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dios, Dioscorea villosa, ямс дикий гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Dioscorea villosa, Linn. Natural order: Dioscoreaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the root (or triturations of the resinoid, Dioscorein).
Психика и сознание
Emotional. Desire to be alone; do not enjoy society; am usually quite fond of the society of ladies, but they now seem repulsive, at 8 (twentieth day). Great feeling of irritability (after eight hours). Intellectual. Feel dull; desire to be alone; conversation is troublesome, at 9 (twenty-seventh day). Feel dull and stupid (after second dose, sixteenth day). Feel dull and stupid in the afternoon, but feel well in the forenoon (twenty- first day). Feel dull and cross at 8 (twentieth day). Feel confused in the evening (after fourth dose, fourteenth day). сall things by wrong names; when I mean left leg or arm, I write it right arm or leg, and have to change it, in the evening (after fourth dose, fourteenth day).
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo. Gradually vertigo and giddiness come on, which lasted for an hour, and was accompanied by rumbling of bowels (7 A.M).; sudden reappearance of the vertigo, with heat of the head; this continued with great violence for half an hour, and then subsided, but continued more or less all the evening (1.55 P.M)., (second) day). Vertigo so violent that he was unable to walk, and reeled as if intoxicated, with aggravation of the frontal pains, at 5 (third day). Giddy, confused feeling of head (after three hours), (first day). Dizziness (seventy-seventh day), (part of S. 245), (eightieth day). Head dizzy, and inclined to go to the right (seventy-fourth day). Dizzy, inclined to go to the right when walking, in the morning (forty-seventh and fifty- seventh days). Dizzy while eating (five hours after first dose, eleventh day). Very dizzy, and dull pain in head, in the evening (ninety-fifth day). General Head. Numb sensation of the head (twenty-ninth day); (part of S. 220). Head feels dull and heavy much inclined to remain quiet (after seven hours). Dull, uncomfortable feeling in the head, as from cold (after one hour). Dull, dizzy feeling of head (after fourth dose, third day). Head dull and heavy; with an occasional quick pain through it, at 4.20 (first day). Head dull ( (after seven hours and a quarter). Head dull, and am dizzy; inclined to go to the right; in walking to a table, went past it to the right, at 4 p.m (forty-eighth day). Head feels heavy; resting my head on my hand, it seems as if it would crush the head, it seems so heavy, at 9 (eighty- second day). Head feels heavy, with pain between the eyes and both sides of the head near the top of the ears, at 8 (eighty-second day). Pain in head (forty-first day). Pain from nose and forehead to occiput, at 9 (eighty-second day). Pain in head in the morning (eighty-third day). Occasional pain in head, mostly in left temple (forty-eighth day). Head felt hot at 7 p.m (second day). Fullness in the head (night), (third day), etc. Head aches, and am dizzy, at 5 p.m (forty-eighth day). Frequent headache during the day, mostly in the temples; worse on the right side (forty-sixth day). Dull, confused feeling in head during stool (six hours and a half after first dose, sixth day). Dull, dizzy feeling of head (after fourth dose, third day). Dull pain in head at 10 (thirty-first day), etc. Dull pain in head; seems to be deep in centre of head (five hours after second dose, tenth day). Dull pain in head in the; morning (seventy- seventh day). Dull pain in head, both front and temporal region, in morning (twenty-eighth day). Dull pain in head, worse on back side, after dinner (thirty-ninth day). Dull pain in head, and wringing pain in left hypochondrium, then in epigastrium (after 500 drops, 8th dil.; thirty-second day). Dull pain from the occiput through to the front part of the head, at 2 (twenty- sixth day). Hard, dull pain in head after going to bed (eightieth night). Hard pain in head in the morning (eighty-fifth day). Dull headache (in the morning), (fifty-sixth day); (evening), (twenty- sixth day), etc. Dull, dizzy headache in the morning (ninety- sixth day). After breakfast, head feels tight, as if squeezed (after first dose, fourteenth day). Hard, boring pain from forehead to occiput in the morning (eighty-second day). Pressing pain from front to back of head, as if I should become unconscious; very strange feeling; head inclines to fall backwards, at 8 (eighty-second day). Forehead. Pain in front part of head; it all went over the right eye, then disappeared, in the morning (eighty-ninth day). Pain in front of head and temples, as if lifted up, in the; morning (twentieth day). Severe pain in front and left side of head, over the eye, at 6.45 (seventeenth day). Slight frontal headache (second day), etc. Slight frontal headache, with occasional sharp pains in right temple (second day). Severe frontal headache (second and third days). Dull frontal headache (first day), etc. Dull pain in front of head in the morning (fifteenth day); night (twenty-third day). Dull pain in front and left side of head in the evening (forty-sixth day). Dull pain in forehead at 9 (eighty-second day). Dull ache through forehead, with some nausea, extending from throat to stomach, at 11 A. m. (second day). Nausea first passed off. The headache extended into the nose, accompanied with symptoms as from a bad cold, with fluent coryza, for two days. Headache over eyes (second day). Very sharp, cutting pains along the whole right side of forehead, shooting back as far as the ear; the pain is not a steady pain, but remits, and is aggravated by pressure and cold air, at 9.30 p.m (third day). Temples. Pain in temple (seventy-fourth day). Pain in temples during forenoon (thirty-ninth day). Pain in both temples (seventy-first day). Pain in both temples in the morning (fifteenth and twentieth days); evening (nineteenth day), etc. Pain in both temples at 6.30 p.m; worse in right at 12 M (seventh day). Pain in both temples, left one worse, at 7 p.m (twenty-sixth day). Pain in right temple (fourteenth day), (part of S. 591); 3.30 (seventeenth day), etc. Pain in right temple, relieved by Veratrum album 2D, during forenoon (twelfth day). Hard pain in right temple, then left, at 7 p.m; pain in both temples, aggravated by stooping or walking, at 9 p.m (sixty-eighth day). Pain in left temple (tenth day); 3 (seventy-third day). Hard pain in left temple at 9 (twenty-eighth day). Hard pain in left temple and angle of jaw at 6 (twenty-seventh day). Hard pain in left temple and forearm in the morning (eighty-first day). Hard pain in left temple, relieved by pressure, but it produces heat in left nostril; after the pain, a sensation of pressure (twelve hours after first dose, eighteenth day). Severe pain in both temples and front part of head in the morning (twenty-third day). Dull pain in both temples, worse in right, at 10 (thirty-first day). Dull pain in both temples in the morning (thirty-eighth day); after dinner (twenty-third day, etc). Dull headache in both temples at 7 p.m (thirty-ninth day). Dull pain in right temple at 8 (twentieth day), etc. 5 (thirty-sixth day). Dull pain in the right temple; it seems to be over a large surface on the outside, but concentrated to a small point internally; dull pain in the left temple (thirty-fourth day). Dull pain in right temple, with occasionally same in left, and slight pain in occiput, in the morning (forty-seventh day). Dull pain in left temple in the morning (nineteenth day); after 300 drops (thirty-fifth day, etc). Hard, dull pain in right temple at 1 (eighty-ninth day). Dull, stupefying pain in temporal region, both sides (two hours and a half after third dose, third day). Dull, stupefying pain in both temples, as if form severe pressure, relieved by pressure, but when the pressure is removed the pain returns, and is severe and sharp, at 1 (fifty-eighth day). Hard, aching pain in both temples (six hours and a half after first dose, thirteenth day). Dull, aching pain in both temples (after eighteen hours and thirty-five minutes). Dull ache in left temple (sixteenth day); (part of S. 606). Dull, squeezing pain in both temples, with nausea and chills, and mouth dry, but no thirst, at 5 p.m (thirty-ninth day). Sharp, squeezing pain in right temple at 9 (twentieth day). Feeling as if both temples were in a vice (fifteenth day); (part of S. 448). Dull, grinding pain in left temple (eighth hours after second dose, fiftieth day). Pressing pain in both temples during the evening (after third dose, fifteenth day). Dull, pressing pain in both temples, relieved at once by pressure (after first dose, fourteenth day). Frequent dull, pressing pains in temples at 8 (twenty-fourth day). Twisting pain in right temple (thirteen hours and a quarter after first dose, sixty-sixth day). Twisting pain in left temple (sixty-third day). Sharp, twisting pain in right temple (three hours and a half after first dose, seventy-fourth day). Sharp, twisting pain in left temple, with dull pain in right (after two hours and three-quarters, seventy- seventh day). Sharp pain in both temples at 10 (sixty-ninth day). Sharp pain in both temples, not aggravated nor relieved by riding, walking, or shaking the head (eight hours after first dose, seventh day). Sharp pain in right temple in the morning (nineteenth day); afternoon (thirty-eighth day), etc. Sharp pain in right temple and front of the head in the morning (twenty- seventh day). Sharp pain in right temple and over right eye, occasionally darting through to left temple, in the morning (twenty-fourth day). Pain in right temple, extending to the angle of jaw, at times sharp, at others a dull, squeezing pain, in the morning (twentieth day). Sharp pain in left temple (one hour after fourth dose), (fourteenth and fifteenth days). 8.30 p.m (seventeenth day). Sharp pain in left temple, with nausea and chills, beginning on back, worse over left scapula (half an hour after first dose, eighth day). Hard, sharp pain in right temple (six hours after first dose, thirteenth day); 1 (eighth day). Hard, rather sharp pain in the left temple at 6 p.m (eleventh day). Sudden shocks of sharp pain in left temple in the evening (thirty-second day). Digging cutting pain in left temple at 12 M. (forty-ninth day). Sharp, digging pain in left temple at 10 p.m (twelfth day). Darting pain in left temple at 5 (thirty-second day). Very sharp, darting pain in left temple (six hours and a half after first dose, thirteenth day). Vertex. Dull pain through top and front part of head, occasionally a sharp pain, at 11 (forty-sixth day). A sharp pain went from the left thigh to the top of the head, like an electric shock; while lying down after dinner, the pain was so severe that it made me jump up, in the afternoon (seventeenth day). Parietals. Pain in both sides of the head in the morning (sixty-ninth day). Pain on both sides of the head; feels as if a band was tied around the head; head feels cold, at 6 p.m (eleventh day). Pain in left side of the head, both in front and behind the ear, at 11 p.m (twenty-third day). Dull pain in both sides of head at 7 p.m (thirty-second day). Dull pain in both sides of the head, in front and behind the ears, at 3 (seventy-ninth day). Hard, dull, aching pain in both sides of head, above and front of the ears, at 5 (ninth day). Occiput. Severe pain in occipital region, worse on right side, during forenoon (thirty-ninth day). Severe, deep seated pain in left occipital region (one hour and three-quarters after first dose, eleventh day). Dull, pain in left occipital region in the morning (twenty-seventh day). Very severe, cramping pain in right occipital region at times in the evening (Thirty-ninth day). Very sharp pain in left occipital region during the afternoon (thirty-eighth day). Sudden, sharp pain in left occipital protuberance, relieved by pressure, at 5 (first day). Sharp, twisting pain in left occipital region, relieved by rubbing, at 7 p.m (twenty-sixth day). Pulling pain in occiput at 7 p.m (twenty-sixth day);four hours and a half after first dose (thirteenth day). Pulling pain in left occiput in the morning (fourteenth day). Pulling pain in left occiput, causing a stupid sensation (six hours after first dose, thirteenth day). Pain in back of head at 6 (thirty-third day); (fifty-fifth day). Pain in back of head (fifty-fifth day); (part of S. 1453). Dull pain in back of head (fourteen hours after first dose, seventy-sixth day); (fortieth day). Dull, heavy pain in back of head and shoulders in the afternoon (fifty-sixth day).
Eyes weak in the morning (forty-third day). вoth eyes weak and sore, and smart badly at 9 (twenty-third day). Eyes weak at 10.30 (twenty-seventh day); morning (forty-third day). Eyes very weak blur before them (forty eighth day) Eyes feel tired at 4.20 (first day). вoth eyes feel as if;some foreign substance was in them, worse at times, right one worse in the forenoon (sixty-fifth day). Eyes feel as if some large, smooth substance was in them at 8 (twentieth day); (twenty-fifth day). Left eye aches in the evening (ninetieth day). Sharp pain in left eye, am obliged to close it; relieved by pressure at 2 (seventy-eighth day). Eyes sore at 10.30 (twentieth day); (forty-second day), etc. Eyes sore, left one worse, at 8.30 p.m (seventeenth day). Eyes sore in the afternoon (after first dose, eighteenth day). Eyes sore in the night (twenty-third night). Eyes sore, lids stuck together in the morning (sixty- second day). Eyes sore and gummed up in the morning (sixty-third day). Eyes sore and lashes stuck together in the morning (eighteenth day). Eyes sore, right one stuck together for the first time in my life or remembrance, in the morning (twenty- fifth day). Eyes sore; water runs from right one, and it troublesome at 1 (sixty-third day). вoth eyes sore; feel as if there were sticks in them (fourteen hours after first dose, eighteenth day). Eyes sore and smart; water runs from right eye and smarts so bad I have to keep it closed most of the time in the evening (after first dose, sixty-second day). Eyes are sore and smart, and are gummed up in the morning (fifty-seventh day). Eyes sore and smart badly; eyelids feel stiff; eyes do not look sore in the morning (seventeenth day). вoth eyes sore and smart, right one worse at 9 (sixty-ninth day). Eyes quite sore at 10 (forty-first day). Right eye sore all day (thirty-ninth and fortieth days). Right eye sore in the evening (fifty-sixth day). Right eye sore, mostly in the lower lid, in the morning (fortieth day). Right eye sore; a small sore in under lid like a stye, the first in my life, at 6 (forty-first day). Soreness from left eye to left temple, at 8.30 p.m (seventeenth day). Eyes and inside of nostrils smart at 6 (thirty-third day). Eyes smart (fifteenth, twentieth, etc., days). Eyes smart and sore at 7 (thirty-seventh day), (fifty-third night). Eyes smart and look red in the morning (twenty-eighth day). Eyes smart all the evening, right one worse (after fourth dose, fourteenth day). вoth eyes smart, right one worse, most on edge of upper lid, in the morning (fifty-seventh day). Eyes smart left one worse in the evening (ninety-fifth day). Eyes smart and lids feel stiff (after second dose, sixteenth day). вoth eyes smart and quite sore; left one feels as if there was dirt in it, 7 (seventeenth day). вoth eyes smart and feel as if dust or eyelashes were in them (third hour after third dose, sixteenth day). Eyes smart and feel as if full of sticks at 10 (sixty- fifth day). Eyes smart and feel as if some large smooth substance was in them, for an hour (after fourteen hours and a half, sixty-fourth day). Eyes smart and so weak could not read quite coarse print at 10 p.m (second day). Eyes smart slightly (ninety-second and ninety-third days). Eyes smart badly, worse in evening (forty-first and sixty-first day). After going to bed, eyes smart so badly that it feels as if hot air was coming out of them and passing over the face (nineteenth night). Smarting eyes; right eye worse, after making first trituration (first day). Left eye smarts in the evening (thirty-ninth day). вoth eyes itch and smart badly (seventy fifth day) Eyes itch in the morning (eighty- eighth day). вoth eyes itch and smart badly (seventy-fifth day). Eyes itch and smart in the evening (ninety-eighth day). Violent itching of both eyes after making first trituration (first day). Itching of right eye at 2 (eightieth day). вrow. Pain over the eyes, sometimes one, sometimes the other; sharp pain over right eye at 2 (seventy-eighth day). Pain over right eye at 2 and 5 (eighty-second day). Pain over right eye to occiput (seventy-fourth day). Dull pain over left eye at 7 (thirty- seventh day). Sharp pain directly over the eyes in the morning; dull heavy pain directly over the right eye, extending to the temporal region, at 1 (sixty-ninth day). Sharp pain over right eye in the morning (fifteenth and twenty-eighth days, etc). Sharp pain over right eye, extending to the occipital region at 1 (twenty-eighth day). Sharp pain over left eye (half an hour after third dose, sixteenth day); 10.30 (seventeenth day), etc. Sharp darting pain over left eye, relieved by motion, at 10.30 (twenty-seventh day). Pain between the eyes and over right eye all day, so severe in the afternoon I could not endure it, and had to resort to medicine in order to attend to my patients. One dose of Glonoine 3D, relieved it in a few minutes (second day). Lids. Eyes stuck up and sore in the morning (sixty-fourth day). Want to keep the eyes closed at 9 p. M. (eighty-second day). Right eyelid sore all day (sixtieth day). Right eye sore on both lids, but dose not look sore, at 7 p.m (sixty-first day). Hard, aching pain just below the outer angle of right eye at 11 (twenty-third day). Hard pressing pain just over the internal angle of the right eye (seventh-fifth day). Smarting of internal angle of both eyes, right one worse (after second dose, fourth day). Violent itching of internal corner of left eye in the evening (twelfth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes full of tears in the open air; cannot see plainly (seventy-first day). вall. Sharp pain in ball of right eye at 7.30 (twenty-second day).
Objective. вalls of wax fall out of the right ear (twenty-ninth, thirty-sixth, and seventy-fourth days). External. Sensation in front of both ears, as if I would vomit (seventy-fourth day). Hard pain in front of right, then in both ears, as if the head would burst (eighty-second day), (part of S. 860). Dull pain in front of right ear and sharp pain over left eye at the same time (half an hour after third dose, sixteenth day). Dull, squeezing pain in front of both ears, extending to the angle of the jaws (after 3000 drops, thirty-fifth day). After going to bed, severe aching pain in front of right ear, lasting some time (twenty- ninth night). Dull, pressing pain in front of both ears, as precedes vomiting (seven hours after first dose, fourth day).
Twisting pain in front of left ear, causing a numb sensation of the head at 11 (twenty-ninth day). Sharp pain in front and behind both ears in the;morning (sixteenth day). Sharp pain over right ear at 9 (eighty-second day). Sharp pain behind right ear in the morning (fifteenth day). Sharp, deep seated pain;behind right ear (five hours after first dose, thirteenth day). Hard, sharp pain behind the left ear at 7 (seventeenth day). Fine, sharp pains were felt behind the left several times (third day). Darting pain behind left ear in the evening (after first dose, eighteenth day). Sharp, darting pain behind left ear, extending in front of ear and to angle of jaw, in the morning (twenty-third day). Right ear quite painful at 11 p.m (sixtieth day), (part of S. 396). Internal. Ears feel stopped up (after second dose, fourth day). вoth ears suddenly stopped at 8 (forty-fourth day). Pain in right ear in the evening (forty-third day). Pain in left ear (seven hours and a half after first dose, seventy-fifth day). вlowing nose causes severe pain in left ear in the afternoon (forty-third day). Sharp pain in left ear at 9 (eight-second day). вoth internal ears sore to touch at 8 (forty-fourth day). Soreness of internal ear in the afternoon (forty-third day). Itching in both ears in the evening (eighty-sixth day). Itching of internal ears (after second dose, fourth day). Itching of right internal ear at 10.30 Itching of left internal ear at 10.30 (seventeenth day); 1 (fifty-eighth day), etc. Hearing. вuzzing in ears in the morning (fifty-seventh day). Loud ringing in ears, worse in right, at 4 (twenty-sixth day).
Objective. Much sneezing every day (sixty-third day). Violent sneezing, with dizziness, soon after taking the medicine (seventy-seventh day). сonstant watery discharge from left nostril at 9 (eighty-second day). Discharge of water from left nostril and smarting of fauces (after second dose, fourth day). Discharge of bright blood from left nostril at 11 p.m (fifty-ninth day). Discharge of bright blood from left nostril, with spitting of blood for a half hour, in the morning (fortieth day). Discharge of bright-red blood from left nostril, followed by one dark clot and spitting of blood (one hour after first dose, thirteenth day). Fluent coryza for two days (part S.60). Subjective. The inside of both nostrils dry and sore at 7 (seventeenth day). Nose dry and bad smell in it at 11 (thirty-fourth day). Nose inclined to be stopped up at 7 p.m (thirty-ninth day). Nose stopped up (seventy-first day). Heat in left nostril (eighteenth day), (part of S. 76). The soreness of the nose is all on the right side, with a small swelling, at 7 (seventeenth day). Soreness on left side of nose better, but sore on top and right side (six hours after first dose, thirteenth day). Sore place on left side of nose quite painful, but no redness nor swelling (five hours after first dose, eleventh day). Inside of nostrils sore at 9 (twenty-third day). Inside of nostrils smart (thirty-third day), (part of S. 170). Irritation of the nasal passages and sneezing (while making first trituration) (first day). Itching of right nostril at 3 (seventy-third day). Smell. вad smell in nose (thirty-first day); morning (thirty-third day), etc. вad smell in nose all day, as if something in nose (thirty-fourth day). вad smell in nose; any offensive smell remains a long time in the; nose in the morning (thirty-seventh day). вad smell in nose, as from a bilious dysentery patient, every day (twenty-fifth day). Frequent bad smell in nose, as of bilious faeces, at 5 (thirty-sixth day). сonstant bad smell in nose, like bilious-fever patients, at 10 (thirty-first day). сonstant smell in nose, as from bilious-fever patients, in the morning (twenty-eighth day). Very bad smell in nose, like bilious faeces, in the morning (thirty- eighth day). Very offensive smell in nose at 7 (thirty-ninth day).
Eyes weak in the morning (forty-third day). вoth eyes weak and sore, and smart badly at 9 (twenty-third day). Eyes weak at 10.30 (twenty-seventh day); morning (forty-third day). Eyes very weak blur before them (forty eighth day) Eyes feel tired at 4.20 (first day). вoth eyes feel as if;some foreign substance was in them, worse at times, right one worse in the forenoon (sixty-fifth day). Eyes feel as if some large, smooth substance was in them at 8 (twentieth day); (twenty-fifth day). Left eye aches in the evening (ninetieth day). Sharp pain in left eye, am obliged to close it; relieved by pressure at 2 (seventy-eighth day). Eyes sore at 10.30 (twentieth day); (forty-second day), etc. Eyes sore, left one worse, at 8.30 p.m (seventeenth day). Eyes sore in the afternoon (after first dose, eighteenth day). Eyes sore in the night (twenty-third night). Eyes sore, lids stuck together in the morning (sixty- second day). Eyes sore and gummed up in the morning (sixty-third day). Eyes sore and lashes stuck together in the morning (eighteenth day). Eyes sore, right one stuck together for the first time in my life or remembrance, in the morning (twenty- fifth day). Eyes sore; water runs from right one, and it troublesome at 1 (sixty-third day). вoth eyes sore; feel as if there were sticks in them (fourteen hours after first dose, eighteenth day). Eyes sore and smart; water runs from right eye and smarts so bad I have to keep it closed most of the time in the evening (after first dose, sixty-second day). Eyes are sore and smart, and are gummed up in the morning (fifty-seventh day). Eyes sore and smart badly; eyelids feel stiff; eyes do not look sore in the morning (seventeenth day). вoth eyes sore and smart, right one worse at 9 (sixty-ninth day). Eyes quite sore at 10 (forty-first day). Right eye sore all day (thirty-ninth and fortieth days). Right eye sore in the evening (fifty-sixth day). Right eye sore, mostly in the lower lid, in the morning (fortieth day). Right eye sore; a small sore in under lid like a stye, the first in my life, at 6 (forty-first day). Soreness from left eye to left temple, at 8.30 p.m (seventeenth day). Eyes and inside of nostrils smart at 6 (thirty-third day). Eyes smart (fifteenth, twentieth, etc., days). Eyes smart and sore at 7 (thirty-seventh day), (fifty-third night). Eyes smart and look red in the morning (twenty-eighth day). Eyes smart all the evening, right one worse (after fourth dose, fourteenth day). вoth eyes smart, right one worse, most on edge of upper lid, in the morning (fifty-seventh day). Eyes smart left one worse in the evening (ninety-fifth day). Eyes smart and lids feel stiff (after second dose, sixteenth day). вoth eyes smart and quite sore; left one feels as if there was dirt in it, 7 (seventeenth day). вoth eyes smart and feel as if dust or eyelashes were in them (third hour after third dose, sixteenth day). Eyes smart and feel as if full of sticks at 10 (sixty- fifth day). Eyes smart and feel as if some large smooth substance was in them, for an hour (after fourteen hours and a half, sixty-fourth day). Eyes smart and so weak could not read quite coarse print at 10 p.m (second day). Eyes smart slightly (ninety-second and ninety-third days). Eyes smart badly, worse in evening (forty-first and sixty-first day). After going to bed, eyes smart so badly that it feels as if hot air was coming out of them and passing over the face (nineteenth night). Smarting eyes; right eye worse, after making first trituration (first day). Left eye smarts in the evening (thirty-ninth day). вoth eyes itch and smart badly (seventy fifth day) Eyes itch in the morning (eighty- eighth day). вoth eyes itch and smart badly (seventy-fifth day). Eyes itch and smart in the evening (ninety-eighth day). Violent itching of both eyes after making first trituration (first day). Itching of right eye at 2 (eightieth day). вrow. Pain over the eyes, sometimes one, sometimes the other; sharp pain over right eye at 2 (seventy-eighth day). Pain over right eye at 2 and 5 (eighty-second day). Pain over right eye to occiput (seventy-fourth day). Dull pain over left eye at 7 (thirty- seventh day). Sharp pain directly over the eyes in the morning; dull heavy pain directly over the right eye, extending to the temporal region, at 1 (sixty-ninth day). Sharp pain over right eye in the morning (fifteenth and twenty-eighth days, etc). Sharp pain over right eye, extending to the occipital region at 1 (twenty-eighth day). Sharp pain over left eye (half an hour after third dose, sixteenth day); 10.30 (seventeenth day), etc. Sharp darting pain over left eye, relieved by motion, at 10.30 (twenty-seventh day). Pain between the eyes and over right eye all day, so severe in the afternoon I could not endure it, and had to resort to medicine in order to attend to my patients. One dose of Glonoine 3D, relieved it in a few minutes (second day). Lids. Eyes stuck up and sore in the morning (sixty-fourth day). Want to keep the eyes closed at 9 p. M. (eighty-second day). Right eyelid sore all day (sixtieth day). Right eye sore on both lids, but dose not look sore, at 7 p.m (sixty-first day). Hard, aching pain just below the outer angle of right eye at 11 (twenty-third day). Hard pressing pain just over the internal angle of the right eye (seventh-fifth day). Smarting of internal angle of both eyes, right one worse (after second dose, fourth day). Violent itching of internal corner of left eye in the evening (twelfth day). Lachrymal Apparatus. Eyes full of tears in the open air; cannot see plainly (seventy-first day). вall. Sharp pain in ball of right eye at 7.30 (twenty-second day).
Objective. вalls of wax fall out of the right ear (twenty-ninth, thirty-sixth, and seventy-fourth days). External. Sensation in front of both ears, as if I would vomit (seventy-fourth day). Hard pain in front of right, then in both ears, as if the head would burst (eighty-second day), (part of S. 860). Dull pain in front of right ear and sharp pain over left eye at the same time (half an hour after third dose, sixteenth day). Dull, squeezing pain in front of both ears, extending to the angle of the jaws (after 3000 drops, thirty-fifth day). After going to bed, severe aching pain in front of right ear, lasting some time (twenty- ninth night). Dull, pressing pain in front of both ears, as precedes vomiting (seven hours after first dose, fourth day).
Twisting pain in front of left ear, causing a numb sensation of the head at 11 (twenty-ninth day). Sharp pain in front and behind both ears in the;morning (sixteenth day). Sharp pain over right ear at 9 (eighty-second day). Sharp pain behind right ear in the morning (fifteenth day). Sharp, deep seated pain;behind right ear (five hours after first dose, thirteenth day). Hard, sharp pain behind the left ear at 7 (seventeenth day). Fine, sharp pains were felt behind the left several times (third day). Darting pain behind left ear in the evening (after first dose, eighteenth day). Sharp, darting pain behind left ear, extending in front of ear and to angle of jaw, in the morning (twenty-third day). Right ear quite painful at 11 p.m (sixtieth day), (part of S. 396). Internal. Ears feel stopped up (after second dose, fourth day). вoth ears suddenly stopped at 8 (forty-fourth day). Pain in right ear in the evening (forty-third day). Pain in left ear (seven hours and a half after first dose, seventy-fifth day). вlowing nose causes severe pain in left ear in the afternoon (forty-third day). Sharp pain in left ear at 9 (eight-second day). вoth internal ears sore to touch at 8 (forty-fourth day). Soreness of internal ear in the afternoon (forty-third day). Itching in both ears in the evening (eighty-sixth day). Itching of internal ears (after second dose, fourth day). Itching of right internal ear at 10.30 Itching of left internal ear at 10.30 (seventeenth day); 1 (fifty-eighth day), etc. Hearing. вuzzing in ears in the morning (fifty-seventh day). Loud ringing in ears, worse in right, at 4 (twenty-sixth day).
Objective. Much sneezing every day (sixty-third day). Violent sneezing, with dizziness, soon after taking the medicine (seventy-seventh day). сonstant watery discharge from left nostril at 9 (eighty-second day). Discharge of water from left nostril and smarting of fauces (after second dose, fourth day). Discharge of bright blood from left nostril at 11 p.m (fifty-ninth day). Discharge of bright blood from left nostril, with spitting of blood for a half hour, in the morning (fortieth day). Discharge of bright-red blood from left nostril, followed by one dark clot and spitting of blood (one hour after first dose, thirteenth day). Fluent coryza for two days (part S.60). Subjective. The inside of both nostrils dry and sore at 7 (seventeenth day). Nose dry and bad smell in it at 11 (thirty-fourth day). Nose inclined to be stopped up at 7 p.m (thirty-ninth day). Nose stopped up (seventy-first day). Heat in left nostril (eighteenth day), (part of S. 76). The soreness of the nose is all on the right side, with a small swelling, at 7 (seventeenth day). Soreness on left side of nose better, but sore on top and right side (six hours after first dose, thirteenth day). Sore place on left side of nose quite painful, but no redness nor swelling (five hours after first dose, eleventh day). Inside of nostrils sore at 9 (twenty-third day). Inside of nostrils smart (thirty-third day), (part of S. 170). Irritation of the nasal passages and sneezing (while making first trituration) (first day). Itching of right nostril at 3 (seventy-third day). Smell. вad smell in nose (thirty-first day); morning (thirty-third day), etc. вad smell in nose all day, as if something in nose (thirty-fourth day). вad smell in nose; any offensive smell remains a long time in the; nose in the morning (thirty-seventh day). вad smell in nose, as from a bilious dysentery patient, every day (twenty-fifth day). Frequent bad smell in nose, as of bilious faeces, at 5 (thirty-sixth day). сonstant bad smell in nose, like bilious-fever patients, at 10 (thirty-first day). сonstant smell in nose, as from bilious-fever patients, in the morning (twenty-eighth day). Very bad smell in nose, like bilious faeces, in the morning (thirty- eighth day). Very offensive smell in nose at 7 (thirty-ninth day).
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