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Митчелла репенс

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Ротовая полость и горло
  6. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  7. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  8. Мочеполовая система
  9. Органы грудной клетки
  10. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  11. Конечности и позвоночник
  12. Общие симптомы
  13. Сон
  14. Лихорадка
  15. Модальности
  16. Аналоги по действию
  17. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

mit, Mitchella repens, митчелла стелющаяся гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Mitchella repens, L. Natural order: Rubiaceae. Preparation: Tincture of whole plant.

Психика и сознание

 Emotional. Depression of mind; sighing (after two hours, seventh day). Great depression of spirits (after five hours and a half, seventh day). Spirits began to revive, at 1 (eighth day). Light and buoyant in spirits, although the weather is gloomy and rainy (ninth day). Intellectual. Awoke from a most refreshing sleep, brain clear; feel light and buoyant in spirits, much better than usual (second morning); brain feels dull, and mind stupid, in morning (third day); brain still dull (fourth morning); brain feels very dull, at 7.30 p.m (fifth day); brain feels lighter, but still far from being clear, in morning (sixth day); mind very dull, brain very dull, cannot concentrate thought; could not keep mind on subject in hand; whole perceptive faculties very dull (after first dose, sixth day); brain very dull (after two hours, seventh day); continued dulness of anterior lobes of brain (after three hours and a half, seventh day); totally unable to attend to any regular duties (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day); great dulness of brain, with feeling of fullness, at 9.30 p.m (eighth day); brain feels somewhat lighter, can think better, at 1 (eighth day). Memory poor (after eleven hours and a half, seventh day). Forgetfulness (seventh day). Very forgetful (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day).

Голова, лицо и уши

 Whole head feels bad at 11 p.m (after one dose, sixth day). Headache; whole brain feels dull, especially the cerebellum, in the morning (sixth day). Headache continuous (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day). Awoke with a very severe headache, in the morning (eighth day). Head feels as being relieved of great pressure from without, most of which has been upon the anterior lobes, at 10 (eighth day). Forehead. Feeling of fullness of frontal region (after two hours, seventh day). Anterior lobes of brain seem dull and heavy (three hours and a half after first dose, fifth day). Great frontal headache, lasting thirty minutes (eleventh day). Severe frontal headache for two hours, just behind the superciliary ridges, at 10 (eighth day). Vertex. вurning in the coronal region on inside of skull, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Parietals. Throbbing pain on right side of head, in region of sublimity (after three hours and a half, seventh day). Spot on right side of head, sublimity region, about the size of a silver dollar, feels as if electricity was passing through there (after eleven hours and a half, seventh day). Occiput. Dull, heavy aching in cerebellum (after one hour, seventh day). Throbbing in occipital region, on inside of skull, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). External head. Scalp feels hot, at 1 (eighth day). Scalp sore to touch, especially over region of benevolence, at 10 (eighth day).
 Eyes feel dull and heavy, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day); eyes feel week, at 11 (after first dose, sixth day); eyes feel dull and weak (after two hours, seventh day); eyes feel dull, heavy, and filled with tears (after three hours and a half, seventh day); eyes feel heavy and dull, in the morning (eighth day).
 Burning of the pinna of the left ear, at 11.10 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Dull aching pain in the right ear, at 1 (eighth day).
 Rush of blood to the face; nose feels as though it would bleed (after two hours, seventh day).

Ротовая полость и горло

 Sharp shooting pain in an upper molar tooth, left side (after three hours and a half, seventh day). вurning in tongue (after two hours, seventh day). Pricking sensation in tongue, back portion, in the center (after second dose, fifth day).
 Tonsils. Deglutition difficult; tonsils enlarged, especially left one; it is not congested; do not feel them, except when swallowing, in the morning (sixth day). Fauces. Fauces feel dry and slightly irritated (two hours and a half after first dose, second day); fauces again dry (after second dose, third day); a good deal of irritation of the fauces (after first dose, fourth day); fauces still dry and irritable, at 7.30 p.m (fifth day). Swallowing. Difficult deglutition, due to constriction of the pharynx (two hours after third dose, fifth day). Deglutition difficult, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Some slight difficulty in deglutition (ninth day). External Throat. Some enlargement of the left submaxillary gland (after three hours and a half, seventh day).

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Objective. Rumbling in bowels; expulsion of flatus; feel as if going to have diarrhoea (ninth day). Much flatus in the intestines (third and fourth days). Expulsion of flatus, in the morning (third day). Subjective. Whole alimentary tract feels cold; transverse colon tender under pressure (three hours after second dose, fifth day). Abdomen feels distended, as if with flatus, especially in the transverse colon, in the morning (third day). Griping pain in bowels (eighth day); in colon (seventh day), in small intestines (ninth day). Dull pain in the bowels, in transverse and ascending colon, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day).
 Urging to stool (eighth day). Urging to stool, expulsion of flatus (three hours and a half after first dose, fifth day).
 Diarrhoea. Evacuation of quite thin stools; not strictly diarrhoea, but just such stools as generally usher in an attack of diarrhoea (three hours after second dose, fifth day). Evacuation from bowels, at 7.30 p.m; stool quite soluble (fifth day). Stool, which was quite soluble, at 9 p.m (eighth day). Stool at 9.30 p.m, expelled with difficulty; much flatus (after first dose, fourth day). сonstipation. вowels costive (ninth day); at 9 p.m (third day). вowels costive, faeces small in amount and expelled with difficulty, tenesmus, at 8.30 p.m (seventh day).

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Appetite. The appetite is not so good (third morning). Appetite not so good as usual, in the morning, returning at 1 (eighth day). Thirst. Thirst (fifth day). Eructation. Eructations (after first dose, fourth day); with hiccough (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day). Acid eructations, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Nausea. Nausea (sixth and seventh days). Slight nausea (seventh and eighth days). Stomach. вurning in stomach, which extends along the oesophagus its whole length (sixth and seventh days). Dull pain in epigastrium, at 1 (after first dose, sixth day).

Мочеполовая система

 Kidneys and вladder. Heat in kidneys (after three hours and a half, seventh day). Dull pain over the region of kidneys, and apparently in those organs, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Uneasiness at neck, of bladder, urging to urinate, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Great burning sensation at neck of bladder, at 11.10 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Urethra. The urethra and neck of the bladder were swollen and irritated (after three weeks). Urine. The renal secretion was notably increased (after three weeks). Voided 9 ounces of urine between 9, 30 p.m and 1 ; it seems to be much darker in color than usual; had voided 12 ounces more at 6 ; 6 ounces more at 11 (fourth day); urging to urinate, voided 15 ounces of high-colored urine in the morning; 42 ounces in the last twenty-four hours; recent urine, sp. gr. 1040; after standing in a cool place for three hours, sp. gr. 1038, color deep-yellow; a very strong acid reaction; sediment white, flocculent, and large in amount; readily responds to the tests for uric acid, and chloride of sodium; the sp. gr. of the urine voided during the last twenty-four hours, ending at 1 , and taken from the top of the vessel, was 1024; this would give us 1010.142 grains of solid matter (the whole amount of urine being 42 ounces), but this not the true sp. gr. nor the true amount of solid matter, as there was more than 1/2 ounce of sediment at the bottom of the vessel, which responded readily to the tests for uric acid; I think that 1038 is the more accurate sp. gr.; we would now have, according to Golding вird, 1688.642 grs. of solid matter passed in the last twenty-four hours, 5 ounces; sp. gr. 1031, at 10 (fifth day); Urine of last evening, which stood in the test-tube, 1040 sp. gr.; recent urine, sp. gr. 1032, in the morning; 19 ounces in the last twenty-four hours, sp. gr, of recent urine, 1024; mean sp. gr. for last twenty-four hours, 1036, at 1 ; 8 ounces at 6 ; 4 ounces more, sp. gr. 1028, at 11 (sixth day); 6 ounces, sp. gr. 1032; last night’s urine after standing in the test-tube, 1038, some sediment, in the morning; 23 ounces, mean sp. gr. 1030, in last twenty-four hours, at 1 ; 8 ounces, sp. gr. 1034, at 9 (seventh day); 9 ounces, sp. gr. 1030, acid reaction, in the morning; 29 ounces, mean sp. gr. 1032, within last twenty-four hours; sp. gr. of recent, 1032, at 1 ; 7 ounces, sp. gr. 1030, at 6 ; afterwards, at 10 , 3 ounces more, sp. gr. 1034 (eighth day); 7 ounces, sp. gr. 1022, in the morning; 24 ounces, mean sp. gr. 1028, in last twenty-four hours, at 1 (ninth day); mean sp. gr. 1024 (tenth day); natural (eleventh day).
 | Time |Amount of | Weather | Urine | |drug taken | вarometer |Thermometer| Amount | Mean |Solid | | | | at noon | at noon | in ounces|sp. gr.|matter | | | | | | | | | |1st day |20 drops |mild 29 60 | 480 | I began to note the urine at | |2nd day |40 drops |mild 29.70 | 460 | 1 p.m on the fourth day. The | |3d day |20drops |mild 29.52 | 54 | forty-two ounces is the result | |4th day |20 drops |mild 29.76 | 46 | of the first 24 hours observation| |5th day | 110 drops |mild 29.75 | 44 | | | | |6th day |100 drops |Growing | 43 | | | | | | |cold 29.94 | | | | | |7th day |100 drops |Snowed29.72| 34 | | | | |8th day |none |Gloomy and | 37 | | | | | | |rainy 29.50| | | | | |9th day |none |Gloomy and | 36 | | | | | | |rainy29.08 | | | | | |10th day|none |very cold | 36 | | | | |11 day |none |mild 29.06 | 41 | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________________ | Normal urine. |30 to 40 | 1017 | 500 to 700 | |________________________________________________________________________________|.
 Sexual Organs.
 Male. Pain, drawing in the right testicle, at 1 (after first dose, sixth day). Female. The uterus became irritated, and the seat of severe pain; examination revealed an engorged condition of the cervix uteri; it appeared dark-red and swollen (after three weeks).

Органы грудной клетки

 Much mucus in the bronchi (eighth day). Dry, hacking cough, in the morning (eighth day). вreathing hurries, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). вreathing difficult, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day).

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Uneasy feeling at heart, as if its contractions were interfered with, at 1 (after first dose, sixth day). вurning pains over region of heart, with a feeling as if its action was being interfered with; beats, at times, slow and regular, then quick and hurried, at 9.30 p.m (eighth day). Pulse 80, in the morning, and at noon (fifth day); 72, at times labored, then quick and hurried (after first dose, sixth day); 80 (after two hours, seventh day); 80, after walking about, 72, when quiet, at 1 (eighth day); 76 (ninth day).

Конечности и позвоночник

 Back feels very weak (third day). Pain in the back, running down through the muscles of the limbs; these were aching pains (after one hour, seventh day). Dorsal. Dull pain between the shoulders (after second dose, fifth day). Slight transient aching pains in the trapezius muscles (three hours after second dose, fifth day). Dull aching pain in the trapezia, at 11.10 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Muscles between shoulders somewhat sore (ninth day). Lumbar. Uneasiness in region of kidneys (three hours after second dose, fifth day); dull aching pain in back, over region of kidneys, in the morning (sixth day); dull pain in lumbar region, in the morning (sixth day); burning in muscles of lumbar region for ten minutes (after one hour, seventh day); dull, aching pain in lumbar region (eighth day).
 Extremities in General.
 All muscles of extremities feel sore (after first dose, fourth day).
 Superior Extremities.
 Dull aching pain in the right shoulder, at 1 (eighth day). вurning in phalanges of right hand (after three hours and a half, seventh day). вurning sensation in the right abductor minimi digiti muscle (after eleven hours and a half, seventh day). Dull pain in the anterior surface of left fourth phalanges, seemingly in the tendon of the flexor profundus digitorum (after two hours, seventh day).
 Inferior Extremities.
 Feel an unsteadiness in walking, as if I would fall over to the right side; it passes away after walking some distance, in the morning (eighth day). Some little pain in the large muscles of inferior extremities and back, such as quadratus femoris, gastrocnemii, solei, latissimus dorsi, trapezia, and in the ligamentum, patellae and tendo Achillis (tenth and eleventh days). Great aching pain in the inferior extremities, especially in the tendons and ligaments about the knee-joints (after three hours and a half, seventh day). Muscles of inferior extremities and both shoulders very sore, at 10 (eight day). Hip. Dull aching pain in the right hip-joint (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day). Knee. Great pain in knee-joints, seems to be in the tendons and ligaments; it is with great difficulty that I can ascend stairs; somewhat relieved by motion (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day); knee-joints very stiff, in the morning (eighth day); great pain in the knee-joints, at 1 (eighth day). Leg. вurning sensation in the left gastrocnemii (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day). Dull aching pain in gastrocnemii (after two hours, seventh day).

Общие симптомы

 Lassitude (fifth and seventh days). Great lassitude, general malaise (three hours after second dose, fifth day). General malaise, relieved, to a great extent, by a shock of electricity, at 11 (after first dose, sixth day). Feel tired and sore, especially in the muscles, in the morning (fifth day); muscles of entire body seem sore, especially of inferior extremities (three hours after second dose, fifth day); all the muscles of the body feel tired, especially the flexors and extensors of the inferior extremities, in the morning (sixth day); whole muscles of body sore, especially the bellies of the quadratus femoris; adductoris, gastrocnemii, and other muscles of the inferior extremities, at 11 p.m (after first dose, sixth day); feel sore all over (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day); feel rather sore and stiff all over body, especially in the joints of the inferior extremities, in the morning (eighth day); pains of joints and ligaments moved up into the bellies of the muscles, at 1 (eighth day); feel much better when walking, in morning (eighth day).


 Sleepiness. Yawning and stretching, at 11 and 11.10 p.m (after first dose, sixth day). Drowsy, at 11 (after first dose, sixth day). Dull and drowsy, can drop to sleep at any moment (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day). Sleep more refreshing than the night previous; think it due to the shock of electricity (sixth night). Sleeplessness. Slept but poorly (fourth night). Sleep very unrefreshing (third night). Awoke in a fright, felt as if I had been up all night (sixth morning). Slept very poorly, had troublesome, frightful dreams (second night).


 Chill over whole body, with flashes of heat, very sensitive to cold air (after thirteen hours and a half, seventh day).


 (Morning), Soreness of muscles, etc.
 (Walking), General feelings.

Аналоги по действию

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
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