Other names and synonyms
cast-v.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Castanea Vesca. L. Natural order: сupuliferae.
Preparation: Tincture of the leaves gathered in the summer.
Preparation: Tincture of the leaves gathered in the summer.
Head, face, and ears
Head feels dull (5th day). 10 p.m, out in the hot sun for one hour, followed by severe headache, with slight dizziness; relieved by lying flat on back in cool room (8th day). 8.30 p.m, sharp darting pain in right temporal region (8th day). Slight darting pains in left temporal region (6th day).
Head feels dull (5th day). 10 p.m, out in the hot sun for one hour, followed by severe headache, with slight dizziness; relieved by lying flat on back in cool room (8th day). 8.30 p.m, sharp darting pain in right temporal region (8th day). Slight darting pains in left temporal region (6th day).
Mouth and throat
Slight acrid feeling in throat (immediately).
Gastrointestinal tract
No appetite for breakfast (7th day). No appetite for breakfast, but thirsty (5th day). Thirsty (4th day). Desire for warm drinks (5th & 6th days).
Flatulence odorless. 12.30 , frequent emission of flatus (6th day). Feeling as if bowels would move, but no pain (5th day). An uncomfortable relaxed condition of the abdominal viscera all day better while lying on back (4th day). Pain in bowels as of incarcerated flatulence (6th day). сonsiderable pain after stool, which gradually subsided while lying on back, best in that position (4th day). 3. , severe pain and rumbling (6th day). Woke at 5 p.m, with severe pain in abdomen below navel. Water-closet being occupied by another prover, pain increased to an intensity, then gradually decreased, then increased to the incessant pain again (4th day). At 8 , while in church, severe pain in abdomen below navel, urging to stool; feared should have to leave service. After dinner at 6 , pressure and rumbling in bowels, emission of flatus (5th day). Abdominal walls sensitive (6th day). Immediately after eating, pain in lower portion of abdomen (7th day). From 3 to 10 , aching pain in pelvis, thighs, and legs, better lying down, or feet supported in a chair (4th day).
Rectum and Anus.
1.30 , sudden and urgent desire for stool, accompanies by severe pain and rumbling; pain relieved by stool (6th day).
Diarrhoea. Stool at 9.30; urgent, compelling immediate discharge; stool soft, yellowish-brown (3rd day). Stool at 3.15 , sudden and slightly watery (6th day). Stool at 1.30 , lumpy, yellow, smelling like the decoction (6th day). Urging at 9.30; dark-brown stool; pain after stool (2nd day). 8 p.m, stool urgent, watery, black, small in amount (4th day). Stool about 6.10 p.m, urgent, profuse, black, lumpy, and watery (4th day). 6.55 p.m, stool urgent, black, watery, not lumpy (4th day). The soft stools consisted of short, small pieces, like chopped tape; this character of stool has continued for three years, whenever loose stools occur (in 3 provers. About 5 p.m, stool first rather hard, then profuse and lumpy, black, and of an odor similar to the decoction (4th day). сonstipation. Stool at 8.30, insufficient, discharged with difficulty (2nd day). No stool (5th & 6th days).
Flatulence odorless. 12.30 , frequent emission of flatus (6th day). Feeling as if bowels would move, but no pain (5th day). An uncomfortable relaxed condition of the abdominal viscera all day better while lying on back (4th day). Pain in bowels as of incarcerated flatulence (6th day). сonsiderable pain after stool, which gradually subsided while lying on back, best in that position (4th day). 3. , severe pain and rumbling (6th day). Woke at 5 p.m, with severe pain in abdomen below navel. Water-closet being occupied by another prover, pain increased to an intensity, then gradually decreased, then increased to the incessant pain again (4th day). At 8 , while in church, severe pain in abdomen below navel, urging to stool; feared should have to leave service. After dinner at 6 , pressure and rumbling in bowels, emission of flatus (5th day). Abdominal walls sensitive (6th day). Immediately after eating, pain in lower portion of abdomen (7th day). From 3 to 10 , aching pain in pelvis, thighs, and legs, better lying down, or feet supported in a chair (4th day).
Rectum and Anus.
1.30 , sudden and urgent desire for stool, accompanies by severe pain and rumbling; pain relieved by stool (6th day).
Diarrhoea. Stool at 9.30; urgent, compelling immediate discharge; stool soft, yellowish-brown (3rd day). Stool at 3.15 , sudden and slightly watery (6th day). Stool at 1.30 , lumpy, yellow, smelling like the decoction (6th day). Urging at 9.30; dark-brown stool; pain after stool (2nd day). 8 p.m, stool urgent, watery, black, small in amount (4th day). Stool about 6.10 p.m, urgent, profuse, black, lumpy, and watery (4th day). 6.55 p.m, stool urgent, black, watery, not lumpy (4th day). The soft stools consisted of short, small pieces, like chopped tape; this character of stool has continued for three years, whenever loose stools occur (in 3 provers. About 5 p.m, stool first rather hard, then profuse and lumpy, black, and of an odor similar to the decoction (4th day). сonstipation. Stool at 8.30, insufficient, discharged with difficulty (2nd day). No stool (5th & 6th days).
Urogenital system
The quantity of urine passed thus far has been less than normal (5th day). 9 p.m, small amount of dark urine (7th day)Rested well till 4.30 p.m, rose, and passed small quantity of dark-red urine (5th day). Very dark urine (4th day).
Chest organs
During day, slight pain in right lung, center (1st day).
Limbs and spine
8 p.m, aching pain in left arm and leg, as on 4th day (8th day).
Common symptoms
Great lassitude (5th day). 10 p.m felt very weak and tired, particularly in legs, below knees, and in forearms (8th day). After stool, prostration and weakness; better from lying flat on back (6th day).
Several small pimples on thigh (right), back of left ear, and on left upper lip; one on lip very painful (7th day).
Several small pimples on thigh (right), back of left ear, and on left upper lip; one on lip very painful (7th day).
Rested poorly at night (7th day). Restless night; very tired on waking (9th day). At 6.10 p.m, woke from dreams of efforts at stool, and voiding stool, fouling clothing (4th day).
Perspiration very free after drinking (5th & 6th days).
Conditions. Aggravation.
(After dinner)., Pressure, etc., in bowels. After eating),.
Immediately, pain in lower abdomen.
(After stool), Prostration, etc.
(Lying down, or supporting feet), Pain in pelvis, etc. Lying flat on back), Headache; condition of abdomen; pain after stool; prostration, etc.
(From free perspiration), After drinking, relief.
(Stool), Pain in bowels.
(After dinner)., Pressure, etc., in bowels. After eating),.
Immediately, pain in lower abdomen.
(After stool), Prostration, etc.
(Lying down, or supporting feet), Pain in pelvis, etc. Lying flat on back), Headache; condition of abdomen; pain after stool; prostration, etc.
(From free perspiration), After drinking, relief.
(Stool), Pain in bowels.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug