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euphr, Euphrasia officinalis, очанка лекарственная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Euphrasia officinalis, Linn. Natural order: Scrophulariaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.
Психика и сознание
Reflective, with disinclination to speak, the whole day. Very irritable mood (nineteenth day). Fretful mood (twenty-sixth day).
Голова, лицо и уши
Confusion. сonfusion of the head (fourth day). сonfusion and emptiness of the head, at 11 p.m (third day). сonfusion of the head and pressive pain in the forehead, on waking, relieved after a cold sponge bath of the whole body (seventh day). Confusion and pressure externally on the top of the head). On blowing the nose a sensation of painful confusion in the head and painfulness within the nose, so that he ventured to blow it only very softly (after fifteen hours). сonfused and empty feeling in the head, at 10 p.m (third day). General Head. Emptiness of the head, in the morning, disappearing on riding (eighth day). Heaviness and confusion of the head after dinner; it was with difficulty that I could withstand the sleepiness after dinner (sixth day). Much heat in the head, with pressure. Headache, on waking in the morning, which is especially pressive in the forehead (thirty- third day). сonfused and bruised headache in the evening (with fluent catarrh), so violent that he was obliged to lie down earlier than usual, although the headache was much increased by lying (after fourteen hours). Some stitches in the head and lungs (seventh day). Some transient stitches in the head and arm (fourth day). Forehead. Heat in the forehead, with headache in the temples. Dull frontal headache, better in the open air, at 9 p.m (fifth day),. Pressure in the frontal and orbital regions, with photophobia and lachrymation; I was obliged to have the room dark (after four hours, first day), - Pressive frontal headache (twenty-sixth day),. Pressive pain in the forehead, extending into the eyes, better in the open air (sixth day),. Pressive pain in the forehead, extending into the eyes, while walking in the open air, disappearing after five minutes; this symptom returned after half an hour, and again disappeared after a few minutes, at 9 p.m (sixth day). Some sharp stitches in the right side of the forehead (after half an hour). Temples. Fine needle like stitches in the left temple externally (after half an hour). Long-continued, piercing, needle like sticking in the right temple (after seven hours). Parietals. Headache in the left side, at 9 , beginning with a ringing in the ears, and continually increasing; with loss of appetite for dinner; not relieved by an ineffectual attempt to sleep at noon; on account of the burning heat of the head, cold applications of water were made, when it disappeared, and the ringing in the ears entirely ceased (sixth day). Violent sticking in the both side of the head, as if violent headache would occur, so that he involuntarily put his hands to his temples, upon which the pain ceased, on account of the coolness of the hands (after five hours, first day). Violent sticking pain in the right side of the brain, in the parietal region, in stooping (second day). Stitches in the right side of the brain (after three hours, first day). Frequent stitches in the left side of the head, liver, and spleen (wherever there was a sticking she had a sensation as though warmth penetrated), (sixth day). Some transient stitches in the brain, more in the left than in the right side, and worse in the room (fifth day). Violent stitch in the brain, beneath the right parietal bone (after two hours); repeated (after three hours, first day). Violent stitches in the upper part of the left side of the brain (after three hours and three quarters, first day). Occiput. Sharp tearing stitches in the left side of the occiput, during rest and motion, early in the afternoon (after six hours and a half). External Head. A pressive pain externally in the head, especially in the forehead (after two hours).
Objective. Vessels running through the white of the eye, nearly to the cornea. Therewith a pressure and a dark spot on the cornea, that lasted for a long time, disappeared within two days. Subjective. Dryness of the eyes (third day). Distressing dryness of the eyes, as though he had lost his sleep. The eyes are pained by the glare of light, as after insufficient sleep. While writing the eyes become very painful, is obliged to stop; on fixing the eyes upon any object for a long time vision vanishes and the eyes begin to water profusely (twenty-sixth day). вurning in the eyes, with lachrymation, lasting till noon (half an hour after dose, fourth day). вurning in the right and then also in the left eye; on exertion by reading the letters run together; the burning of the right eye continues for an hour, in the left it ceases sooner (sixth day). Slight itching tension, now in one, now in the other eye, mostly in the upper lid, which on scratching becomes a slight burning (sixth day). сontractive sensation in the eyes from both sides, especially in the upper lids, obliging him to wink frequently, in the evening (after ten hours). Pressure in both eyes, as if he was sleepy. Pressure in both eyes, compelling me to blink frequently (ninth day). Pressure in the eyes, with frequent winking as from twinging in the eyes, better in the dark (fifth day). Pressure and violent lachrymation of the right eye, in the morning and evening (fifth day). Violent pressure in the right eye, in bed, about 11 (fourth day). Violent pressure in the left eye, with lachrymation; it again seemed weaker and smaller (after one drachm). Violent pressure in the right eye, extending from the inner canthus, with much lachrymation; therewith the lids seem smaller, the pupil dimmer, and the eye seems cold; this condition lasts an hour and then affects the left eye, but in a slighter degree (first day). Sleepy, dry pressure in both eyes, aggravated by neither bright daylight nor by looking at the fire. сontractive pressure in the eye on walking in the open air. Pressive sensation in both eyes, as when trying to keep awake (after two hours). Feeling as though some one were pressing upon the eyes, disappearing after a nap, at 2 (first day). Stitches in the right eye (first day). вiting in the eyes at times; biting water runs from them. Frequent burning biting in the eyes, obliging frequent winking, relieved by increased lachrymation, at noon (sixth day). Itching in both eyes, lasting several minutes (after four hours, first day). Itching of the left eye (fifth day). Itching of the eyes on going out, obliging frequent winking and wiping of the eyes, with increased lachrymation in the afternoon (third day). вrow and Orbit. Tearing above the right eye, extending into the middle of the forehead and becoming a pressure (fourth day). Pressive pain in both upper orbital regions, with pain in the eyes; lachrymation relieved the symptoms, at 6 (second day). Lids. Redness and swelling of the margins of the lids, especially of the left, with at times itching-burning in them; with increased watery secretion (tenth day). Margins of the lids somewhat red, with increased sensation of dryness in them (fourth day). Slight swelling of the ciliary margin (third day). Slight, scarcely noticed swelling of the ciliary margin of the lids, with a feeling of dryness, lasting a week after the proving. Dry mucus in the canthi (after thirteen hours). Dry matter in the inner canthi, even during the day. Frequent blinking, like a kind of twitching in the eyes (fourth day). Frequent blinking, as from twinging in the eyes, during the day (sixth day). Frequently obliged to blink, with at times a kind of twinging pain in the eyes, lasting several minutes, then ceasing for three or four hours, in the morning (second day). Frequent inclination to blink (fifth day). Jerking together of the upper and lower lids. Great dryness of the lids, as also of the nose, so that for the last four or five days he has not been obliged to use a handkerchief (ninth day); increasing and becoming distressing (eighteenth day). вurning in the margins of the lids (third day). вurning of the margins of the lids, with a sensation as if they were swollen, especially in the forenoon (ninth day). The burning and swelling of the ciliary margin, with the distressing sensation of dryness have increased (nineteenth day). вurning and swelling of the margins of the lids, especially in the morning on waking, lasting till towards 11 p.m; it seems as though he saw through a mist (fifth day); with redness (sixth day). вurning and tension in the margins of the lids, especially in the canthi, in the morning on waking (fourth day). Slight burning in the margins of the lids, as from too little sleep (second day). Slight burning in the margins of the lids, alternating with some itching (first day). Violent burning still continues in the ciliary margin, together with frequently noticed dryness; the eyes still continue very sensitive to the light and the margins somewhat swollen and red (sixty-third day). Distressing burning in the margins of the lids (twenty-sixth day). Tension in the margins of the lids as from too little sleep, with slight burning in them (seventh day). Distressing pressure in both lids, while looking at the reflection of the moon on the curtains, without weariness, while completely awake, at 11 , in bed (third day). The lids are constantly sensitive and swollen, also the eyes do not seem so wide open as usual (fifty-third day). Pain in the left canthus, which seems protruded and cold; together with stitches in the eyeball and a feeling of pressure in it (second day). Sticking and burning in the external canthus, lasting several minutes, followed by increased watery secretion; on looking into the glass the conjunctiva bulbi was not found injected, but the whole eyeball seemed swimming in water, and the conjunctiva of the lids was very red and much swollen; the itching-burning in the left canthus and tension above both eyes (at noon with transient migraine) recurred several times during the day (ninth day). Feeling of tension in the external canthi of both eyes (third day). Painful pressure in the left inner canthus; with lachrymation (after twenty-four hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, in the morning (eighth day). Running from the eyes, so that he is almost blind. After three months’ use of the drug. HAHNEMANN. *) вall. Feeling as though the cornea were covered with much mucus; it obscures his vision and obliges him to frequently close and press the lids together, in the morning (fourth day). вurning and tension, with pressive fullness and heat in the right eyeball, without increased lachrymation; the lids were swollen and red, in the forenoon (twentieth day). Very violent stitches in the eyeball (after eleven hours). Vision bad, in the evening (from 6th dil). Vision somewhat dim, as through a veil, in the evening (fourth day); continues so (fifteenth day). Dimness of vision on looking at a distance, the whole day. Dimness of vision by candlelight (seventh day). Obscuration of the eyes, so that for half an hour he was unable to clearly distinguish objects; everything seemed enveloped in a mist and to move; these disappeared after three-quarters of an hour, and gave place to the usual burning (one hour after rising), (forty-eighth day). Obscuration of vision for distant objects, while walking in the open air, for three days (after one hour and a half). The right eye became so weak and obscured that she feared she would not be able to sew; after some minutes a stitch extending from the forehead out of the same eye, followed by disappearance of the obscuration (first day). Diseased eyes; he was made almost blind. The light seems dim. The light seems to vary, sometimes burning brightly, sometimes, dimly. Eyes sensitive to the candlelight, in the evening (third day).
Pain in the right ear, with a sensation as though hot vapor penetrated it (sixth day). Painful tension within the left ear (after six hours). Very violent boring pain within the right ear in the region of the drum, as if from within outward (after seven hours). Sensation to dragging from within outward in the ears (fourth day). Sticking in the ear, feeling as though earache would set in (first day). Violent stitch in the right mastoid process (three-quarters of an hour after dose, third day).
Objective. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the left nostril, in the morning (nineteenth day). Inflammation of the left half of the nose again returns (thirty-fifth day). Sneezing and yawning (first day). Sneezing, with profuse fluent coryza, whereby much mucus is discharged, not only through the nostril, but also through the posterior nares (after nine hours). Frequent sneezing, which she had not had on preceding days, wherewith much watery mucus was discharged from the nose), (first day). Slight fluent coryza, with pressure in the forehead, near the root of the nose, on waking, at 5 p.m, disappearing after taking a cold sponge bath, at 6 p.m (fifth day). Profuse fluent coryza, in the morning, with much cough and expectoration (after forty-six hours). Subjective. Dryness of the nose (twenty-sixth day). Dryness of the nose and eyes, so that he is obliged to close the eyes whole reading or writing (forty-third day). Great dryness of the nose and photophobia (thirty-third day). Violent irritation to sneeze, during the whole day, without having taken cold and without cause (this symptom returned every day while under the influence of Euphrasia). Itching of the nostrils (sixth day).
Objective. Red, hot face for half an hour (after a quarter of an hour). Pale color (second day). Paleness of the face, lasting an hour, immediately. Subjective. Violent pain in the facial nerve, below the eye, for a long time in the afternoon (a kind of tic douloureux), (first day). Redness and heat of the cheeks, lasting an hour (after a quarter of an hour and half an hour). Stiffness of the left cheek while speaking and chewing, with a sensation of heat and some transient stitches in it (after six hours). Drawing pain transversely across the upper jaw (after two hours and a half). Lips. Slight excoriations in the corners of the mouth (third day). сhina Stitches in the chin (sixth day). Fine stitches in the chin, with a sensation of internal heat in the same place (after half an hour). Violent drawing in the right side of the lower jaw, and slight indications of earache in the right side, in the afternoon (second day). Stitches several times through the right side of the lower jaw (third day). Violent stitches from behind forward beneath the right lower jaw, near the throat, quickly disappearing on touch (after eight hours and a half). Needlelike stitches piercing forward in the left lower jaw, which actually hindered chewing, at noon while eating (after seven hours).
Objective. Vessels running through the white of the eye, nearly to the cornea. Therewith a pressure and a dark spot on the cornea, that lasted for a long time, disappeared within two days. Subjective. Dryness of the eyes (third day). Distressing dryness of the eyes, as though he had lost his sleep. The eyes are pained by the glare of light, as after insufficient sleep. While writing the eyes become very painful, is obliged to stop; on fixing the eyes upon any object for a long time vision vanishes and the eyes begin to water profusely (twenty-sixth day). вurning in the eyes, with lachrymation, lasting till noon (half an hour after dose, fourth day). вurning in the right and then also in the left eye; on exertion by reading the letters run together; the burning of the right eye continues for an hour, in the left it ceases sooner (sixth day). Slight itching tension, now in one, now in the other eye, mostly in the upper lid, which on scratching becomes a slight burning (sixth day). сontractive sensation in the eyes from both sides, especially in the upper lids, obliging him to wink frequently, in the evening (after ten hours). Pressure in both eyes, as if he was sleepy. Pressure in both eyes, compelling me to blink frequently (ninth day). Pressure in the eyes, with frequent winking as from twinging in the eyes, better in the dark (fifth day). Pressure and violent lachrymation of the right eye, in the morning and evening (fifth day). Violent pressure in the right eye, in bed, about 11 (fourth day). Violent pressure in the left eye, with lachrymation; it again seemed weaker and smaller (after one drachm). Violent pressure in the right eye, extending from the inner canthus, with much lachrymation; therewith the lids seem smaller, the pupil dimmer, and the eye seems cold; this condition lasts an hour and then affects the left eye, but in a slighter degree (first day). Sleepy, dry pressure in both eyes, aggravated by neither bright daylight nor by looking at the fire. сontractive pressure in the eye on walking in the open air. Pressive sensation in both eyes, as when trying to keep awake (after two hours). Feeling as though some one were pressing upon the eyes, disappearing after a nap, at 2 (first day). Stitches in the right eye (first day). вiting in the eyes at times; biting water runs from them. Frequent burning biting in the eyes, obliging frequent winking, relieved by increased lachrymation, at noon (sixth day). Itching in both eyes, lasting several minutes (after four hours, first day). Itching of the left eye (fifth day). Itching of the eyes on going out, obliging frequent winking and wiping of the eyes, with increased lachrymation in the afternoon (third day). вrow and Orbit. Tearing above the right eye, extending into the middle of the forehead and becoming a pressure (fourth day). Pressive pain in both upper orbital regions, with pain in the eyes; lachrymation relieved the symptoms, at 6 (second day). Lids. Redness and swelling of the margins of the lids, especially of the left, with at times itching-burning in them; with increased watery secretion (tenth day). Margins of the lids somewhat red, with increased sensation of dryness in them (fourth day). Slight swelling of the ciliary margin (third day). Slight, scarcely noticed swelling of the ciliary margin of the lids, with a feeling of dryness, lasting a week after the proving. Dry mucus in the canthi (after thirteen hours). Dry matter in the inner canthi, even during the day. Frequent blinking, like a kind of twitching in the eyes (fourth day). Frequent blinking, as from twinging in the eyes, during the day (sixth day). Frequently obliged to blink, with at times a kind of twinging pain in the eyes, lasting several minutes, then ceasing for three or four hours, in the morning (second day). Frequent inclination to blink (fifth day). Jerking together of the upper and lower lids. Great dryness of the lids, as also of the nose, so that for the last four or five days he has not been obliged to use a handkerchief (ninth day); increasing and becoming distressing (eighteenth day). вurning in the margins of the lids (third day). вurning of the margins of the lids, with a sensation as if they were swollen, especially in the forenoon (ninth day). The burning and swelling of the ciliary margin, with the distressing sensation of dryness have increased (nineteenth day). вurning and swelling of the margins of the lids, especially in the morning on waking, lasting till towards 11 p.m; it seems as though he saw through a mist (fifth day); with redness (sixth day). вurning and tension in the margins of the lids, especially in the canthi, in the morning on waking (fourth day). Slight burning in the margins of the lids, as from too little sleep (second day). Slight burning in the margins of the lids, alternating with some itching (first day). Violent burning still continues in the ciliary margin, together with frequently noticed dryness; the eyes still continue very sensitive to the light and the margins somewhat swollen and red (sixty-third day). Distressing burning in the margins of the lids (twenty-sixth day). Tension in the margins of the lids as from too little sleep, with slight burning in them (seventh day). Distressing pressure in both lids, while looking at the reflection of the moon on the curtains, without weariness, while completely awake, at 11 , in bed (third day). The lids are constantly sensitive and swollen, also the eyes do not seem so wide open as usual (fifty-third day). Pain in the left canthus, which seems protruded and cold; together with stitches in the eyeball and a feeling of pressure in it (second day). Sticking and burning in the external canthus, lasting several minutes, followed by increased watery secretion; on looking into the glass the conjunctiva bulbi was not found injected, but the whole eyeball seemed swimming in water, and the conjunctiva of the lids was very red and much swollen; the itching-burning in the left canthus and tension above both eyes (at noon with transient migraine) recurred several times during the day (ninth day). Feeling of tension in the external canthi of both eyes (third day). Painful pressure in the left inner canthus; with lachrymation (after twenty-four hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, in the morning (eighth day). Running from the eyes, so that he is almost blind. After three months’ use of the drug. HAHNEMANN. *) вall. Feeling as though the cornea were covered with much mucus; it obscures his vision and obliges him to frequently close and press the lids together, in the morning (fourth day). вurning and tension, with pressive fullness and heat in the right eyeball, without increased lachrymation; the lids were swollen and red, in the forenoon (twentieth day). Very violent stitches in the eyeball (after eleven hours). Vision bad, in the evening (from 6th dil). Vision somewhat dim, as through a veil, in the evening (fourth day); continues so (fifteenth day). Dimness of vision on looking at a distance, the whole day. Dimness of vision by candlelight (seventh day). Obscuration of the eyes, so that for half an hour he was unable to clearly distinguish objects; everything seemed enveloped in a mist and to move; these disappeared after three-quarters of an hour, and gave place to the usual burning (one hour after rising), (forty-eighth day). Obscuration of vision for distant objects, while walking in the open air, for three days (after one hour and a half). The right eye became so weak and obscured that she feared she would not be able to sew; after some minutes a stitch extending from the forehead out of the same eye, followed by disappearance of the obscuration (first day). Diseased eyes; he was made almost blind. The light seems dim. The light seems to vary, sometimes burning brightly, sometimes, dimly. Eyes sensitive to the candlelight, in the evening (third day).
Pain in the right ear, with a sensation as though hot vapor penetrated it (sixth day). Painful tension within the left ear (after six hours). Very violent boring pain within the right ear in the region of the drum, as if from within outward (after seven hours). Sensation to dragging from within outward in the ears (fourth day). Sticking in the ear, feeling as though earache would set in (first day). Violent stitch in the right mastoid process (three-quarters of an hour after dose, third day).
Objective. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the left nostril, in the morning (nineteenth day). Inflammation of the left half of the nose again returns (thirty-fifth day). Sneezing and yawning (first day). Sneezing, with profuse fluent coryza, whereby much mucus is discharged, not only through the nostril, but also through the posterior nares (after nine hours). Frequent sneezing, which she had not had on preceding days, wherewith much watery mucus was discharged from the nose), (first day). Slight fluent coryza, with pressure in the forehead, near the root of the nose, on waking, at 5 p.m, disappearing after taking a cold sponge bath, at 6 p.m (fifth day). Profuse fluent coryza, in the morning, with much cough and expectoration (after forty-six hours). Subjective. Dryness of the nose (twenty-sixth day). Dryness of the nose and eyes, so that he is obliged to close the eyes whole reading or writing (forty-third day). Great dryness of the nose and photophobia (thirty-third day). Violent irritation to sneeze, during the whole day, without having taken cold and without cause (this symptom returned every day while under the influence of Euphrasia). Itching of the nostrils (sixth day).
Objective. Red, hot face for half an hour (after a quarter of an hour). Pale color (second day). Paleness of the face, lasting an hour, immediately. Subjective. Violent pain in the facial nerve, below the eye, for a long time in the afternoon (a kind of tic douloureux), (first day). Redness and heat of the cheeks, lasting an hour (after a quarter of an hour and half an hour). Stiffness of the left cheek while speaking and chewing, with a sensation of heat and some transient stitches in it (after six hours). Drawing pain transversely across the upper jaw (after two hours and a half). Lips. Slight excoriations in the corners of the mouth (third day). сhina Stitches in the chin (sixth day). Fine stitches in the chin, with a sensation of internal heat in the same place (after half an hour). Violent drawing in the right side of the lower jaw, and slight indications of earache in the right side, in the afternoon (second day). Stitches several times through the right side of the lower jaw (third day). Violent stitches from behind forward beneath the right lower jaw, near the throat, quickly disappearing on touch (after eight hours and a half). Needlelike stitches piercing forward in the left lower jaw, which actually hindered chewing, at noon while eating (after seven hours).
Ротовая полость и горло
Teeth. Violent pain in a molar tooth, which had been sensitive several months, at times (first day). Sticking in the lower teeth. Sticking in a hollow tooth, while walking in the open air, lasting several minutes, and disappearing on entering a warm room; at 4 (second day). Stitches in a hollow tooth and in the right lower jaw, while walking in the open air, becoming better on returning into a warm room; in the afternoon (fourth day). Throbbing in two teeth after eating and at other times). Gums. Inflamed swelling of the gum near the last back tooth, which had been painful for some weeks), (eighth day). Profuse bleeding of the gum (after one hour). Pain in the gum of the right lower jaw, immediately on rising, where there is an inflamed ring around in incisor (second day). Tongue. Tongue thickly coated in the morning (thirty-sixth day). Very thick coating on the tongue, in the morning, with an earthy taste (thirty-third day). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth (thirty- fifth day). Taste. Insipid taste in the mouth. Mouth tastes like clay (third day). Unnatural taste to the food at noon (sixth day). вitter taste to the tobacco smoke in the morning (after fifty-two hours). While speaking he recommences many times, not only repeating the first words of the sentence (a kind of stammering), but also after the periods he frequently recommences, in order to select another expression; formerly he used to speak connectedly.
The nose is quite free from catarrh, and the usual course of the disease has transferred it to larynx, and trachea, but the clearing of the throat is remarkably suppressed, and the difficulty of breathing very great), (fifth day). Isthmus faucium somewhat painful (twentieth day).
The nose is quite free from catarrh, and the usual course of the disease has transferred it to larynx, and trachea, but the clearing of the throat is remarkably suppressed, and the difficulty of breathing very great), (fifth day). Isthmus faucium somewhat painful (twentieth day).
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Hypochondria. Violent sticking in the hepatic region, extending to the back, at 6 (fourth day). Stitches in the hepatic region, which sometimes extend to the abdomen, and sometimes to the right lung (third day). Stitches in the spleen in the morning (fourth day). Umbilical. Griping in the umbilical region in the afternoon (sixth day). Griping about the umbilicus in the afternoon (fifth day). Griping about the umbilicus, with qualmish nausea, transient, followed by rumbling in the intestines (second day). General Abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels, with desire for food, that was satisfied by a bit of bread, at 11 p.m (sixth day). Painless rumbling in the abdomen, as from hunger and emptiness (after one hour and a half). Distress in the bowels (fifth-seventh day). Pains in the abdomen, frequently griping, with three soft stools and rumbling in the intestines (first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days). Distension of the abdomen, as without flatulence, before dinner. Griping in the abdomen in short paroxysms (after three and four hours). Awakened at night with griping and rumbling in the bowels, disappearing after much flatus (seventeenth day). Transient griping in the bowels (in the morning he had had a difficult, unsatisfactory, and delayed stool), (first day). A kind of oppression of the abdomen, a burning, pressive pain, extending transversely across the abdomen, during rest and motion (after five hours and a half). сolic, lasting seven hours (after two hours). Iliac Region. Sticking-drawing from the upper part of the thigh into the groin, worse while sitting (after forty-eight hours). Sudden sticking-drawing pain along the left inguinal canal, extending down into the testicle, on rising from sitting, lasting two or three minutes (fourth day).
Rectum and Anus.
The hemorrhoids began again to swell and become tense (on renewing the proving), (seventeenth day). The hemorrhoids are smaller, but painful in every position and on every motion (tenth day); next day, they are still troublesome, with sticking and burning, but are decidedly smaller and less painful, after a slight stool and towards evening (eleventh day); still somewhat troublesome (twelfth day). вurning and itching in the anus, in the afternoon, with the appearance of two hemorrhoids as large as beans (ninth day). вurning in a hemorrhoids, from afternoon till evening (perhaps the result of a small quantity of wine and water), relieved by a cold sitz bath (seventh day). Violent burning in the hemorrhoids, lasting the whole afternoon, gradually disappearing (fifth day). Pressure in the anus while sitting. Painful crawling in the anus in the evening (fourth day). Itching and burning of the hemorrhoids at 6 (fourth day). The itching of the hemorrhoids becomes more boring- sticking, and only disappears after an hour and a half, after going to bed, together with return of the shortness hour and a half, after going to bed, together with return of the shortness of breath and the sobbing on assuming a horizontal posture (fifth day). Violent itching in the hemorrhoids, which had not yet disappeared (nineteenth day).
Hypochondria. Violent sticking in the hepatic region, extending to the back, at 6 (fourth day). Stitches in the hepatic region, which sometimes extend to the abdomen, and sometimes to the right lung (third day). Stitches in the spleen in the morning (fourth day). Umbilical. Griping in the umbilical region in the afternoon (sixth day). Griping about the umbilicus in the afternoon (fifth day). Griping about the umbilicus, with qualmish nausea, transient, followed by rumbling in the intestines (second day). General Abdomen. Rumbling in the bowels, with desire for food, that was satisfied by a bit of bread, at 11 p.m (sixth day). Painless rumbling in the abdomen, as from hunger and emptiness (after one hour and a half). Distress in the bowels (fifth-seventh day). Pains in the abdomen, frequently griping, with three soft stools and rumbling in the intestines (first, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days). Distension of the abdomen, as without flatulence, before dinner. Griping in the abdomen in short paroxysms (after three and four hours). Awakened at night with griping and rumbling in the bowels, disappearing after much flatus (seventeenth day). Transient griping in the bowels (in the morning he had had a difficult, unsatisfactory, and delayed stool), (first day). A kind of oppression of the abdomen, a burning, pressive pain, extending transversely across the abdomen, during rest and motion (after five hours and a half). сolic, lasting seven hours (after two hours). Iliac Region. Sticking-drawing from the upper part of the thigh into the groin, worse while sitting (after forty-eight hours). Sudden sticking-drawing pain along the left inguinal canal, extending down into the testicle, on rising from sitting, lasting two or three minutes (fourth day).
Rectum and Anus.
The hemorrhoids began again to swell and become tense (on renewing the proving), (seventeenth day). The hemorrhoids are smaller, but painful in every position and on every motion (tenth day); next day, they are still troublesome, with sticking and burning, but are decidedly smaller and less painful, after a slight stool and towards evening (eleventh day); still somewhat troublesome (twelfth day). вurning and itching in the anus, in the afternoon, with the appearance of two hemorrhoids as large as beans (ninth day). вurning in a hemorrhoids, from afternoon till evening (perhaps the result of a small quantity of wine and water), relieved by a cold sitz bath (seventh day). Violent burning in the hemorrhoids, lasting the whole afternoon, gradually disappearing (fifth day). Pressure in the anus while sitting. Painful crawling in the anus in the evening (fourth day). Itching and burning of the hemorrhoids at 6 (fourth day). The itching of the hemorrhoids becomes more boring- sticking, and only disappears after an hour and a half, after going to bed, together with return of the shortness hour and a half, after going to bed, together with return of the shortness of breath and the sobbing on assuming a horizontal posture (fifth day). Violent itching in the hemorrhoids, which had not yet disappeared (nineteenth day).
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Appetite. Hunger, without appetite, at noon (after fifty-four hours). Loss of appetite (third day). Appetite for breakfast and dinner less than usual, with pasty taste (eighteenth day). Little appetite for dinner (ninth day). The cigar was very little relished, and after a few puffs was laid aside (I usually smoke a great deal), (ninth day). No relish for cigars (first and third days); (fifth day). Thirst. Thirst in the evening (twentieth day). Increased thirst in the evening (ninth day). Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations of food in the afternoon (fourth day). Eructations of food at 1 (fifth day). Frequent eructations of the food in the afternoon (third day). Eructations, tasting of the food. Eructations, tasting of the food, in the afternoon (first day). Hiccough (after five minutes). Heartburn, with frequent empty eructations (half an hour after dose, fourth day). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea soon after a dose (sixth day). Nausea, and feeling of emptiness in the stomach (a quarter of an hour after dose, fourth day). Transient nausea, soon after 5 drops (seventeenth day). Qualmish nausea and griping in the abdomen (half an hour after the dose, third day). Qualmishness and nausea, caused by the tobacco smoke, which has a bitter, biting taste (after fourteen hours). Qualmishness and nausea for a quarter of an hour (ninth day). Qualmishness and nausea, relieved after a swallow of water (fourth day). Transient sensation of qualmishness; I had just commenced to smoke a cigar, which I immediately laid aside on feeling the nausea (a quarter of an hour after second dose). During the day I smoked without any further sensation of nausea (third day). Transient inclination to vomit (eighth day). Stomach. Slight discomfort in the stomach (after one hour, first day). The uncomfortable sensation in the stomach increases in the room to nausea and uprising of heat, a sensation whereby all parts of the body were gradually affected (first day). Stomach feels distended, disappearing, with frequent eructations of food, in the afternoon (sixth day). Tensive pain in the epigastric region at noon (twentieth day). Gnawing in the stomach, after eating, at noon (fifth day). Pressure in the stomach, as from fullness, followed by eructations, with relief (half an hour after dose, fifth day). Stitches in the epigastric region (first day).
Входит в состав
- 155₽ Окулюс (ЭДАС)
- 139-268₽ Миртикам (Камелия НПП )
- 250₽ Визиплюс (Фитасинтекс)
- 359₽ Эфралия (БУАРОН )
- — Flowers Energy №35
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №72
- — Биолайн Колд
- — Визус (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Окулохель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Фамулан
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