dizzy; on waking, face yellow, etc.
(After exertion), Pain at heart.
(On writing), Pain in arm.
(Full inspiration), Pain at heart.
(Prayer), Pain in testicle.
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