Other names and synonyms
sal-ac.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Salicylic acid, 6TH (OH). сO. OH. Artificially prepared from Phenol. Found in nature in spiraea blossoms, Wintergreen (Gaultheria), etc. Preparations: Triturations.
Psyche and consciousness
Delirium; the patient’s mind became very stupid, it was difficult for him to collect his idea, then he laughed without cause, talked incessantly and disconnectedly, frequently looked about him, with apparent hallucinations; this condition lasted twenty- four hours (after 11 grams). Transient delirium. Very excited mood.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. Dulness of the head. Rush of blood to the head. Headache.
Diminished acuteness of vision.
Diminished hearing. Roaring in the ears, lasting six hours (after two hours). Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing.
Diminished acuteness of vision.
Diminished hearing. Roaring in the ears, lasting six hours (after two hours). Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing.
Chest organs
Mouth and throat
Burning in the mouth and epigastric region. Dryness and burning in the mucous membrane of the mouth pharynx. вurning and scraping in the mouth and throat. Solutions stronger than 1 to 1000 are corrosive to the mucous membranes, and for the time bring turn them white. Extremely disgusting taste.
Scraping in the throat causing cough. вurning in the throat. Hemorrhagic pharyngitis, with difficulty of swallowing. Great dryness of the pharynx. Slight difficulty in swallowing (after three hours); violent efforts to swallow, with difficulty in swallowing, woke him from sleep (first night); the pain and difficulty in swallowing became confined to the right side of the throat, with sticking pain extending along the Eustachian tube to within the ear; swelling of the right tonsil, so that it was noticed externally below the angle of the jaw, with sensitiveness when touched, and with increased temperature in the vicinity; examination revealed redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and posterior fauces, with ulcers of the size of the head of a pin; after a time a small lump of cheesy matter of a strong odor was expectorated, with some bluish-red blood; this was followed by a gradual return of the throat to its normal condition.
Scraping in the throat causing cough. вurning in the throat. Hemorrhagic pharyngitis, with difficulty of swallowing. Great dryness of the pharynx. Slight difficulty in swallowing (after three hours); violent efforts to swallow, with difficulty in swallowing, woke him from sleep (first night); the pain and difficulty in swallowing became confined to the right side of the throat, with sticking pain extending along the Eustachian tube to within the ear; swelling of the right tonsil, so that it was noticed externally below the angle of the jaw, with sensitiveness when touched, and with increased temperature in the vicinity; examination revealed redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and posterior fauces, with ulcers of the size of the head of a pin; after a time a small lump of cheesy matter of a strong odor was expectorated, with some bluish-red blood; this was followed by a gradual return of the throat to its normal condition.
Gastrointestinal tract
Vomiting. Very frequent vomiting. Erosions and ulcers in the stomach and bowels. In a case of acute miliary tuberculosis, who died after taking 12 grams of the acid dissolved in alcohol, there were found in the stomach half a dozen deep ulcers as large as peas, apparently caused by hemorrhagic erosions due to the irritating action of the drug). Ecchymoses and ulcerations in the mucous membrane of the stomach). вurning in the epigastric region.
Urogenital system
Three hours afterwards the urine which I passed was of a green tinge, and small crystalline bodies in great numbers could be seen in it on holding the bottle which contained it against the bright light. On leaving the bottle for a few hours standing at rest, a copious precipitate of a white feathery consistence was seen occupying the bottom of the bottle to the extent of about half an inch; this precipitate is Salicyluric acid. On microscopic examination it is found to consist of crystals of one form, but presenting a different appearance as seen from various points of view; they are six-sided bodies, oblong in shape, of a fine silvery-white color, and showing none of the reactions which uric acid gives with the various chemical tests. If the crystals are filtered off the urine at once becomes putrid, but if left alone will remain fresh for above a week.
Common symptoms
Immediately after the first powder, he began to sweat profusely. The perspiration increased and his strength diminished so visibly, that his was unwilling to give him the fourth powder. He insisted, however, and after taking it, vomiting and an agonizing headache set in, which continued all night. In the morning he seemed unconscious, and simply groaned loudly. Only for a moment did his mind seem clear, when he cried out, My head, my head! to the physicians who were present. All treatment was futile, and he died in forty hours after taking the first powder. No post- mortem examination was permitted. The course of the case was too rapid to be explained on the theory of a complicating cerebral inflammation; all the symptoms seem to point to poisoning (10 grain doses).
Increased warmth of the skin. Profuse sweat. Sweat, at times more, at times less profuse. Sweat.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug