Другие названия и синонимы
ars-h, Arsenicum hydrogenisatum, водородистый мышьяк гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Arsenetted hydrogen, Arsenious hydride or Arsine (AsH3).
Preparation: Dissolve the freshly prepared gas in ice-cold distilled water. Provings were made by inhaling the gas.
Preparation: Dissolve the freshly prepared gas in ice-cold distilled water. Provings were made by inhaling the gas.
Психика и сознание
Anxiety, he believes his death is near, and despairs of being better (during the vomiting; more courage afterward till the next vomiting turn), (six hours).
Disinclined to work.
Almost unconscious.
Anxiety, he believes his death is near, and despairs of being better (during the vomiting; more courage afterward till the next vomiting turn), (six hours).
Disinclined to work.
Almost unconscious.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo, violent on going upstairs, so that he staggered against the sides of the stairs (the vertigo was not noticed on a level floor or going downstairs), (three hours).
Vertigo and general weakness.
Headache increased during the chill.
Violent headache in the forehead.
Violent pressive frontal headache, especially worse at night, and accompanied by such excessive weakness that he was obliged to lie in bed for several hours, after eating (first and second days).
Eyes yellow, deeply sunken, with broad blue circles about them.
All the hair on the deadened parts became snowy white, and the white brows formed a strange contrast to the dark-brown face.
Eyes sunken, lusterless; conjunctive bulbi red.
Nose and lips somewhat excoriated.
Violent sneezing, and such coldness of the nose that it must be wrapped up with warm cloths.
Face pale.
Face yellowish.
The features were painfully drawn.
Lips colorless.
Vertigo, violent on going upstairs, so that he staggered against the sides of the stairs (the vertigo was not noticed on a level floor or going downstairs), (three hours).
Vertigo and general weakness.
Headache increased during the chill.
Violent headache in the forehead.
Violent pressive frontal headache, especially worse at night, and accompanied by such excessive weakness that he was obliged to lie in bed for several hours, after eating (first and second days).
Eyes yellow, deeply sunken, with broad blue circles about them.
All the hair on the deadened parts became snowy white, and the white brows formed a strange contrast to the dark-brown face.
Eyes sunken, lusterless; conjunctive bulbi red.
Nose and lips somewhat excoriated.
Violent sneezing, and such coldness of the nose that it must be wrapped up with warm cloths.
Face pale.
Face yellowish.
The features were painfully drawn.
Lips colorless.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue yellow.
Taste bitter.
Spasmodic eructations of enormous quantities of tasteless gas, from the stomach, without relief of the pain in the abdomen that causes him to moan (six hours).
Incessant retching and vomiting.
Vomits everything taken into the stomach.
Violent vomiting, could not retain the slightest thing.
Vomited food.
Vomiting with the colic, of green mucus, bitter (six hours).
Pressure in the stomach.
Pains in epigastrium.
Pressure in epigastric region, during chill.
Violent cutting pains in the epigastric region and below it (six hours).
Pressure of the hand causes dull pain in the epigastrium.
Taste bitter.
Spasmodic eructations of enormous quantities of tasteless gas, from the stomach, without relief of the pain in the abdomen that causes him to moan (six hours).
Incessant retching and vomiting.
Vomits everything taken into the stomach.
Violent vomiting, could not retain the slightest thing.
Vomited food.
Vomiting with the colic, of green mucus, bitter (six hours).
Pressure in the stomach.
Pains in epigastrium.
Pressure in epigastric region, during chill.
Violent cutting pains in the epigastric region and below it (six hours).
Pressure of the hand causes dull pain in the epigastrium.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Appetite very poor.
Thirst great.
Thirst excessive.
Distension of abdomen, during chill.
Glowing heat in the abdomen, with cold extremities.
Stool and Anus.
Obstinate constipation.
Thirst great.
Thirst excessive.
Distension of abdomen, during chill.
Glowing heat in the abdomen, with cold extremities.
Stool and Anus.
Obstinate constipation.
Мочеполовая система
Haematuria, passed two ounces of blood through urethra.
Urine dark, reddish-black; it formed a thick clot of blood in the vessels.
Sexual Organs.
The foreskin and glans were covered with pustules, which left behind small round superficial ulcers, sixty-five on the outside of the foreskin alone.
Urine dark, reddish-black; it formed a thick clot of blood in the vessels.
Sexual Organs.
The foreskin and glans were covered with pustules, which left behind small round superficial ulcers, sixty-five on the outside of the foreskin alone.
Органы грудной клетки
Voice whispering.
Oppression of the chest during the chill.
Oppression of the chest during the chill.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pulse small, rapid.
Pulse, 90, weak.
Pulse, 90, weak.
Конечности и позвоночник
Tearing pain in the neck, during the chill.
The pain in the region of the kidneys became exceedingly severe, with urging to urinate.
An unpleasant pressive feeling in the kidney region, which rapidly increased, and spread up the back to between the shoulders (four hours).
Slight pain in the lumbar region.
Very violent pain in the lumbar region.
Extremities in General.
Coldness of the extremities (four hours).
Extremities cool.
Upper Extremities.
A kind of stiffening of the upper extremities, which afterward extended to the lower extremities, and caused a pricking sensation.
Tearing pains in the upper extremities, during the chill.
Pains in the elbows and upper arms (five hours).
Lower Extremities.
Pain in lower extremities, especially in the right.
Rheumatic tearing pains in the knee (four hours).
The pain in the region of the kidneys became exceedingly severe, with urging to urinate.
An unpleasant pressive feeling in the kidney region, which rapidly increased, and spread up the back to between the shoulders (four hours).
Slight pain in the lumbar region.
Very violent pain in the lumbar region.
Extremities in General.
Coldness of the extremities (four hours).
Extremities cool.
Upper Extremities.
A kind of stiffening of the upper extremities, which afterward extended to the lower extremities, and caused a pricking sensation.
Tearing pains in the upper extremities, during the chill.
Pains in the elbows and upper arms (five hours).
Lower Extremities.
Pain in lower extremities, especially in the right.
Rheumatic tearing pains in the knee (four hours).
Общие симптомы
All the hair over the deadened parts became snowy white, and the white brows formed a strange contrast to the dark-brown face.
Motion difficult.
Great fatigue and weakness.
Weak and prostrated on waking.
Sudden, indescribable weakness and nausea.
The hands as far as the middle of the forearm, the feet as far as near the knees, the nose, the eyebrows, became dead, the pulse ceased, and every sign of life these parts, though they could be moved (five hours).
Unpleasant crawlings in the deadened limbs (as they became restored), especially in the nose.
Motion difficult.
Great fatigue and weakness.
Weak and prostrated on waking.
Sudden, indescribable weakness and nausea.
The hands as far as the middle of the forearm, the feet as far as near the knees, the nose, the eyebrows, became dead, the pulse ceased, and every sign of life these parts, though they could be moved (five hours).
Unpleasant crawlings in the deadened limbs (as they became restored), especially in the nose.
Skin became dark-brown.
Skin became dark-brown.
Temperature diminished.
Chilliness over the whole body (four hours).
Chilly while walking.
Chilliness became very violent on undressing, at 10 (in five hours).
Severe chill (on the third day), at 3 , the time when the headache was usually worse; beginning with yawning, discomfort, anxiety, and chilliness, accompanied by oppression of the chest, pain in the neck, and drawing in the upper extremities; increased frontal headache.
After a two-hour’s chill, came a moderate heat, which lasted till 8 , with a hot, dry mouth, thirst only little.
After the heat, a very slight sweat, during which the patient fell asleep; at first frequent startings, during the unrefreshing sleep, but after midnight he became quiet.
On the fourth day a slight fever-paroxysm.
On the fifth day, a paroxysm severe as on the third day, after which it returned every day (this attack was cured by Nux vomica, but was renewed on a subsequent occasion from inhaling the same gas).
Chilliness over the whole body (four hours).
Chilly while walking.
Chilliness became very violent on undressing, at 10 (in five hours).
Severe chill (on the third day), at 3 , the time when the headache was usually worse; beginning with yawning, discomfort, anxiety, and chilliness, accompanied by oppression of the chest, pain in the neck, and drawing in the upper extremities; increased frontal headache.
After a two-hour’s chill, came a moderate heat, which lasted till 8 , with a hot, dry mouth, thirst only little.
After the heat, a very slight sweat, during which the patient fell asleep; at first frequent startings, during the unrefreshing sleep, but after midnight he became quiet.
On the fourth day a slight fever-paroxysm.
On the fifth day, a paroxysm severe as on the third day, after which it returned every day (this attack was cured by Nux vomica, but was renewed on a subsequent occasion from inhaling the same gas).
Conditions. Aggravation.
(Night), Frontal headache; pain in lower extremities.
(3P.M)., Severe chill, etc.
(After moving in open air), Aggravated always.
(During chill), Headache; pressure in epigastric region; distension of abdomen; oppression of chest; tearing in neck; tearing in upper extremities.
(Damp atmosphere), Aggravated always.
(After eating), Frontal headache.
(Pressure), Dull pain in epigastrium.
(Undressing), At 10 , chill became very violent.
(On waking), Weak, etc.
(While walking), сhilly).
(On walking upstairs), Vertigo.
(Sweat), Deadness in limbs.
(During vomiting), More courage.
(Night), Frontal headache; pain in lower extremities.
(3P.M)., Severe chill, etc.
(After moving in open air), Aggravated always.
(During chill), Headache; pressure in epigastric region; distension of abdomen; oppression of chest; tearing in neck; tearing in upper extremities.
(Damp atmosphere), Aggravated always.
(After eating), Frontal headache.
(Pressure), Dull pain in epigastrium.
(Undressing), At 10 , chill became very violent.
(On waking), Weak, etc.
(While walking), сhilly).
(On walking upstairs), Vertigo.
(Sweat), Deadness in limbs.
(During vomiting), More courage.
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