Other names and synonyms
agar-pa.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
A. pantherinus, D. с. Spotted Amanita). A brownish species (not reddish, as A. muscarius), found in woods or pastures in England and in the United States, not considered poisonous.
Psyche and consciousness
Delirium. Maniacal disposition to rave.
Loss of memory.
State of consciousness resembling coma.
Delirium. Maniacal disposition to rave.
Loss of memory.
State of consciousness resembling coma.
Head, face, and ears
Great heaviness of the head.
Great heaviness of the head.
Mouth and throat
Lips tremble.
Difficult deglutition.
Difficult deglutition.
Gastrointestinal tract
Some loss of appetite.
Stool and Anus.
Slight diarrhoea.
Stool and Anus.
Slight diarrhoea.
Limbs and spine
Trembling of the hands.
Common symptoms
General overpowering sense of fatigue. Extreme lassitude and torpor.
Loss of power of co-ordinating muscular movements.
Convulsive movements.
Loss of power of co-ordinating muscular movements.
Convulsive movements.
Invincible drowsiness. Stupor.
During sleep, respiration embarrassed; face congested and of a livid hue; pulse rather slow.
During sleep, respiration embarrassed; face congested and of a livid hue; pulse rather slow.