Other names and synonyms
thea.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Thea chinesis.
Natural order: сamelliaceae.
Preparation: Tincture or trituration of the leaves.
Natural order: сamelliaceae.
Preparation: Tincture or trituration of the leaves.
Psyche and consciousness
Delirium. Symptoms of delirium. Delirium with great ecstasy; the patient laughed incessantly, talked constantly in rhyme, showed us that he felt extraordinarily well. Sensation as if impelled by some uncontrollable power to commit suicide, to jump out of the window, to put her baby in the boiler with the clothes, to cut its throat while cutting bread, to throw it downstairs (in a woman who kept a pot of tea boiling on the stove and drank several bowlfuls every day; cured with Thea cm., Fincke).
Temporary exaltation of mind; has greater confidence in himself (after Thein, 14 grains). An exciting, and subsequently a debilitating, influence upon the nervous system in general and the lumbar portion of the spinal marrow. At first a genial cordiality, a brilliancy of intellect, with conversation fluent, interesting, and sparkling with wit; then the opposite state supervenes, with great irritability and sensitiveness, so that there is a disposition to quarrel at the most harmless speech or act (Oo). Feeling of great ease. Great nervous excitability, with clearness of the intellectual faculties. A most uncomfortable state of nervousness and want of confidence, relieved by beer (after an hour or so). The sound of the night bell made me terribly nervous. Taciturn and peevish. Morose, taciturn; he is unwilling to utter a word. Gloomy, heavy, and dizzy in the forehead. Weeps easily. Feeling of anxiety and trembling. Uneasy state of mind, characterized by Lehmann as mental anguish (after Thein, 12 grains). The mind is an excessively uncomfortable and anxious state, which admits not the slightest rest, whether seated, lying, or reading (after Thein, 12 grains). Appeared to be actuated by the greatest terror, and said: I have called upon you to request you would let me in and allow me to die in your house. Nocturnal fright; sinister thoughts; invincible propensity to analyze his life, to look at it on the dark side, and to resolve it into its most hopeless realities. Peevishness, with great aversion to everything and to the least fatigue.
Excessively ill-humored; everything became unpleasant to her, whereas she had been very cheerful previously; she was disinclined to think or write. Dislike to conversation. Very bad temper; disposition entirely changed; usually cheerful, she becomes morose; all mental exertion, even writing, is disagreeable to her. Is irritable and cross. Excessively irritable and weak, complaining chiefly of empty gone feeling at the epigastrium. Marked increase of intellectual aptitude without special exaltation of the imagination; he is conscious of greater aptitude for study, and the mind is unusually capable of sustained attention. It increases the power of receiving impressions; it disposes to pensive meditation, and causes greater activity and flow of ideas; the attention easily becomes fixed upon any subject; it causes a general sensation of health and gayety. After an hour, there succeeds to these agreeable sensation general nervous troubles, such as yawning, irritability, pains in the epigastrium, palpitation of the heart, trembling of the limbs, and general sadness. With these symptoms, there is associated a distressing and insupportable insomnia, with great, prolonged, nervous excitation, followed by lassitude and headache. During the sleepless night, the mind was in a state of most active and persistent thinking, in spite of all attempts at forgetfulness (Thein, 12 grains). Mind obscured. Weakness of memory. In the evening fits of insensibility, lasting three or four hours.
Temporary exaltation of mind; has greater confidence in himself (after Thein, 14 grains). An exciting, and subsequently a debilitating, influence upon the nervous system in general and the lumbar portion of the spinal marrow. At first a genial cordiality, a brilliancy of intellect, with conversation fluent, interesting, and sparkling with wit; then the opposite state supervenes, with great irritability and sensitiveness, so that there is a disposition to quarrel at the most harmless speech or act (Oo). Feeling of great ease. Great nervous excitability, with clearness of the intellectual faculties. A most uncomfortable state of nervousness and want of confidence, relieved by beer (after an hour or so). The sound of the night bell made me terribly nervous. Taciturn and peevish. Morose, taciturn; he is unwilling to utter a word. Gloomy, heavy, and dizzy in the forehead. Weeps easily. Feeling of anxiety and trembling. Uneasy state of mind, characterized by Lehmann as mental anguish (after Thein, 12 grains). The mind is an excessively uncomfortable and anxious state, which admits not the slightest rest, whether seated, lying, or reading (after Thein, 12 grains). Appeared to be actuated by the greatest terror, and said: I have called upon you to request you would let me in and allow me to die in your house. Nocturnal fright; sinister thoughts; invincible propensity to analyze his life, to look at it on the dark side, and to resolve it into its most hopeless realities. Peevishness, with great aversion to everything and to the least fatigue.
Excessively ill-humored; everything became unpleasant to her, whereas she had been very cheerful previously; she was disinclined to think or write. Dislike to conversation. Very bad temper; disposition entirely changed; usually cheerful, she becomes morose; all mental exertion, even writing, is disagreeable to her. Is irritable and cross. Excessively irritable and weak, complaining chiefly of empty gone feeling at the epigastrium. Marked increase of intellectual aptitude without special exaltation of the imagination; he is conscious of greater aptitude for study, and the mind is unusually capable of sustained attention. It increases the power of receiving impressions; it disposes to pensive meditation, and causes greater activity and flow of ideas; the attention easily becomes fixed upon any subject; it causes a general sensation of health and gayety. After an hour, there succeeds to these agreeable sensation general nervous troubles, such as yawning, irritability, pains in the epigastrium, palpitation of the heart, trembling of the limbs, and general sadness. With these symptoms, there is associated a distressing and insupportable insomnia, with great, prolonged, nervous excitation, followed by lassitude and headache. During the sleepless night, the mind was in a state of most active and persistent thinking, in spite of all attempts at forgetfulness (Thein, 12 grains). Mind obscured. Weakness of memory. In the evening fits of insensibility, lasting three or four hours.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. Great vertigo, with darkness before the eyes (in a tea- drinker, cured with Thea 1, 200). Intoxication. Giddiness. When walking in the open air, she suddenly feels giddy, as if about to lose consciousness (in the evening). General Head. Determination of blood to the head, with sensation of fullness, especially in the forehead over the eyes. сongestion of brain. Headache.
Excessively disagreeable headache, with throbbing of the carotids. Violent pain in the head. A prolific cause of sick headache. Sick headache occurring every week, so violent that nothing afforded relief; great soreness of the head, and weakness when the acute pain subsided. Has either headache or backache.
For more than three years, she was subject to sick-headache; these came on chiefly at the catamenial period, and also frequently in the intervals; the pains seem to begin in the left ovary and stomach, whence it seems to pass to the head. Neuralgic pain commencing in the nape of the neck, and on both sides of the base of cerebellum comparatively like a cold flat-iron introduced between the skin and the skull, thence passing up over the whole cranium, descending over the forehead down to the eyes, with excruciating suffering. Frequent headaches. Severe headache in the morning and in the evening, often with nausea. Forehead.
Heaviness and compression in the forehead, principally when walking. Heaviness, vertigo in the forehead, especially when walking. Intense pain in forehead. Temples. Pains through the temples, throbbing, shooting extending down to the nose. Attacks attended with great acuteness of the olfactory organs. Vertex.
Vertex; heat and vertex vertigo, with sensation of pulsation at vertex, can feel every heart-throb there. Occiput. She suddenly feels a tensive pain in the lowest portion of the occiput, almost in the nape of the neck (in half an hour). From the beginning of the third day, neuralgic pain, with feeling of damp coldness in the occiput. The fixed seat of this pain, which consists of very sharp and rapid twitchings like electric shocks, is the right occipital protuberance. It extends more slowly to the nape of the neck, to the right shoulder, and even the arm of the same side. It was relieved by the application of the hand, or of a warm cloth. External Head. Skin of the head and scalp tender and painful to the touch (Oo. Great tenderness of the scalp on vertex; can scarcely cob the hair.
Bright eye. Eyes unusually bright, with dilated pupils. Eyes glittering. Dryness of the eyes from much mental exercise during a sleepless night, followed by neuralgia of the eyes (Oo. After awhile the eyes became dry, and resulted in neuralgia of the eyes (Thein 12 grs. Pupils dilated. Dimness of sight. Darkness before the eyes, with vertigo. Flashing, fiery lines darting from the eyes and radiating outward from the axis of vision. Sparks before the eyes.
Neuralgic pains in the cartilage of the ears, with icy coldness of the parts, seeming almost impossible to restore warmth to them (Oo. The pains extent to the molar teeth and cheek-bones (Oo.
Roaring in the ears. Hallucinations of the sense of hearing. For five nights in succession he though he heard the door-bell very distinctly. This hallucination, which was renewed at different hours, followed me even into my sleep, and awakened me frequently with a start.
Generally has nosebleed before the menses set in. Soreness of the internal edge of the nose (Oo.). сonstant desire to pick the nose (Oo. Sensation at root of nose, as if epistaxis would occur.
Wild and distressed expression of countenance. Pale face. Face pale, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Face flushed.
Cheeks easily flushed.
Excessively disagreeable headache, with throbbing of the carotids. Violent pain in the head. A prolific cause of sick headache. Sick headache occurring every week, so violent that nothing afforded relief; great soreness of the head, and weakness when the acute pain subsided. Has either headache or backache.
For more than three years, she was subject to sick-headache; these came on chiefly at the catamenial period, and also frequently in the intervals; the pains seem to begin in the left ovary and stomach, whence it seems to pass to the head. Neuralgic pain commencing in the nape of the neck, and on both sides of the base of cerebellum comparatively like a cold flat-iron introduced between the skin and the skull, thence passing up over the whole cranium, descending over the forehead down to the eyes, with excruciating suffering. Frequent headaches. Severe headache in the morning and in the evening, often with nausea. Forehead.
Heaviness and compression in the forehead, principally when walking. Heaviness, vertigo in the forehead, especially when walking. Intense pain in forehead. Temples. Pains through the temples, throbbing, shooting extending down to the nose. Attacks attended with great acuteness of the olfactory organs. Vertex.
Vertex; heat and vertex vertigo, with sensation of pulsation at vertex, can feel every heart-throb there. Occiput. She suddenly feels a tensive pain in the lowest portion of the occiput, almost in the nape of the neck (in half an hour). From the beginning of the third day, neuralgic pain, with feeling of damp coldness in the occiput. The fixed seat of this pain, which consists of very sharp and rapid twitchings like electric shocks, is the right occipital protuberance. It extends more slowly to the nape of the neck, to the right shoulder, and even the arm of the same side. It was relieved by the application of the hand, or of a warm cloth. External Head. Skin of the head and scalp tender and painful to the touch (Oo. Great tenderness of the scalp on vertex; can scarcely cob the hair.
Bright eye. Eyes unusually bright, with dilated pupils. Eyes glittering. Dryness of the eyes from much mental exercise during a sleepless night, followed by neuralgia of the eyes (Oo. After awhile the eyes became dry, and resulted in neuralgia of the eyes (Thein 12 grs. Pupils dilated. Dimness of sight. Darkness before the eyes, with vertigo. Flashing, fiery lines darting from the eyes and radiating outward from the axis of vision. Sparks before the eyes.
Neuralgic pains in the cartilage of the ears, with icy coldness of the parts, seeming almost impossible to restore warmth to them (Oo. The pains extent to the molar teeth and cheek-bones (Oo.
Roaring in the ears. Hallucinations of the sense of hearing. For five nights in succession he though he heard the door-bell very distinctly. This hallucination, which was renewed at different hours, followed me even into my sleep, and awakened me frequently with a start.
Generally has nosebleed before the menses set in. Soreness of the internal edge of the nose (Oo.). сonstant desire to pick the nose (Oo. Sensation at root of nose, as if epistaxis would occur.
Wild and distressed expression of countenance. Pale face. Face pale, with circumscribed redness of the cheeks. Face flushed.
Cheeks easily flushed.
Mouth and throat
The teeth are frequently diseased. Tongue clean and somewhat pale. Tongue red, with white slime (Oo. Tongue suffers from stings like blisters on the top of the tongue; exceedingly painful, as if scalded with boiling hot liquid (Oo. Intolerably offensive breath on waking in the morning. Sensation of scraping at the soft palate. The whole buccal cavity feels dry and sensitive (Oo. A great deal of saliva in the mouth, during the first hours, with sensation of hunger. Six hours after, unpleasant dryness of the mouth, scanty, viscid saliva, with feeling of satiety, although he had eaten very little, with a little thirst. After drinking, the mouth is filled with viscid saliva. вitter taste in mouth.
Diphtheritic sore throat. Painless swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Uneasy feeling in the pharynx, as if it was obstructed by a foreign body.
Diphtheritic sore throat. Painless swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Uneasy feeling in the pharynx, as if it was obstructed by a foreign body.
Gastrointestinal tract
After luncheon, painful stitch below the ribs, extending from the right towards the left side, and returning in paroxysms.
Relaxation of the fibres of the abdominal intestines. Transient borborygmi in the abdomen, and especially in the epigastric region. Liability to hernia.
Tumefaction of the inferior extremity of the rectum, with a very slight itching.
Chronic relaxation of the bowels; aggravated by beer; relieved by port wine. Relaxation of the bowels, profound constipation (Japan Tea). Three or four stools daily, of natural consistence, but formed very thin. In the daytime, two stools instead of one.
Three natural stools during the day (second day). The stools have become very irregular, in part hard and dry, the rest scarcely formed (sixth day). Stools irregular and costive. сostiveness.
Constipation in some. Excessive constipation.
After luncheon, painful stitch below the ribs, extending from the right towards the left side, and returning in paroxysms.
Relaxation of the fibres of the abdominal intestines. Transient borborygmi in the abdomen, and especially in the epigastric region. Liability to hernia.
Tumefaction of the inferior extremity of the rectum, with a very slight itching.
Chronic relaxation of the bowels; aggravated by beer; relieved by port wine. Relaxation of the bowels, profound constipation (Japan Tea). Three or four stools daily, of natural consistence, but formed very thin. In the daytime, two stools instead of one.
Three natural stools during the day (second day). The stools have become very irregular, in part hard and dry, the rest scarcely formed (sixth day). Stools irregular and costive. сostiveness.
Constipation in some. Excessive constipation.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite and Thirst. The appetite is not so good. Sometimes I feel as if very hungry, but a little satisfies me, with a feeling of satiety quickly succeeds (sixth day). Appetite returns in two hours earlier than common. There is an empty feeling in the stomach, and a sort of faintness at the habitual dinner hour, although he had eaten as hearty a breakfast as usual. He lost his appetite for dinner if he drank a cup of tea previous to his meal. вad appetite. сomplete loss of appetite for many days.
Loathing of food until noon; then she eats, but very sparingly.
She is thirsty, but cannot bear cold water, every mouthful affects her head like a shock. Extreme thirst, or rather craving for acids, especially for lemon. She often felt a loathing against tea, but still could not resist it. No thirst, but craving for acids. Dislikes cold water. She never feels thirsty, and never drinks cold water. Heartburn. Occasionally a slight degree of heartburn. Pyrosis. Nausea and vomiting. Distressing nausea. Slight nausea lasting two hours. Nausea and vomiting after eating; cured. Vomiting of bile occurs, but never of food, when the pain has reached its height. Exertion produces vomiting during the headache. Generally vomited the meal which she had lately taken. Disposition to vomit; a double dose increases this inclination, the sick feeling, and the disagreeable feeling in the stomach. Stomach. Digestion is sensibly accelerated, without noticeable disturbance. Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if one would vomit. Exceedingly unpleasant feeling of weakness of the stomach; sense of disgust, with nausea and accumulation of the saliva in the mouth. His stomach seems to hang in his body like an empty bag; sensation such as results from cleaning out the stomach by an emetic. Sensation of emptiness and nervous excitability, with constriction preventing a deep-drawn breath (Oo. The feeling of emptiness in the stomach is more decided than the distress caused by night-watching at dinner time (second day). Frequent attacks of spasms of the stomach, ant slight exertion would suffice to bring on the attack, so that she could scarcely walk without being seized with a great sense of sinking and oppression at the stomach. In a quarter of an hour she was tossing about, groaning loudly with every breath, occasionally rubbing her stomach with great violence. She described the pain as a dull aching, benumbed feel, with an extreme sense of sinking and oppression. Sinking and craving in the stomach, with fluttering in the left side. Great emptiness and craving in the pit of the stomach. сomplained of a faint, gone feeling, which had troubled her for years; these sensations had recently assumed the character of intolerable dull pain after every meal, cramp like and pressing, reaching up into the throat, and often waking her from sleep at night. сomplaining chiefly of empty, gone feeling at epigastrium. Slight pressure in the epigastrium (in a quarter of an hour). Sudden and oft-repeated pressure at the epi- gastrium. Pain after eating, with sinking and emptiness at the pit of the stomach. Pain in the epigastrium and umbilical regions, not of an acutely spasmodic, but of severely aching character; this pain came on at irregular intervals, but principally a short interval after eating, and was on some days scarcely ever absent, except before breakfast; there was no abdominal nor spinal tenderness, nor there were any neuralgic foci. Tickling in the pit of the stomach, causing presently a dry cough which increases in violence till it shakes the whole digestive organization, bringing on neuralgic head-symptoms described above, with excruciating pains, seemingly unendurable (Oo.
Great sensitiveness of the epigastrium, feels as if she had craved in.
Loathing of food until noon; then she eats, but very sparingly.
She is thirsty, but cannot bear cold water, every mouthful affects her head like a shock. Extreme thirst, or rather craving for acids, especially for lemon. She often felt a loathing against tea, but still could not resist it. No thirst, but craving for acids. Dislikes cold water. She never feels thirsty, and never drinks cold water. Heartburn. Occasionally a slight degree of heartburn. Pyrosis. Nausea and vomiting. Distressing nausea. Slight nausea lasting two hours. Nausea and vomiting after eating; cured. Vomiting of bile occurs, but never of food, when the pain has reached its height. Exertion produces vomiting during the headache. Generally vomited the meal which she had lately taken. Disposition to vomit; a double dose increases this inclination, the sick feeling, and the disagreeable feeling in the stomach. Stomach. Digestion is sensibly accelerated, without noticeable disturbance. Sensation in the pit of the stomach as if one would vomit. Exceedingly unpleasant feeling of weakness of the stomach; sense of disgust, with nausea and accumulation of the saliva in the mouth. His stomach seems to hang in his body like an empty bag; sensation such as results from cleaning out the stomach by an emetic. Sensation of emptiness and nervous excitability, with constriction preventing a deep-drawn breath (Oo. The feeling of emptiness in the stomach is more decided than the distress caused by night-watching at dinner time (second day). Frequent attacks of spasms of the stomach, ant slight exertion would suffice to bring on the attack, so that she could scarcely walk without being seized with a great sense of sinking and oppression at the stomach. In a quarter of an hour she was tossing about, groaning loudly with every breath, occasionally rubbing her stomach with great violence. She described the pain as a dull aching, benumbed feel, with an extreme sense of sinking and oppression. Sinking and craving in the stomach, with fluttering in the left side. Great emptiness and craving in the pit of the stomach. сomplained of a faint, gone feeling, which had troubled her for years; these sensations had recently assumed the character of intolerable dull pain after every meal, cramp like and pressing, reaching up into the throat, and often waking her from sleep at night. сomplaining chiefly of empty, gone feeling at epigastrium. Slight pressure in the epigastrium (in a quarter of an hour). Sudden and oft-repeated pressure at the epi- gastrium. Pain after eating, with sinking and emptiness at the pit of the stomach. Pain in the epigastrium and umbilical regions, not of an acutely spasmodic, but of severely aching character; this pain came on at irregular intervals, but principally a short interval after eating, and was on some days scarcely ever absent, except before breakfast; there was no abdominal nor spinal tenderness, nor there were any neuralgic foci. Tickling in the pit of the stomach, causing presently a dry cough which increases in violence till it shakes the whole digestive organization, bringing on neuralgic head-symptoms described above, with excruciating pains, seemingly unendurable (Oo.
Great sensitiveness of the epigastrium, feels as if she had craved in.
Urogenital system
Very marked increase of urea.
Sexual Organs.
Erections. Unnatural excitement of the sexual organs. Soreness and tenderness of the right ovary. Menses appear only once in seven weeks, are scanty, and accompanied by severe uterine, cramp like, bearing-down pains, from beginning to end of menstrual period. It is not quite evident that these symptoms arose in consequence of the tea, but were undoubtedly aggravated by it.
Sexual Organs.
Erections. Unnatural excitement of the sexual organs. Soreness and tenderness of the right ovary. Menses appear only once in seven weeks, are scanty, and accompanied by severe uterine, cramp like, bearing-down pains, from beginning to end of menstrual period. It is not quite evident that these symptoms arose in consequence of the tea, but were undoubtedly aggravated by it.
Chest organs
All the signs of an Oedematous swelling perhaps general, but more probably partial, of the mucous lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts, phenomena evidently analogous to those which were brought out on the skin, and which are, relatively to my constitution, the symptoms characteristic of tea. Scraping in the larynx (sixth to twelfth day). Voice. Hoarseness, amounting almost to aphonia (sixth to twelfth day). сough and Expectoration. Dry cough during one day. Severe cough and bloody expectoration. Respiration. Respiration is greatly increased, the respirations being increased in frequency and amplitude.
Respiration regular and oppressed. Gasping for breath. Unable to go upstairs, without experiencing great breathlessness and palpitation of the heat. Great breathlessness on the least attempt at walking. Sensation of suffocation. Slight fits of apparent asphyxia recurred every five or six minutes.
Frequent paroxysms of asphyxia, like nightmare, with violent spasmodic pain in the precordial region, with intermittent, irregular, at times suppressed respiration.
Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest and heart. Sense of constriction of the chest. Great fullness about the clavicles, with a feeling of suffocation. Fluttering in the left side, with a sense of fullness about the clavicles. Tightness across the upper part of the chest, which obliges her to sit upright in bed.
Respiration regular and oppressed. Gasping for breath. Unable to go upstairs, without experiencing great breathlessness and palpitation of the heat. Great breathlessness on the least attempt at walking. Sensation of suffocation. Slight fits of apparent asphyxia recurred every five or six minutes.
Frequent paroxysms of asphyxia, like nightmare, with violent spasmodic pain in the precordial region, with intermittent, irregular, at times suppressed respiration.
Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest and heart. Sense of constriction of the chest. Great fullness about the clavicles, with a feeling of suffocation. Fluttering in the left side, with a sense of fullness about the clavicles. Tightness across the upper part of the chest, which obliges her to sit upright in bed.
Cardiovascular system
Precordium. Anxiety in the precordium. Oppression of the heart and chest. Feeling of anxious oppression about the heart. Strong infusions sometimes produce a painful oppression and sensation of anguish in the region of the heart. Acute pain, as from a spasm in the region of the heart; and in spite of all his efforts he is felt as if he were continually falling into deliquium. A certain uneasiness of the heart, general trembling and debility, making him feel somewhat sick the next day. Unusual and distressing sensation about the precordia, as if he were continually on the verge of fainting. Heart’s Action. Heart sometimes palpitated, and at other times seemed motion less. Palpitation. Palpitation of the heart at night, with inability to lie on the left side.
Palpitation of the heart and oppression in the precordia; these symptoms, however, soon subsided. If taking tea at supper, he generally experienced a slight feeling of anxiety in the precordial region, and a sleepless night; but if his brain was more than ordinarily excited by a lively conversation, or by continued thinking, the anxiety disappeared, and he had a refreshing sleep. Palpitations of the heart; on examination, I generally find dilation, with thinning of the heart. Violent palpitation, and considerable pain in the region of the heart.
Sibilant rale from time to time. In the worst instances that are on record, the fluttering of the heart has been succeeded by a momentary suspension of its action, and long continued swooning.
Pulse. Pulse very rapid, irregular, often intermittent. Pulse quick, small, and feeble. Pulse quicker and stronger than it had been in the course of her illness. Hurried pulse. Pulse fast.
Palpitation of the heart and oppression in the precordia; these symptoms, however, soon subsided. If taking tea at supper, he generally experienced a slight feeling of anxiety in the precordial region, and a sleepless night; but if his brain was more than ordinarily excited by a lively conversation, or by continued thinking, the anxiety disappeared, and he had a refreshing sleep. Palpitations of the heart; on examination, I generally find dilation, with thinning of the heart. Violent palpitation, and considerable pain in the region of the heart.
Sibilant rale from time to time. In the worst instances that are on record, the fluttering of the heart has been succeeded by a momentary suspension of its action, and long continued swooning.
Pulse. Pulse very rapid, irregular, often intermittent. Pulse quick, small, and feeble. Pulse quicker and stronger than it had been in the course of her illness. Hurried pulse. Pulse fast.
Limbs and spine
Symptoms of paralysis; the extremities becoming numb, and partial loss of the use of the legs. Joints of the hands and feet tender, and sensitive of touching them (Oo. Nervous excitability in wrists, and hands (Oo.
Superior Extremities.
Could not sleep in night for a violent pain on the inside of her arms, above the elbow, which awoke her after she had been asleep after half an hour. The hand trembled so violently, that it was impossible to write with any regularity, nor could it be restrained for more than a few seconds; (after Thein, 12 grs.
Inferior Extremities.
Sensation on the under side of either or both thighs as if the circulation had ceased, causing great nervousness, and a desire p73 to kick out the leg with force to restore sensibility (Oo.
Pain in the sciatic nerve (Oo. Neuralgic pains in the outer hamstrings (tendon of the biceps) of either leg (Oo. Inability to lift the legs affected, sometimes the right, at others the left (Oo. Restlessness of the feet, cannot keep them quiet in the evening (Oo. Sensation as if the weight of a sheet would crush the toes (Oo.
Superior Extremities.
Could not sleep in night for a violent pain on the inside of her arms, above the elbow, which awoke her after she had been asleep after half an hour. The hand trembled so violently, that it was impossible to write with any regularity, nor could it be restrained for more than a few seconds; (after Thein, 12 grs.
Inferior Extremities.
Sensation on the under side of either or both thighs as if the circulation had ceased, causing great nervousness, and a desire p73 to kick out the leg with force to restore sensibility (Oo.
Pain in the sciatic nerve (Oo. Neuralgic pains in the outer hamstrings (tendon of the biceps) of either leg (Oo. Inability to lift the legs affected, sometimes the right, at others the left (Oo. Restlessness of the feet, cannot keep them quiet in the evening (Oo. Sensation as if the weight of a sheet would crush the toes (Oo.
Common symptoms
In twenty-four First Series Second series hours 1260 grams of water 1260 grams of tea being taken. A. Exercise. 84.14 minutes.
87 minutes. в. Excretions. 1. Loss of weight. 539.000 grams.
203.000 grams. 2. Quantity of faeces. 178.30, 96.000, 3.
Calculated perspiration.1349.90, 1335.000, 4. Urine 2621.143, 2550.000, Water 2543.519, 2474.016, Solids. 77.624, 75.984, Urea 35.194, 34.221, Uric acid. 0.356, 0.231, Ammonia. 0.421, 0.660, Muriate of am. 1.250, 1.959, Oxalic acid. 0.092, 0.088, Potash. 4.466, 5.274, Sulphur acid. 2.841, 2.815, Sulphur of potash. 6.187, 6.132, сhloride of potassium. 1.774, 3.113, сhlorine. 11.475, 10.687, сhloride of sodium. 16.156, 13.043, Phosph. acid. 2.923, 2.926, Phosphate of soda. 5.483, 5.488, lime. 0.724, 0.772,, magnesia. 0.756, 0.717, Salts by incineration. 28.663, 27.229, Volatile salts and extractives. 13.309, 14.403, с. Food-total weight. 3610.50, 3617.00, Water.
2938.84, 2957.87, Solids. 671.66, 659.13, Lying on a sofa, his lips and countenance bloodless, his skin bathed with a cold, clammy moisture, and his pulse so slow and feeble as scarcely to be felt. She is lean and pale. An enormous tumor, almost as large as the fist of an adult, is developed in the lumbar region. This tumor, quite circumscribed, is almost indolent, even to pressure.
It is movable and appears formed in the thickness of the derma.
The skin which covers it is of a lively pink. The tension of the integuments is felt even to the hips, and is accompanied by a constant itching. After twenty-four hours passed without taking the medicine, this tumor was almost reduced (eighth day); a similar tumor, a little less prominent, but larger, manifests itself on the external and superior portion of the right thigh (eleventh day); a third tumor on the palmar aspects of the right wrist. The mobility of the skin, in this region, permits me to state positively that the ganglionic engorgement exists in the thickness of the former. During twenty-four hours the hand is completely engorged, so much so as to disable me from writing (twelfth day); finally, the same symptom shows itself simultaneously on the scrotum, the penis, and the prepuce, in such a manner as to resemble at once an enormous hydrocele and a phimosis. The parts affected are, moreover, absolutely indolent.
These tumefactions, like the others, require two days for their resolution (thirteenth day). Trembling of the whole body. Little isolated twitchings, exactly resembling the sensation caused by electric sparks, in different parts of the body, especially in the forearms, the hands, and the finger-joints (after three days). Epilepsy. Epilepsy in a child from swallowing a concentrated infusion. сonvulsions; the muscles of the limbs were principally affected. Great agitation. Oppression, slight nausea, general tremor, palpitation and oppression of the heart, with a feeling of debility, as if the knees would not support the body. Vascular excitement and sleeplessness in some. Languor.
Debility. Great debility. Feeling weak and exhausted. Weakness and pain in the small of the back. General weakness, especially after every meal. A sense of general weakness for two hours after breakfast. A glass of sherry or beer always shortened the attacks of weakness, irregularity of the pulse, and nausea.
Great general weakness, and above all, uncontrollable longing for tea; a bowl of strong tea was the only source of relief, removing the sensation of goneness, and giving new vigor for a short time. Great inclination to lie down, with dread of movement.
Aversion to movement (sixth day). Incapability of muscular action. Great loss of muscular energy. Very disagreeable feeling, as if she was going to faint away. Great feeling of faintness.
Exceeding sensibility to the least draught of air; it causing a deathly coldness to the cartilages of the ears (Oo. A kind of dull agitation, at first in the limbs, seeming to proceed from the periphery to the center, that is, extend from the muscular apparatus to the nervous centers. Sinking, craving, fluttering feeling, often described. If wine or beer was drunk after the tea, the sleeplessness and general malaise was not experienced; but if strong beer was drunk before the tea, this beverage diminished the frequency of the pulse, and afforded a feeling of comfort and increased buoyancy of mind and body. The effects of the tea were always aggravated when I drank it fasting. Feels generally worse in the afternoon.
87 minutes. в. Excretions. 1. Loss of weight. 539.000 grams.
203.000 grams. 2. Quantity of faeces. 178.30, 96.000, 3.
Calculated perspiration.1349.90, 1335.000, 4. Urine 2621.143, 2550.000, Water 2543.519, 2474.016, Solids. 77.624, 75.984, Urea 35.194, 34.221, Uric acid. 0.356, 0.231, Ammonia. 0.421, 0.660, Muriate of am. 1.250, 1.959, Oxalic acid. 0.092, 0.088, Potash. 4.466, 5.274, Sulphur acid. 2.841, 2.815, Sulphur of potash. 6.187, 6.132, сhloride of potassium. 1.774, 3.113, сhlorine. 11.475, 10.687, сhloride of sodium. 16.156, 13.043, Phosph. acid. 2.923, 2.926, Phosphate of soda. 5.483, 5.488, lime. 0.724, 0.772,, magnesia. 0.756, 0.717, Salts by incineration. 28.663, 27.229, Volatile salts and extractives. 13.309, 14.403, с. Food-total weight. 3610.50, 3617.00, Water.
2938.84, 2957.87, Solids. 671.66, 659.13, Lying on a sofa, his lips and countenance bloodless, his skin bathed with a cold, clammy moisture, and his pulse so slow and feeble as scarcely to be felt. She is lean and pale. An enormous tumor, almost as large as the fist of an adult, is developed in the lumbar region. This tumor, quite circumscribed, is almost indolent, even to pressure.
It is movable and appears formed in the thickness of the derma.
The skin which covers it is of a lively pink. The tension of the integuments is felt even to the hips, and is accompanied by a constant itching. After twenty-four hours passed without taking the medicine, this tumor was almost reduced (eighth day); a similar tumor, a little less prominent, but larger, manifests itself on the external and superior portion of the right thigh (eleventh day); a third tumor on the palmar aspects of the right wrist. The mobility of the skin, in this region, permits me to state positively that the ganglionic engorgement exists in the thickness of the former. During twenty-four hours the hand is completely engorged, so much so as to disable me from writing (twelfth day); finally, the same symptom shows itself simultaneously on the scrotum, the penis, and the prepuce, in such a manner as to resemble at once an enormous hydrocele and a phimosis. The parts affected are, moreover, absolutely indolent.
These tumefactions, like the others, require two days for their resolution (thirteenth day). Trembling of the whole body. Little isolated twitchings, exactly resembling the sensation caused by electric sparks, in different parts of the body, especially in the forearms, the hands, and the finger-joints (after three days). Epilepsy. Epilepsy in a child from swallowing a concentrated infusion. сonvulsions; the muscles of the limbs were principally affected. Great agitation. Oppression, slight nausea, general tremor, palpitation and oppression of the heart, with a feeling of debility, as if the knees would not support the body. Vascular excitement and sleeplessness in some. Languor.
Debility. Great debility. Feeling weak and exhausted. Weakness and pain in the small of the back. General weakness, especially after every meal. A sense of general weakness for two hours after breakfast. A glass of sherry or beer always shortened the attacks of weakness, irregularity of the pulse, and nausea.
Great general weakness, and above all, uncontrollable longing for tea; a bowl of strong tea was the only source of relief, removing the sensation of goneness, and giving new vigor for a short time. Great inclination to lie down, with dread of movement.
Aversion to movement (sixth day). Incapability of muscular action. Great loss of muscular energy. Very disagreeable feeling, as if she was going to faint away. Great feeling of faintness.
Exceeding sensibility to the least draught of air; it causing a deathly coldness to the cartilages of the ears (Oo. A kind of dull agitation, at first in the limbs, seeming to proceed from the periphery to the center, that is, extend from the muscular apparatus to the nervous centers. Sinking, craving, fluttering feeling, often described. If wine or beer was drunk after the tea, the sleeplessness and general malaise was not experienced; but if strong beer was drunk before the tea, this beverage diminished the frequency of the pulse, and afforded a feeling of comfort and increased buoyancy of mind and body. The effects of the tea were always aggravated when I drank it fasting. Feels generally worse in the afternoon.
Great dryness of the skin, as if the pores were obstructed (Oo.
The skin on the ends of the fingers peels up, from excessive dryness (Oo. Eruption of red pimples, indolent or very slightly painful, extending, sometimes in clusters, sometimes singly, over the neck, the shoulders, and especially the thighs. Some of these pimples are the size of large peas. They are easily broken, bleeding a little, and drying up very soon (after three days).
Great dryness of the skin, as if the pores were obstructed (Oo.
The skin on the ends of the fingers peels up, from excessive dryness (Oo. Eruption of red pimples, indolent or very slightly painful, extending, sometimes in clusters, sometimes singly, over the neck, the shoulders, and especially the thighs. Some of these pimples are the size of large peas. They are easily broken, bleeding a little, and drying up very soon (after three days).
Included in the composition
- 2.5€ Антикан (Вербена)
- 2.5€ Пеликан - Антикан (Вербена)
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