Другие названия и синонимы
bar-acet, Baryta acetica, ацетат бария гомеопатия, barium aceticum, бариум ацетикум, барий ацетикум.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Barium acetate, с2H3O2Ba.
Preparation: Triturations.
Preparation: Triturations.
Психика и сознание
Sudden, excessive, but transient anger and wrath, even to rage from very little cause; easily provoked to action (after many days).
All self-confidence has disappeared.
Sad mood.
Grief at every trifle.
Great solicitude and anxious care.
She is very anxious and careful about very insignificant things, which formerly were perfectly indifferent to her.
Solicitous and fearful.
The slightest noise in the street seems to him like a fire alarm, and he is frightened there after, so that he starts in every limb.
When walking in the street, she imagines that people are criticizing her, and judging her wrongfully, which makes her anxious, so that she will not look up, will look at no one, and sweats all over. An evil, fearful suspicion suddenly takes possession of her, as if, for example, a loved friend had been taken suddenly deathly ill.
Out of humor, fretful.
Fretful, morose, disinclined to work.
Exceedingly obstinate, irritable mood; excited about trifles (very soon).
He wavers for a long time between opposite resolutions (after several days).
During the day she resolves to undertake a certain matter in the evening, but scarcely is the time come when she repents it, and is undecided whether she shall do it or not.
Extreme irresolution; he proposes a short journey, but as soon as he makes preparation he changes his mind, and is inclined to remain at home.
He forgets the words he was about to speak.
In the midst of a speech he is often unable to remember a very common word.
All self-confidence has disappeared.
Sad mood.
Grief at every trifle.
Great solicitude and anxious care.
She is very anxious and careful about very insignificant things, which formerly were perfectly indifferent to her.
Solicitous and fearful.
The slightest noise in the street seems to him like a fire alarm, and he is frightened there after, so that he starts in every limb.
When walking in the street, she imagines that people are criticizing her, and judging her wrongfully, which makes her anxious, so that she will not look up, will look at no one, and sweats all over. An evil, fearful suspicion suddenly takes possession of her, as if, for example, a loved friend had been taken suddenly deathly ill.
Out of humor, fretful.
Fretful, morose, disinclined to work.
Exceedingly obstinate, irritable mood; excited about trifles (very soon).
He wavers for a long time between opposite resolutions (after several days).
During the day she resolves to undertake a certain matter in the evening, but scarcely is the time come when she repents it, and is undecided whether she shall do it or not.
Extreme irresolution; he proposes a short journey, but as soon as he makes preparation he changes his mind, and is inclined to remain at home.
He forgets the words he was about to speak.
In the midst of a speech he is often unable to remember a very common word.
Голова, лицо и уши
Confusion of the head, which extends to the temple and forehead.
Confusion, dulness, and heaviness of the head.
Vertigo on moving the body.
Dulness in the head.
Dulness in the head, with tensive confusion in the forehead and eyes, especially in the inner canthi.
Light feeling in the head, as if it was empty (after three or four hours).
Violent pressing in the whole head, as though it would burst asunder, especially violent in both frontal eminences, and over the orbits (after four and a half hours).
A burrowing headache in the forehead and temples.
Stupefying, dull pressure in the forehead, just over the root of the nose.
Painful pressure in the forehead, just over the right eye.
Dull pressing pain from within outwards in the whole forehead, especially in the orbits, very much aggravated on raising the head erect, disappearing on stooping (after ten hours).
Small, severe stitch in the right frontal eminence, from within outwards (after nine hours).
Twitching deep, internally in the temple, orbit, and ear of the left side.
Pressive pain in the left temple (after some days).
A heavy, pressing thrust in the left temple, extending outwardly (for two and a half hours).
A burrowing headache, in the top and front of the head, almost daily in the morning after rising, continued through the forenoon, and disappearing in the afternoon.
On shaking, the brain feels loose.
Pressive pain through the right half of the brain from the neck to the frontal protuberance (after one and a half hours).
A pressing asunder stitch, beginning in the left side of the head, traversing the whole left occiput, and ending in the cervical vertebrae (after nine hours).
Heavy sensation in the whole occiput influence upon motion (after four hours).
Sudden sensation as of drawing, extending from the occiput bone, extending from the cervical vertebrae behind the right ear, obliquely to the parietal bone, in the afternoon, at 4 p. m., and afterwards, the following day, at the same hour.
The scalp is painful to every touch.
A creeping over the scalp, as if the hair stood on end, without cold sensation.
Here and there in the scalp slow, fine stitches, which compel scratching.
Aching and fatigue in the eyes, with pressure in them.
Dull pressure in the left eye after a twinging pain in the left temple and orbit, with a sensation as though the eye would water, and a kind of weakness which compels her to frequently close them.
Finally this presses also in the right eye.
Pressure deep in the eyes, which is worse if she looks at one point, or upwards and sidewise, but is relieved by winking or looking downwards (after several days).
Continual pressure on the eyeballs.
Rapid alteration of dilated and contracted pupil, whereby it is not quite round, and seems to have several obtuse angles (after five minutes).
Everything seems enveloped in a mist for several minutes.
If she closes the eye and presses the ball a little with the hand there is a pressive pain in the ball.
A drawing stitch in the left mastoid process, aggravated at intervals in a small spot, which is exceedingly painful afterwards, especially on touching it or turning the head.
Severe stitch, so that she must cry out, several times in the day, below the right ear, near ramus of the lower jaw (after twenty four hours).
Cadaverous pallor.
Pale face, drawn features, eyebrows rather drooping.
Sensation as if the whole skin of the face were covered with cobwebs.
Sensation of heat in the face, without redness.
Sensation as if the whole face were exceedingly swollen; it was, however, only very slightly so, although the usual deep furrows in the face had almost entirely disappeared, and the face seemed smooth for some hours (after half an hour).
Tension in the face which draws down the eyelids, with inclination to expectorate saliva.
Tensive sensation in the whole face, with nausea and diarrhoeic stool (after one and a half hours).
Exceedingly unpleasant sensation extends over the whole akin of the face and scalp, and especially the temporal region, as if something were drawn tightly over it, with a cold sensation in the face (very soon).
Painful stitch in the face.
Broad wheals on the upper lip under the skin, very painful to touch.
Feeling in the upper lip as if it were swollen, with a sensation on the inner surface and on the palate, as if burnt or numb.
Mouth and Throat.
Swelling of the gum of the right upper back teeth, it looks red, and has a dark-red narrow border around the teeth; from cold drinks the tooth pains, and its vicinity is sensitive.
Cold tongue, somewhat black.
Pustules in the right corner of the mouth, painful to touch.
Sudden spitting of saliva, without nausea.
Very bitter taste in the mouth with the natural taste of the food.
Detestable taste in the mouth, Horribly disagreeable styptic taste of the drug, lasting more than twenty-four hour.
Utterance imperfect.
Pungent taste in the throat on smoking tobacco (which he is accustomed to), (after three quarters of an hour).
Confusion, dulness, and heaviness of the head.
Vertigo on moving the body.
Dulness in the head.
Dulness in the head, with tensive confusion in the forehead and eyes, especially in the inner canthi.
Light feeling in the head, as if it was empty (after three or four hours).
Violent pressing in the whole head, as though it would burst asunder, especially violent in both frontal eminences, and over the orbits (after four and a half hours).
A burrowing headache in the forehead and temples.
Stupefying, dull pressure in the forehead, just over the root of the nose.
Painful pressure in the forehead, just over the right eye.
Dull pressing pain from within outwards in the whole forehead, especially in the orbits, very much aggravated on raising the head erect, disappearing on stooping (after ten hours).
Small, severe stitch in the right frontal eminence, from within outwards (after nine hours).
Twitching deep, internally in the temple, orbit, and ear of the left side.
Pressive pain in the left temple (after some days).
A heavy, pressing thrust in the left temple, extending outwardly (for two and a half hours).
A burrowing headache, in the top and front of the head, almost daily in the morning after rising, continued through the forenoon, and disappearing in the afternoon.
On shaking, the brain feels loose.
Pressive pain through the right half of the brain from the neck to the frontal protuberance (after one and a half hours).
A pressing asunder stitch, beginning in the left side of the head, traversing the whole left occiput, and ending in the cervical vertebrae (after nine hours).
Heavy sensation in the whole occiput influence upon motion (after four hours).
Sudden sensation as of drawing, extending from the occiput bone, extending from the cervical vertebrae behind the right ear, obliquely to the parietal bone, in the afternoon, at 4 p. m., and afterwards, the following day, at the same hour.
The scalp is painful to every touch.
A creeping over the scalp, as if the hair stood on end, without cold sensation.
Here and there in the scalp slow, fine stitches, which compel scratching.
Aching and fatigue in the eyes, with pressure in them.
Dull pressure in the left eye after a twinging pain in the left temple and orbit, with a sensation as though the eye would water, and a kind of weakness which compels her to frequently close them.
Finally this presses also in the right eye.
Pressure deep in the eyes, which is worse if she looks at one point, or upwards and sidewise, but is relieved by winking or looking downwards (after several days).
Continual pressure on the eyeballs.
Rapid alteration of dilated and contracted pupil, whereby it is not quite round, and seems to have several obtuse angles (after five minutes).
Everything seems enveloped in a mist for several minutes.
If she closes the eye and presses the ball a little with the hand there is a pressive pain in the ball.
A drawing stitch in the left mastoid process, aggravated at intervals in a small spot, which is exceedingly painful afterwards, especially on touching it or turning the head.
Severe stitch, so that she must cry out, several times in the day, below the right ear, near ramus of the lower jaw (after twenty four hours).
Cadaverous pallor.
Pale face, drawn features, eyebrows rather drooping.
Sensation as if the whole skin of the face were covered with cobwebs.
Sensation of heat in the face, without redness.
Sensation as if the whole face were exceedingly swollen; it was, however, only very slightly so, although the usual deep furrows in the face had almost entirely disappeared, and the face seemed smooth for some hours (after half an hour).
Tension in the face which draws down the eyelids, with inclination to expectorate saliva.
Tensive sensation in the whole face, with nausea and diarrhoeic stool (after one and a half hours).
Exceedingly unpleasant sensation extends over the whole akin of the face and scalp, and especially the temporal region, as if something were drawn tightly over it, with a cold sensation in the face (very soon).
Painful stitch in the face.
Broad wheals on the upper lip under the skin, very painful to touch.
Feeling in the upper lip as if it were swollen, with a sensation on the inner surface and on the palate, as if burnt or numb.
Mouth and Throat.
Swelling of the gum of the right upper back teeth, it looks red, and has a dark-red narrow border around the teeth; from cold drinks the tooth pains, and its vicinity is sensitive.
Cold tongue, somewhat black.
Pustules in the right corner of the mouth, painful to touch.
Sudden spitting of saliva, without nausea.
Very bitter taste in the mouth with the natural taste of the food.
Detestable taste in the mouth, Horribly disagreeable styptic taste of the drug, lasting more than twenty-four hour.
Utterance imperfect.
Pungent taste in the throat on smoking tobacco (which he is accustomed to), (after three quarters of an hour).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Great appetite all day; and if he has eaten so as to be only moderately satisfied he is soon again hungry; if he becomes completely satisfied, he feels great discomfort and heaviness therefrom.
Aversion to eating, and yet a sensation of hunger.
Very little appetite, with a natural taste of the food; no hunger.
Little appetite; when he attempts to eat it will not go down; food has a natural taste but is repugnant to him, and eating gives discomfort.
Satiety the whole day; whatever she eats is without hunger.
If she eats even a very little she is completely satisfied, and experiences a painful heaviness in the stomach as from a stone, with a sensitive gnawing; the pain is relieved by sitting erect or bending backwards, but only for a short time; it is very much aggravated by sitting bent.
Very urgent thirst for forty eight hours, only to be allayed by holding a small piece of ice in the mouth.
Empty tasteless, eructations (quarter of an hour).
Empty eructations, with insipid taste and collection of water in the mouth, without nausea.
Eructations of air with a sensation in the epigastric region, as if it would force itself painfully through it, which causes a sore sensation; afterwards, tasteless eructations follow.
Sensation of nausea in the stomach, qualmishness.
Nauseous sensation; an uncomfortable feeling with a kind of qualmishness.
Nausea in the stomach when walking, aggravated on touching the epigastric region; without collection of saliva.
Nausea, followed by sudden and very copious vomiting of bile, and a brownish substance (consisting, no doubt, of the chocolate taken that morning), (after ten hours).
Several attacks of very copious vomiting.
Vomiting almost regularly every hour, for twenty-four hours.
Heaviness in the stomach, with nausea in the morning and fasting,; disappears after breakfast (after many days).
Heaviness in the pit of the stomach as from a load, making respiration difficult, relieved by deep breathing, but aggravated by carrying even a slight weight.
Heartburn after some eructations.
Sudden drawing pain in the pit of the stomach from time to time.
Pressure in the epigastric region with oppression of the breath, and sensation as if on deep breathing the breath were arrested there, together with a rough voice, which is only transiently relieved by frequent hawking; the pressive pain is aggravated by the slightest food.
Sensitive, dull sticking just below the pit of the stomach, near the ensiform cartilage, which continues as a simple pain.
Painful writhing sensation in the stomach when, on eating, the food passes into it, as if it had to force its way through against sore places.
Even when fasting she feels a sore pain in the stomach for several days together.
Sore pain in the pit of the stomach, on external pressure and on breathing (first day).
The pressive, sore sensation and gnawing in the stomach are most severe when standing and walking, as also when sitting bent; when lying on the back, on bending forward, or when pressing on the stomach with the hands, she feels only the painful pressure, not the gnawing.
Pressive pain on a small spot in the right hypochondriac region only when breathing (especially when breathing deep), the place is painful to pressure (second day).
Borborygmi (after two hours).
Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.
Severe rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen.
Gurgling in the abdomen on moving it.
Sensation of much fluid, although she had drank nothing (in the afternoon).
Unpleasant sensation in the upper abdomen, as before vomiting.
Sensation in abdomen as if diarrhoea would ensure, with chilliness.
Pinching in the upper portion of the left side of the abdomen, in a small spot just below the left hypochondrium, increased by pressure with the fingers (after quarter of an hour).
Griping pain extending through the whole abdomen from above downward.
Sudden violent pinching pain in the region of the transverse colon, as from flatus pressed forcibly through it.
Violent pain as from diarrhoea, drawing, here and there, through the whole abdomen; relieved for a short time by a loud rumbling in the bowels.
Some sudden, sharp stitches in the right side of the abdomen which make her cry out.
Sudden, constrictive pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis, which is worse by paroxysms; it gradually disappears (after five minutes).
Suddenly a violent stitch from the right groin into the abdomen, so that she starts.
Frequent desire for stool, although she goes no more frequently than usually, and the passage then is natural.
Urging to stool, with violent pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were spread out, then a sort stool followed by renewed urging (after one hour).
Frequent urging to stool, with painful aching in the lumbar region, and creeping coldness over the head and along the thighs as in dysentery, and then a soft stool, at short intervals; continuing pain in the loins with renewed urging to stool.
Involuntary stools.
Soft granular stool without any difficulty.
Stool soft, finally becoming like diarrhoea.
Half liquid stool (after two hours), followed by constipation.
Aversion to eating, and yet a sensation of hunger.
Very little appetite, with a natural taste of the food; no hunger.
Little appetite; when he attempts to eat it will not go down; food has a natural taste but is repugnant to him, and eating gives discomfort.
Satiety the whole day; whatever she eats is without hunger.
If she eats even a very little she is completely satisfied, and experiences a painful heaviness in the stomach as from a stone, with a sensitive gnawing; the pain is relieved by sitting erect or bending backwards, but only for a short time; it is very much aggravated by sitting bent.
Very urgent thirst for forty eight hours, only to be allayed by holding a small piece of ice in the mouth.
Empty tasteless, eructations (quarter of an hour).
Empty eructations, with insipid taste and collection of water in the mouth, without nausea.
Eructations of air with a sensation in the epigastric region, as if it would force itself painfully through it, which causes a sore sensation; afterwards, tasteless eructations follow.
Sensation of nausea in the stomach, qualmishness.
Nauseous sensation; an uncomfortable feeling with a kind of qualmishness.
Nausea in the stomach when walking, aggravated on touching the epigastric region; without collection of saliva.
Nausea, followed by sudden and very copious vomiting of bile, and a brownish substance (consisting, no doubt, of the chocolate taken that morning), (after ten hours).
Several attacks of very copious vomiting.
Vomiting almost regularly every hour, for twenty-four hours.
Heaviness in the stomach, with nausea in the morning and fasting,; disappears after breakfast (after many days).
Heaviness in the pit of the stomach as from a load, making respiration difficult, relieved by deep breathing, but aggravated by carrying even a slight weight.
Heartburn after some eructations.
Sudden drawing pain in the pit of the stomach from time to time.
Pressure in the epigastric region with oppression of the breath, and sensation as if on deep breathing the breath were arrested there, together with a rough voice, which is only transiently relieved by frequent hawking; the pressive pain is aggravated by the slightest food.
Sensitive, dull sticking just below the pit of the stomach, near the ensiform cartilage, which continues as a simple pain.
Painful writhing sensation in the stomach when, on eating, the food passes into it, as if it had to force its way through against sore places.
Even when fasting she feels a sore pain in the stomach for several days together.
Sore pain in the pit of the stomach, on external pressure and on breathing (first day).
The pressive, sore sensation and gnawing in the stomach are most severe when standing and walking, as also when sitting bent; when lying on the back, on bending forward, or when pressing on the stomach with the hands, she feels only the painful pressure, not the gnawing.
Pressive pain on a small spot in the right hypochondriac region only when breathing (especially when breathing deep), the place is painful to pressure (second day).
Borborygmi (after two hours).
Rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.
Severe rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen.
Gurgling in the abdomen on moving it.
Sensation of much fluid, although she had drank nothing (in the afternoon).
Unpleasant sensation in the upper abdomen, as before vomiting.
Sensation in abdomen as if diarrhoea would ensure, with chilliness.
Pinching in the upper portion of the left side of the abdomen, in a small spot just below the left hypochondrium, increased by pressure with the fingers (after quarter of an hour).
Griping pain extending through the whole abdomen from above downward.
Sudden violent pinching pain in the region of the transverse colon, as from flatus pressed forcibly through it.
Violent pain as from diarrhoea, drawing, here and there, through the whole abdomen; relieved for a short time by a loud rumbling in the bowels.
Some sudden, sharp stitches in the right side of the abdomen which make her cry out.
Sudden, constrictive pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis, which is worse by paroxysms; it gradually disappears (after five minutes).
Suddenly a violent stitch from the right groin into the abdomen, so that she starts.
Frequent desire for stool, although she goes no more frequently than usually, and the passage then is natural.
Urging to stool, with violent pain in the abdomen, as if the intestines were spread out, then a sort stool followed by renewed urging (after one hour).
Frequent urging to stool, with painful aching in the lumbar region, and creeping coldness over the head and along the thighs as in dysentery, and then a soft stool, at short intervals; continuing pain in the loins with renewed urging to stool.
Involuntary stools.
Soft granular stool without any difficulty.
Stool soft, finally becoming like diarrhoea.
Half liquid stool (after two hours), followed by constipation.
Мочеполовая система
Increased discharge of urine.
He is obliged to pass clear, watery urine frequently, though only a little at a time.
Frequent and copious urinating in the morning, fasting, without having drank anything.
When appetite improved and thirst lessened, the urinary secretion became very considerable.
Almost complete incontinence of urine and faeces, сlear and abundant urine.
During twenty four hours the urine held a great deal of mucus in suspension, but no baryta was found on analysis.
Sexual Organs.
Red, eroded, moist, burning, hot spot between the scrotum and the thigh.
Profuse sweat of the scrotum.
A formerly swollen epididymis swells anew very violently.
Diminished sexual desire.
Menstruation is somewhat more profuse, and continues longer than usual, but is not accompanied by the usual pain (curative action).
He is obliged to pass clear, watery urine frequently, though only a little at a time.
Frequent and copious urinating in the morning, fasting, without having drank anything.
When appetite improved and thirst lessened, the urinary secretion became very considerable.
Almost complete incontinence of urine and faeces, сlear and abundant urine.
During twenty four hours the urine held a great deal of mucus in suspension, but no baryta was found on analysis.
Sexual Organs.
Red, eroded, moist, burning, hot spot between the scrotum and the thigh.
Profuse sweat of the scrotum.
A formerly swollen epididymis swells anew very violently.
Diminished sexual desire.
Menstruation is somewhat more profuse, and continues longer than usual, but is not accompanied by the usual pain (curative action).
Органы грудной клетки
Pressure just below the larynx, which does not affect swallowing (after three hours).
Voice rough on account of tough mucus, which constantly collects in the fauces and larynx for several days together; on hawking he raises but little, and makes his voice clear for but a short time.
Voice extinct.
Respiration very slightly affected.
Respiration gradually more and more embarrassed.
Respiration imperfect and very frequent; respiratory sound almost imperceptible.
Pressive heaviness across the chest, increased on inspiration, which gives a sticking pain below the end of the sternum (after half an hour).
Itching on the chest.
Transient stitch in the right side of the chest, between the sixth and seventh ribs.
Voice rough on account of tough mucus, which constantly collects in the fauces and larynx for several days together; on hawking he raises but little, and makes his voice clear for but a short time.
Voice extinct.
Respiration very slightly affected.
Respiration gradually more and more embarrassed.
Respiration imperfect and very frequent; respiratory sound almost imperceptible.
Pressive heaviness across the chest, increased on inspiration, which gives a sticking pain below the end of the sternum (after half an hour).
Itching on the chest.
Transient stitch in the right side of the chest, between the sixth and seventh ribs.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Dull, deep sounds of the heart.
Pulse 125-130, very small and very frequent.
Pulse slower than normal by sixty five beats.
Pulse remained pretty regular, but notably slackened (56 instead 70).
(In similar cases has been observed to fall to 25).
Marked, but very short-lasting, irregularity of pulse, on one occasion.
Pulse 125-130, very small and very frequent.
Pulse slower than normal by sixty five beats.
Pulse remained pretty regular, but notably slackened (56 instead 70).
(In similar cases has been observed to fall to 25).
Marked, but very short-lasting, irregularity of pulse, on one occasion.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pressive, tensive pain of the left side of the neck during rest and motion.
After the first vomiting, the muscular relaxation affected the posterior muscles of the trunk; he was too prostrated to remain in his arm-chair, and had to go to bed.
Sensation of heat in the back.
Anxious sensation, with discomfort and restlessness in the lumbar region like urging to stool; relieved transiently by the passage of flatus or eructations of air; at last, several stools follow at short intervals.
A throbbing, grumbling sensation in the small of the back.
Extremities in General.
Scarcely able to sit up in an arm-chair; extreme muscular relaxation in every limb (after fifteen hours).
A transient stitch on the left shoulder-blade, and on the outer side of the right thigh.
Upper Extremities.
Heaviness of the left arm, it is moved with difficulty; the shoulder alone seems to act; the hand and forearm are paralyzed (after seven hours).
Sensitive drawing in all the bones of the right arm.
A sudden, transient, pinching pain on the left shoulder blade (after half an hour).
Painful digging in the left shoulder-bone.
In the bones of the right arm a sensitive pain at a small spot.
Pain, as if beaten in the middle of left humerus.
Transient, painful drawing in the left forearm, as if in the bone, during rest and motion (after one and a half hours).
Bruised pain, worse by paroxysms, on the back of the forearm, as if in the bone (after many days).
Rhythmical twitching in the external condyle of the wrist.
Twitching in the inner condyle of the wrist in slow, wavelike paroxysms in the morning when lying in bed.
Cramp like, pressive pain in the right wrist, extending from within outward (after three and a half hours).
Tearing of the wrist-joint, extending to the tips of the fingers.
Burning crawling on the back of the hand and fingers during the day, only transiently relieved by scratching.
Violent, small stitches in the lowest joint of the left index finger, during rest and motion (after nine and a half hours).
Lower Extremities.
Giving way of the right leg, then of the left leg (after eight hours).
Tearing extending down the leg, most painful, and lasts longest in the knees, and also in the other joints, the nates, the hips, and the ankles.
Intermitting tearing from above downwards, in the right nates.
Tearing in the external and anterior side of the thigh, extending downward under the skin, as far as the knee when walking (after seven hours).
Painful aching on the inner side when sitting; on extending the foot, it becomes a dull, pressive sensation.
Sharp stitches in the inner side of the left knee, sudden, so that she starts.
Violent stitches through the left knee on going upstairs, they leave a kind of painful paralysis in it.
A feeling of weariness in the legs; jerks in the foot.
Feeling as of a cold air just along the leg as far as the condyles.
Drawing pain down the whole left leg.
Tearing extending from the knee downward under the skin, when walking (after seven hours).
Sensitive drawing in a small place in the left tibia (after three-quarters of an hour).
Drawing pain in the left sole.
After the first vomiting, the muscular relaxation affected the posterior muscles of the trunk; he was too prostrated to remain in his arm-chair, and had to go to bed.
Sensation of heat in the back.
Anxious sensation, with discomfort and restlessness in the lumbar region like urging to stool; relieved transiently by the passage of flatus or eructations of air; at last, several stools follow at short intervals.
A throbbing, grumbling sensation in the small of the back.
Extremities in General.
Scarcely able to sit up in an arm-chair; extreme muscular relaxation in every limb (after fifteen hours).
A transient stitch on the left shoulder-blade, and on the outer side of the right thigh.
Upper Extremities.
Heaviness of the left arm, it is moved with difficulty; the shoulder alone seems to act; the hand and forearm are paralyzed (after seven hours).
Sensitive drawing in all the bones of the right arm.
A sudden, transient, pinching pain on the left shoulder blade (after half an hour).
Painful digging in the left shoulder-bone.
In the bones of the right arm a sensitive pain at a small spot.
Pain, as if beaten in the middle of left humerus.
Transient, painful drawing in the left forearm, as if in the bone, during rest and motion (after one and a half hours).
Bruised pain, worse by paroxysms, on the back of the forearm, as if in the bone (after many days).
Rhythmical twitching in the external condyle of the wrist.
Twitching in the inner condyle of the wrist in slow, wavelike paroxysms in the morning when lying in bed.
Cramp like, pressive pain in the right wrist, extending from within outward (after three and a half hours).
Tearing of the wrist-joint, extending to the tips of the fingers.
Burning crawling on the back of the hand and fingers during the day, only transiently relieved by scratching.
Violent, small stitches in the lowest joint of the left index finger, during rest and motion (after nine and a half hours).
Lower Extremities.
Giving way of the right leg, then of the left leg (after eight hours).
Tearing extending down the leg, most painful, and lasts longest in the knees, and also in the other joints, the nates, the hips, and the ankles.
Intermitting tearing from above downwards, in the right nates.
Tearing in the external and anterior side of the thigh, extending downward under the skin, as far as the knee when walking (after seven hours).
Painful aching on the inner side when sitting; on extending the foot, it becomes a dull, pressive sensation.
Sharp stitches in the inner side of the left knee, sudden, so that she starts.
Violent stitches through the left knee on going upstairs, they leave a kind of painful paralysis in it.
A feeling of weariness in the legs; jerks in the foot.
Feeling as of a cold air just along the leg as far as the condyles.
Drawing pain down the whole left leg.
Tearing extending from the knee downward under the skin, when walking (after seven hours).
Sensitive drawing in a small place in the left tibia (after three-quarters of an hour).
Drawing pain in the left sole.
Общие симптомы
Lies on his back in bed, deprived of voluntary motion.
The paralysis extends rapidly from above downwards, affecting first the abdominal muscles, next those which have their insertions in the chest, then those of the neck, and lastly, the sphincters of the bladder and rectum.
Great fatigue, he desires to lie or to sit constantly.
The muscular relaxation lasted twenty-four hours, then gradually, but quite rapidly diminished, following the same course as when it came on.
In less than twenty hours after the first slight movements of feet and hands, he was able to hold himself in a chair, and sit up in bed, and could soon take a few steps on the floor of his room.
General debility (after three or four hours).
Alarming debility (after two hours).
Increased weakness, could scarcely put out his left arm to ring the bell.
Loss of vigor and power; when standing, the knees give way; the spine pains, especially in the lumbar region, as if he had taken a long ride; he feels uncomfortable in the whole body, and desires constantly to sit, or rather lie; would rather walk than stand.
After eating, depressed, weak, uncomfortable, with constant desire for stool, and an anxious sensation in the lumbar region, when at rest.
Inability to cough, to expectorate, to articulate words of more than two syllables (owing to failure in expiration), or to lift the head from the pillow.
The general system remained feeble for more than a month; the discoloration of the tissues and emaciation lasted still longer, and sleep did not become sound and refreshing until eight or ten weeks had elapsed.
Death in about twelve hours after taking the poison, with undisturbed intellect, and without having stirred from his supine posture.
Indescribable malaise (after three or four hours).
Drawing in the whole body, now here, now there, especially in the joints.
Dull pressure as if bruised, slowly increasing and decreasing, here and there, in a small spot.
The whole body feels bruised, with weariness and heaviness of the limbs.
The symptoms (tearing, drawing, throbbing), in the head and the limbs, appear more on the left side.
The paralysis extends rapidly from above downwards, affecting first the abdominal muscles, next those which have their insertions in the chest, then those of the neck, and lastly, the sphincters of the bladder and rectum.
Great fatigue, he desires to lie or to sit constantly.
The muscular relaxation lasted twenty-four hours, then gradually, but quite rapidly diminished, following the same course as when it came on.
In less than twenty hours after the first slight movements of feet and hands, he was able to hold himself in a chair, and sit up in bed, and could soon take a few steps on the floor of his room.
General debility (after three or four hours).
Alarming debility (after two hours).
Increased weakness, could scarcely put out his left arm to ring the bell.
Loss of vigor and power; when standing, the knees give way; the spine pains, especially in the lumbar region, as if he had taken a long ride; he feels uncomfortable in the whole body, and desires constantly to sit, or rather lie; would rather walk than stand.
After eating, depressed, weak, uncomfortable, with constant desire for stool, and an anxious sensation in the lumbar region, when at rest.
Inability to cough, to expectorate, to articulate words of more than two syllables (owing to failure in expiration), or to lift the head from the pillow.
The general system remained feeble for more than a month; the discoloration of the tissues and emaciation lasted still longer, and sleep did not become sound and refreshing until eight or ten weeks had elapsed.
Death in about twelve hours after taking the poison, with undisturbed intellect, and without having stirred from his supine posture.
Indescribable malaise (after three or four hours).
Drawing in the whole body, now here, now there, especially in the joints.
Dull pressure as if bruised, slowly increasing and decreasing, here and there, in a small spot.
The whole body feels bruised, with weariness and heaviness of the limbs.
The symptoms (tearing, drawing, throbbing), in the head and the limbs, appear more on the left side.
Eruption of acne pimples on the chest, they disappear in a few days.
Pustules on the left middle finger, with a sore pain on touching.
Fine sensitive stitches here and there in the skin.
Intolerable crawling in the whole body, especially on the back, hips, legs, ankles, the back of the feet and fingers, wakes him at night, keeps him constantly scratching, which, however, only transiently relieves, after three nights in succession.
Crawling and burning needle-stitches, here and there, often sudden in a small spot; she is compelled to scratch and rub, although it does not relieve.
Feeling as if the head and face were covered with parchment.
Very disagreeable formication and pricking under the skin of the head and face.
Eruption of acne pimples on the chest, they disappear in a few days.
Pustules on the left middle finger, with a sore pain on touching.
Fine sensitive stitches here and there in the skin.
Intolerable crawling in the whole body, especially on the back, hips, legs, ankles, the back of the feet and fingers, wakes him at night, keeps him constantly scratching, which, however, only transiently relieves, after three nights in succession.
Crawling and burning needle-stitches, here and there, often sudden in a small spot; she is compelled to scratch and rub, although it does not relieve.
Feeling as if the head and face were covered with parchment.
Very disagreeable formication and pricking under the skin of the head and face.
Frequent yawning, whereby the eyes become suffused.
Yawning, stretching, and sleepiness.
Overpowering sleepiness.
She cannot help falling asleep in the afternoon, and nods continually.
Wearied with sleep in the forenoon.
Although he was very tired and sleepy on going to bed, yet the first sleep was very uneasy and frequently interrupted, he awoke frequently without cause.
She wakes more frequently at night than usual; she seems too hot, throws off the covering; her feet ache as if she had stool for a long time during the day; this disappears after rising and walking about.
In the morning when waking he does not feel refreshed; the limbs are tired as if bruised; he feels better, however, after rising.
Confused dreams, restless sleep, frequent waking, and a great fatigue, so that he soon falls asleep again.
Confused, commingled dreams.
Vivid, strange dreams.
Dreams of dead persons (it however does not frighten him), with murmurings in sleep (first night).
Yawning, stretching, and sleepiness.
Overpowering sleepiness.
She cannot help falling asleep in the afternoon, and nods continually.
Wearied with sleep in the forenoon.
Although he was very tired and sleepy on going to bed, yet the first sleep was very uneasy and frequently interrupted, he awoke frequently without cause.
She wakes more frequently at night than usual; she seems too hot, throws off the covering; her feet ache as if she had stool for a long time during the day; this disappears after rising and walking about.
In the morning when waking he does not feel refreshed; the limbs are tired as if bruised; he feels better, however, after rising.
Confused dreams, restless sleep, frequent waking, and a great fatigue, so that he soon falls asleep again.
Confused, commingled dreams.
Vivid, strange dreams.
Dreams of dead persons (it however does not frighten him), with murmurings in sleep (first night).
Skin cool.
Skin cool, even cold and rather moist.
Skin cold and covered with profuse sweat.
Chilliness, especially in the arms with goose-flesh, and yawning, in repeated attacks.
Shivering chilliness in the head, with dull tension in the malar bone as if there would be goose-flesh in the face, as if the hairs stood on end.
Chilliness and freezing extend down through the whole body, in repeated attacks with cold hands (after seven hours).
Chilliness in the forenoon, coldness rising in the pit of the stomach with painful pressure, so that it seems if the hairs were drawn together; it then extends slowly down the arms and legs into the feet.
Short attacks of shivering, with quick flashes of heat, mostly in the back; the chilliness seems to extend from the face, in which there is feeling of tension (after one hour).
Skin cool, even cold and rather moist.
Skin cold and covered with profuse sweat.
Chilliness, especially in the arms with goose-flesh, and yawning, in repeated attacks.
Shivering chilliness in the head, with dull tension in the malar bone as if there would be goose-flesh in the face, as if the hairs stood on end.
Chilliness and freezing extend down through the whole body, in repeated attacks with cold hands (after seven hours).
Chilliness in the forenoon, coldness rising in the pit of the stomach with painful pressure, so that it seems if the hairs were drawn together; it then extends slowly down the arms and legs into the feet.
Short attacks of shivering, with quick flashes of heat, mostly in the back; the chilliness seems to extend from the face, in which there is feeling of tension (after one hour).